The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter 43 – Trouble Instinct (4)

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 43 – Trouble Instinct (4)

“Sophie! Sophie! It seems you were right!”

The students hurriedly sought out Sophie with very suspicious looks on their faces.

However, Hindrastra was nowhere to be seen. They were together just a moment ago, weren’t they?

At that moment, Hindrastra was already fleeing towards the lecture hall building.

When Dian and Knightley entered through the east gate earlier, she immediately turned around and started running.

There was no need to draw unnecessary suspicion by being seen with humans.

Of course, that guy Dian isn’t so stupid; if any unfavorable rumors start circulating, he’ll likely suspect me first.

He’d probably figure out that I was the one who initially mentioned seeing them leave through the academy gate with just a little probing of the humans.

So what?

I only told the students, “I saw Dian and Knightley leaving the academy gate together.”

I also said, “They were really close, but I couldn’t tell if they were hugging or anything because it was too far away.”

Anything beyond that, like them being suspicious or Dian lifting Knightley’s skirt and groping her butt, is just exaggerated gossip spreading from mouth to mouth.

Clearly, I only stated the facts. Of course, I intended for it to be wildly distorted, but still.

Analyzing the situation closely, the reason that guy keeps me here at the academy instead of killing me or handing me over to the Imperial Palace is that having me here as a student benefits both the academy and himself.

This means that even if he suspects me, he can’t punish me as harshly as he did in the past.

And honestly, I haven’t done anything wrong.

I’m a transfer student. If a high-ranking individaul like the Head Comabat Professor takes a single student outside the academy, isn’t it natural to be curious and ask around?

Like, is there a special program for high-achieving students?

As a first-time special student, if there’s something beneficial, I might participate too. My academic performance and enthusiasm are high, so I was curious. That’s all.

Is there a problem with that? No? Then I’m leaving.

If I say that, Dian will let it slide, right?

Hindrastra, who had reached the commercial area next to the lecture hall, stopped and glanced back.

Damn it, this is so nerve-wracking….

Despite her nickname “Trouble Lizard,” Hindrastra’s experience with causing trouble isn’t that long.

She used to harass monsters near her nest in the distant mountain valley, and then she stirred up battlefields at the Demon King’s behest.

In her nest, she was the queen, so there were no restrictions, and the battlefield was a massive playground for troublemaking anyway.

This kind of everyday trouble in a peaceful setting is a first for Hindrastra, and she’s not really sure about the limits or how far to go.

Well, whatever. It’ll work out somehow. I’m hungry; let’s eat something first.

Hindrastra entered the dessert cafe in the commercial area and scanned the display case, spotting a cream cake.

When she went to Dian’s office last time, that guy was eating this deliciously, wasn’t he?

“Hey! Give me one of these!”

Hindrastra rudely pointed at the cream cake in the display case.

It was a habit from her time with the Revlon Mercenaries. In fact, Hindrastra had no intention of using polite language from the start.

“Student Sophie, you shouldn’t speak like that.”

Someone pointed out Hindrastra’s rude behavior.

She turned around to see a Dark Elf with dark skin and ruby-red eyes looking down at her.

It was Kirrin, the academy’s headmaster, with an unusually gentle face for a Dark Elf.

Hindrastra reconsidered her initial impulse to tell the meddling elf off.

Despite being a dragon, Hindrastra had learned a fair amount about human society during her ten years with the Revlon Mercenaries.

It wouldn’t hurt to get on the good side of this dark-skinned elf, who is the highest authority at the academy.

“Hello, Headmaster.”

Hindrastra greeted with an adorably sweet smile, bowing deeply.

“Hello, Sophie. You should always speak politely to others.”

“Yes, Headmaster. Boss! Please give me one of these.”

“Are you having cream cake too?”

Kirrin asked as Hindrastra politely ordered.

“I was planning to eat that too. Would you like to join me?”

“You’ll pay, right, Headmaster?”

“Uh? Uh… sure…”

Kirrin’s ears twitched in surprise at Hindrastra’s blunt question, even though she intended to treat her.

“Boss, one whole cake, please.”

At Kirrin’s order, Hindrastra tilted her head in confusion.

“Is someone else joining us?”

“No, it’s just us.”

“Then why order so much cake?”

“I always eat this much.”

Do Dark Elves eat that much by nature?

Well, some races eat a lot without gaining weight.

Anyway, it’s free, so who cares?

