The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 81: The dragon's revelation.

Chapter 81: The dragon's revelation.

I walk down from the temple but, instead of heading home, I walk the stone path to the Guardian; my yearly meeting should be coming up anyway. I see the slumbering Dragon long before I arrive, my perceptive range extending quite far now. As I near, the Dragon stirs and raises her head, checking herself before puffing out her chest in a prideful manner and slightly shifting her wings to make herself appear more majestic.

It’s probably best to pretend I saw nothing.

"Greetings. Your dungeon exploits have been fruitful, I see," the Guardian says, with a royal presence, when I arrive.

"It has." I bow respectfully. The Guardian may have her reasons for doing what she did, and I don't hate her for it. In fact, she is right when she says that tyranny is the rule, not the exception, so in a way, I am grateful for being born in peaceful times.

"You have trained your skill to great heights; you are almost ready for something greater."

I nod. "A legendary point, right? I talked with Kayafe about it." Now that I know what to look at, all of the Dragon's skills are enhanced. I thought it was just because she was so powerful, and she didn't have an unenhanced skill for me to compare against. The more I learn about the Guardian, the more I learn just how powerful she really is. It's like seeing an iceberg. You see a large mountain of ice, but the greater part lies beneath the water.

"...You did?” She sounds surprised. “I knew her soul was in the Mana Arc, but I did not think communication was possible. Not that I could have done so anyway, I am not a caster nor a mind mage. It is good that it has been explained to you, though. Tell me, what new secrets have you learned of mana?"

I tell Safyr everything new I learned about mana. She has done nothing but help me, help the Runalymo, and even though she may have flooded the place, the Water Elemental would have killed everyone and probably flooded everything anyway.

"Intriguing, and you have implemented your new discoveries to create a powerful magical item, proof of your newfound knowledge. You will discover that magic always rewards achievements and, as long as you never intend to control it, it will react to your desires, provided you meet previous requirements." Safyr says, complimenting my Diadem.

"Guardian, after the Water Elemental, did you flood the lands? If so, why?" I ask, hoping she won't be too offended. Instead, the great being takes a few moments of silence.

"While I do enjoy the peace, and I most certainly took advantage of that, the primary reason was to bury the ruins. You see, no matter the warnings, someone will disturb that which rests below. By covering them under a sea, I hoped to make it too difficult to dig into the ruins, or to accidentally find them." The Guardian pauses so I can take her words in; she is back to her teacher mode.

"Ruins are great places to find treasure, especially magic items, but the risk is too great. A ruin born from disaster contains a miasma of terror, regret, resentment, hate, and anger. This miasma, if disturbed, will give birth to cursed beings, and they are usually powerful. The more death and destruction, and the stronger the feelings, the more powerful a cursed being will arise from it. Believe me when I say that they are worse than Elementals, even if they’re usually weaker." Again the Dragon pauses while I think over her words.

So in order to protect us, Safyr flooded the lands so no one would awaken cursed beings, even by accident. In a way, it makes sense. In search of resources, the ruins will eventually be uncovered and terrors will be awoken, but if it’s underwater most will simply ride a boat above it, completely unaware of the danger that lies below.

"In addition, such cursed beings, like wraiths – or worse, revenants and shades – often grow the more death they cause, and tend to curse the lands to create more suffering. Literal blood rain to create fear, plagues of locusts to starve people, sicknesses that rot people alive. One should never disturb the dead; even grave robbery can lead to the creation of cursed beings such as zombies and skeletons." The Guardian says with a warning tone.

"Basically, if strong emotions or sentiments are involved, then there's a higher chance of cursed beings being born?" I ask.

"Yes. Remember, cursed beings are born from magic, and magic works with achievements, such as when rare conditions are just right. The same process that grants classes and evolutions is what creates magic items, and it also creates cursed beings. There's just one difference, and that is a lack of a magical framework; a guide, a structure that makes the application of magic safe." The Guardian explains.

