The Return of the God Level Assassin



LUO YAN faced off against the colossal fishlike monster that was trying to attack the main crystal of their team's base. He was left here to defend the base assigned to their team.

The monster's scales gleamed like the void, and its eyes burned with rage. It lunged at Luo Yan, who agilely dodged its attack. This one was like some kind of boss monster, attacking the bases of the two teams. He didn't know how the other team did it, but they managed to drive this monster here.

Considering that destroying the main crystal of the opposing team was the main objective of this match, it was a pretty good strategy. They probably thought that destroying Yunyue's main crystal was the fastest way to win this match. Especially once they found out that there was only one player defending the base.

What they didn't know was this was done on purpose.

Leaving only one person to defend the base would make the opponent think that they were taking this easy, and they were looking down at them. Of course, that was not the case. They only wanted them to think that way.

Because once they did, they would think that they should use that chance to attack team Yunyue's base. Focusing their manpower there to achieve a fast victory.

But this would only be true if they were really looking down at them. That wasn't the case at all, though. Team Yunyue didn't have the habit of underestimating their opponents. This was simply one of the strategies they had formed against this team. By letting them focus their attention on Yunyue's base, while giving them the illusion that Yunyue's overconfidence would lead them to victory.

Luo Yan's battle against the fish monster continued.

The clash between speed and strength unfolded as he skillfully deflected the monster's strikes with his daggers. He anticipated each move, sidestepping the thrashes of the monster's tail. Identifying a weak point, he struck true and deep, prompting a roar of agony from the monster.

The battle surged to its climax as Luo Yan executed his final move. With precision, he spun and drove his daggers into the beast's heart. The monster convulsed and faded into light particles, dissipating like mist.

Just as he defeated the monster, he heard Eclipse's voice in his mind.

[Master, you're right! Two people really came and tried to destroy the crystal. But they fell into the trap pink sister made. Eclipse is holding them down now. But they might get away soon and defeat Eclipse if Master wouldn't come here quick.]

[I'm on my way.]

But just as he was about to move, a notification screen appeared in front of him.

[Team Yunyue has destroyed the opposing team's main crystal.]




[Team Yunyue wins!]

Luo Yan stopped in his tracks and smiled.


Shen Ji Yun removed the VR helmet he's wearing and put it on the bedside table. He sat up and moved his neck from side to side to ease some of the strain.

After they won the match, Luo Yan invited them to have a drink at the Yuexing Pavilion. Which was not uncommon. Whenever their match finished early and none of them had other schedules, they would go there to celebrate.

It was something normal. But somehow, there was something not so normal during their little celebration earlier. It's because after just a few minutes, Luo Yan suddenly disappeared. When he tried to log out, Bai Ze tried to make him stay. The other was trying so hard that it made him feel bad to just go. So, he humored Bai Ze and just stayed.

That's why he only managed to log out now. Two hours after their sixth match ended.

It's not just because he felt guilty just leaving, but because he felt that it might have something to do with Luo Yan suddenly disappearing. Which, in turn, was related to his birthday tomorrow. Now, he's beginning to really be curious as to what kind of surprise his rabbit had prepared for him.

Feeling a bit thirsty, Shen Ji Yun stood up and walked out of his room to go to the kitchen.

When he was just about to enter the kitchen, Uncle Yue walked out, almost bumping into him. The other looked startled seeing him.

"Sorry, are you alright, Uncle Yue?" Shen Ji Yun asked, feeling a bit confused. Because the other's expression was not like that of someone who was startled because he almost bumped into another person. He couldn't exactly explain it. It just looked… a bit weird.

"Ah, yes, yes," Uncle Yue said, even adding an awkward laugh. "Do you need something in the kitchen? I'll get it for you."

"Ahm, no need. I can get it by myself."

"No, I insist. Please."

Okay. Now this was starting to get weird. Why was Uncle Yue acting like this? He's being a bit... shifty. But if he asked the other, he had a feeling that things would just get even weirder. So, he decided to just let it go.

"A glass of water, please."

"Okay, coming right up," Uncle Yue said, seemingly very relieved by him agreeing.

It didn't even take five seconds for Uncle Yue to return with a glass of water. After handling him the glass, the other remained standing at the entrance of the kitchen. As if guarding it or something. Shen Ji Yun just drank the water.

"Let me return it," Uncle Yue said, taking the glass from him before he could say anything.

Feeling a bit weirded out, Shen Ji Yun shook his head and returned to his room.

After entering the room, he picked a book from his bookshelf and sat down. There's still an hour left before midnight. He decided not to sleep until he received Luo Yan's birthday greeting. Because he was sure that the other would be the first one to greet him.

He opened the book and planned to read before then.

As he read, an hour quickly passed. He closed the book and looked at his phone. Before he could check it, the lights in his room suddenly turned off.


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