The Response to my Drunken Proposal was Surprisingly Good

Chapter 60: Sun Elixir (Conclusion)

Chapter 60: Sun Elixir (Conclusion)

✦  Chapter 60 – Sun Elixir (Conclusion)  ✦

「Translator – Creator」

The woman resembled a wolf from the snowy wilderness; her towering stature, capable of intimidating most grown men, spoke volumes of her spirit. Her eyes, seemingly forged from pure gold, gleamed with a golden light.

The Empire’s First Princess, Ether.

Ether silently gazed at the figure on the throne.

Even in the audience chamber, where most would tremble before the feared Emperor, Ether showed no sign of intimidation. Instead, her expression suggested she had much to say.

“First Princess, I’m certain I taught you manners.”

The reply came swiftly.

“Manners. Of course, I’ve learned those too.”

The First Princess slightly raised her chin.

“That’s why I know exactly to whom manners should be extended. There’s no need for courtesy towards a fraud.”

A chalice suspended in mid-air quietly rippled.

Who would dare address the Emperor in such a manner?


Yet the Emperor seemed pleased, chuckling as if enjoying this side of the First Princess.

“So, what brings you here? Come to show some filial piety after so long? I wouldn’t mind that.”

“I wonder what would constitute filial piety. Perhaps ending your tedious existence? Would that be considered filial?”

Ether smiled as she gazed at the throne.

Perhaps, the Emperor also seemed to smile as he looked at Ether.

“Still as unyielding as ever. Now, get to the point.”

“Your Majesty the Emperor, I have a warning for you.”

“A warning?”

The floating chalice tilted even more. The Emperor appeared intrigued, “I’ve never received a warning before.”

“How curious. I’ve never seen anyone disregard my warnings either.”

The Emperor laughed softly.

“First Princess, you’ve grown a lot since I last saw you. Go ahead, speak your mind. I’m listening.”

Ether spoke with unwavering confidence.

“The Emperor must not interfere with my Master.”


The rippling chalice in the air momentarily stilled.

A brief silence fell. It was unprecedented for the First Princess to speak on behalf of another.


“Yes, my Master.”

The liquid from the chalice flowed into the air.

“So, the First Princess…” The Emperor continued slowly, “Makes an unannounced visit to the Emperor’s audience chamber, only to issue a warning about not touching her Master?”

“You understand correctly. Now, see that you heed it.”

“First Princess, your childhood days are long past. Surely you’re not here to jest with me…”

At the same time, an indescribable force began to emanate from the Emperor’s throne; the entire audience chamber seemed to warp, as if a heat haze was rising.

However, Ether stood her ground, emanating her own aura.

Rumble rumble rumble─

The entire space began to shake violently.

— What, what’s happening!

— The whole ground is shaking!

The commotion wasn’t confined to the audience chamber; panicked voices could be heard from outside.

— Everything! Everything is collapsing!

— Aaaargh!

Just as it seemed the people outside might be seriously injured…


Surprisingly, the Emperor was the first to withdraw his power.

“I wonder why the First Princess would issue such a warning. Let’s hear it.”

Ether snorted.

“I speak not as the First Princess, but as Ether. If you persecute my Master again, you’ll have to face me after I’ve cast aside all my titles.”

“First Princess, are you confident you can win?”

“I’m not a coward who only fights battles I’m sure to win. It just happens that I’ve won every fight I’ve engaged in. But I never enter a fight with the mindset of defeat. That’s who I am.”


The Emperor chuckled softly.

“The First Princess, hailed as the Goddess of War and the Queen of all Cures, is willing to face death for a mere man? Have you lost your mind, or have I underestimated you?”

“Both are incorrect.”


“You lied to me. Didn’t you say you had found a better match than my Master, a worthy opponent?”

Ether grasped a beam of light and aimed it at the throne.

“Your lie. That’s why I’m here today.”

“That can’t be. I’ve never told a lie.”

An apple thrown into the air vanished with a crisp sound.

“I transformed an idle man from the countryside into a respectable Inspector. Isn’t the current Master a far better match than before?”

“To think the Emperor of this empire indulges in such wordplay. It’s deplorable.”

Ether created a bow and nocked the light beam.

“Emperor, hand over the Sun Elixir.”


The Emperor looked at Ether with an enigmatic expression; though faceless, the impression was undeniable.

“So, because I essentially deceived the First Princess, you demand the Sun Elixir as compensation? Is that it?”

“Your comprehension is quick indeed. Then, is it stubbornness that prevents you from acting despite understanding?”

“Interesting. Truly interesting. For none other than you to demand the empire’s most precious Sun Elixir from me, the First Princess has finally lost all fear.”

