The Return of the God Level Assassin



"HEY, Ah Jin, I told you to hold on to me tighter."

Luo Jin, who was barely gripping the side of Su Yuqi's leather jacket, refused to do as he was told. This was already the extent of what his heart could take. The two of them were already so close, sitting on one motorcycle like this. If he hugged Su Yuqi, his heart might truly explode because of too much stimulation.

As he was trying his best not to attach his body to Su Yuqi's back, the motorcycle suddenly accelerated and then slowed down just as suddenly. Because of the inertia, Luo Jin's body swayed forward, and he subconsciously hugged Su Yuqi's waist.

He was so startled that he automatically wanted to let go, but Su Yuqi's voice stopped him.

"Don't let go, or you might end up rolling on the road without you even noticing."

That warning created a very real imagery in Luo Jin's mind that he subconsciously hugged Su Yuqi's waist tighter.

This earned a soft chuckle from Su Yuqi. "You should have done that from the beginning."

Luo Jin subconsciously wanted to let go, but he felt like his pride would be wounded if he did. Like he was just proving that he was still immature. But if he didn't, and they continued to stay in this position until they reached their first destination, he felt like something really, really embarrassing would soon happen.

Even enveloped in their snug, thick jackets, the warmth radiating from Su Yuqi's body seemed to permeate through to him, creating an illusion of skin-to-skin contact. The realization made his already heated face feel as though it were now on the verge of boiling.

What Su Yuqi said next didn't help at all.

"You should just take this opportunity to hug me as much as you want. Who knows when you will have another chance to do this?"

Luo Jin pouted when he heard that, and then just muttered before he could think properly. "There will definitely be next time."

Su Yuqi laughed out loud at that. "Then I'll be looking forward to it."

They were just on their way to their first destination, and yet Luo Jin could already feel the sweet suffering he would feel throughout the day.


As they approached their destination on their motorcycle, the crisp winter air became more apparent, carrying with it the scent of pine trees. The road led them through picturesque landscapes, with occasional glimpses of snow-covered fields and distant mountains.

The entrance welcomed them with the sight of snow-covered slopes and the sound of laughter from the other people visiting the place. Upon entering, they were greeted by the cozy charm of alpine-style architecture. Wooden lodges and chalets dotted the landscape, offering a warm and inviting ambiance.

This was the first destination in the itinerary that Luo Jin made - Nanshan Ski Village.

Nanshan Ski Village, situated approximately 80 kilometers north of the city, was a popular winter sports destination known for its diverse ski slopes catering to all skill levels.

When Luo Jin was researching for this date, he looked for places and activities that both he and Su Yuqi would enjoy. He read in one article that it's important for the two people on a date to enjoy themselves. Not just one of them, but both.

Since it's still winter, there's really nothing much to do in terms of outdoor activities. So, he simply chose to ski.

Both he and Su Yuqi were the type to enjoy physical activities more. Which was probably a bit ironic, considering that she was an art major, and most art majors were, well, more of an indoor type. But nothing about Su Yuqi was ever typical. Which was one of the reasons why he had fallen for her.

"Skiing, huh? Great idea," Su Yuqi said after she parked the motorcycle.

Luo Jin secretly let out a sigh of relief when he heard that. Thankfully, she liked this place as well.

The two of them walked and started looking for a place they could rent gears.

"What's your skiing level, by the way?" Su Yuqi asked.

"It's advanced."

"What a coincidence, me too." Su Yuqi then looked around and then pointed at the visibly high slopes, which were obviously for advanced skiers. She turned to him and grinned. "Should we try that?"


Su Yuqi navigated the snow-covered slope with precision, her skis seamlessly carving through the challenging terrain. Laughter echoed in the crisp air, a testament to the sheer joy she found in maneuvering the demanding slope.

When was the last time she had gone skiing? It's probably years. It's not that she didn't have the time. Even with her busy university life, she still had time to play Arcadia. Showing that it an issue of not having time. It's simply because she didn't have a companion to go with.

She might seem very independent, but just like others, it's still much enjoyable for her to do this kind of activity with someone. But there was no one she could ask to go with her.

Her family members were either too old or too young. Shen Ji Yun would probably agree if she asked, but very reluctantly. She'd rather eat cucumber, something she really disliked, than asked Bai Ze. And her friends from university weren't exactly the type to enjoy these things.

That's why she was very glad that Luo Jin chose this place as a date destination. For that, she would give him a plus point.

Because she was deep in thought like that, she didn't notice a small hump of snow in front of her. One of her skis tripped over that and then she found her body tilting forward. If she couldn't regain her balance immediately, she would definitely stumble down the slope.


A few seconds after she heard that shout, she felt her wrist being gripped, and then she was pulled from behind. That stopped her from stumbling down the slope, but instead she fell on something hard. Which she later realized was a body.

"Are you alright, Yuqi?" Luo Jin asked, his voice filled with worry.



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