"Hang on, if classes and magic items are made the same way as cursed beings, then what about cursed skills? And how does cannibalism create cursed beings if that's the case, then?" I ask. I thought the Guardian didn't know how cursed skills are gained.

"That's different. You see, skills are part of a magical framework, a piece of the structure. If there's no framework, then there are no skills; therefore, cursed skills cannot be made the same way as normal skills since we have a magical framework for those. Instead they have to be obtained in a way that bypasses the framework. As for cannibalism, it is likely a mix of magical effects as well as spell-like effects, which would explain why most cannibals are usually the weakest of cursed beings."

This mystery will still need to be investigated but for now I should ask other questions before Safyr gets tired of talking.

"At what level do you need your Bond to unlock another class?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Once the mana you are bonded to answers to your whims," the Guardian cryptically answers. "You will understand what that means when you reach level five hundred in your Bond. Now you may go. You have given me much to ponder." Safyr rests her head between her paws as I bow and leave.

Once the mana I am bonded with answers to my whims, I repeat in my head. What does the level in my Bond really mean? And why does it not have a limit?

I go back home thinking about everything I learned. If skills are part of a magical framework, then that means cursed skills are not. Cursed skills don't have the same protections and are subject to random influence; just like how I cannot control how magic is applied to items – my sisters' Kyhosa transforming significantly when becoming a magic item is an example – gaining a cursed skill will likely include something unexpected due to not being part of a framework.

Because I knew so much about mana when trying to control it originally, it was an achievement, plus the desire for improvement and strength could have factored into the creation of my cursed skill. So why does bringing the skill into the magical framework destroy the soul and create cursed beings? Is it because the skill is not compatible with the framework? If so, then building a framework around the cursed skill that safely attaches it to the currently existing one like an adaptor may work. Or perhaps... if classes can evolve and change, and skills can evolve and improve, then evolving the skill may make it compatible with the current framework. [Inquisitive Perfection] points me even further down this logic, only slightly nudging me onto a similar idea. It doesn't have anything else to go off of, meaning that it doesn't strongly agree but only agrees due to not having any other explanations, a sort of shoulder shrug and a ’that seems to add up’.

It's a risky idea; if I'm wrong, it could be disastrous. But, if I'm right, then that is how a cursed skill might be able to be purified: enhancing the skill, evolving it into the correct version that it was supposed to be. I'll want to talk with both the Guardian and Kayafe about this idea, but I've already talked with them today. Perhaps next week I will ask them.

The next day I tell Esofy what Kayafe had told me about getting a second class.

"So I need to reach the level cap in my skill? It shouldn't be too hard, then. I am already close with the skill I want, just a few more weeks of training it should get me there," Esofy says. "I'm going to try and get the second class first and then use my free skill slots to get a skill to help my freedom of movement."

"I need to work on a few skills of my own," Chyzu says, looking determined.

Hopefully, we can get much stronger with more classes. I, too, should work on my skills; I am far behind with only seven hundred sixteen general skill levels. My cursed skills aren't counting, and even if they did, I don't have my skill levels capped yet. Continuing this train of thought, I consider what I need to reach the current maximum level in my general skills.

With my new levels of [Sense Mana], I should finally be able to tell apart colors based on light mana saturation to get the last few levels of my ‘eye for fashion’, capping my [Tailoring] skill. [Twin Minds], [Mental Fortitude], and [Clear Minds] will all need me to seek out a mind mage in the dungeon and do resistance training with them. The mimics often had some sort of mind-affecting effect, so that's a start.

[Acting] and [Graceful Movements] are both skills I can work on while training with Esofy and Chyzu; I might want to get Uloru and Kadona in on the training as well, Tana too if possible. [Musician] I'll train with Chofel and the others at the Lojyo; I’ll max it out just given enough time, which I should have given that the Lojyo happens at the end of every single day. [Sense Soul] I can work on throughout all other training, and [Persistent State] I can easily work on with [Graceful Movements] and [Acting].

