The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

At this point, Feng Zhiwei had returned to the veranda and replaced her mask, was now approaching the Madam’s Li Hua Residence.

Her pace was as quick as the breeze as she passed through the hallways and into the courtyard, passing by the young servant girls and elderly crones, none of whom saw her clearly.

The summer wind felt bitterly cold against Feng Zhiwei’s skin, but also as if stifling hot, as if a ball of fire was piercing though her chest and burning up her insides to ash.

Everything was ash, and all that remained of those inextricable ties of kinship and her timid, hopeful expectations of reunion was her bitter heart, but still she strode forth to protect the unwilling, unsought for and unthanked.

Why bother? Why suffer?

She carried her chestful of sadness as she walked briskly in the warm breeze, as if the wind in her face could pull away the bitterness in her heart.

Suddenly, a hand reached over and gently touched her shoulder.

Feng Zhiwei froze in shock, slowly turning her head. Gu Nanyi had actually voluntarily touched her.

He peered down through his veil, quietly watching her. A deep tranquility covered the veranda, both sides of the manicured walkway lined tastefully with flowers and greenery. His veil fluttered in the wind, obscuring most of his face, leaving only the clarity of his eyes, glorious and brilliant like the purest obsidian diamond.

In the calm of the veranda, the tall and slim man and woman shared a gaze.

Silence surrounded them as they stood by the carved railing, a cluster of red peonies blooming like fire at their side.

Feng Zhiwei reached up and grabbed his hand, turning into him and gently leaning against his shoulder.

“Lend me your shoulder...”

Gu Nanyi froze in the summer wind.

All of heaven and earth, the small distance before his veil.

His world, one step forward or back.

For twenty two years, he had lived within his small stretch of the world, never willing to share his small corner, no one ever daring to near.

But today the seals along his domain were broken, the clouds had opened up, and that woman so quietly and resolutely stepped close, leaning against his shoulder. Her sweet breath puffed at his veil, bending it inwards to brush gently and coolly against his cheek.

Gu Nanyi was somewhat lost, and somewhat confused. He lightly creased his brows, unsure.

Such close and quiet breath, warm and wet beside his ear should have been unbearable; as unbearable as coarse clothes and loud noises and harsh lights... all sound seemed like the shattering of wood, all light sharp piercing and piercing white, and coarse clothing was sandpaper against his skin. Even faces seemed often to be shattered into so many horrifying pieces.

Yet the quiet breathing by his ear seemed to fill him with an indescribable calm and peace.

He did not have the words to describe his experience, but he felt like he could almost remember a time from many, many years ago when someone had gently caressed his hair as they said to him*, My Nanyi, father and mother have no other wish in this life but for you to one day know the feeling of happiness.*

Happiness... feeling... these were words he did not understand.

He tilted his head and peered down on the face lying against him. Her eyes were closed, her long lashes gently quivering, as if the wings of a dark butterfly fluttering in the wind. The fragrance of the red peonies wafted gently up the carved railing, but could not compare to the beauty and grace of her smell.

A hand gently clutched his shoulder, the fingers slender, the knuckles delicate, and nails lucent like pearls.

Gu Nanyi gently lifted his chin and felt the summer breeze against his face.

Feeling... so this is what it means.

Feng Zhiwei did not know that the tranquil and jade statue of a man was experiencing his first swelling of emotion, and that his soul, sealed by ten thousand years of pure snow, was suddenly pierced by a beam of brilliant light, and now only quietly awaited a traveler to open its gates.

She only knew her exhaustion and weariness, and needed rest. The man beside her was tall and quiet, and seemed able to carry and support all her gloom and heartbreak.

Feng Zhiwei moved her cheek, lightly bunting his shoulder for a moment before pulling away. When she looked up, her small smile was once again on her face and as if nothing had happened, she said: “Let’s go.”

As he watched the woman briskly walk away, Gu Nanyi leaned his head and touched cheek to the lingering warmth on his shoulder.

A faint fragrance still remained, and as he breathed it in, he noticed a small stain of wetness on his face.

Gu Nanyi reached out and touched it, and when he held his finger up to the sun, he saw a small stain of water.

He looked at it uncomprehendingly for a moment before suddenly understanding, and touching the shoulder that Feng Zhiwei had leaned against.

He felt at the little stain of moisture in his robe.

In the tranquil veranda, as the summer sun streamed in broken up by the shade of the plants, a man stood for a long moment, touching his shoulder.

Madam Qiu had already been waiting for a long time in the Li Hua Residence, and even though Master Wei had not yet arrived, it was too improprietous to walk out and find him. As she sat wondering, a blue robed man suddenly walked over, cloaked by the sun.

A servant girl quickly ran forward and then quickly returned to report their guests arrival. Finally, Madam Qiu swept over accompanied by her servant girls and old maids. As she was wondered at the absence of her butler, the young man before her bowed, clasping his hands, “Greetings to Madam Qiu.”

“Just call me aunt.” Madam Qiu smiled kindly. Before her husband had left on the expedition, he had already told her about this young scholar’s success and the Emperor’s favor. Not only could Madam Qiu not offend him, she must try her best to win him over.

The young man standing the hall was neither groveling nor arrogant, his features delicate and pretty, his bearing casual and elegant, his whole demeanor very pleasant to behold. Madam Qiu kindly invited him to sit, secretly sighing in her heart about her three sons, none of them as talented as this young man before her.

The host and guest exchanged the conventional greetings and spoke gently about the formalities of their meeting. According to Madam Qiu, meeting Wei Zhi in the private courtyard was only the Qiu Mansion’s way of showing its cordiality, and since Wei Zhi called Qiu Shangqi uncle, then it was still fitting with tradition to meet with him as a familial senior with a junior.

After conversation and tea, she planned to bring in the three Qiu Mansion young masters to come accompany the young Minister Wei Zhi. Concluding the brief exchange, she picked up her tea cup.

Though the host had already picked up her cup, Feng Zhiwei made no move to follow. Madam Qiu brought the tea to her lips and took a sip. She smiled and turned to Gu Nanyi, speaking kindly: “Qiu Mansions Fragrant Mountain Ch’iao-She is not bad, you should try some as well.”

Gu Nanyi took his hand from his shoulder, took the time to rub his fingers to make sure there was no wetness remaining before finally pushing away the tea that Feng Zhiwei had proffered, only saying: “Dirty.”

Feng Zhiwei smiled, but the faces of all the people belonging to the Qiu Mansion darkened.

Madam Qiu’s face was also uncomfortable — was this Wei Zhi raised in the country side and completely unfamiliar with the rules? And how could a retainer so blatantly sit next to their master and say such aggressive words?

“Madam.” Feng Zhiwei finished her cup of tea before slowly speaking. “This Nephew has some things to tell the honored ma’am...”

She paused while speaking and looking around her.

While Madam Qiu sat in confusion, Feng Zhiwei continued: “I went to the Hu Wei Camp the day before yesterday...”


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