The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 40: The Fairy Summoner

Chapter 40: The Fairy Summoner

Ting! You have obtained the class: Fairy Summoner!

Fairy Summoner: Level 0 (Adept)

All summon based magic is increased by 125%

All Fairy Summoner Class skills are empowered by 100%

Ting! New active skill available, Fairy Empowerment! Would you like to accept this skill?

Fairy Empowerment: For 5 mana for every fairy you can increase their intensity by 2% per level.

Interesting. I don't have any cursed skills that are purely combat based so this skill looked odd at first, mentioning mana costs and intensity increases. Getting it through the class may also be different. Perhaps this is why cursed skills are improper? Does a combat-based cursed skill mention these things?

Ting! New active skill available, Beauty Mark! Would you like to accept this skill?

Beauty Mark: For 20 mana you can mark someone and have your fairies be able to target them 3% per level farther than normal.

I actually never explored the range on my fairies, but it's nice that I can now go beyond that.

Ting! New passive skill available, Summoner's Expertise! Would you like to accept this skill?

Summoner's Expertise: Increases the maximum amount of summons you can control by 2% per level.

Summons, not just fairies. I'll have to test this out with my clone. It kind of makes sense though, right now I can have either my familiar or my clone, not both. So that indicates my clones belong to the summoning school of magic.

Ting! New passive skill available, Summoner's Core! Would you like to accept this skill?

Summoner's Core: Increases your mana production by 2% per level.

How the hell would I be able to get breakthroughs in this?! I'll still take it, increased mana generation is always good.

Ting! New passive skill available, Fairy Commander! Would you like to accept this skill?

Fairy Commander: Increases the number of instructions you can give your fairies by 2% per level.

So, more complicated instructions? Will I eventually be able to give them "If this", "else that" kind of commands? That'd be really useful.

That's all, huh, just five skills for now. Well, At least it'll help me focus on leveling up the skills and getting breakthroughs. I am level zero in my class because that's my current max level since I have no skill levels. Interestingly, I can't just start grinding for levels. I must first practice, train, and understand my class.

Ting! You have gained the Fairy Empowerment class skill!

Fairy Empowerment: You've learned how to send bursts of mana to your fairies, this will intensify their mana.

Interesting! The actual skill doesn't mention mana usage nor how much it empowers it. Does that mean the class bonus is already taken into account? Or has it increased by four percent? I think the normal for skills is one percent so I am leaning toward the bonus already being taken into account.

Ting! You have gained the Beauty Mark class skill!

Beauty Mark: You've learned to mark someone with beauty, letting you target them even beyond your normal range

This is beauty magic, right? Do my bonuses also apply to it? How long does it last too? Things I'll need to explore.

Ting! You have gained the Summoner's Expertise class skill!

Summoner's Expertise: You've learned how to break past your normal summoning limits, allowing you to summon more.

I wonder if it's even possible to get these as cursed skills. How do Bond classes and skills operate? Would getting a cursed Bond skill corrupt your entire Bond? It's honestly too scary to think about and certainly not worth the risk.

Ting! You have gained the Fairy Commander class skill!

Ting! Fairy Commander has obtained level 1!

Ting! Fairy Commander has obtained level 2!

Ting! Fairy Commander has obtained level 3!

Fairy Commander: You've learned how to optimize and break past your normal limits of giving instructions to your fairies, allowing you to make ever more complex strategic orders.

How close did I actually get to getting this as a cursed skill?

And now for the last skill. I saved this one for last because I wanted to use this opportunity to see if I can perceive how I generate mana. If I can see people's cores then I may be able to see how much they produce.

I focus on my body, shrinking my perception down. It's not just in a single place in my body, the sparks of people's Bonds overlap every part of one's body. I think the core is just another layer of our body.

I activate my State of Focus and accept the last skill.

Ting! You have gained the Summoner's Core class skill!

Summoner's Core: Somehow you've managed to increase the production of your core, letting you produce more mana.

I saw something, it suddenly grew, gaining more depth. Now that I saw it I focus intently on it. Slowly but surely I notice mana trickling out of it, like a leaky faucet, all it would take is to just turn that faucet on, somehow, and unleash a flood of mana. It is full of mana, but I knew it is but a small cup to what it can be. There was something more to it, a complexity I have yet to peer into, a matrix of shifting... something. Like a cloud of swirling gas, it fills my core, ever-shifting, always changing.

Ting! Sense Mana has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Sense Mana will now continue leveling past level 220!

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 206!

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 207!

Ting! Summoner's Core has obtained level 1!

20th Breakthrough: You've learned to differentiate the properties of mana signatures, This will help you see the difference of skills and other similar magical signatures.

