The Return of the God Level Assassin

Chapter 1034: AFTER THE MATCH

THE comments in the barrage of the live broadcast of the match between team Yunyue and team Sanguis were in an uproar after the announcement of the winner.

[Wow, did the match really end just like that?]

[I was honestly expecting something like an all-out war. You know, two teams battling it out, giving everything they have, until a clear winner appears.]

-[Didn't they battle it out? Are you sure you even watch the game?]

-[I understand OP's comment tho. I mean, they probably just meant that they were hoping for a real 5 vs 5 battle. Instead, we got 1 vs 1.]

-[What's wrong with that? It's not as if they didn't give it their all. The individual battles are pretty great in my opinion.]

-[What's great about that? It's obvious that team Yunyue picked a strategy that would neutralize team Sanguis' strong team play. It's almost like they're running away. It's a bit cowardly, especially for the first champion team of Arcadia Cup.]

-[What nonsense is the one upstairs saying? Did you actually think first before posting that? This is a qualifying match. A team should choose a strategy that could lead them to a win. Why would any team purposely set themselves up to lose? In my opinion, team Yunyue executed a great strategy.]

-[I agree. I mean, it's not like the individual battles are not exciting enough. In fact, each one was so exciting that I couldn't even focus on one battle.]

-[Right? My eyes were almost rolling around just so I could watch all the battles.]

[I was so busy watching YUN's fight, then suddenly the match was over. Can someone enlighten me on what happened? TT__TT]

-[What happened was Noctis played Alucard around like a child.]

-[I don't think that's how you should describe it. From their battle, it's obvious that Noctis only thought of what he did in the middle of their fight. He just got lucky that Alucard fell for his tricks.]

-[Upstairs, please don't undermine Noctis' actions like that. The fact that Alucard fell for what you call a 'trick' just showed Noctis' intelligence and acting ability.]

-[I agree. He took into account Alucard's level of intelligence and used that against him to entrap him. If he was just a tad bit stupid, he probably wouldn't fall for Noctis' act and maybe wouldn't be defeated like that.]

-[So, because he's smart, he lost?]

[But the look on Alucard's face by the end was quite... something. It's like a combination of shock and anger. He looked so dumbfounded that it was almost funny. I never thought that Alucard was capable of showing that kind of expression.]

-[Haha right? That vampire always acts like some chic noble playboy that seeing him like that was really refreshing.]

-[It's fun seeing him being taken down a peg.]

[Lord Alucard only lost because that elf cheated! How could Lord Alucard be defeated if that elf didn't play any tricks?]

-[I know, right? Poor Lord Alucard. He must be so devastated right now.]

-[That witch, Lilith, will definitely blame him for this. I just know it.]

-[Here comes Alucard's deranged fangirls. Just a bit more and they would be on the same level as Li Xu Min's fans.]

-[Ignore them. They're obviously worse than trolls. So, just let them be with their delusions.]

[Congrats to team Yunyue!~ With this, it's almost certain that they would enter the final tournament.]

[The final tournament round of this year's Arcadia Cup will definitely be amazing with their addition.]

[I seriously can't wait for the final tournament.]

[Since there's still a high chance that team Sanguis could qualify for the final tournament, could we have a second match with these two teams?]

A celebration was being held in the best private room in Yuexing Pavilion. Team Yunyue - the five members, as well as Eclipse, Dusk, and Rowan - with the addition of Yu Jiao, were celebrating the team's win against team Sanguis.

"Congratulations everyone, I have no doubt that you will be the winner of this match," Yu Jiao said, raising a glass of tea as if giving everyone a toast.

"Of course, we would win," Bai Ze said, pushing out his chest, showing just how proud he was at this moment.

"Have you seen the expression on that damn vampire's face when Yan stabbed him?" Luo Jin asked. The expression on his small face showed just how happy he was at the demise of Alucard.

"That was an epic expression," Su Yuqi agreed. "If his face was not so annoying, I would screenshot it and make it my wallpaper."

"Yuqi should just make it as a meme and post it on Weibo," Luo Jin suggested. "That would be funnier."

"Good idea," Su Yuqi agreed.

"A certain fox messed up though," the red dragon, Rowan, said mockingly while glancing sideways at Eclipse.

"You--! Eclipse didn't mess up, okay? Eclipse did his job properly. Right, Master?" Eclipse asked Luo Yan.

Before Luo Yan could answer, Rowan sneered. "Of course, he would say yes. Your master likes to spoil you. There's no way he would say anything bad about you."

"Hmp! You're just jealous of Eclipse because the big lion doesn't spoil you!"

"Ha! As if I want to be spoiled by that buffoon!"

"Hey, don't include me in your bickering," Bai Ze interjected.

Rowan was about to argue once more when Dusk suddenly put a dumpling in his mouth to shut him up.

"Just eat and be silent," the black dragon said.

Luo Yan watched this and just chuckled. He really liked moments like this when everyone was just having fun. He picked up his teacup. Just as he was about to sip his tea, a very nice voice whispered to him.

"Good job today, Yan Yan. You're the absolute MVP of this match."

Luo Yan looked up and saw Shen Ji Yun's handsome face close at hand. He really wanted to lean closer and kiss the other. But this was rather not the place for that. So, he just opted to holding the other's hand.

"It's because everyone worked hard that I was able to do what I did."


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