Right now, Hindrastra hadn’t brought much money due to her sudden capture by Dian.

As a dragon, she had a secret stash that no one knew about, which she’d retrieve on her next outing.

“How’s life at the academy, Sophie?”

Kirrin asked while eating cake.

“Any inconveniences or suggestions?”

“Well, it’s been less than a week, so I’m not sure yet.”

“If you have any issues, speak to the assistants or professors. We’re doing our best to ensure you can study comfortably.”

“I will.”

“And if anyone gives you trouble because you’re a transfer student and former mercenary, you shouldn’t retaliate with violance…”

“I know, I know. You’re saying to resolve things with words or, if necessary, with a formal duel, right? Professor Dian already told me.”

“Dian did?”

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Kirrin’s ears perked up at the mention of Dian’s name. Hindrastra didn’t miss the reaction.

“Yes, Professor Dian called me aside and talked about various things.”

“I see… Dian has been taking care of things I overlooked….”

Kirrin blushed and smiled bashfully, lowering her head.

Oh, look at this…? Why is she reacting like this all of a sudden? Should I probe a bit more?

“What kind of person is Professor Dian?”

“A wonderful person….”

Kirrin replied dreamily, her eyes glazed over as if in a trance.

“Ever since Dian arrived, everything has changed… We have this commercial area where I can eat cake every day at lunch, and he brought in wild horses, saving the budget… The selection of special talent students was all based on Dian’s plan….”

“Oh, really?”

“The Combat Department returned to normal, and for the first time, the Princess praised me….”

What is she talking about now? What’s this about the Princess?

“I used to worry every night about getting ousted… but ever since Dian came, I no longer have nightmares and can sleep soundly until morning….”

A foolish smile appeared on Kirrin’s face.

“He’s really an amazing person.”

“Hmm… Dian is the savior of our academy and my life….”

Suddenly, Kirrin clammed up and stared at Hindrastra with wide eyes.

“Just pretend you didn’t hear that last part.”

“What did you say?”

“If you didn’t hear it, that’s fine.”

But Hindrastra had heard everything clearly and now understood that the Dark Elf harbored more than just a professional admiration for Dian.

Alright, got it….

“But I’m curious about something. Is there anything going on between Professor Dian and the first-year graduating class president?”

“Student Knightley? Why? I don’t know anything.”

“It’s just… the two of them seem really close. I heard they left the academy gate alone together earlier.”

“The academy gate?”

After thinking for a moment, Kirrin said.

“Knightley is a top student, so they might have been going for an advanced lesson. That happens sometimes.”

“Advanced lesson… I see….”

As Hindrastra trailed off, Kirrin asked.

“What is it? Is something wrong?”

“No, it’s just… I don’t know if I should say this… someone said… never mind.”


“Never mind! Thanks for the cake!”

Leaving a trail of curiosity, Hindrastra hurriedly left the cafe.

As she fled, she glanced back to see Kirrin clutching her ears in distress.

Heheheh. I was right. Heheheh.

That girl definitely has feelings for Dian, more than just admiration.

Seeing the tantalizing opportunity for creating trouble, Hindrastra quickly forgot her earlier worries about overstepping.



Just as Hindrastra was about to leave the commercial area, someone approached her suddenly.

It was Priestess Maya, dressed in a purple priest’s robe.

“What do you want? Do you have something to say to me?”

“I came to check if the bruises on your lower abdomen have completely healed.”

“Huh? They healed ages ago.”

Hindrastra lifted her top to show her smooth belly.

“I see. It’s a relief that you have fully recovered.”

Maya glanced at Hindrastra’s belly indifferently and opened a notebook.

“By the way, could you tell me more about the conversation you had with the headmaster? It seemed to involve Professor Dian and Student Knightley.”

“Why are you curious about that?”

“Student Knightley recently visited the infirmary with various abrasions. Understanding the cause of these injuries is essential for effective treatment.”

“Oh, really? In that case, I guess I should tell you.”

As Hindrastra began to spill the details, Maya diligently took notes in her notebook.

Her expression remained unreadable, giving no hint of what she was thinking.

# # # # # #

Meanwhile, Kirrin had abandoned her half-eaten cake and was rushing towards the academy gate.

Sophie’s words kept echoing in her mind, growing louder and more troubling, leaving her too agitated to leisurely enjoy her cake.

What on earth were the two doing together outside the gate?!

[Translator – Peptobismol]


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