The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 33: The Makings of a Dress

Chapter 33: The Makings of a Dress

Ting! Tailoring has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Tailoring will now continue leveling past level 60!

Ting! Tailoring has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Tailoring will now continue leveling past level 70!

Ting! Tailoring has obtained level 37!

Ting! Tailoring has obtained level 42!

Tailoring: You've learned and done basic tailoring, This will help you master the craft of making clothes and other cloth things.

1stBreakthrough: You've done some stitchings at a basic level, this will help steady your hand and make you more accurate.

2ndBreakthrough: You've learned to correctly measure what you need, This will help you do the math and never need to measure twice.

3rdBreakthrough: You've done some weaving at a basic level, this will help make your work more even.

4thBreakthrough: You've train your eye for fashion, this will help you find what best fits your customers

5thBreakthrough: You've used mana to imbue mana into your work. This will help you make more durable clothes and give them effects based on the mana used.

6thBreakthrough: You've entered a state of focus on the needle and threads much like a warrior will focus on his duel, This will improve all your breakthroughs

7thBreakthrough: You've managed to infuse mana into your work, giving it properties based on the mana used.

Tailoring: 9/10(Action: 5/5 Knowledge 4/5)

1st Breakthrough: 8/10 (Action: 4/5 Knowledge 4/5)

2nd Breakthrough: 8/10 (Action: 4/5 Knowledge 4/5)

3rd Breakthrough: 8/10 (Action: 4/5 Knowledge 4/5)

4th Breakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 2/5 Knowledge 2/5)

5th Breakthrough: 10/10

6th Breakthrough: 2/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 1/5)

7th Breakthrough: 2/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 1/5)

I didn't expect two breakthroughs. I also maxed my fifth. It was very similar to imbuing but not quite the same, It was through the aid of an enchanted item and was temporary. Reinforcing is to apply an outside strengthening. Imbuing to give entirely new properties to the thread I am working on.

I examined my work with my [Sense mana]. It seems as if the mana has blended into the threads like ink dyeing the material. But what properties does it have?

I smell another delicious [Sense Mana] breakthrough here, which was good as I was running out of ideas for more breakthroughs for it.

I focus on the new phenomenon in front of me, trying to decipher its secrets. I stare at the mana bound within the threads for a dozen minutes, a pattern slowly becoming apparent to me. A crystalline structure of sorts with mana flowing much like how the mana within the Aydomr pearl flowed.

It's stable.

Ting! Tailoring has obtained level 51!

"That's what I was missing in my [Musician] skill breakthrough" I mutter and smile.

[Sense Mana] Has to be my most useful and important skill. It has proven crucial to getting breakthroughs even in other skills, not to mention most breakthroughs that's based on mana usage typically start with two or three in knowledge levels.

Ever since I got my breakthrough in imbuing mana into sound I felt there was something more. This was it, making the mana blend into the sound become one with it. But there's one more thing I need to figure out. How does this happen? How does the mana go further than imbueing?

I grab my flute from my bed table and blow into it pushing my second [Musician]'s breakthrough as far as it'll go, desiring, willing the mana to infuse into the sound.

I saw the mana first coat the sound, then slowly, very slowly condense further into the sound. However, it was too slow; the mana couldn't seep into sound fast enough before the sound faded.

Not quite yet on this one, but almost. Just barely out of reach. I felt like jumping up and down. I knew how to achieve this one, just a matter of time and practice.

I turn to the threads and start stitching. Watching my mana slowly, too slowly seep into the threads. But I had time, I watch with apprehension as the mana slowly started to take form, condensing even further and seep into the threads, not yet taking form-

"Aly, what are you doing?"

"Kya!" With a sudden yelp, I was wrenched out of my focus and jumped what had to be a meter off my chair. "Momara?"

Mom had lowered herself to my level and had been watching me for who knows how long.

"How long have you been there?!" I asked, my cheeks turning red, flushed with embarrassment.

