The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 147: The Ball

Chapter 147: The Ball

There are six governors and thirty heads of lesser Houses who govern smaller towns, villages, and forts. One by one, they introduce themselves, where they govern, and some other stuff should it be relevant information.

"I am pleased to meet your acquaintance, Ambassador Alysara!" A large man says, flexing his large muscles with an air of what is probably intended to be suave handsomeness. He is possibly the youngest of the governors, and he speaks with a hearty booming voice; his orange eyes study me carefully, but his smile shows no hostility. His golden hair is kept short, and his mustache is immaculately groomed.

He exudes beauty essence, evident by his Bond seeming to become very active; judging by how the others around him dart their eyes toward him, I can guess he's utilizing some sort of presence.

"I am Governor Ora Ara Van and owner of Ara's Gallery of Art in Ora City. I hope to one day show you through our finest pieces of culture and beauty when you visit our beautiful city!"

Once Van has introduced himself, another steps forward. This middle-aged woman is dressed in something more reminiscent of a military dress, looking strict. Her yellow eyes are cautious, looking like a nocturnal predator with her black hair. She has a battle Bond just like Esofy, but seems to be a lot more versed in it.

"I am Governor Kineto Lova Borala, Grand Marshal of Vocana. My family owns and runs the best military academy in the Republic. We will be pleased to welcome you to our city, and look forward to a lasting friendship." Borala curtsies respectfully.

I thought Lysha was the marshal, but I guess there's more to the situation; it does make sense for a member of a battle Bonded family with generations of knowledge to be marshal.

"I am Governor Yora Yoru Kara," a voluptuous woman approaching middle age says, stepping forward seductively. She is dressed in fine velvet with lots of ruby jewelry complementing her red hair and eyes. She has a ruby Bond and seems to be applying it in a way I haven't seen from any ruby monster. "Yora City will be grateful if you visit our fine establishments. We offer all manner of luxuries, from the finest silk to the prettiest of gems."

Governor Van rolls his eyes.

"We have the best gems, Kara; our mines have found some you never thought possible. Our city is far more beautiful, and our buildings are made with the finest marble and granite you'll see in all of Vocana."

"Please keep the disagreements for later," Governor Orlan interjects. "Just keep with the introductions for now."

With Governor Kara and Van behaving, another steps forward and bows, and I return a curtsy.

"I am Governor Hova Sera Polivan." An old man dressed in an ashen grey suit introduces himself. His hair matches his suit, but his eyes are a verdant green; he carries himself with the finality of ash, but also the vibrant step of the fertilizing volcanic product.

He has an ash Bond which seems far more attuned to volcanic ash than normal, but I can't tell if that's because of the environment or a choice, like how I prefer to use elegance- and grace-type beauty over the allure- and seduction-type.

"Hova City invites you to our domain of farmers and fishermen. We specialize in the utilization of the fertile fields near the Ashland and the abundant ashen sea." Polivan speaks the least boastfully and with the most formality, his eye non-judging and reserved.

The last of the six governors finally steps forward. He is an elderly man who walks with conviction and bows. "I am Sep Mora Torn, Grand Judge of Vocana; I would welcome you to Sep City to partake in the spring festival next month." With a law Bond, it is no surprise he is Grand Judge.

After that comes the introduction of the Headmasters of the Orders, of which there are ten major Orders and over twenty minor ones.

Once the dizzying amount of people had their chance to introduce themselves, the ball starts, the musician starting with a slow waltz.

"Would you like to grace the opening of this ball with your beauty, Lady Ambassador?" Van says as he offers his hand, his voice still hearty but now somewhat reserved so as not to outdo the music.

Seeing no reason to deny, I take his hand, wondering how to dance with the giant. I don't think I'm short, but I still have room to grow, and Van is already the tallest one here. However, to my surprise, Van treats me gently, walking at my pace to the dance floor.

We start the dance, slowly moving together to the rhythm of the song. Just then, I notice something odd within my perception suddenly appear. The faintest shimmer in the mana in a corner flickered for a split second. I study that location with a spare mind as my dance partner speaks.

"I am impressed, Ambassador Alysara," Van says quietly. "Using a body double is already a rare skill, even among us beauty Bonded, but to be able to directly take control of it is even more impressive. Would you be kind enough to share your knowledge with a fellow beauty Bonded?"

Naturally, the answer is no, but he seems to have some alluring air about him. I don't know if he is doing it on purpose, but I don't appreciate having such skills used on me; I didn't see anything in his Classes activate, so I assume it's something to do with his Bond. I activate my [Acting] as a countermeasure to help my [Clear Mind] and [Mental Fortitude].

The oddity in the corner appears to be nothing: no spell, no magic, and no signs of a skill or item hiding from my sight like the ring the assassin had during the whole Papuyo rebellion thing. I might be able to catch something if I raise my perceptive pressure.

"I must decline, Governor Van," I reply, reminding myself that any and all interactions with these people need to be overseen with my roles, so I don't make any avoidable mistakes. "I hardly know you, and our people have yet to sign any peace agreements."

"I understand," Van says softly, his voice filled with a gentle, serene beauty. "But I see that changing very soon. Your people desire peace and trade, right? War is an ugly, messy matter after all, so peace is all but certain. I would like to formally invite you to tour our art gallery and get to know our family better."

[Inquisitive Perfection] perks up, sensing a hidden motive, a puzzle for it to solve; just what does he want? The answer is simple and fairly common: marriage, possibly to him but maybe to a younger family member.

"Tell me about your family; you came with a woman, a sister, correct?" I ask, trying to see exactly what he is up to.

"Ryn, yes, she's quite lovely. I also have a handsome younger brother, Jet, still attending Ora School where all of the wealthiest families of Ora City go; he's actually around your age."

