The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 83: Shades of the Past

Chapter 83: Shades of the Past

Spell mana proves much more difficult than normal mana to solidify; the increased intensity of spell mana makes it a lot more slippery, having the energy needed to escape the valleys of the MM force, and causes the structure to fall apart easily. Trying to get the particles close enough to stabilize is also incredibly hard to do as it's too easy to overdo it, creating an imperfect structure, or worse, fusing the spell mana. In short, actually forging spell mana for longer than a few minutes is way out of my practical capabilities, takes too long to be of any use in combat, and takes far too much mana to do, but I do manage to get a few new breakthroughs from it.

Fused spell mana is incredibly unstable and will often tear itself apart. There is simply too much energy in the mana particles; the fused particles violently undergo fission back into separate mana, often contaminating any forged spell structure that it may be part of. Fused spell mana is even harder to control than simple unfused spell mana as part of a structure like a sword and it only lasts for a few seconds at best, not nearly long enough to form a usable spell out of it. Still, if I could, I would be able to cast much more powerful spells.

As I predicted, liquid mana is indeed a point at which fused mana particles become large enough that the MM force is mostly irrelevant. I start by first adding mana a little bit at a time, fusing each particle until I get the breakthrough notification. I don't know what the practical uses of liquid mana are, except for a way to transport vast amounts of mana.

One curious thing, however, is that since it normally doesn't interact with the MM force, it will simply flow straight through mana-based structures such as my mana woven clothes. However, if one can manipulate the MM force, they can make the force so strong it can hold the liquid mana. Mundane matter can hold the liquid for some time before the liquid mana leaks through; however, since liquid mana has a hard time moving through physical matter, interlacing an opposite mana can create a container capable of holding the liquid mana.

There is another method to store liquid mana: spatial spells and enchanted containers that can manipulate space. By making a special container curve back onto itself, the liquid mana cannot escape.

If I am to be honest, it would have taken me a lot longer to think of some of the breakthroughs Kayafe told me, so her advice has been invaluable.

As I walk back home, I look at my gained breakthroughs.

Ting! Mana Manipulation has met the requirements for a breakthrough and will continue leveling past level 440!

40th Breakthrough: You've managed to solidify spell mana; this will help you forge spells into weapons.

41stBreakthrough: You've managed to fuse spell mana; this will help you cast much more powerful spells.

42nd Breakthrough: You've managed to make liquid mana; this will help you create this strange substance.

43rd Breakthrough: You've managed to make liquid elemental mana; this will help you create this strange substance.

44th Breakthrough: You've managed to make liquid essence; this will help you create this strange substance.

Ting! Mana Manipulation has obtained levels 342-397!

A part of me wonders if I should be doing this... but [Inquisitive Perfection] is telling me that the only way I have to gain more knowledge on cursed skills is to take one to a high level. Is it risky? Well, two ancient beings only warned me not to take classes and evolutions, they didn't say that just leveling the skill was dangerous outside of the side effects. I even asked the Guardian if it was safe to level the skill, and she said that the risk was low, so I have to assume that it is mostly safe.

Regardless, this is the only way to save Kayafe, and who knows? I may need the power later. It's already gotten me out of several bad situations and it's allowed me to save others numerous times.

Do I regret leveling this skill? No. It's caused me a lot of worries, yes, but if I had to do it all again to save my family and people again, then I would not hesitate.

I focus on the area in front of me and push away all of the mana – as much as I can, anyway. A pressure less than that in the dungeon forms in my attempt to force a mana vacuum.

Almost; I just need to level [Mana Manipulation] a little bit more to get my breakthroughs in [Sense Mana].

What will happen for my next race evolution if I manage to empower my skill? It doesn't matter, I won't even look at any potential prospects until I cure [Mana Manipulation] of its curse, and for that, I should seek out the dwarves and elves... but in order to do that, I need to make an airship to ferry us to other lands.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Kanato hammers away at the solid metal, its shape slowly taking form as that of a dagger. It's made of fire mana, and Kanato had to use fire saturated metal for the handle; inserting the tang into the handle results in the MM force holding the two pieces together like glue. In addition, the heat from the tang will cause the metal to expand and lock it in place more securely than any adhesive. All that is left to do is to finally wrap the handle with earth leather from a Felin pelt.

This has been months of practice and work, and now Kanato lays her eyes on a blade of pure fire mana. The air around the blade burns and shimmers with intense heat. The blade will pose a great hazard if left out of its sheath, which is made of ice-saturated metal to keep the blade from burning anything.

Ting! Your class, Apprentice Manasmith, has obtained level 200! 15 status points awarded.

Finally! Finally, Kanato has reached level two hundred, and the next evolution options look great. From Warsmith, which specializes in making weapons and armor, to Jewel Smith that incorporates her gem cutting skill to make highly enchantable things. But the only one Kanato would think of getting is...

Ting! Apprentice Manasmith (Adept) has evolved into Manaforging Gemsmith (Major)!

[Smithing] has evolved into [Mana Smithing], a skill capable of hammering mana together to form solid mana, exactly what Kanato needed. [Temperature Control] evolved into [Control Mana], a lesser, specialized form of [Manipulate Mana], and [Precise Strike] evolved into [Mana Strike].