Mom giggled. "You were just sitting there doing nothing, I was beginning to think you fell asleep"

"I-I was trying to get a new breakthrough in sense mana, I was so close to getting too!" I complain, frustration now seeping into me.

"You have been sitting there like that for three hours Aly, we're late for the Lojyo"

The frustration at being yanked out when I was so close to another breakthrough gnawed at me. I want nothing more than to go back and try again until I have it

"Let me just get this breakthrough first" I try to bargain.

"No, Aly. There's always tomorrow for that, but now we have to go" Mom adamantly says, standing up.

"B-But I don't want to! I-" Mom cut me off.

"No buts! We are going to the Lojyo now, whether you like it or not."

Mom took me by the hand and almost drags me to the gathering.

I sigh and sat in brooding silence as people danced.

"Want to sing?" Chofel asks, walking up to me.

"I'm not in the mood," I say grumpily.

"I see, well, maybe next time" Chofel left to play music with the others.

I was silent through show and tell too. The bath at the end helped calm the frustration I was feeling. Although now that I am calm I notice I should have maybe gained a level in my fourteenth sense mana breakthrough, why didn't I?

I checked my messages and was surprised at what I got.

Ting! Sense Mana has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Sense Mana will now continue leveling past level 170!

17th Breakthrough: You've entered a state of complete focus on your perception, this will boost all your perceptive abilities.

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 138!

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 141!

Honestly, it was very hard to place what got levels

But I eventually came up with this

11th Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 3/5)

12th Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 5/5)

13th Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 2/5 Knowledge 4/5)

14th Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 2/5 Knowledge 4/5)

15th Breakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 3/5)

16th Breakthrough: 2/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 1/5)

17th Breakthrough: 1/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 0/5)

I'm fairly certain that my enchanting knowledge has been capped. I know how to enchant, how it works, and what it looks like, not only that but full infusion of the enchantment is probably how you make permanent or at least near-permanent enchantments like how the rumors went.

Also, it may be the case that many skills have the "state of focus" type breakthroughs. A state of total focus on what you are doing that boosts all your capabilities while in that state.

I add that breakthrough to my list of possible breakthroughs for my [Musician] and [Mana Manipulation] skills.

I also need to add mana infusion to manipulation as well. Not that I plan on getting it but it's nice to have it in case I need to quickly get it for a level boost.

It seems that many skills have overlapping breakthroughs or breakthroughs that can be applied to multiple skills. It may be the case that Infusion is something achievable for all magic-type skills.

I honestly don't understand how [Sense mana] Isn't a class skill. It's been single-handedly my best, most useful, and most pivotal skill. It alone has enabled me to do just about everything I have done. It is a skill every Runalymo should have. Honestly, with a general skill this powerful, you can't not afford to get it!

I relax back in the bath after oiling up and soak in the waters.

I have gained so many breakthroughs in such a short amount of time I honestly should stop and level them. It's getting hard to keep track of my levels. But, I just want this one more. I'm too close to not get it, plus being blue-balled has me really itching to get it now.

The next day, after morning baths I activate both my States and tried to Infuse mana into my stitching again. I watched as the mana became denser, slowly forming the structures, and then I realized something.

I've been trying to infuse the threads, but the reason why the process is slow is that I need to actually stitch and let the mana infuse into the threads and the surrounding cloth.

I got notified of a level up in [Tailoring] but I ignored that. I start the process over again slowly and methodically weaving my needle through the cloth watching the mana latch onto the surrounding cloth as webs of mana start to form and grow out from the threads. This made the process faster.

Because this is tailoring. I realize. It'll go faster because the skill is designed for it to once the stitchings have been made. That was the difference between this skill and [Mana Manipulation], the intent.

I watch as the crystalline structures formed seeping deeper into the threads, becoming a part of them, and suddenly the mana starts flowing, circulating within the patterns. The infusion had been completed.

Ting! Sense Mana has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Sense Mana will now continue leveling past level 180!

