The Return of the God Level Assassin

Chapter 1043 THE GIFT

Chapter 1043 THE GIFT

HEARING what Shen Ji Yun said, it definitely piqued Luo Yan's interest. Then, he suddenly thought of something. "But isn't it a gift for you? Why should I be the one to like it?"

Shen Ji Yun tapped his nose playfully. "Because if you liked it, then I shall also like it."

"Oh you. Fine. So, what kind of gift is it?"

"Uncle and Brother Zhao developed a program that would allow us to transfer the data of our pet in the game to our smartphone. They would be like virtual assistants, something similar to Siri," Shen Ji Yun explained. "It's still in the beta testing phase. But Uncle decided to let us try it first. As a gift for my birthday. He most likely knew that you would like it. In short, we will be the first beta testers."

Luo Yan blinked. He couldn't believe what he just heard. "Are you saying we can bring Eclipse and Dusk to reality?"

"To some degree, yes."

Luo Yan's eyes brightened. He couldn't contain his excitement and hugged Shen Ji Yun. "This is great! No, it's amazing!"

He had been wondering long before if there was a way to actually bring Eclipse back to reality. After all, in the future, the time he would spend in the game would surely diminish.

He would be a lot busier because of his studies. Even if this would be the second time he would experience university life, it didn't mean it would be easy. Maybe the lecture part would be, but the assignments and projects would definitely be not. Of course, it's not in terms of it being hard, he just meant that it would be time consuming.

It's not like high school where students were just primarily being prepared to pass the college entrance examination. University was a totally different matter.

That's why this was such good news. Uncle Yi Mu and Brother Zhao were truly a pair of genius. When he was just dreaming of doing it, the two had already done it. And he, being Shen Ji Yun's boyfriend, had become a primary recipient of this wonderful program.

Seeing Luo Yan practically glowing because of the news, Shen Ji Yun also couldn't help but smile happily. "Do you really like it that much?"

"Of course! How could I not? Aren't you happy that you can interact with Dusk in reality?"

"Well, my relationship with Dusk is not nearly as good as your relationship with Eclipse. So... this doesn't really make me feel anything in particular," Shen Ji Yun said with a shrug. "Uncle Yi Mu probably thought of giving the program to me because he knew it would make you happy."

Luo Yan raised his brow. "But it's your birthday gift. Why does it matter if it could make me happy or not?"

"Simple. Because you being happy also makes me happy."

"Aww... you sweet cinnamon roll," Luo Yan said, feeling moved, pinching both Shen Ji Yun's cheeks. "You really are the best boyfriend in the world."

Shen Ji Yun hugged Luo Yan's slim waist and put his head on the nook of the other's neck. "I could even be a much better husband."

Luo Yan giggled. "Are you proposing now?"

Shen Ji Yun didn't answer and just nibbled on the skin behind Luo Yan's ear. Mainly because he knew that the other was just teasing him. But in his heart, he made a silent promise that, when the time came to propose to Luo Yan, he would make sure that it would be the most romantic proposal they would ever be.


The next day, after they won against team Sanguis, Luo Yan spent the morning with his grandfather, together with Luo Jin and Bai Ye. They mostly just listened to their grandfather talking about the past as if it had just happened yesterday. But not in the way that one was simply reminiscing. He talked as if the things he was saying indeed had just happened yesterday. It's a common occurrence for people with his kind of... affliction.

Every time Luo Yan saw his grandfather like this, he couldn't help but feel sad. He knew that people with this illness couldn't really live that long after the initial diagnosis. Especially one who was diagnosed at an old age, like his grandfather. Just thinking about it was already depressing.

But, as usual, Luo Yan cheered himself up. Being gloomy wouldn't really help his grandfather. It's better to try to be cheerful while interacting with the other. At least he could help to put a smile on his grandfather's face.

After lunch, it was now time for his grandfather's afternoon nap. He accompanied the other to his room until he fell asleep. Then he waited at outside for Shen Ji Yun to arrive.

The other told him last night that he would be visiting him today. It was for that program Uncle Yi Mu and Brother Zhao developed. Since Shen Ji Yun wasn't really interested in the program, they decided to let him test it first.

The program was in the main headquarters of Moonlight Media. So, after Shen Ji Yun arrived here, they would go there directly.

Luo Yan had already asked his aunt and uncle for permission to go out. And since Shen Ji Yun was the one accompanying him, they quickly agreed.

It didn't take long for Shen Ji Yun to arrive.

As soon as the other got off his car and saw him standing in front of the house, he quickly ran towards him.

"What are you doing, waiting outside here in such a cold weather?" Shen Ji Yun scolded while fixing the scarf on Luo Yan's neck.

Luo Yan only smiled. "So we can leave immediately. You know how Ah Jin and Brother Ze are. They might try to go with us if they knew we're going off somewhere. And I don't really want any third-wheels around. Besides, both Aunt Xiulan and Uncle Chen are not here, so there's no need for you to go inside and greet them."

Shen Ji Yun nodded, as if he understood. "Good point. Shall we go?"


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