The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 35: A Kyhosa for Twins.

Chapter 35: A Kyhosa for Twins.

Today is the day of my sisters Kyholo. We had to wake up early, taking an early bath too. Once that was finished we walk to my much more spacious grandparents' house. A statue of Myrou was placed in the lounge to witness this event. I could smell the food being cooked for everybody

"Oh, Aly! You look lively today!" My grandmother greets me. Her taller husband is talking with others of my extended family.

"Yup! We are going to shock everyone this time too!" I look around and saw that Aunty was standing arm in arm with another. The taller woman whom Chozu (Not Chyzu, don't get confused) was so snuggly with was one of the warriors that fought the Aydomr.

Aunty is courting the warrior? I can't see Nyam liking that. Sure enough, a quick scan of the area reveals a moping Nyam in the corner.

I walk up to Nyam. "What's wrong?" Although I already knew the answer I still ask.

"Momara brought someone else, and says she loves her. Why doesn't she love Momara Eztol anymore?"

I sat down next to Nyam and thought about my answer. "Do you think Eztol would want Aunty Chozu to be sad?"

"No," Nyam sniffs.

"Aunty feels alone without Eztol. Being with the other person probably makes her less lonely."

"If Momara is lonely then I'll be with her, she doesn't need anyone else." Nyam declares.

"That's different, Nyam. Eztol would want her to do what makes her happy. You should accept that"

Nyam stubbornly grumbles. I get up and look around. Other family members have yet to arrive. But it shouldn't be long now.

Sure enough, a new influx of people from the middle and outer islands come trickling in, and soon the full swing of things came, and then the food comes out!

Caramelized Domr meat! I greedily bit into the treat, my tails swinging happily. I also got some juicy fruits in between bites of caramelized meat.

Once I had my fill I observe the adults socializing. Catching up on things, expressing worry for being so close to the center. And congratulating newborns. In addition to my sisters there are three others, quite a lot this year. I'll probably be dragged along to their Kyholos.

One thing I did not see were any trade deals going on. I guess it would be very rude to do so at a celebration for one's life. The normal annual family gathering did have some trade deals but not a whole lot.

Several people came up to me for many reasons, but the number one thing that brought them is my additional tail.

"Alysara! I hear you've taken to Tailoring, It's so nice to have a fellow tailor in the family." A particularly short woman said. She had hair almost as long as she was. "Feel free to ask any tips, I'm always willing to help" She was actually one of the few who didn't ask about my tails.

If I recall correctly her name is Liol. We chatted for a bit on tailoring work before another stepped in.

"It really is true, you have quite a rare evolution I hear, the tails look quite nice, and being so long and your fur so silky" This tall woman had the muscle definition of a Kheshamo, not a fighter but one of the olympic style bolder tossers. She wore pants instead of a skirt. I tried not looking but her pants aren't very discreet by having a codpiece.

"She's not even ten, Yolero!" Liol Chastises. Honestly, if it wasn't for Liol I wouldn't even have clued in that the "compliment" was sexual, I guess Lolicons exist in every society. I make a mental note to stay away from Yolero.

"It was just a compliment! Even you have to admit her tails are quite exotic"

I hurriedly walk away from the two.

Eventually the socializing stops and the main event starts. We all gather around in a half-circle around Yafel and Yafe who are laying on soft, fluffy pillows. the first person step forward. She set down two wooden hair clips and stepped back. She's probably distantly related so a wooden hair clip shows thought and respect for their relation to the twins.

Next was a copper necklace

Now that I think about it most surviving members would be distantly related.

A silver earring, a bangle, a lantern, a charm, just a bunch of random stuff. Most of it is accessories, but occasionally someone breaks the mold. Aunty gave two water gem bracelets.

When It was time for the Kyhosa to be given Mom and Dad walked up, I tagged along and since the dresses had too much material I couldn't hide it for the reveal.

Murmurs could be heard among a few. What they were talking about I couldn't make out.

"Again we made a Kyhosa of collective effort," Dad says. "It just made sense. For days we considered how to make a Kyhosa that doesn't fall short of Aly's, but it was her idea for this one" Dad looks at me with a smile.

"To start we have the Amulets made with a high-quality water gem. Both Kanato and I made these" Mom says. Presenting her amulet and placing it on Yafel. Dad gave the other amulet to Yafe. They made each Amulet look like a half of the whole.

I was nervous, speaking in front of a couple dozen people is still nerve-wracking.

"A-A-And I m-made these dresses. I know it's not really considered to be a good gift as it may not fit in the future but I-I made sure that they will. These dresses a-are made from mana silk, beauty essence, creativity essence, water element, and mostly the Guardian's own mana are woven to make these. T-They can change shape to fit its wearer" I stammer my speech, feeling my cheeks redden, my tails stiff and ears straight.

