The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

“Do not forget that I taught your master when she was little.” The madam said, smiling suddenly. “Only I am clearest what kind of person she is, and only I understand what will push her to rise. Your master will surely rise up and take the road that I wish her to.”

“The master may not be suited to that road...”

No, she is suited.” The madam’s eyes glittered with pride and gratification. “Look at all she has accomplished, look! A sixteen year old Imperial Envoy overturning clouds and calling storms to shock the entire world! She is a natural born ruler, and even driven into dust, her radiance cannot be hidden. With her noble and unsurpassed blood, are you truly willing to let her set aside her supreme talent and the Mandate of Heaven? Do you really wish her to live an ordinary life of marriage and children under your protection? Do you wish her to be a farm wife fighting over the smallest of trifles? Do you think that life is worthy of her? Worthy of your old Sect Leader? Worthy of the Da Cheng Dynasty line to which you have sworn your eternal loyalty?”

“The Commander has spoken.” The grey robed man finally replied after a long silence. “He believes that the Emperor’s wish was only to preserve his bloodline, and the changing of rivers and mountains and the turning of dynasties are inevitability’s we need not bother with. As long as the master is safe, nothing is worth sacrificing for.”

“Your Commander has inherited his predecessor’s unrestraint,” The madam smiled coldly as she continued. “But I cannot. After all these years, whenever I think of how he left me alone, of how he had clutched my hand before his death, never saying what he wished to say, I know with certainty that there are things I cannot give up no matter what.”

She looked out at them with determination and certainty, her words as strong as steel. The grey robed man stared quietly at her and knew that he would never accomplish his task tonight.

“This is your mother dynasty...” The grey robed man finally said, smiling bitterly. “I did not expect...”

“What mother dynasty? Tian Sheng’s land was stolen from Da Cheng, and properly speaking, Tian Sheng is a rebellious Minister.” The madam calmly replied. “I care nothing for the world; I only care for one man.

The grey robed man no longer spoke, quietly examining the stubborn and proud woman and finally understanding her famed fiery character. He had thought that the years of hardship and humiliation had ground down her edge, but he saw now that she had not changed, only growing sharper as the years passed.

“That’s all. I will sleep.” The madam finished, blowing out her candle and laying back down.

The grey robed man sighed once more before fading into the night.

“Take care.”

Four days ago.

The Qiu Mansion was in chaos — Madam Qiu had suddenly took ill and was paralyzed in bed, unable to speak; all her limbs were numb and she could not move a single finger. The Qiu Mansion sent out invitations to every famous doctor they could and hurried anxiety filled the inner and outer yard.

Meanwhile, a little yard in the rear of the mansion grounds was completely ignored.

Madam Feng woke early, washing and dressing as she always did. Before she left, she cleaned up and organized her room.

Finally, she went to visit the little yard that she had lived for so many years. After a while, she headed over to Feng Zhiwei’s ‘Cui Fang Residence’.

While Feng Zhiwei was away, the Cui Fang Residence had been sealed due to small pox. Occasionally, the people visiting the Qiu Mansion would notice a veiled woman sitting by the Cui Fang Residence’s window, but in the chaos that reigned over Qiu Mansion, no one noticed that the woman had disappeared.

Madam Feng entered the residence and searched Feng Zhiwei’s bedroom before leaving.

Finally, she walked out of the Qiu Mansion gates with a cloth covered object slung over her shoulders. She walked over to the Ministry of Justice, and after a large bribe, she was taken to see Feng Hao in prison.

Although Feng Hao had been locked up a long time, Ning Yi had told his people not to make him suffer, so he was actually a little fatter then before. Still, he was story crazy, so as soon as Madam Feng appeared, he immediately left up and clutched the wooden cell bars, shaking them as he cried out: “Mom! Mom!”

“Son.” Madam Feng called out, kneeling by the cell door and staring into her son’s face, reaching through the bars and gently ruffling his mussed hair.

“Mom, are you here to save me?” Feng Hao exclaimed, excitedly clutching Madam Feng’s hands, his eyes gleaming brightly as he stared into her eyes. “Great! I’ve had enough! Mom, what took you so long! Why haven’t you come to see me!”

Madam Feng stared into his hopeful eyes, calmly looking him over inch by inch, not missing a single spot, burning the image of her son deep into her eyes.

Her gaze was so peculiar that even Feng Hao noticed, losing his excitement. He cooled and stared confusedly at his mother, some trepidation in his voice as he asked: “Mom, what’s wrong? Are you unhappy?”

After being locked up for almost half a year, even the arrogant Feng Hao had begun observing expressions, and when Madam Feng heard his careful question, her eyes reddened.

She breathed out a shuddering breath as her hands trembled in Feng Hao’s hair. “Feng Hao... Feng Hao...”

Feng Hao could not stand it any longer and he pulled away, crying out: “Mom, are you here to get me out or not? If you don’t help me, I’ll die! I’ll die!”

Madam Feng trembled as she slowly pulled her hand back. She gazed at Feng Hao, and the quiet glitter in her eyes slowly faded, replaced by a steely firmness and determination.


“What’s happening?” A group of Yamen Bailiffs asked as they patrolled the prison. “Did you see that group of crimson armored guards passing by, Heading to West Hua Alley?”

“I’ve never seen that kind of armor, but wow, they look terrifying. What family screwed up this time?”

“There were thousands of them, heavens!”

The Yamen Bailiffs walked along, the keys at their waists tinkling as their footsteps faded into the distance. Madam Feng listened closely, a strange smile curving over her lips.

It was time.

She stood and reached behind her, pulling a small, sharp axe from the cloth on her back.

Before a shocked Feng Hao could even react, she lifted the axed and slammed it into the wooden cell door!

Wooden chips sprayed and Madam Feng pulled back before swinging down again.

Feng Hao clutched his head and fled to the corner of his room, screaming. He stared wide eyed at his ferocious mother chopping at his cell door, the steel chain around it clattering with her blows. His mother had gone insane! She’d come to raid the prison? Really? Did anyone try to break people out when all the guards still on duty?


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