18th Breakthrough: You've learned of and seen Mana infusion, this will help you better understand the process of mana infusion.

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 142!

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 145!

I sigh in relief. This one felt way too good to achieve.

With my goal achieved I got to work on my sister's Kyhosa dress, entering both of my State of Focus.

I start with a generous amount of the Guardian's mana silk. I would need enough for their adult measurements and probably extra just in case.

I made the needed cuts and began sewing. Threads of the same mana silk as the cloth, needed to be so the mana could blend and form a seamless piece, a bonus of mana silk. Soon a long flowing dress took shape. I gave [Perfectionist's Eye] extra attention and went extra slow so as to make this as perfect as I can make it. Once the dress is formed I start adding details. I made frills and laces of beauty mana accentuated with creativity mana then start on the embroidery.

Unfortunately, I also had to stop my work here. It was time for the after-work bath. I sigh and went to Mom.

She smiles warmly. "Remember Aly, you have time. You don't have to finish it today, not tomorrow, not even next week. Take your time and enjoy the free time we have after the baths. It'll help you come back to your work with a fresh mind so you don't make mistakes or rush it."

Mom was right. I should stop for today and resume tomorrow.

Once at the baths, I relax, feeling the tension seep out of me.

"How's the dress coming along?" Mom asks me.

"I am mostly done, just have a few more things to do"

"What about you, Kanato? How's the water gems?"

"Shaping up rather nicely. Will be starting the polishing phase tomorrow"

"What about you momara?" I ask.

"The water gold is difficult to work with for my bond. I have to etch the designs by hand so it's going to take a lot more time."

The rest of the day I decided to take it easy. I went to the playground and find a crowd of kids. I walk close so I could see what was going on. Tana was showing the other kids what he learned with the sword. Making a few practiced moves with a bamboo stick.

It was enough to impress a bunch of kids but after the Aydomr incident it seems irrelevant. Still, I'm happy for Tana to take off some idolization from me.

"Who's stronger? Tanafyam or Alysara?" One of the kids asks. That sparked a debate among the kids.

"Hey, why don't we ask Aly to fight Tana?"

Nope, Not happening! I cast an illusion spell to turn me invisible and walk away. I went back home and practice my singing.

The next two days I work on embroidery. I first start making outlines of dragon scales using water silk all over the dress. For the trims, I use beauty cloth and threads to make a perfect attachment to the dragon silk adding Beauty mana with mana infusion. I watch as the beauty mana spread through the dragon silk much farther and easier, forming snowflake-like structures. I made embroidery of waves on the trims using creativity silk, a bonus since creativity essence is based on the water element.

The fourth day [Perfectionist's Eye] Complained about something after I took a critical look at the dress and after a few minutes of thought, I understood why. The dress is clearly based on dragons so it needs wings! On the back, I was going to add stylized dragon wing embroidery but again my [Perfectionist's Eye] told me that was slightly off, I thought about it some more and realized why. The dress is long and flowing, If I add drapes attached to the back it'll flutter like wings and also add to the 'flowing' aspect of the dress.

I decided to splurge just a tad and cut more dragon silk in the shape of skeletal wings. Between the strips of dragon silk I sewed water silk with waves of creativity mana embroidered on it. Then I accented the waves stylishly with beauty mana; again, using mana infusion. The wings look like proper wings now.

The fifth day [Perfectionist's Eye] guided my focus to another part of the dress, telling me to revisit the scaling. I went back through and with beauty silk embroidering swirling wave patterns into each scale, mana infusion blending the beauty mana into the dragon silk. All this embroidery took up the entire day.

On the sixth day, I took a look over my work. [Perfectionist's Eye] telling me to focus more on the sleeves now. I embroider waves washing down the arms that ended with claws. For the water, I used water silk and creativity mana for the claws, all outlining so the dragon silk remained dominant. I finish this before the workday ended and all the previous embroidery work helped me learn how to be faster.