Muttering resounds around the room as I drape the dresses over my sisters making sure their faces aren't covered. Suddenly mana started condensing into the dresses as it had for my Kyhosa. I wasn't too surprised at this, I mean, the only two Kyholos I've attended and not slept through, mine and now my sisters have had this happen.

I took this chance to observe what was happening. The Enchantments settled more deeply into the gifts, it's mana changing to become unique mana. More mana is being pulled from the surroundings to help form the new magic item. But the most surprising thing to me was the mana silk. All of the mana silk had changed into unique mana. The outlined embroidered scales became realistic scales! The wings became realistic, horns grew out of the hood that became more head-like, taking the shape of a dragon, similar to the Guardian but with a noticeable difference. The eyes of the dragon cloth glowed with pure beauty and water mana.

A tail grew out of the dress, hollow to protect my sisters' tails. The sleeves turned into clawed gloves, looking more like gauntlets. A barrier of water seen only by me formed, ready to manifest and become real. The amulets changed, shaping into a dragon that held onto a blue water gem shaped like half a teardrop.

I am completely stunned by the transformations, I didn't know magic items could transform like this! The dress is still made out of mana silk but it looked almost real, only just enough to look like cloth at a close distance, or with good enough eyesight. I suppose moving in it would also give it away as being made of silk too.

All the attendees are stunned too, I guess this is fairly rare.

I examine the mana more closely. It... seems more powerful than my own Kyhosa, I wonder what was different. Perhaps the materials it was made with? The enchantments? Both? Dragon silk is top tier when it comes to mana silk but then again nexus gems are top tier too. I'll attribute it to my enchantments. My Kyhosa wasn't enchanted but it was blessed by Myrou, even so I can see a difference in tier between our Kyhosas, by a fairly large margin too, I doubt enchantments matter that much do they?

Maybe I'll ask the local tutorial guide on how this works, but I'll definitely want to examine this more closely when I have the chance.

It's been kinda quiet for a while now, why isn't anyone doing anything? Aren't we supposed to all say something?

I clap my hands twice to wake everybody up.

"W-we s-should all welcome my siblings t-to the world now."

There are more than a few awkward agreements.

"Welcome Yafel, Yafe, to life! We pray for your happiness and health to live a full life and may Myrou smile upon you!"

With that, the Kyholo is officially over, although the after-party is going to start. The group broke up into smaller cliques to talk about the event.

"What was with that?" I ask Dad, tilting my head a little.

She coughed a little. "Right, I forgot you never took an identifying skill."

Yafels and Yafes Kyhosa of Dragon Silk: (Heroic) (Artifact) (set)

Made with the Mana of Safyr, the Guardian of the East Nexus, and enchanted by an Expert Mana Manipulator, This Kyhosa can summon a moldable dress that will protect the wearer from danger. This Kyhosa was made by Yafel's and Yafe's family and given at their Kyholo.

+1250% to water magic. When the veil is worn +850% defense and 1250% speed when dodging. Strike forces and damage are dispersed throughout the dress. Immunity to earth magic. 70% of Ice and Lightning magic is absorbed into the battery and can be later discharged. Ice and lightning magic takes three times as much mana to store for not being of the water element. Set cannot be completed unless worn by twins of the same family. Veil can be shaped to the wearer's will and conjured and dismissed by the wearer.

Veil Conjuration, Life Link, Water battery: 300,000. Life share. Water barrier, Water sense 60/60, +50% wisdom.

... That's impressive, very focused on water so it is specialized whereas mine is more general. Makes sense that mine started out weaker now. It's harder to have a really good catch-all magic items, or it takes a ton more to make a good one.

I can definitely see the influence of my enchantments, but there's more to that. The influence of my parent's design came into play a lot too, life link and life share. Perhaps with them Yafe and Yafel can sense each other's state and even share life between them? Battery is much higher, influenced by my enchantment? But also specifically for the water element, really good for one thing but bad at the rest.

I also noticed that the (set) has to be worn by two people, twins more specifically. Sets must have all pieces worn or you won't get the full bonus. My Kyhosa is a set of three so if I only wear one piece I'll only get a third of its effects. This is strange as it cannot be worn by the same person to get the full bonus. In other words, it's way less effective on normal people.

Outright immune to earth magic and the absorption of ice and lightning, I wonder if other mana can even be put into the battery normally or if lightning and ice can only be stored via absorption? Not to mention it can't be absorbed if the battery is full.

