The Rise of Rurik

Chapter 29: Will We Still Be Us In The Future

Chapter 29: Will We Still Be Us In The Future

The elders of the tribe praised Otto's actions, which will bring new development to the tribe.

The young people of the tribe can't wait to hope that spring will arrive early, so that the poor young men of the tribe can follow the leader Otto and go to Novgorod to try to find their own mate.

Thirty Slav women from Novgorod joined the tribe, which reminded most people of a wonderful future.

If anyone is worried about the future, there is nothing more than the tribal priests.

Because the Ross tribe, like other Vikings, their great **** is Odin.

Those Novgorod people do not believe in Odin, but in other lower gods, such as river gods, mountain gods, swamp gods, and even sea gods.

In the Eastern European world and Northern Europe where the Frankish Empire and Eastern Roman power were in a vacuum, the local residents believed that all things existed.

Whether it is the various tribes of the Vikings or the various Slavic tribes, after all, they live in a more difficult environment, so they are naturally full of awe for everything in the world.

Therefore, the mountains and rivers are given a mysterious coat, as if they all have their own guardian gods.

There are different creation gods in the legends of two different ethnic groups, but in this respect, the belief of the Vikings may be even more legendary. Even their three major beliefs in Valhalla, Odin, Nursery and Loki, are the core of their "battle culture".

If they no longer believe in Valhalla, the Viking values that regard death in battle as a virtue will also be disintegrated.

The men of the Ross tribe all believed in Valhalla, the environment was such that even if someone had doubts, they could not reveal their doubts.

So does the most convincing old priest Veria believe all this?

Of course she believes it! Especially with the achievements of the leader Otto over the years, and the more and more different characteristics that Rurik is now beginning to show, she has become more convinced of Valhalla.

But she did have doubts, especially that Odin would not tirelessly interfere with mortal affairs. Even Odin's messengers, the Valkyries, would only inspect and cruise in Tianyu in winter.

Veria can't show any behaviors that question her beliefs. She must maintain the cultivation of a pious person, because thousands of Rus people need this belief that can condense each other.

Except for the Novgorod women who came from afar.

Maybe, the times are really going to change!

In a sense, Priest Veria is the first female leader of the Ross tribe in a realistic sense. If she is not a woman, she is very likely to become the true leader of the tribe.

She is very smart. Through mastering knowledge, controlling history, and cooperating with the leader, when the leader is away, the tribe still maintains a quiet and peaceful state under her supervision. Unlike some thinking demi-human tribes in the south, the leader of the expedition for many days, the backyard may catch fire.

But the women of Novgorod married into the tribe. The young people pity the beauty of those women and marveled that they only need to run to the hillside to search and dig a little rough amber stone and bring it to Novgorod. Can easily embrace the beauty.

Veria can feel the group's psychological abnormalities after this fall. The power of the group may not be able to change by herself, and it is impossible for Vilia to give any instructions to prohibit intermarriage between the tribe and Novgorod. Once you say something wrong, you will be opposed by the tribe, or even abandoned.

In the foreseeable future, those Novgorod women will have mixed descendants. As the mothers of their children, they will not only teach the Novgorod language to the mixed Russian boys, but also Novgorod. The gods of mountains and waters of Germany and so on.

In this way, the result of long-term intermarriage is destined to be two ethnic groups, becoming me in you and you in me.

Originally, the Rus tribe separated from the Mindling group 60 years ago and went to the northern mountains to expel the locals from occupying it. The relative isolation of the environment has made the relationship between the Ross tribe and the Mindling group of the South even weaker.

Gradually, the Rus tribe merged into the Novgorod descent in a large amount. Perhaps a hundred years later, the thinking demi people in the south will no longer recognize the Rus tribe as their relatives.

But that will be a long time later!

Veria has no way. Her own people don't understand or want to learn about the history of the tribe. Moreover, she is the only one among the tribes now, who was the witness of the northward migration of the Ross tribe more than sixty years ago.