[Perfectionist's Eye] has one last complaint. The dress needed a cowled veil, for which the dragon head would take. Unfortunately, I had to make the veil material myself as I didn't have any on hand. I could weave it straight out of mana but I need the Guardians mana for that and I didn't want to be rude and just take it. Nor did I want to keep asking for more mana. Rule number one for beings with more mana than all of the superstorm, don't annoy them.

I start weaving the Veil from the dragon silk thread. It took a long time and I had to finish it the next day.

I did the same scale embroidery on it and added embroidered horns on it made of creative silk. For eyes, a mix of creativity and beauty silk is used.

I step back to look over the whole thing. It was good, but my [Perfectionist's Eye] is discontent with it. I did everything it wanted me to but my lack of experience is clearly showing. I was taught how to do laces but it's still not great and I probably should not have done something as advanced.

The veil is not uniform and the hole for the tail is off-center by just a tiny amount. Most would call this a good dress, but far from flawless, let alone what would please my [Perfectionist's Eye] like Topobe's work did.

I am not satisfied with this. This was for my sister's Kyhosa's, it has to be perfect. The only thing I can safely say was flawless was the base of the dress, everything else had to be redone. But this took me a week to do and I needed to make another, that would only leave a week left before the Kyholo, I simply don't have enough time to go over everything again.

I wonder, can I cheat? Mana silk is still mana, so can I manipulate it? Fix the problems?

I examine the mana, entering my state of focus. I watched as the mana flowed like a slow meandering creek. If I can nudge the mana I should be able to slowly fix the problems. There are a lot of problems but if I used my [Twin Minds] I should get a lot more done.

I start going every centimeter of the dress fixing the mistakes and imperfections I made.

Ting! Manipulate Mana has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Manipulate Mana will now continue leveling past level 200!

20th Breakthrough: You've managed to manipulate dense mana. This will help you increase your efficiency

Fuck! Oh, well. Not like any caster classes would have been open to me anyway.

Fixing the dress took three whole days to do however the gains for completing this one dress were substantial.

Ting! Manipulate Mana has obtained level 123!

Ting! Manipulate Mana has obtained level 129!

This was more than I'd like.

Ting! Tailoring has obtained level 52!

Ting! Tailoring has obtained level 63!

Tailoring: 9/10(Action: 5/5 Knowledge 4/5)

1st Breakthrough: 9/10 (Action: 5/5 Knowledge 4/5)

2nd Breakthrough: 9/10 (Action: 5/5 Knowledge 4/5)

3rd Breakthrough: 8/10 (Action: 4/5 Knowledge 4/5)

4th Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 3/5)

5th Breakthrough: 10/10

6th Breakthrough: 5/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 2/5)

7th Breakthrough: 7/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 4/5)

Nice! Eye for fashion leveled twice! Levels all around for this one! And this dress was considered extraordinary for weaving and stitching breakthroughs. I wonder why?

Ting! Graceful Movements has obtained level 39!

Just one.

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 146!

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 155!

11th Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 3/5)

12th Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 5/5)

13th Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 2/5 Knowledge 4/5)

14th Breakthrough: 9/10 (Action: 4/5 Knowledge 5/5)

15th Breakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 3/5)

16th Breakthrough: 2/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 1/5)

17th Breakthrough: 5/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 2/5)

18th Breakthrough: 7/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 4/5)

Ten levels between fourteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth. I need to examine more magical and enchanted items to get those up as well.

Ting! Twin minds has obtained level 3!

Ting! Twin minds has obtained level 4!

Ting! Twin minds has obtained level 5!

Twin minds: 4/10(Action: 3/5 Knowledge 1/5)

1st Breakthrough: 1/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 0/5)

I think I'm starting to understand this one. This lets you process two thoughts at once, basically giving me two brains, two processors. My second mind, however, is slow, more like a very sleep-deprived person. Leveling this skill should improve it however but I can see how this skill could become very powerful.


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