The Response to my Drunken Proposal was Surprisingly Good

Chapter 67: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (7)

Chapter 67: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (7)

​✦  Chapter 67 – Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (7)  ✦

「Translator – Creator」

Inside the Imperial Palace, in the dining hall.

While dining itself wasn’t inherently special, it could become a memorable experience when shared with someone—like at this very moment.

“It’s nice to see you here. Last time it was in the carriage, right?”

Solana smiled warmly at me from across the table.

Sitting opposite me, gracefully handling her fork and knife, was none other than the Third Princess, Solana. We were in an opulent dining space reserved for private meetings with distinguished guests.

“Being able to share a meal with you is such a great happiness for me. I hope it’s a peacefall time for you as well.”

“Solana, it’s peaceful, not ‘peacefall’.”

“Peaceful, peaceful, peaceful… Ah, that’s right!”

Solana blushed and avoided my gaze. It was as if a sunflower were feeling shy.

“Anyway, the food is incredibly delicious. Almost too much.”

“I’m delighted to hear that.”

While often overshadowed by her status as the Saintess, Solana was also an exceptional cook.

From soup to salad, freshly baked bread, and juicy meat, the table was laden with a feast so extravagant that I worried it might collapse under the weight.

“By the way, Solana.”

At some point during the meal,

I broached the topic that had been on my mind the most.

And at the same time, the topic I was most worried about.

“…I heard the other princesses came today as well.”

“Ah, that was a lie.”

Solana daintily wiped her mouth with a napkin.

“If it wasn’t for such a lie, the other messengers wouldn’t have left. It wouldn’t do to have a crowd around a patient who needs rest, right?”

“So that’s what happened.”

Only then did I feel relieved.

Thinking of all the princesses gathering here… No, I cut off the thought halfway. Just the idea made me dizzy.

“Yes, I much prefer this too.”

Hearing that, Solana paused her hand movement, then smiled brightly, truly joyous.

“Fufu, is that so? It seems that you also enjoy spending time with just me.”

Although it was a slight misunderstanding, it wasn’t entirely wrong, so I didn’t bother correcting her.

The meal continued pleasantly.

Each bite was a delight. From the appetizer to the dessert, everything was meticulously planned by Solana, making each dish a pleasure to savor.

It was Solana who first broke the silence.

“So, Master, how’s life these days?”

“It’s been manageable. Much better than living idly day by day.”

“Is that so? I’m glad to hear you say that.”

Solana seemed somewhat relieved by my answer.

“In truth, I was worried because I unilaterally assigned you as the inspector. I got so frustrated that you hadn’t achieved wealth or fame that I just couldn’t stand it….”

“It all started with the letter I sent, didn’t it? There’s no need for you to blame yourself at all. If anything, I’m grateful.”


Solana averted her gaze from mine, but she seemed genuinely happy. We resumed our meal, and the conversation picked up again when we were having dessert.

“Speaking of which, Solana, a priest from the temple has been making several proposals to me.”

At this, Solana paused her eating for a moment, then slowly nodded; her movements were filled with a sense of regret.

“Yes, I sent him. After the accident during the last duel and out of concern for you….” She stifled a bitter smile, “I am such a headstrong woman. I placed you in the inspector’s role for your benefit, but now that I feel uneasy, I try to draw you back to the temple….”

“That’s understandable. Don’t worry too much about it.”

That was the best response I could manage at the moment.

Truth be told, I had already suspected as much. Solana had a tender heart since childhood, staying up all night worried whenever I returned injured from a mission. But now that same tender heart was conflicted with the idea that I should be known to the world. She must have been struggling with these thoughts. 

So telling her not to worry was the best thing I could say.

Suddenly Solana asked me,

“So, what do you think, Master?”

Her question made me pause, and I couldn’t help but meet her gaze. Her expression was incredibly serious.

“Between getting involved in various incidents and progressing as you are now, or living leisurely as you did before… which do you prefer? I can’t continue making decisions for you.”