Ah! I see now. That's what he's after, too bad for him; I'm not interested.

I raise the perceptive pressure in the corner, trying to get a clear look at what's going on, but I find nothing; even at my maximum localized pressure, I can't reveal anything. Whatever it was, it's no longer there.

"Maybe one day I'll visit the gallery; my parents and sisters will probably enjoy it," I say, trying to hint that I'm not interested.

"Oh? Your family? Tell me about them." Van doesn't let go, and I was the one who brought up my family so I can't not talk about them, but hopefully surface-level small talk will be enough.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ryn sighs exasperatedly. Her idiot brother will chase away the Ambassador with his thick skull! It doesn't help that he can't control his Bond as well as the rest of her family; she knew that coming was a good idea, if only to clean up after her brother. Now she will have to work extra hard to make things right.

The song ends, and the Ambassador eagerly leaves the floor, returning to the side only to be caught by the Headmaster of the Order of Merchants asking for a dance. Naturally, it'd be rude to decline, so she accepts. Most people are probably lining up to get in her favor, invite her to parties, and many other things to take advantage of the situation. Very few seem to be noticing the subtle changes in her stance, changes likely induced by some skill she has.

"I think that went rather well," Van says, joining Ryn.

Ryn scowls at her dumb brother.

"It went well?!" she hisses. "You almost chased her away, you idiot! She's not interested in a marriage proposal, and she caught on quickly!" Ryn wants to continue, but she takes a deep breath to calm herself; now is not the time. How her brother got elected, she doesn't understand, but they agreed at the time that no matter who won they would work as one, just as they always did as twins.

"Look at her movements; see how they incorporate less beauty, less grace and elegance. She's obviously uncomfortable with the Merchant Headmaster," Ryn says, trying to instill some sense into her brother. "He's asking leading questions, and she's having none of that. She was doing the same with you."

"So... what do we do then?” Van asks. “She's obviously well trained in her Bond, and having access to her secrets will help our family for generations to come; we can't just let her go."

"First," Ryn says, "we let those Flanurs circle around her, let her know that what you did was not out of the norm, then you stay out of it and let me handle this. You focus on drafting up trade deals while I try to bring Ambassador Alysara into our fold." Flanurs are a type of boney and hairless monster that scavenges already-dead bodies; they roam in packs and are widely known for their circling behavior.

"Fine!" Van sighs in resignation. "I'll let you handle her, but you can't keep me away forever; she'll have to talk with me if we are going to make trade deals."

"I can handle that. You secure the future of our city; I'll handle the future of our family."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I slump in a chair, tired of all the dances. Someone approaches, but I wave them away with my hand. These people are way too... manipulative? That's not quite the right word. They are too eager to jump on opportunities, and they have a way with words that try to pry open my secrets. Honestly, it's very tiresome, and once this trade deal is done I want to wash my hands of this place.

A good long vacation would be nice… play with the fairy queen, talk with Kayafe... now that I think about it, I should ask her for some advice, see what she thinks.

I am quite thankful that only my clone is here; I don't want to be here in person... ever; not if I can help it anyway. I hated politics before, when it was only on a village scale, and this just fuels my hatred of it.

Never again. I promise myself. Tusile and Guklaro can do the rest, but I don't want to get involved in any more politics.

Ryn approaches and, despite my attempt to wave her off, she sits down next to me.

"I'm not here for any interests," she says. "But I noticed those Flanurs nearby and thought my presence may help drive them away."

I don't know what a Flanur is, but I don't believe her one bit.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ora Ara Ryn, Van's twin sister." she says. "Vocana politics can be quite tiresome; it's the reason why my father never ran for governorship despite being an only child, and why Van decided to take the position once grandfather retired."

"Luckily, once this deal is done, I will be relieved of this work," I say, hinting that her efforts won't have any meaning.

"I see." Without missing a beat, Ryn shifts focus. "You plan on taking a break, right? What do you wish to do?"

"Probably play with an Exalted-tier Queen monster, talk with a ten-thousand-year-old Legendary ancestor and maybe fly to Fydrao on the back of a dragon." I don't want to get into any discussion, so I mix in some unbelievable truths with an outlandish comment.

Ryn chuckles, taking my words as a joke. "If only it were that easy."

Ryn continues small talk, and, while at first I don't want to engage, I realize that with her around, others are glancing over, wondering when it's their turn to talk to me. I still don't believe Ryn doesn't have ulterior motives, but at least she's right that keeping her around keeps the others away, so I warm up to her a bit.

The ball ends in relative peace, with Ryn helping to keep others away.

"In the morning, we'll have talks with the senate about the trade deal; hopefully, we will find common ground," Orlan says to me as we ride their ridiculous carriage back to their estate.

"Hopefully," I agree, then I turn toward Lysha. "I've been wondering something. You're the marshal for the potential war coming up, right?"

She nods.

"But Kineto Lova Borala is the Grand Marshal; how does that work?" I ask.

"Borala oversees the entire military," Orlan answers.

"Yes. I am marshal for the offensive force specifically; I answer to Borala as her subordinate so long as I am acting as Offense Marshal" Lysha gives a more in-depth reply. "We always have a Grand Marshal and a Defense Marshal, but we only have an Offense Marshal when in war or preparing for war. Usually, the Grand Marshal will also be the Defense Marshal in peacetime since there's no use in having two marshals, but by separating the job into three distinct entities, we have redundancy in case of assassination. If we are facing a war on multiple fronts, we'll have more marshals for each front."

If they are telling me this, then it must not be sensitive information, or they assume I will be able to find out easily enough anyway.

The rest of the day is spent in preparation for the next morning’s meeting, and then just resting to recover from the ball.


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