The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

The Patriarchs did not know whether to laugh or cry as they sighed with relief. A faint smile crossed Hunn’s face and he spoke: “The King is wise and courageous.”

Hunn had finally voiced his approval of the title ‘King,’ and the proud Iron Cheetah Tribe had declared its support. Helian Zheng turned to the man and nodded, smiling.

The nine patriarchs sent out orders to their men to watch over Hongji Le and Luzan before following Helian Zheng away. The young King was scanning the valley for the missing face when Mudan Hua sidled up to him and whispered: “He’s gone, fled.”

When Helian Zheng frowned, Mudan Hua grasped his hand in warning: “Don’t make a scene. Kereyid’s has a solid reputation with the patriarchs and is well liked. I have no proof that he is a spy, and the signals I gave by Chang River were because I feared I would not make it. We’ll talk later, first we must return to King’s Court and then we can destroy him!”

Feng Zhiwei listened with one ear, finally understanding Mudan Hua’s actions. She tricked Kereyid away so that Helian Zheng would not beat the grass and scare away the snake.

Behind them, the heavily pregnant Narta bid farewell to Hongji Le, not crying as she squeezed her father’s hand before determinedly marching after them. Feng Zhiwei watched over everything as she waited, her hands clasped behind her back and her quiet smile curving the corners of her lips.

Everyone exited the tent and approached the valley exit, with many of the patriarchs frowning at the precarious heap of stone blocking their way. As some of the men hesitated, Young Master Gu floated down with his baby in his arm, carelessly grabbing whichever noble patriarch happened to be closest and carrying him over the pile. The patriarchs barely noticed that themselves leaving the ground before the world blurred before their eyes and wind rushed by their ears, and then they were across and back on firm ground.

“This brother’s Kung Fu is extraordinary!” Yelye, Patriarch Earth Badger called out in praise. “Would you consider coming to our tribe and instructing some of our young men?”

Impassioned eyes turned towards Young Master Gu; all steppe men loved the Martial Arts and their hearts pounded in the presence of a true expert.

Feng Zhiwei watched Young Master Gu carefully, already preparing a little speech to smooth over his refusal, but the jade statue took a moment to examine Gu Zhixiao as he pondered the question seriously. Finally, he replied: “Do you have milk?”


Yelye stumbled, almost collapsing into the pile of stone.

Feng Zhiwei almost lost her balance as well. Young Master Gu was incredibly serious, not at all joking and completely incapable of joking. It seemed that the martial expert had truly been terrorized by the inimitable Mudan Hua on their march, and the curious Queen Dowager leveraged her milky breasts to hound Young Master Gu, spending her days conspiring to lift Young Master Gu’s veil, constantly threatening to take away her milk. For the first time in his life, Young Master Gu knew fear, and he wished for a new wet-nurse so he could escape Mudan Hua’s demonic paws.

As long as he could escape Mudan Hua’s tyranny, he was perfectly willing to teach Kung Fu.

“He is saying that he needs a wet-nurse.” Feng Zhiwei hurriedly explained to the Patriarchs, gesturing to the sleeping Gu Zhixiao.

The patriarchs oohed in understanding, none of them perfectly comfortable with Young Master Gu’s mothering over the infant. Despite their great admiration of his skill, none of them were willing to express any more interest and were soon filing out of the valley.

Outside, the thirty thousand patriarch guards were facing off against the ten thousand King’s Army. Though the explosions and collapsing rocks had shocked all of the guards, the Golden Alliance Meeting was sacred and none of the guards had dared enter without orders from their leaders. The men had waited with anxiety and worry and only relaxed when they saw their patriarchs walking towards them.

When the King’s Army spotted Helian Zheng walking safely alongside Blue Bear and Iron Cheetah, they instantly presumed that the Golden Alliance Meeting crisis had been defused. As one, the army dismounted and unsheathed their gleaming blades, the metal clanging and sparkling brilliantly in the hot sunlight as they called out: “King!”

The loud roar knocked several small stones from the mountainside, shocking the patriarchs. The wily men exchanged glances, none of them having expected the young King to so quickly assume control over the proud King’s Army.

“My warriors!” Helian Zheng called out from his perch on top of a large stone, a fist raised high. “Thunderstorms cannot stop the high flying eagle, and Hongji Le’s doomed schemes have been burnt to ash! Your King is still your King, and after today, Golden Roc must pull back its talons and abandon their fertile land east of the Qing Zhuo mountains! Long live the glorious Golden Lion!”

“Long live the glorious Golden Lion!” The King’s Army echoed in an earth stirring roar, their eyes gleaming and their blood boiling with pride as they stamped and shook the earth.

“That section of Golden Roc’s land, a great portion of their cows and sheep, and the money from their border trade!” Helian Zheng called out, sweeping his hand towards the army in a powerful arc. “Will be shared amongst you!”

The cries and roars grew deafening, hurting Feng Zhiwei’s ears.

“Hongji Le’s life will be spared for a few days to prepare his tribute and concessions!” Helian Zheng called out forcefully. “The widows and orphans of those who died against Da Yue will have double the share!”

“Long live the King!”

“This grandpa said he would fuck Hongji Le’s mother!” Helian Zheng called out proudly, his handsome jaw cutting the light of the sun as his tall, powerful figure almost glowed with divinity. “But his mother was too old, so this daddy decided to f**k his daughter!”

“F**k his daughter!” The warriors roared with approval, their joyful cries shaking the very mountains. Below the young King, the patriarchs exchanged amused and admiring glances at the calls while Narta’s face paled.

Meanwhile, a stumbling Feng Zhiwei clutched Young Master Gu to hold herself steady... what... ?

She had to admit that Helian Zheng was truly impressive. He had stirred up his men with promises of riches and linked Hongji Le’s survival with their own gain. Finally, he had twisted his own oath to humiliate the enemy and explained the problem of Hongji Le’s daughter, turning it all to his advantage.

Feng Zhiwei eyed Helian Zheng with admiration as the brat hopped down and strode over to her, smiling as he whispered into her ear: “Of course I’m definitely not going to fu...”

Feng Zhiwei immediately swept away, leaving the new Steppe King’s confession unfinished...

Beside them, Queen Dowager Liu Mudan giggled excitedly, calling out: “Yelye! Let this mother feel! Has your little garlic sprout grown into a mighty green onion yet!”


After three days of fast horses, the King’s Court was near.

The returning Helian Zheng was nothing like the one that had left for Dijing with only three hundred guards. Ten thousand warriors rode around them, respectfully arrayed around the eight patriarchs.

Under the guise of discussion for dividing the spoils, Helian Zheng had invited the patriarchs to join him in the King’s Court, and now everything was set for his triumphant return. A King’s Army messenger had already sped ahead and reported to the defenders of the King’s Court and patriarchs Blue Bird, White Deer, and Fire Fox were marching out with three thousand guards to welcome their King home.

Banners and pennons fluttered in the air as the columns of soldiers and riders stretched out like a magnificent river. The forty thousand strong combined forces of the King’s army and the patriarch guards overawed all the people of King’s Court, shocking them into silence and inaction.


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