Damage and forces are dispersed, which means to even destroy one part of the dress you must put out enough damage to destroy the whole thing at once. Very powerful but once it's gone you're completely defenseless. Also since forces are spread out too piercing won't work either, I doubt you'd die even from falling at terminal velocity in those things.

Veil conjuration is pretty much as I intended, it is even counted as the same item and not even as a separate piece I think?

Last thing to note is the water sense ability. I didn't think something made from me could get a lesser version of a skill from me and still get high levels from it.

All in all, This certainly looks powerful, and it very much is, but it's also more specialized. While it is a higher tier than mine, mine is in a way equal to it.

Naturally, the Kyhosa is the talk of the after-party, Heroic magical items are probably a once in a century kinda thing maybe even a once in a millennia, even my Kyhosa only started at Major.

Soon the afterwork baths came and after that everyone went back home, they have a long way to go to get back so the after-party can't last too long.

Three days later I resolved to finally upgrade my charm skill. Using my [Dreams of Reality] I create a scene. I have a vague idea of Samurai and wanted to expand on that, hopefully, the memories would wake up more than they are now.

"H-halt, villainous s-scum!" I point a sword at some cliche thug-looking illusion. A scar over her face and crooked teeth, her large ears looks torn like stray cat's and her tail has bald spots. There is something not quite right about this scene. Both my memories and [Perfectionist's Eye] are complaining.

Wasn't the sword supposed to be curved? I alter the sword but it didn't quite fit. Too much of a curve?

I went through several iterations of the sword before I got it right. Another memory lighting up its dark room.

I change the sword to a katana and the scene unpaused. [Twin Minds] working overtime to make the thug move. Although the mouth moved no sound is made. Beauty essence it was, not sound essence.

Suddenly a large swirl of dark mana swept through my illusion, erasing a path of the scene and revealing my room. The beauty mana recondenses to recreate the destroyed image.

"O-Oh? is that so? Then have at me!" I spoke my line and rush toward the thug. Suddenly two more came out of the alley.

"Tch! Had backup? No matter, I shall cut you all down!"

I had to move slowly to allow my other thoughts to manipulate the scene as needed. I help too and my breakthrough for manipulating multiple bodies played a large role in the effectiveness of the scene.

I slash down on the first thug, then turn and parry a downward cut from the second thug. With a flick of my wrist, I cut off the hand of the second thug and dodge the swing of the third thug. Ramming my sword through the third thug I kill them all.

Blood pools from under them. I start feeling queasy and remove the blood. Gotta keep it child-friendly!

I sat down and sigh. Still no upgrade. This has been my third attempt, what am I getting wrong?

At this point, I am considering just dropping the skill and geting [Acting] normally.

I play through several other scenes. A cold calculating merchant, a ship captain, a sellsword, a maid, a street urchin. A week of practice.

I wasn't just playing the role, it was being the role, becoming someone else. I was no longer Alysara the blind child, I was now Gulain the doctor, someone who tries her best to save every life that visits her clinic.

Ting! Congratulations! Charm has upgraded to Acting!

About damn time!

Ting! Acting has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Acting will now continue leveling past level 40!

Acting: you have used words or actions to significantly change some's course of action. This skill will help you charm people easier.

1st Breakthrough: You have convinced someone to give you something they normally wouldn't have, this will let you master the manipulative ways to get what you want.

2nd Breakthrough: You have used your cute wiles to avoid punishment. This will help you master getting and keeping away from the consequences of your actions.

3rd Breakthrough: You've purposely increased your cuteness essence to charm others. This will make it more effective.

4th Breakthrough: You've managed to assume a role, This will help you act like another person.

Ting! Acting has obtained level 27!

Ting! Acting has obtained level 30!

Acting: 10/10

1st Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 3/5)

2nd Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 3/5)

3rd Breakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 3/5)

4th Breakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 3/5)

I think I understand the method now. It's not just that you have to successfully do it to upgrade, you also have to get the same levels. My base charm was 10/10 so I first had to get 10/10 in acting for it to upgrade.

I left my room to brag to Mom and Dad about upgrading my skill and how I think skill upgrades are done.

"That's wonderful, Aly! Congratulations!" Mom says with a smile.

"When you put it like that it does make sense," Dad says after giving her congratulations.

"I guess this marks a new start for all of us. After today we'll be moving into our new house and tomorrow we'll be opening our shop" Mom said.

"Of course our first ever product will be dedicated to Myrou" Dedications to Myrou are shown at the Lojyo and it's a great way to advertise, show off skill, and attract customers.

I went into my room to finish packing up whatever hadn't already been moved. I look around the now empty room, feeling a tad nostalgic. A new beginning for our family.


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