The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter 47 – At Linus’ House (1)

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 47 – At Linus’ House (1)

After some deep thought, I headed straight to the administration office.

“I’d like to see tomorrow’s outing list.”

Among the names on the list provided by the head administrator, there was ‘Sophie’.

“Remove this student’s name, please. She’s scheduled for a supplementary lesson.”


After confirming that the head administrator had crossed out Sophie’s name, I left the office.

No matter how much I think about it, I should keep an eye on Hindrasta over the weekend.

Hindrasta is a very important student at our academy right now.

She’s a symbol of the first batch of special student selection that Kirrin ambitiously pushed for.

If Hindrasta were to run away from the academy, it would be disastrous.

The academy’s prestige would fall, and Kirrin would be completely devastated.

In any case, Hindrasta must graduate with excellent grades early next year and get into a good place to justify the significance of the special student selection program.

To achieve that, I must ensure that this troublemaker doesn’t escape, but I can’t just pamper her, or she’ll cause more chaos like this time.

I have a perfect plan for her, but it can’t be implemented right away. For now, I’ll have to keep a close watch on her myself.

“Head Professor!”

Someone called me, and as I turned around, I saw the Combat Department professors approaching.

“Are you alright?”

Lina, who always treats me kindly, gently grabbed my arm and asked.

“You were misunderstood by the students, right? I hope this incident cleared up that misunderstanding…”

“Well, I think they all understood. Those who didn’t, will just stay as they are. Anyway, if this incident helps improve the students’ abilities, that’s enough for me.”

“Ah, as expected from the Head Professor… Truly admirable…”

Lina’s eyes sparkled with admiration at my words.

“Anyway… I’m glad to hear that it was all part of your plan. I was worried for no reason.”

“What kind of person do you take me for?”

I laughed and patted Morton’s shoulder, prompting Orendi to step in.

“Though you seem to be laid back, you’re always perfectly prepared for everything!”

“Brogg admires such a Dian!”

Brogg pounded his chest, causing Anna to cover her ears in alarm.

“So, is that special student Sophie the instigator you planted, Head Professor?”

“Something like that. Being a special student, she can’t be treated like the regular ones, right?”

“You’re truly amazing.”

Lina looked up at me again with shining eyes.

“You’re supervising the special student and the regular ones at the same time.”

“Wipe your mouth, Infiltration Professor!”

Kazadar laughed heartily, making Lina hastily wipe her mouth with her sleeve, though she hadn’t been drooling.

Meanwhile, Geneb and Morton stood quietly at the back without much reaction.

Though they usually don’t talk much, today their silence felt different from usual.

They’re definitely suspicious of me.

It’s only natural, considering my actions so far. These professors aren’t fools.

Even the ones who are now so positive about me, like Lina, Orendi, and Waver, initially tried hard to dig into my background.

But since they couldn’t find anything, they quickly gave up, showing their easy-going nature. As for Kazadar and Brogg, well, they’re just easygoing fellows.

But the others are different.

Morton, known for his tenacity, has been using his connections from his days in the long-distance patrol to find anyone who knows me, and Geneb has been subtly moving around too.

Most professors have either suspected or are still suspicious of me, but they don’t show it openly because I hold the authority over their midterm evaluations and because I revived the Combat Department and secured significant funding shortly after my appointment.

However, Felimia had blatantly tried to use her ability on me.

Yesterday, when I went to her office to discuss turning the recent incident into a practical training session, Felimia kept trying to make eye contact and talk to me, using her interrogation ability to subtly make me spill the truth.

But that doesn’t work on me.

When her ability was blocked, Felimia became extremely flustered and quiet, but that probably made her even more suspicious of me.

She easily extracted secrets from those annoying Demon Army Commanders, but a mere human resisted?

This is a bit inconvenient. I might have to ask the Princess for a proper cover identity or permission to reveal everything if I ever go to the Palace.

Though I understand the Palace’s stance too.

I’m not trying to brag, but it would be difficult to carry on as usual if my history were revealed.

Well, I’ll figure it out when the time comes.

For now, let’s call it a day. I need to prepare for tomorrow.

But why has she been like that for a while now?

In the corner, Anna was sitting hunched over, with her head down, not saying a word.

She seems gloomy as always, so it doesn’t seem like a big problem.

# # # # #

As the sun set, I was walking through the faculty area when I heard footsteps behind me.

“Do you have something to say?”


Turning around, I saw the Combat Riding Professor, Anna, fidgeting nervously.

“How did you know…?”

“My hearing isn’t so bad that I can’t hear riding boots.”