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tato walks in front of the gathered Kheshamo fighters, both mages, and warriors. "Sisters, daughters of Myrou, some of you have seen the strife in the dungeon, some of you have lost friends and family in there. Some of you are just put off by the dry and cold atmosphere in there. Regardless of the reasons, we all must recognise that it is an evil place, a place of death.

Anyone who wishes to deny such an evil place, anyone who wishes to prevent others from going in there and dying, please consider joining the Order of Myrou. We are warriors dedicated to protecting our people from such evil. We will help others reach Myrou and guide those lost in their ways. We will bridge the savage and bloody ways of the Kheshamo and develop an art of martial combat, a true martial art." Tato looks each warrior in the eyes.

"First, we must—" Before Tato can continue, the doors to the dojo burst open, and in the archway stands Elder Mara. She has a huge battle-axe in hand, the blade masterfully crafted and well-decorated, with green metal forming vines that seem to sprout from a metallic bamboo handle. Tato, along with more than a few others if the expressions of some are anything to go by, suddenly remembers that the physically imposing elder is a former Kheshamo fighter herself.

"Tato,” Elder Mara almost growls, “I am disappointed that you would turn your back on our ways. That fucking priestess is not right in the head and not only is she trying to grab as much power as she can, but she is actively trying to destroy our way of life. If you truly support her to the point where you’re willing to try spreading her nonsense in this manner, then you have no place in this village!"

Murmurs erupt from the fighters. It's a rare occurrence that someone is exiled from the village; it hasn't happened in over a hundred years.

"You weren't there in the dungeon!" Tato retorts angrily.

"And I don't give a shit about it either! I am an Elder, my top priority is this village, and I know that priestess is no fucking good! If the other Elders weren't such pansies, she'd be fucking gone already!" Mara swings her axe down to the side. "So, are you going to leave? Or will you stop this nonsense?"

"Look around you, Elder! Don't you see the children? Can't you see the lack of faith in our goddess?!" Tato shouts and grits her teeth in frustration.

"You see degeneracy where there is none, but worse you impress your own failings onto others, the last time you made a dedication to Myrou was eight years ago, Tato. Eight. Fucking. Years!” Mara isn’t shouting anymore, but the intensity in her quieter tone is even more forceful than before. “And now, you want to preach how we are lacking in faith? You are a hypocrite; go back to the other hypocrites if you care that much, but you are not welcome here anymore!"

Tato clenches her fist but turns and walks out a side door, making her way to her home to pack her things. She hadn't managed to recruit any fighters for the order either.

I am doing this for Myrou! This is my dedication! Tato doesn't need any other reason. Her servitude will be her undying devotion to the goddess to make up for the years of her lacking faith.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I am awakened not by the twins but by Dad, who is sitting on my bed and smiling warmly at me. Of course, half my minds are far from slumbering: one is working on spell crystals, one is practicing [Musician], and the last is engaging in combat against a Domr at around level ninety to practice [Graceful Movements], [Acting], and [Persistent State]. The clone body has little resistance from the water around it, much to the frustration of the angered Domr.

"Alysara, It's been a crazy year, but we need to talk.” Dad’s tone is serious, but not worried, so I relax slightly. “Your Diadem and spear are proof that you've mastered your craft, so now you need to start thinking about making a dedication to Myrou. It shows her our faith, and it shows everyone in the community our mastery of our chosen arts and crafts, so it helps bring us all together as well."

I think about it for a minute. With all the craziness, especially coming from the priestesses, showing some faith will help mitigate any potential problems coming from them. I know Mom and Dad both make a dedication every year, as do most people. Normally someone's first dedication is when they are around thirteen to fifteen, but really it depends on their skill in their art or craft.

So, what kind of dedication should I make? I could make a statue of Myrou, not a Likeness but one of the normal ones, a featureless one that has a projection attached to it... or I could make a dress. Yeah, let's make a dress fit for a goddess, to hopefully cap my [Tailoring] skill.

"Alright, I think I know what to do!" I say, giving Dad a smile and getting one in return


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