The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter 40 – Trouble Instinct (1)

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 40 – Trouble Instinct (1)

From the day after her selection, Hindrasta was placed in the top graduating class, specifically the graduation class 1, where only the best-performing students are admitted.

This was the very class where Knightley Toulouse served as the class president.

This class was full of bright students and many noble children of good lineage, like Knightley. The question was whether Hindrasta, coming from a mercenary background, could fit in.

Predictably, Hindrasta caused trouble on the first day.

A few noble kids, knowing she was from the infamous Revlon Mercenary Corps, started to pick a fight. Hindrasta ended up beating them all and sending them to the infirmary.

I heard that all ten temporary beds on the infirmary’s first floor were filled. It was more surprising that ten students had dared to provoke the new student rather than Hindrasta causing the incident.

It seemed like the existing students needed character education more urgently than Hindrasta did.

At least Knightley wasn’t involved, which was fortunate.

I should discuss this with the class professor later.

No disciplinary committee was convened.

Hindrasta was a monumental first special student recruit, and although her fists flew first in response to the taunts, she was outnumbered ten to one, which was a highly unfavorable condition.

Ismera was vehemently opposed to resolving the matter through violence, but I saw it differently.

“Isn’t this proof that our selection criteria were accurate?”

Ismera looked at me as if to say, “You ignorant combat bastard.”

Still, we couldn’t just let it slide, and I needed to call Hindrasta in for a little lecture.

If she kept responding to problems like this, she might actually end up facing the disciplinary committee in the future.

“Hey, assistant. Go fetch Hin… I mean, Student Sophie. It’s time for a meeting.”

“I’ll bring her immediately, Head Professor!”

A moment later, Hindrasta swaggered into the professor’s office.

“What’s with that expression?”

“Just dealt with some arrogant human scums.”

“That’s why I called you. Sit down.”

When I pointed to the chair, a wary look crossed Hindrasta’s face.

“Let me make it clear; they started it. Do you know what they said? They asked if I was really a mercenary or if I was just a private prostitute for the mercenary group!!”

“I’m not deaf, so don’t shout. Calm down and sit.”

I pointed to the chair again, and with a resentful expression, Hindrasta plopped down, crossing her arms.

“Do you drink tea? Or would you like some cookies or pie?”

“I don’t want to spend a single second more with you, so just get to the point.”

“Got it. Then I’ll just eat this myself.”

When I pulled a cream cake wrapped in paper from the drawer I used for snacks, Hindrasta’s eyes followed it.

“What’s that?”

“I bought it from the dessert cafe in the academy’s commercial district. It’s really good. I was honestly worried you might want some.”

I cut a large piece of the cake with a fork and took a bite, and Hindrasta forced herself to look away.

“So, why did you call me?”

“I know that dragons look down on humans. But you can’t do that here.”

“I told you! They treated me like a whore!”

“Yes, I know. I’m not saying you were right or wrong about this incident. But continuing to use violence is going to be a problem.”

“So what am I supposed to do? If someone talks shit to me again, I should just let it go?”

“Use the system.”

Hindrasta tilted her head slightly at my words.

“Humans live in large groups and make social agreements. That’s the system. Here at the academy, we have a very fine system called dueling.”

“Dueling? You mean where two people fight to the death one-on-one?”

“Not to the death. You use practice swords and fight according to rules with a professor mediating.”

“This place has something like that? Isn’t this an academy where kids study? That’s barbaric.”

“It’s not just any academy. Anyway.”

I said, taking another forkful of cake.

“This time, we’ll overlook it since it was the first time. But if you keep beating people up without warning, you’ll face disciplinary action. Accumulate enough of those, and you’ll be expelled. I’ll leave it to your imagination what happens if you get expelled.”

“Ha, fuck…”

Hindrasta sighed and rubbed the back of her neck.

“Fine, fine. So, if something happens, I should challenge them to a duel? If that’s all you wanted to say, I’m leaving now.”

Hindrasta sprang up from the chair and turned to leave but paused to ask,

“That dessert, you got it from the cafe in the commercial district?”

“Yeah. Why? You want to try it too?”

Hindrasta didn’t respond to my question and just opened the door.

But instead of leaving, she stood there. What was she doing?

I then noticed that someone was blocking Hindrasta’s way.

Knightley Toulouse, with her luxurious blonde hair and proud golden eyes, was looking down at Hindrasta.


“You move.”

Hindrasta said, and Knightley coldly replied.

“If you don’t move, I’ll challenge you to a duel.”

She was already applying what she just learned.

Knightley smirked at Hindrasta’s threat.