21st Breakthrough: You've learned to Identify through Sensing Mana, This will help you learn more about people and objects.

22nd Breakthrough: You've observed your mana core, this will help you discover how mana comes to exist.

Well, now. I think [Sense Mana] will be imperative for me to be able to reach breakthroughs in my [Summoner's Core].

Below I can see my parents talking about a customer's request. Focusing on them a little, their core comes into view, it is larger and more productive than mine.

I wonder if I can see how much mana a person currently has through this.

I focus on myself and use [Dreams of Reality] noticing my core transform and intensify its mana before sending it out for the spell. The spell mana then passed through what I can only call as the magic of my race, being further intensified. As the mana left the influence of my race it entered the influence of my Kyhosa, gaining a third dose of intensification.

I noticed the cloudiness in my core lessen, the mana being used up. If that is my mana reserves then the size of my core is how much it can hold, but what is it in my core that produces mana?

I can see my core filling up but just as fast as it's filling up, mana is being leaked out. Several types of mana. This passed through my core, sometimes knocking out some of my mana reserves.

There's more to this, way more. Why is my core producing mana that my core cannot capture? Why can it only capture my mana?

Ting! Sense Mana has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Sense Mana will now continue leveling past level 230!

23rd Breakthrough: You've observed spell creation, letting you identify them and see just how much power they have.

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 208!

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 209!

So many things to learn, so little time I now have dozens of breakthroughs to learn, five new skills to get breakthroughs in

I enter State of Focus and looked closely at my core's walls, border, whatever you want to call it. There was certainly more to it, it kept my mana in at a certain pressure. As my mana filled up the pressure became too much it starts leaking mana equal to my generation.

Is there a way to train my core to produce less? Or perhaps a different type of mana? I think my core adapts to certain things or states of emotion and produces different types of mana like joy or anger when I experience those emotions.

Can I train my Core to expel more mana if I need? I'd ask if I could train my core to make more mana but my skill has already confirmed that, the question is how?

I focus on my core walls, trying to decrease its permeability. Nothing. How do I do this?

I start to meditate, focusing on my core, observing. My mana pushes against the walls, Non-unique mana easily escaping but gave some of my mana added energy to escape. I look more closely at the walls, it seems to allow other mana to leave as if it's not there. I focus on my skill, instead of producing more mana I want to hold more. I focus on making the walls tougher, more resistant to pressure, to increase its density.

I felt a shift and saw my core walls become ever so slightly more opaque.

Ting! Summoner's Core has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Summoner's Core will now continue leveling past level 10!

1stBreakthrough: You've learned how to manipulate your core to increase how much mana you can hold

Ting! Summoner's Core has obtained level 2!

Ting! Summoner's Core has obtained level 3!

Ting! Your Class, Fairy Summoner has obtained level 1! 15 status points awarded.

Ting! Your Class, Fairy Summoner has obtained level 2! 15 status points awarded.

A level up! Nice! So it seems like leveling up skills or maybe getting breakthroughs will net me a level up. Let's test this theory.

I summon two hundred fairies each consisting of one mana and then use [Fairy Empowerment] on them.

Ting! Summoner's Expertise has obtained level 1!

Ting! Summoner's Expertise has obtained level 2!

Ting! Fairy Empowerment has obtained level 1!

Ting! Fairy Empowerment has obtained level 2!

Ting! Your Class, Fairy Summoner has obtained level 3! 15 status points awarded.

Hmm, Now let's test to see if breakthroughs also cause level-ups, but before I do that let's go outside. I plan to stack my empowerment and I don't want the fairies to literally blow up in my face nor in the house. With a swarm of fairies in tow, I walk downstairs.

"Test your new class skills?" Mom asks.

"Yup, I don't want to accidentally blow up the house so I'm taking these outside," I inform my parents, and walk to the edge of the village, getting numerous stares while at it.

I send my fairies over the water, to just at the edge of my perception and use [Fairy Empowerment] again.

Ting! Fairy Empowerment has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Fairy Empowerment will now continue leveling past level 10!

Ting! Fairy Empowerment has obtained level 3!

1stBreakthrough: You've stacked empowerments, this'll let you stack even more

Ting! Your Class, Fairy Summoner has obtained level 4! 15 status points awarded.

Alright! So it seems that every breakthrough gives me one level up and every five skill levels give me one level up. This equals out to three class levels per breakthrough, factoring in their levels, five from action, and five from knowledge.

On to my new breakthrough, It seems like I can only empower my fairies so much, and it seems like two is my limit so far. The mana in them is vibrating dangerously. Let's see what happens if I ignore those signs.

