The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter 22 – Ride Your Steed, Knightley (2)

Chapter 22 – Ride Your Steed, Knightley (2)

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 22 – Ride Your Steed, Knightley (2)

Upon confirming the positive response from the Palace, the academy began working on establishing the commercial district.

Initially hesitant about the proposal, Kirrin was surprisingly proactive this time.

“Because the Director of National Security gave us a good word for the first time.”

Holding the handwritten reply from the Second Princess, Kirrin’s face was flushed with excitement as she chattered away.

“This has never happened since I became headmaster. I’ve always been scolded in writing, and once I was even summoned to the Palace. I was so scared that I peed a little. Oh, that’s a secret!”

Kirrin quickly put a finger to her lips.

“Anyway, this is an opportunity. I’m going to create the best academy commercial district so that when the Director of National Security visits, she’ll be satisfied.”

“That’s great. I’m glad to hear it.”

“It’s all thanks to you.”

Suddenly, Kirrin grabbed my hand.

“Since you came, everything has changed, and we even received praise from the Director of National Security. So, stay by my side from now on… Ah?!”

In the middle of speaking, Kirrin abruptly let go of my hand, startled.

“I got too excited… Sorry.”

“Seeing you happy makes me happy too.”

“Uh, right…”

Kirrin, fidgeting with the hand that had held mine, eventually hung her head. Cute.

The first phase of our commercial district plan included a restaurant, a bakery, a salon, a general store, and a bathhouse.

I also suggested including a famous and high-end dessert cafe from the capital.

The same place that made the fresh cream pie I had quickly eaten alone after cutting short my meeting with Knightley.

It might seem redundant with the bakery, but this is a medieval fantasy setting.

Here, the bread from the bakery is more of a staple food rather than a snack. Thus, it’s not quite suitable as a treat.

Moreover, looking at our academy’s student ratio, half are female.

For girls of this age, chatting in a cafe with sweet desserts and drinks is a key part of their daily routine.

It’s not just the girls; boys enjoy sweets too.

The staff are in the same situation.

With no light-hearted places to chat, they often linger around the faculty offices or shady smoking areas behind the main building.

So, a dessert cafe is essential for the well-being of those residing at the academy.

I also want easy access to such desserts without constantly sending Olysia into the city canter.

Additionally, I proposed another idea to the headmaster and Ismera.

“You’re suggesting we create a practical training area for the Theoretical Department in the commercial district?”

Ismera asked, trying to maintain her composure.

“I heard that the Theoretical Department has a separate class specializing in accounting and commerce. We should bring those students in for practical training. They need to learn on-site, not just from books.”

Our academy is a Special Mission Academy, essentially a spy school.

However, we don’t train every student to become a spy.

The academy is an institution that trains ‘all-round civil servants’ desired by the Empire, which includes the unique combat curriculum not found in other general academies.

Thus, not all graduates will become undercover agents; some will become ordinary civil servants, while others will be dispatched as needed in various roles.

Some will end up in the treasury or accounting departments of major institutions in the capital.

Although rare, some might transition into the private sector instead of becoming civil servants, so they need to gain diverse experiences and practical skills beyond combat and theory.

Even those becoming undercover agents will sometimes need knowledge for tasks like embezzlement or infiltration jobs, so basic knowledge is essential.

Training students to be versatile will satisfy the Second Princess and maintain the current structure with me as a professor and Kirrin as the headmaster.

Maintaining this structure is best for Linus and me, which is why I interfere with other departments.

Ismera, with a forced smile, spoke up.

“As expected of the Head Professor of the Combat Department, you certainly have bold and creative ideas. (You idiot, why are you meddling in other departments?)”

“Our temperaments are different, the Combat Department being dynamic compared to the static Theoretical Department. (You narrow-minded prude, I’m giving you a good idea.)”

“We’ll discuss this positively with our professors. (No way, are you crazy? Turning students into merchants?)”

Meanwhile, Kirrin, who had been listening quietly, suddenly spoke up.

“I think that’s a really good idea! Let’s include it!”

“Eh? No, I mean… Uh… (This Dark Elf?!)”

Ismera hurriedly managed her expression in response to Kirrin’s unexpected reaction.

“Headmaster. (You fool) Of course, I also think Professor Dian’s idea is excellent. However, it requires various discussions, so why not proceed with caution? (We’re absolutely against it.)”

“Discussions? You mean approval from the Palace? (Look at this?)”

I interjected, and Ismera turned to me with a serene smile.

“If necessary. (Let’s not make this a big issue, okay?)”

“Don’t worry about that. If the Palace approved the commercial district, they wouldn’t oppose this either. (Are you still not getting the picture?) Let’s send a letter. Since the Head Professor of the Theoretical Department agrees too. (Should I also formally involve you in the proposal to the Palace?)”

Ismera kept silent, not responding further. That cunning elf.