“Seems like you’re feeling high and mighty after beating up some worthless scums, but I’m different.”

“You’re still just a human. I challenge you to…”

“Stop. Knightley, move aside.”

Anyway, Knightley wouldn’t stand a chance against Hindrasta, and on the subway, the person getting off goes first.

At my command, Knightley stepped aside with a face full of discontent.

As Hindrasta walked past Knightley, she deliberately bumped her shoulder hard against Knightley’s.

“That rude bitch…”

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Knightley watched Hindrasta’s retreating back with a glare before swaggering into the professor’s office with a haughty air.

“What do you want now?”

“Professor, what are you doing right now?”

Knightley asked, incredulous.

“Wasn’t today supposed to be for our private lesson?”

“Oh, that’s right. I forgot.”

“I waited at the practice ground for a long time, but you didn’t show up, so I came to find you.”

“Sorry, I was having a meeting with the special student. Let’s go.”

As we walked to the practice ground, Knightley asked.

“What were you talking about with that girl?”

“Nothing much. Just about the recent fight. I told her not to do it again.”

“She’s just an ignorant mercenary bitch.”

Knightley sneered, and I corrected her.

“Everyone knows the Revlon Mercenary group is uncouth, but calling her a mercenary whore is crossing the line.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“But your followers did. You should keep them in check.”

“Why should I manage those kinds of people?!”

Knightley retorted angrily.

“They’re just following me around because I’m a Duke’s daughter. They hope something will rub off on them.”

“So, they’re not your friends.”

“I have no intention of befriending lowly minor nobles.”

Knightley managed to ostracize herself from the entire academy. Impressive.

“By the way, how is Sophie doing? Has she made any friends?”

“Well, those beneath her seem to like her.”

Oh, this was unexpected.

“Tell me more. What do you mean they like her?”

Knightley explained that the same followers who called Hindrasta a whore were the academy’s bullies.

They targeted and tormented those with poor grades or insignificant backgrounds, but Hindrasta beat them all up and became a hero.

Essentially, the new student had demolished the bullies. Additionally, with her pretty face and great figure, everyone liked her.

“Though, it seems the special student has no intention of making friends.”

True to her dragon nature, Hindrasta would beat up those hostile to her and ignore those who approached her kindly.

“She probably won’t make a single friend until graduation.”

Knightley’s disdainful smile suggested she found Hindrasta’s isolation amusing.

Odd, considering she was in the same boat.

“Why are you so interested in the special student, Professor?”

“It’s only natural to be curious about how our first special recruit is adjusting.”

“Is that so? But you should be careful. From an outsider’s perspective, it might seem like an inappropriate interest.”

I burst out laughing at the absurdity.

“Surely, you’re not dumb enough to think I have some improper intentions toward her, right?”

“Not dumb, just keeping all possibilities in mind.”

“And this is the top student and the graduating class president. The future of our academy looks bleak.”

“What did you say?!”

I responded to Knightley’s glare with a laugh.

“By the way, Professor, haven’t we passed the practice ground?”

After walking for a while, Knightley stopped and looked around. We were near the eastern gate of the academy, leading to the forested outskirts of the capital.

“Weren’t we supposed to use the practice ground?”

“We’ll save that for class. Since this is a private lesson from the Head Combat Professor, we need a differentiated curriculum.”

“Wh-what are you planning to do this time…?”

Knightley stammered, suddenly afraid.

But I couldn’t tell her yet. If I did, she would surely run away.

It was only natural to run away if you knew you were going to hunt wild trolls.

# # # # #

“What are they doing…?”

Hindrasta watched from around the corner as Dian and Knightley walked out of the academy’s eastern gate side by side.

After leaving Dian’s office, Hindrasta had pretended to head toward the lecture hall but took a wide detour back to the front of the professor’s building and hid in the bushes.

Something about that blond human who stared her down seemed suspicious.

Hindrasta had often seen that haughty demeanor in noblewomen visiting mercenary offices. Could this human woman be Dian’s mistress?

But her outfit clearly indicated she was a student.

Even with Hindrasta’s limited experience in the human world, she knew it was abnormal for professors to marry students.

Moreover, she had learned that Dian was single and lived with a young girl who might be a slave or maid in the faculty housing.

A single professor secretly heading into the wooded outskirts with a female student…

And wasn’t Dian supposed to hold a special position where he didn’t directly teach students?

Why would he be taking her there…



Old habits die hard, and Hindrasta’s instinct to stir up trouble began to twitch.

[Note: See pinned comment for Chapter 40 illustration]

[Translator – Peptobismol]


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