Anna looked down and started crossing her legs as if trying to hide her boots.

“If you have something to say, just say it.”

“How did you know I had something to say…?”

“Your dorm isn’t here; it’s over there.”

“Oh, um…”

Anna hesitated, crossing her legs nervously, before her lips finally moved.

“Head Professor…”

[Translator – Peptobismol]

She scratched her head for a moment as if trying to gather her thoughts, then spoke up.

“Uh… the stables… no, first I should thank you… no, I need to apologize…”

Getting her words tangled, she shook her head vigorously and cleared her throat loudly.

Taking a deep breath as if making a big decision, she finally spoke.

“I’m sorry… I misunderstood you, Head Professor…”

Misunderstood? If it’s a misunderstanding, then could it be about Knightley…?

“Even though I thought you wouldn’t do such a thing… and I knew you were doing advanced courses separately… I kept hearing things here and there, and ended up doubting you…”

Anna interrupted me to continue her explanation.

“Did you really? Well… you’re free to think whatever you want…”

“But still, I thought bad things, so I should apologize…”

Then she bowed deeply, her large chest heaving with the motion.

This was a bit surprising. Until now, Anna hadn’t shown any sign of this, and I thought she was only interested in horses.

“And also, thank you for replenishing the stables…”

“It was for everyone’s benefit…”

“When the headmaster reduced the practical sessions, we could barely maintain the existing children… Ah, by children, I mean the ones in the stables…”

Anna continued before I could respond.

“It made me sad that students couldn’t properly learn horseback riding, and that we couldn’t provide the best environment for the children…”

“There were complicated reasons…”

“Of course, I have no intention of blaming the headmaster…”

Anna interrupted me again with a faint, gloomy smile.

“I’m sure the headmaster had her own reasons… I heard she doesn’t get along with some high-ranking officials in the Imperial Palace… Maybe that’s related… It’s not something a mere professor like me should know or can know…”

“Actually, that’s correct…”

“But everything changed when you arrived, Head Professor…”

Anna said, twirling her tangled hair around her finger.

“The Combat Department was revitalized… you brought in many smart students… and you even set up a commercial district in the academy…”

“I didn’t do it alone; it was with your and the headmaster’s help…”

“Thank you once again… for reviving the combat riding course and the Combat Department… and I apologize for misunderstanding you…”

Anna bowed deeply again, her chest heaving noticeably.

“I’ll work hard too… I’ll do my best to ensure our graduates achieve top results…”

“If you keep up the good work as you have been…”

“Then, rest well… I apologize for disturbing you after hours…”

With that, Anna turned and ran towards the faculty dormitory.

What was that? She just dumped everything on me and ran off. Cute, though…

# # # # #

The next day, I left my house, escorted by Olysia, and boarded the Head Professor’s carriage.

She wanted to come along but decided to do a thorough cleaning since she would be left alone, so I told her to go ahead.

Leaving the faculty area and heading towards the main gate, I saw the students bustling around, preparing for their weekend outings.

Let’s see. Where is she?

“What?! What do you mean?! I definitely signed up!!”

Looking towards the commotion, I saw the pink-haired Hindrasta arguing with an administrative faculty member at the gate.

“It’s useless to argue. Your name isn’t on the list.”

“No way!? I definitely submitted it on Wednesday when we compiled everything! This is a mistake!? It doesn’t make sense!!”

I had asked the head administrator to remove her from the list, so now Hindrasta was stuck at the gate, unable to leave, and in despair.

Stopping the carriage, I casually asked,

“What’s going on here?”


Seeing me, Hindrasta recoiled in fear.

“You’re delaying everyone else. What’s the matter?”

“She’s not on the list but insists on going out.”

The faculty member replied, and I looked back at Hindrasta.

“Is that true? Are you sure you signed up?”

“Yes, I did… other students saw it too…”

Tears started streaming down Hindrasta’s face, and the students nearby confirmed her claim.

Pretending to think for a moment, I spoke to the faculty member.

“It seems there was a mistake somewhere. But adding her to the list now would be difficult. How about I take her out personally? Is that okay?”

“Well… if the Head Professor says so…”

“Alright. Student Sophie, get in the carriage.”

I gestured towards the carriage, and Hindrasta looked at me with wary eyes.

“Get in. I was heading into town anyway. I’ll drop you off there.”


“Either get in or stay in the academy.”

“I’ll get in!”

Hindrasta quickly climbed into the carriage, and I smiled as it started to move.

About an hour later, Hindrasta, looking around nervously, asked in a terrified voice,

“Where… are we going…?”

[Translator – Peptobismol]


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