Again I empower my ticking time bombs and sure enough, like fireworks they explode. Thousands of tiny blobs of beauty mana shooting out in every direction, probably visible to normal eyes, perhaps they are a little too much like fireworks, hehe.

Ting! Fairy Empowerment has obtained level 4!

Ting! Fairy Empowerment has obtained level 5!

Over the next hour, I continued summoning hundreds of fairies and making them explode to grind my repeated use and a lot at once levels

Ting! Fairy Empowerment has obtained level 6!

Ting! Fairy Empowerment has obtained level 12!

2ndBreakthrough: You've managed to send multiple stacks at once, this'll help you send even more at once.

Fairy Empowerment: 4/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 1/5)

1stBreakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 2/5 Knowledge 2/5)

2ndBreakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 1/5)

[Fairy Empowerment] works by sending packets of mana to my fairies, as long as I know where they are and they are accessible. By simply sending twice the amount I can send multiple packs of the skill at once.

Ting! Summoner's Expertise has obtained level 3!

Ting! Your Class, Fairy Summoner has obtained level 4! 15 status points awarded.

Ting! Your Class, Fairy Summoner has obtained level 7! 15 status points awarded.

Level seven out of twenty-one, considering how [Sense Mana] has already helped me so much in gaining knowledge levels and breakthroughs, I can see how it may take people a few years to get one hundred max levels, It may take me a week or two to achieve that depending on how hard the levels and breakthroughs are.

I have over a hundred stat points now, and I can now see why using them may not be the best of ideas. Focusing on leveling up and getting breakthroughs should be the number one priority seeing as how my maximum level is based on skill levels. However, having a certain amount of a stat may help in getting better classes, so waiting until the day before to use them may be the best idea, or simply just wait. I have until level two hundred to get the evolution. Two hundred levels worth of stats, that's a whopping three thousand stat points!

I'm honestly surprised having precoded instructions wasn't a breakthrough in Fairy Commander, or perhaps it is and I just didn't go far enough with it? Every time I summon a fairy I have to consciously give it a command like {Follow Me} and {Go where I point to} it doesn't make it the best use. I wonder if I can cut down on that, much like precoding but make it a preset for which to summon my fairies, instead of applying them while summoning them.

{Follow Me, Go where I point at, Attack target when I say attack, and point at them or describe them. Prioritize mages and those carrying weapons.} While it's four commands one of them is taking up two for being more complex. I dubbed this {Follow Orders} But instead of taking a mental note on it I try to impress this on my skill, trying to form a marker on it.

Ting! Summoner's Expertise has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Summoner's Expertise will now continue leveling past level 10!

1stBreakthrough: You've managed to make a preset command, this will help you save more commands.

Ting! Summoner's Expertise has obtained level 4!

Ting! Summoner's Expertise has obtained level 6!

Knowledge of skills really helped me there. I doubt I needed the knowledge but this was probably an intermediate breakthrough that I just got for my first so it really helped out.

Now, how else can I improve my instructions? Well, normally I can't give it new instructions, but empowerment gives extra mana, perhaps I can do the same but simply attach new instructions. I expect the new instructions to override the previous but let's test it out anyway.

Ting! Summoner's Expertise has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Summoner's Expertise will now continue leveling past level 10!

2ndBreakthrough: You've managed to give new orders to your summons, thit'll help you adapt to new situations

Ting! Summoner's Expertise has obtained level 7!

Ting! Summoner's Expertise has obtained level 9!

This was far easier than expected, but I guess I had prior knowledge and experience with [Fairy Empowerment].

Now how else can I get more breakthroughs and levels?

Ting! Your Class, Fairy Summoner has obtained level 8! 15 status points awarded.

Ting! Your Class, Fairy Summoner has obtained level 10! 15 status points awarded.

Ting! New active skill available, Fairy Explosion! Would you like to accept this skill?

Fairy Explosion: For 50 Mana you can cause a fairy to erupt in an explosion

Did I only get this because I've been exploding fairies for a couple of hours? Still, for fifty mana that's pretty powerful and that's in addition to the up to thirty mana for a total of eighty mana, my most powerful attack for when I really need to punch through something. Also stacking this with my fairy empowerment should yield amazing results.

Ting! You have gained the Fairy Explosion class skill!

Fairy Explosion: You've sent a large burst of unstable mana to your fairy, causing it to explode.

Since this mentioned a single fairy naturally a breakthrough will be for multiple, and double doses? It should be very similar to [Fairy Empowerment].

I have a lot of work cut out for me, and now that I am ten years old My parents will expect me to work a lot more for the business and learn my craft.


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