Today's young boys, they yearn for wealth, eager to fight, and even more eager for beautiful and virtuous wives.

Their thoughts are very simple. They don't care about whether the Rus tribe continues to develop or not. They only hope to follow the great leader to pursue their own happiness.

At the meeting where Otto met with the elder priests, Veria told his own worries to Otto, the self-proclaimed leader.

What she got was Otto's outright objection.

"Let's not talk about ourselves. I see that there are some Novgorod tribes who have new intentions, and they are eager to cooperate with us for a longer period of time. There is no such thing as a problem for us in the future. We I don't know our past well, so why worry about the future? Our children always long for a happier life."

The oil lamp of the long house on the steeple of the priest suddenly beats, and the hearts of the people in the house are also being touched.

Veria was silent for a moment.

She paused for a while and then said, "Otto, you have read those records, they are the records of our tribe. It represents our clear past."

Otto shook his head: "It only means that we are from the South, and our allies are from the same ancestor. But what about the older ones? We don't know. Even..."

Otto calmed down and said very bold words: "Since we came here from the south to build Rossburg, should we stay here? In fact, you and I both understand that it is too cold here and we cannot leave for the time being. But our children, they may leave. Maybe our ancestors were in more southern regions, and so are our allies. Everyone is slowly migrating to where we are now. Since we have migrated, we can continue to migrate in the future.

There is no question of whether we are Rus or not. We named ourselves after the oars, but we can use something else. The Novgorod people call us and allies as visitors from the Gulf, the Franks call us bluntly, and the Danes as northerners.

Here, our simple survival is already very difficult, why do we need to entangle some things? "

Some elders of the tribe, they are just older. In fact, Otto is also very old. He lived to be fifty years old and made a lot of merits as a leader.

Here, the two most powerful "elders" of the tribe question each other. The others really don't have the guts to speak, so they have to continue to wait and see.

Veria thought for a while in silence, her heart was very disturbed.

Otto's remarks seem to be saying that the Ross tribe only needs to live. As long as the tribe can live proudly, everything is okay.

"But our faith! Maybe... the only thing that can prove that we are us is Valhalla that we believe." Vilia's eyes were full of complex emotions, and he looked at Otto directly.

"Hehe." Otto smiled slightly: "Perhaps, the only thing that can prove us is that we are favored by Valhalla. No matter where we are, the Valkyrie will pick the best people from our tribe. After his death, he entered Valhalla as a hero. This will never change, even if our young people and those Novgorod women give birth to new warriors, the Valkyrie will just choose the brave among them and as always this words make Veria love to hear, "If so, it is the best. My dear leader, your son Rurik, you understand what you have done these days. You and I are old, and the future belongs to these children. Rurik will become the new leader when he grows up. I hope that our children will always respect Valhalla. Only in this way, the Valkyrie will not leave us. Next..."

Veria paused again: "Those women are from Novgorod, they are people who pay tribute to us, they are not our Ross people! We must hold a wedding for all the new couples on Frig day, and we must In the middle of the night, do this under the light of Aurora. Believe me, only by doing this can those women be noticed by the cruising Valkyrie, and the children they have given may be recognized."

Otto nodded in satisfaction: "I am worried about this, or you think it is thoughtful, great priest."

"Yes. Don't worry about the rest. What you have to do is to inform all the newcomers of the steps of the ceremony. You know this very well. Regarding the issue of sacrifices, this is a big ceremony. I have prepared five deer. Such worship of Odin will surely see. As for whether Odin brings happiness or disaster, it all depends on one year later."

"This...what do you say?" Otto asked in confusion?

"It's a simple truth. Those women can give birth to children safely, which shows that Valhalla recognizes us."

"Ah! I understand. I hope our actions will be approved by them."

"There is nothing else." Veria said slowly: "After the wedding, I will personally educate Rurik. He is destined to be our future leader. He must be when we were young. When both are alive, gain all the knowledge we have. I hope you will encourage him even more when you go back!"


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