The Rise of Rurik

Chapter 19: More Complex Human Wall Training

Chapter 19: More Complex Human Wall Training

As long as there is enough discipline and everyone who makes up the human wall is well-trained, the wall cannot be easily broken away.

Even if the enemy army uses chariots and the human wall forms a spear formation, it can completely restrain them.

Once the discipline is loose and the formation is not solid enough, it will be very difficult to organize again after being overwhelmed.

Looking at the giggling guys all over the place, Rurik's brows jumped up unconsciously.

"Have you all played enough?!" Rurik shouted angrily, "Kanuf, what are you doing?! Your wall was easily broken by them. If this is a fight, many of you already dead."

Kanuf laughed and muttered: "Fisk is too strong, he overthrew us all by himself. Look, we are just some children, only Fisk is the strongest."

"He's right." At this moment, Fisk was extremely proud. "They are too weak. Obviously, I don't need anyone else. I can break through their wall by myself."

What else could Rurik say, but he shook his head helplessly: "It's just because we're too weak. If we were all adults, I don't believe that you alone can break through the wall. Even after some training, you will Can't break through."

After saying that, Rurik clapped his hands vigorously and ordered all the children who were still sitting on the ground to stand up.

He shouted loudly: "Don't be in a daze! Fisk said that the human wall you formed is too weak, and he can easily break through it alone, like a harpoon piercing a salmon. You all stand up, if you can believe it. I'll take my orders fully until the wall is strong enough for him to break through."

They are all inspirational people who grow up to be excellent warriors, eager to make great contributions in future fights.

Playing is playing, and training from childhood still has to be carried out.

In itself, it is part of their daily life.

The main reason why the human wall can be easily overwhelmed is that the children who constitute the human wall are too young.

They are generally only six years old and seven years old, and they can hold wooden shields and wooden swords for a long time, which is already very good. To become very strong in the future, you will need to practice and eat more meat.

Simply enhancing physical fitness can indeed block powerful attacks. If you strictly follow certain skills, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

The so-called skill here is that the human wall really forms a whole.

Rurik had thought that the basic skills had been taught to them, and the test results were so disgusting that he needed to teach them personally.

So what are the so-called basic skills?

It's fairly simple.

Since the human wall is three layers deep, the people in the last row use their shields against the second row, and the people in the second row continue to use their shields against the first person.

For the rest of the day, Rurik trained them to do it well.

Does this really work?

The days in northern Europe in autumn are getting shorter and shorter. The children on the hills use flint to light a bonfire, and they sit around the bonfire in unison.

They all trusted Rurik a lot, but after a long training session, everyone was very tired.

Many people still carried kippers in their purses, so they ate the fish around the flames, and talked about the training.

Kanuf handed the "leader" Rurik a dried fish, and asked by the way, "Is that all right? With two people behind me, Fisk can't break through?"

"Hey, you're going to ask Fisk."

Kanuf shook his head, and he really went to ask Fisk, and the answer he got was naturally very simple.

Fisk is the eldest of all children, even if he is only nine years old, bullying a group of younger brothers is naturally no problem, and this is the source of his confidence.

"Rurik." Fisk leaned over and said confidently.

"What's wrong?"

"Maybe your strategy is effective,but look at them. I think the human wall formed by them still won't work, no matter what strategy, I can overwhelm it, just me alone is enough! "

"Then give it a try." Rurik grinned and shook his ponytailed head, "How about we make a bet?"

"Bet? What?"

"Just bet on a salted fish. If you can break through the human wall, I will give you a salted fish. If you can't break through, give me one, and you can see how."

"Hey, that's it." After saying that, Fisk stood up, deliberately put on a very strong posture to show his strength, and then stepped aside.

At this moment, Rurik boasted that after a day's time, the group of children had been trained almost, and each of them remembered the essentials of anti-collision, and also understood their role in the entire team.

After eating the dry food at noon until the sun is about to set, everyone spends most of the time walking in a queue with a three-layered human wall.

At the time of this training, the three groups serving as "Shockers" also participated in the human wall training.

Rurik didn't understand a little, but Fisk should understand that the human wall has changed after this intensive training. Could it be that Fisk is still very confident in his physical fitness? At least Rurik believed more in the power of the team.

However, that was not the case. Kanuf leaned over to Rurik again, and after some words, Rurik could clearly feel the child's worries.

"Are you intimidated by Fisk?" Rurik whispered?

"No...I...I'm not afraid of him. He's very strong. I'm afraid that in a fight, you won't be able to defeat him even with grappling. I'm still very worried about our human wall."

"So you're still afraid."

"I don't. Actually, I still want to ask, when we grow up and fight the enemy, for example, if Fisk wants to avenge the guys in Gotland, we will line up and fight?"

"It doesn't have to be like this." Rurik shrugged, "Look at us, and I'm only forty-six people. In fact, I still need more people, such as one hundred or five hundred. In this way, we can form a group. Multiple walls. So you look at this"

Rurik pondered, whether this matter can be explained in a few words, or it is finished with great effort, can Kanuf, who is interested in clarifying the situation, understand?