A moment of silence followed these words.

Ether quietly drew the bowstring taut.

How much time passed after that?

Just as Ether’s fingertips were about to release the bowstring…

“I will bestow the Sun Elixir upon Ezekiel.”

Confusion spread across Ether’s face.

Unlike before, Ether now knew how precious the Sun Elixir was. And as far as she knew, the Emperor was not one to give it away frivolously.

She hadn’t expected it to be surrendered so easily.

The First Princess looked at the Emperor with a puzzled expression, but the Emperor merely swirled the chalice nonchalantly.

“First Princess, don’t misunderstand. The Sun Elixir isn’t being given due to your demand.”

“What do you mean? Explain.”

“I’ve already made a deal with Ezekiel. The condition was to purchase the portrait with Sun Elixir. In other words…”

The Emperor’s teeth appeared in the air; a grinning set of white teeth.

“This isn’t in compliance with your warning not to touch Ezekiel, so I will continue to interfere countless times in the future. Don’t misunderstand.”

“You’ve finally lost your mind.”

The next moment.


Ether’s spear exploded at the throne.

No, as it was about to explode, space itself distorted.


The warped space, like a vortex, swallowed the spear.

The Emperor, chuckling softly, began descending the stairs connected to the throne. His long, ornate robe dragged on the floor.

“First Princess, what I’m about to say is crucial. Shall we discuss it over some fruit?”

“Emperor, I ordered you not to touch Ezekiel.”

“Hm… Listen to me first.”

At the same time, an apple thrown into the air disappeared with a crunch.

“As someone at the forefront of battling monsters, you must already know. The movements in the demon realm are unsettling. It’s clear that a tremendous calamity will soon engulf the entire continent.”


“Does the First Princess know this flower?”

The Emperor abruptly presented a flower.

Though it appeared withered, it contained more mana than any other flower. Ether was very familiar with this unique bloom.


“Yes, in the distant past, there was a boy who survived to the end in the Palace of Penance. I named this flower after that tiny human weapon. Because they resembled each other.”

The Ezekiella flower was placed in the floating chalice.


Instantly, it crumbled into powder and settled at the bottom.​

“It’s not only rare but also incredibly difficult to cultivate. You must give it precisely one drop of water just before it’s about to die. Otherwise, it perishes.”


“But if nurtured properly, the results are astounding. A single bloom contains as much mana as an entire mountain.”


“It’s not just ‘and’.”

The long robe swirled as the Emperor turned, slowly ascending the stairs back to the throne.

“With the demon realm in such an unsettling state, the continent needs a weapon. Ezekiel is a human who must be cultivated through such painful means. There’s a prescribed method for his use.”

“Emperor, you truly…”

“Emperor, well said. Why do you think I’m the Emperor?”

The robe settled once more on the throne at the top.

“Because I’m the strongest? No, that’s not it.”


“Because I care for the continent the most. With the demon realm in turmoil, Ezekiel is the continent’s hope. Thus, I must raise him using the appropriate method.”


Ether remained silent for a moment.

She seemed at a loss for words.

All this torment, all this suffering inflicted on Ezekiel, justified as being for his own good and for the sake of the continent. Pushing him to the brink of death, making him endure pain, torturing him with hope, letting him taste despair.


Ether let out a bitter laugh.

“Hahaha! Hahahaha!”

The chuckle soon turned into uproarious laughter.

Ether looked at the throne, beaming.

“Emperor, I finally understand your intention.”

“Indeed. You’ve at last grasped my profound purpose.”

Another chalice was tossed towards Ether.

It was filled with apple wine.

“Let’s have a drink to commemorate the First Princess’s enlightenment today. You won’t be throwing any more tantrums from now on, will you?”

Ether nodded readily.

“Correct. I have gained enlightenment today.”

However, the next moment.

The movements of the two chalices diverged.

While the Emperor’s chalice merely tilted, Ether’s was hurled forcefully to the ground.



The Emperor seemed to be looking at the spilled apple wine on the floor.

“First Princess, what are you doing?”

“The continent’s peace is your concern. Peace, justice… Did you think I became strong for such trivial matters?”


“Emperor, I think it’s time I got married.” Ether snorted loudly, “I, whom you’ve raised most preciously, will marry the man you’ve cultivated most harshly. Could there be a more fitting retribution in this world?”

“…You, what are you…”

“Silence. If you want to stop me, kill me now.”

Ether turned without hesitation.

As her foot stepped outside the audience chamber and the massive doors began to close silently, the First Princess paused.

“Ah, one last thing.”


With her back turned, Ether slowly raised one hand.

And slowly.

Very slowly.


She folded all her fingers except the middle one.

Until the moment the door was completely closed.


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