“This is something the academy can handle at its discretion without troubling the Palace. (Let’s keep this amicable.) Let’s not unnecessarily stir things up in the Palace. (If you keep opposing, I’ll formally propose this to the Palace with your name included.)”

“On reflection, I find Professor Dian’s suggestion quite reasonable. (Ugh, damn it…)”

With Kirrin’s enthusiastic support and Ismera’s reluctant agreement, this too was approved.

Now, where to establish the commercial district was the next question, but I had that figured out too.

There were two four-story buildings facing each other across a road, situated between the central administrative buildings and the southern dormitories and staff residences.

They were conveniently connected to the western main gate, making it an ideal location for the commercial district.

Fortunately, Ismera didn’t launch any passive-aggressive comments about this.

With the positive response from the Palace and the headmaster’s approval, the academy administration swiftly contracted an interior design company and conducted site visits with city merchants.

As a result, nearly all the shops we wanted were confirmed. Construction began immediately that day.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

The sight of wagons loaded with construction materials and workers lined up to enter was quite a spectacle.

“Hey, Dian.”

As I watched with folded arms, a gruff voice called out from below.

Looking down, I saw Kazadar, the Dwarf Professor of Combat Department, looking up at me.

“What are you doing here instead of teaching?”

“Damn it, I can’t concentrate at all.”

Kazadar showed me his ten thick fingers, all bruised at the tips.

“What’s that? Did you dig a tunnel with your bare hands?”

“I was demonstrating during a practical and got distracted, hitting my fingers with the hammer repeatedly. I couldn’t help but watch the construction site outside the workshop.”

Kazadar grumbled, pointing at the busy construction site.

“Human construction techniques are so primitive it drives me crazy. They shouldn’t be doing it like that. Especially the bathhouse—it needs meticulous work!”

“So, what do you suggest?”

“Actually, I have a favor to ask.”

I knew what this Dwarf was going to say before he even said it.

“You want to join the construction team, don’t you?”

“What?! How did you know?!”

“What else would a Dwarf with a hammer in hand and drooling over the construction say?”

“You’re a sharp one!”

A professor frequenting the construction site during spare time might cause a ruckus in the real world, but it’s different if that professor is a Dwarf.

Dwarves are inherently skilled in mining, construction, design, and crafting. If Kazadar joins, we can drastically shorten the construction time.

He can’t miss his classes, but if he works during his free periods, I can authorize it without needing to report to the headmaster. There’s no reason to refuse.

“Alright. Just during your free periods.”

“Thanks, Dian! I was itching to get involved!”

Kazadar, excited, ran to the construction site on his short legs.

# # # # #

The rumor about a commercial district being built at the academy spread like wildfire.

Restaurants, general stores, bathhouses, salons, and even a branch of a famous dessert cafe from the city were coming in.

All thanks to Combat Head Professor Dian, who ‘risked dismissal by proposing a project that had nothing to do with the curriculum but solely aimed at student welfare.’

Until now, people had to use the low-quality shops run by academy employees or ride a carriage into the city.

Especially when students had limited freedom to leave, the prospect of a commercial district with a dessert cafe was a major transformation and a notable achievement.

Even students who complained about the tougher combat classes had to acknowledge this one.

Because of this, Dian’s popularity among students, and even faculty and staff, skyrocketed.

In reality, it was an internal project that the academy could handle on its own, and informing the Palace was just a PR move to show off their hard work.

But that’s not something the students would know. Anyway, without Dian, the commercial district wouldn’t have happened, so credit was due.

“I love Professor Dian.”

“He’s handsome, funny, and kind. How can he be so perfect?”

Students who were highly fond of Dian gathered whenever they could to talk about him.

Some even lingered around, hoping to run into him while he patrolled with a wooden sword slung over his shoulder.

There were even groups of students training after hours to impress him.

This also increased the students’ interest in Knightley.

Everyone already knew about the friendship between her father, Duke Toulouse, and Professor Dian.

“Senior Knightley, what kind of person is Professor Dian?”

Today, a few new students who didn’t know Knightley’s cold and prickly nature approached her with a barrage of questions.

“Have you known him since you were young? Do you know what he likes?”

“I don’t know, so get lost. If you ask again…”

“There’s Professor Dian!”

At that moment, someone shouted from afar, and the new students abandoned Knightley to rush towards the source of the shout.

“Listen to people when they’re talking!”

Knightley yelled angrily, but the new students had already lost interest in her.

“Professor Dian! Hello!”

“Oh, hey. What are you all doing here? Planning a rebellion or something?”

As Dian made a joking remark to the crowd of students swarming him, laughter erupted from all around.

“You’re so handsome! Please go out with me!”

“Should I? But you’ll have to wait until I get out of prison for luring a minor.”

More laughter ensued.

“Please watch my swordsmanship! I practiced it for you! Hyap hyap!”

“Wow, impressive. If this were a culinary school, you’d be top of the class.”

“Oh, you’re so funny!”

Watching the bustling scene around Dian, Knightley bit her lip unknowingly.

[Translator – Peptobismol]


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