One day, the prospect of making another Likeness of Myrou will become tangible, but for now, one step must be taken at a time. First is to forge mana, then to perfect it, and to further improve [Sense Mana], then Kanato can study the Likeness.

Feyan walks into the room, wearing a worried look. "Aly is practicing her cursed skill again."

Kanato nods. They've talked about this before and come to the conclusion that they should let Alysara do what she thinks is best. As much as it pains them to watch their little girl continue doing self-destructive things, they don't know much about cursed skills; the only thing they can do is watch over her with their [Sense Mana]. Of course, they tried to learn more about cursed skills, even asking the Guardian while Alysara was in the dungeon.

"She knows the risks and knows what to avoid; little damage will come to her while she is on her current path. Encourage her growth in her Bond, and she'll have options open to her," was the Guardian's reply. They would have discouraged Alysara from going into the dungeon if not for that.

"She's a smart girl; maybe she's already figured it out or something." Kanato hugs Feyan and purrs to calm her.

"I know, I just... I just can't help but imagine the worst! She's too young..." Feyan’s voice cracks as she tries to hold back her tears.

"I know, but is she really young? She's mature far beyond her age; it's as if she's an old soul in a young body." Kanato strokes Feyan’s head and ears.

"It doesn't matter! She's our little girl, our little Aly." Feyan shakes her head.

"She's blessed by Myrou, and the Guardian favors her. They won't let anything bad happen to her. Just have faith in them; everything will turn out fine," Kanato reassures her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Papuyo arrives at the excavation site. Everyone is praying, some even begging Myrou for mercy.

"What's the problem?" Papuyo asks Thyka, the leader of the ongoing excavation.

"They won't go back down there, they’re saying that the place is haunted by the souls of the past. I admit that it's grown a lot worse, it is very... unsettling to be down there. Most are refusing to even enter the waters near the ruins; some are saying to bury the place again and leave it be." Thyka says, fear clearly showing in her trembling fingers and tail.

This is bad news. They've gained so much knowledge from the books brought back. Art and crafts from ages long past have been recovered; they can't just stop now.

"I will show the workers that there is nothing to fear," Papuyo declares and turns to the praying masses.

"Have faith! Only those dedicated to Myrou can bring back the arts from this long-gone age! This is a test from Myrou, a test of our dedication to creation and beauty! But I will not ask of you what I will not do myself! I will go down there in your stead. I will prove to you that faith will lead us to prosperity!" Papuyo finishes her short speech, looks everyone in the eye, and without hesitation dives into the water.

Papuyo swims down the tower ruins, finding herself in a giant hall with depictions of Grand Priestess Shara on the walls and ceiling. Just like last time, Papuyo has an unsettling feeling; only this time it is much stronger. A chill is sent down her spine, and she has a feeling of being watched, surrounded.

This matters not; Papuyo has faith. She looks around, swimming through several houses in search of lost knowledge and crafts. Many books taken from the cathedral have several references to the heart she took last time she was here. Many assume that if it is made whole again, it'll bring Shara back, but Papuyo knows better; it is simply a monster material. The Guardian slew the cursed being that Shara became but mentioned an ‘Angel Fragment’, which the heart does not identify as.

The other pieces of her heart will have to be found, but not for the same reasons as her ancestors; rather, Papuyo will use them to do research into making true angels, not cursed beings. Shara's sacrifice will lead to her dream being realized at last.

Papuyo swims into an unexplored house, finding several books and putting them into her storage ring; they'll have to be dried. Still, the magic in them is preventing the water from permanently damaging them. Papuyo then takes the painting from the walls, portraits of her ancestors that she will now allow to be forgotten.

A shadow moves in the corner of Papuyo's vision; she snaps her head in that direction but doesn't see anything. However, the ominous sensation she's feeling flares up, screaming at her to run, to flee, and never come back.

Papuyo swims back to the cathedral in a blind panic and swims up the excavated tower as fast as she can, her heart thundering in her ears like a drum’s beat, at a lightning pace. It isn't until she is out of the tower that the ominous feelings fade away. Papuyo looks back at the tower, and her heart nearly freezes. Something is standing in the hole they use to enter the top of the tower, a shaded figure like a shadow made manifest, with eyes of blackest void and a mouth that is just a line curved in a sadistic grin.

The thing has no mana, like an apparition, a mere hallucination. The shadow fades after an eerily long few moments, the eyes and grin being the last to disappear. Papuyo, released from its gaze, shudders and swims back onto the boats.

"I-I have returned! A-and I have brought back arts and knowledge of our ancestors." Papuyo stammers a little and regains her composure, summoning the items out of her storage ring as proof. "What you may have seen is just a mere apparition; it has no mana, no soul, a simple trick of the mind." Papuyo declares.

Many people breathe a sigh of relief, more begin praying with increased fervor.

"You look very pale. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Thyka asks, doubt clear on her face.

"Of course. It had no mana signature, so it can't have been real," Papuyo answers with a reassuring smile.


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