As a child, it is better to look at the picture directly than to listen to it.

Rurik grabbed a few sticks at random, and in the light of the bonfire and the setting sun, gave Kanuf a demonstration on the ground.

The so-called one stick represents thirty people, and he used four sticks to form a square. With a square, he placed four in a row.

By adjusting the position of the stick, the graphics also changed dramatically.

Rurik moved the stick while explaining, and Kanuf, who stared wide-eyed, was not mentally retarded. He knew that a stick represented a human wall of thirty people, and it was in Rurik's hands, and many human walls were doing their jobs. position changes. But no matter how it changes, there are two other human walls on both sides of each human wall, even if the back of the human wall is guarded by another human wall.

Therefore, when hundreds of people gather together, there is no flaw at all.

Although Kanuf still doesn't know how the adults participated in the fight, now Rurik is playing around with it. He is very convinced that if the future fights are like Rurik planned, I am afraid it will be a tragedy for Fisk's father. will not happen.


There is no flaw in the entire formation, as long as the shields of the human wall block the enemy together, then there is a unilateral sharp sword thrust.

"Now, I have fully understood." Kanuf's eyes widened in admiration.

"My dear brothers, everything starts with the forty-six of us. After you learn, you will teach the other children in the tribe. When I become the leader in the future, we will fight like this. Respond as I show, The enemy comes to a thousand people, they can't break through our human wall, only those who are stabbed to death by us will solve it, and we will not die a single person."

Kanuf couldn't help sighing: "Ah! If this is the case, the parade Valkyrie will see all this. We will not die alone to destroy a thousand enemies. When we die of old age, will she be picked up by her because of these achievements?"

This remark made Rurik a little confused. He calmed down and deliberately agreed with Kanuf's guess. "Yes, the Valkyries are fair, they need real warriors, not rude ones. As for me, I just want to live my life with glory."

"You will." Kanuf subconsciously patted Rurik on the shoulder, "You are someone I can trust. You will be the best leader, and I will always follow you."

When the bonfire is about to burn out, night is about to fall. It is very dangerous to continue to stay outdoors. The Ross tribe is not afraid of wolves. They are worried about wolves that are active at night and attack their children.

Rurik could feel that in the vast northern and even eastern Europe of this era, the number of large wild animals must be several times that of humans.

After the bonfire was burnt out, everyone went back together, and they all made psychological preparations for each other. Tomorrow, they would form a human wall formation. Even if it was for a salted fish from Rurik, Fisk could not let Fisk drive away the human wall.

This night, the thing that Kanuf thought about the most was the stick demonstration by Rurik.

After returning to his wooden house and eating the jerky his mother brought, he personally found some wooden sticks to play with.

"Kanuf, are you playing a game?" His mother had never seen her son play these strange things.

"Rurik taught me."

When Rurik was mentioned, his mother thought of her son's "defeat" and the strange training of a group of children screaming on the hills during this time.

The woman came over and asked earnestly, "Have you learned something from Rurik? For example, the means by which he subdued you?"

Kanuf continued to hook his head and said in a perfunctory manner: "I learned a little bit. He taught me nothing else now. He said that the men of the tribe fought on their own. He was very opposed to this, so he organized us. stand up."

Speaking of this, Kanuf was excited, and he took a bunch of sticks and copied Rurik's demonstrations from memory in front of the present.

Viking women are not cowardly, and women will pick up swords when necessary. After all, men and women of the same tribe must all be related to each other. Usually, men use sharp swords to resolve external conflicts.

Kanuf's mother knew how to fight, and watching her son's demonstration of using a wooden stick, an unprecedented sense of shock came to her mind.

In the long time of fighting, the men of the Ross tribe have figured out the basic formation routines, and forming a human wall to attack is also a man's forte.

But no one had ever thought of organizing hundreds of people into multiple walls to fight in complex formations.

She widened her eyes and began to think of a strange scene in her mind.

His husband followed Otto, the leader, and hundreds of men formed a circle with a human wall, with battle axes or sharp swords hanging from their waists, a wooden shield tied to their left arm, and short spears in both hands. The spearheads of hundreds of short spears stabbed the enemies rushing in from various directions.

After all, the men of the tribe are also good at using short spears, which are actually harpoons for fishing and one of the sharp weapons in battle.

Now, Rurik, the son of the leader, organizes children to play with wooden shields and swords, and he will certainly organize children to use wooden sticks as short spears.

At this moment, Kanuf's mother deeply felt the wonderful things in Rurik, and she felt that this matter was not as simple as a child's game at all.

She settled down, motioned her son to continue playing, and then said, "I want to go out immediately."

"What are you doing, Mom? It's late."

"Don't worry, I'm going to the priest to explain something. I'll be back soon."

Soon, the woman put on a thick deerskin coat and went out, trotting all the way to the priests' residence, and went straight to the house of the most respected grandmother, Vilia, to tell the story.


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