“I prefer things as they are now,” I answered without hesitation. “I have no regrets. Even if I could turn back time, I’d still send that letter.”

Receiving Sun Elixir and rare elixirs from the Emperor, and being free to become famous, felt incredibly rewarding. Gaining health, surrounding myself with more people, and being able to focus on improving my abilities with peace of mind… It was all unfamiliar but certainly not bad.

“Master, you really don’t know the meaning of regret, do you?”

“…Well, I suppose not.”

Of course, I might revise the content of that proposal a bit.

And I wouldn’t send letters to all five of them….

“Now, I have a clear goal to strive for.”

“A goal…!”

Solana’s face flushed red at that moment.

“A-and by goal, you mean the part in your letter about that, right? It makes me a bit embarrassed.”

It seemed she thought my goal was solely about marriage.

​I cleared my throat awkwardly.

“Well, that’s part of it…”

“The woman you wrote to… you must like her a lot.”


I felt a sudden cold sweat break out.

A simple question, but for someone like me who sent letters to five different women, it was anything but simple. It felt like walking barefoot on a razor’s edge.

“You seem so deeply in love that you didn’t even hesitate despite the dangers. Your feelings for her come across as very profound.”


Was she hoping to hear that I liked her?

Or had she discovered that I sent letters to five different women?

…No, the answer was already clear. In any case, I couldn’t say I didn’t like her.

“Yes, it was a heartfelt letter.”

Solana nodded slowly; her expression turned so serious, it was now impossible to read her thoughts.

“I still learn a lot from you, Master. From your brief words, your small actions, countless little things.”

“There’s not much left for me to teach you.”

“That’s not true. Even now, there’s something I want to ask.”

Her eyes, bright as the sun, stared directly at me.

“When met with sincerity, one should respond with sincerity, right?”

“…That is right.”

I was somewhat afraid of what Solana might mean by sincerity, but she seemed to be thinking deeply about something. She slowly blinked her eyes and then drew a gentle smile.

“Thank you, Master. Prayers often go unanswered, but today I’ve received a response right away.”

“An answer? What answer?”

I still couldn’t grasp Solana’s intentions.

“Sincerity should be met with sincerity. Yes. Master, I know now what I should say.”

Did our conversation really contain something so profound? Solana now appeared like a sage who had found the answer, clasping her hands together respectfully.

“From now on, I will continue to support you, Master. And I am confident I can lend you my strength, whatever it may be.”

Solana stood up slowly.

She then leaned forward with her hands on the table, bringing her face very close to mine.

“But from now on…”

Before I knew it, our breaths were nearly mingling.

Our gazes met in mid-air. Then, with a smile slightly different from before—

“…Please distance yourself from all women except me.”

— she said, with a soft but determined voice.

• • • ₪ • • •

Had three days always felt this long?

The Second Princess, Hedera, pondered this frequently these days.

In the past, time would fly by as she was engrossed in her work, hardly noticing its passage. But now, the three days she awaited felt interminably long.

…She was eager to hear Ezekiel’s decision soon.

Hedera, who usually valued efficient use of time, found herself feeling quite the opposite today. She was unconsciously pacing in front of the temple’s infirmary.

Just then,

“I saw the Third Princess’s face! What a stroke of luck!”

The excited chatter of the priests reached Hedera’s ears, causing her to pause her steps.

“Seeing the face of the third princess is almost like carrying a good luck charm! What a fortunate morning!”

“Come to think of it, we’ve been seeing the princesses more often than usual. People who were hard to meet once a year are now frequently visiting the imperial palace. Why is that?”

Hedera unconsciously furrowed her brows.

The fact that Solana had shown up here in the morning was particularly bothersome. At the same time, she had a sudden intuition.

“Wait a moment.”

An intuition that Solana had secretly taken Ezekiel away

“…You two, come here.”

Hedera muttered in a chilling voice.


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