The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 122: Before the Search

Chapter 122: Before the Search

With a mind searching the ocean for land, I can't go into the dungeon and train my [Sense Soul] for the last few general skill levels I need for getting a second Class. However, that doesn't mean I'm not doing anything about it.

Chyzu also has [Twin Minds]; however, because a lot of breakthroughs rely on mind mage stuff, we both have been unable to really train it. Fortunately, [Mana Manipulation] is a general casting skill and can cast spells with mind essence. In other words, I can try to fill in the role of a mind mage.

I don't have any supporting skills other than [Twin Minds]; however, that shouldn't stop me from doing mind spells altogether, they just won't be very effective. I have used mind spells before, most notably putting the assassin who attacked me to sleep and communicating telepathically with Kayafe, but I still need to try other spells.

First, I need to understand the mind; what exactly is it? Turning my perception inwards, it appears to me that there are at least three elements to what we call the mind. First is the ‘mind component’; it is an... ectoplasmic structure... a soul organ that houses the mind. When I first obtained [Twin Minds], I only had one of these, yet I had two parallel minds. Even now, I have five parallel minds but only two mind components, indicating that multiple... metaphysical minds can exist on the same mind component. I really need a better categorization for these.

The metaphysical mind is the second element to the mind; it doesn't have a form, hence why I call it metaphysical, it is more like the concept of the mind. Let's try an analogy. The mind component, the soul organ that houses the metaphysical mind, is like a computer. It is the hardware, and the metaphysical mind is the software, like a program. You can have multiple instances of the same program running on the same hardware.

My true mind – me, my personality, my consciousness – is also separate from the metaphysical mind; if the metaphysical mind is the program, then the true mind is the user. It is possible, theoretically, that I can form more true minds for multiple personalities. Of course, there are reasons why I don't want to do that, and I have to think heavily on the consequences of my actions if I do.

For example, what if I do make another true mind, a split personality, but don't want more people living in my head? Are they alive? Would it be murder to get rid of them? Technically they'd share my soul and body so they can count as being alive. What if they share the same mind component? Can they still be called someone else? Are they just me since they don't have their own mind component?

Too many questions, way too many. I know it would qualify as a breakthrough for [Twin Minds], but that is certainly something I can't deal with.

Tangent aside, those are the three parts of the mind. Maybe there's more, but for now, those are the three I know of. Telepathy is a connection from one metaphysical mind to another, so if I can instead adapt a telepathy spell to instead attack rather than talk, we can train our skills.

So, after explaining most of that to Chyzu, that's what I do. I use a spell to make a connection with Chyzu's mind, and I pressure her minds with my own. I am able to experiment with ways to attack and defend; the mental conflict is largely influenced by the intelligence stat, as well as imagination, concentration and sheer force of will.

Imagine a blade cutting through the mind of a foe, and it will harm their mind; imagination is the method of attack but force of will, which the intelligence stat improves, determines how powerful the attack is. It is worth noting that mana is used, not to attack but rather to maintain the mental connection. Think of it as a pipe. If I want to do a strong attack but the pipe is too small, only so much can be sent at one time. By widening the pipe, I can make full use of the attack, or I can turn the idea around and put pressure on the connection as a means of defence, preventing attacks from reaching me at all rather than trying to fight them directly.

Ting! Mental Fortitude has obtained levels 80-86!

Ting! Clear Mind has obtained levels 106-110!

Ting! Twin Minds has obtained levels 89-90!

Through a month of practice against Chyzu, we both have gotten some valuable levels in breakthroughs we normally wouldn't have been able to. The training isn't as effective as it could be, since I am not a true mind mage, so it's taking longer, but we don't have any other alternatives.

On another note, I should now have enough general skill levels for a second Class. I don't even need to count the levels, really, because I have a vague feeling that I can have something more. It's subtle, like a light craving, but just to make sure, I count my general skill levels and find that the total is one thousand-one.

In order to grow a second Class, it needs to be based on a general skill or a Bond skill. There are questions on how a Bond skill can grow a Class, since there is seemingly no Bond magic framework, but that just means I am not seeing the entire picture. The skill must have a minimum of ten breakthroughs and be capped in level; this means that [Twin Minds] is off the table. [Mental Fortitude] and [Clear Mind] are also not eligible for not being capped.

My only three general skill options are [Graceful Movements], [Musician], and [Tailoring]. Of the three, the only one I'd consider is [Graceful Movements]. This means that my best choices are my Bond skills, of which almost all are eligible to be Class seeds; the only requirement is the Bond skill needs to be an evolved version.

So now the real question is, should I pick now? Or do some last-minute preparation to get the best Class I can get? My perception is very far out now; who knows if that will count for something.

There is the added issue of what happens if I pick a Class seed and choose to wait. What happens to my skill? The best bet, for now, is to try to cap [Clear Mind] and [Mental Fortitude] and get more breakthroughs in [Twin Minds]. Or should I? Just those three skills will make my Class have a very high level cap when they are transferred into it, and if I am using Bond skills then I am probably going to end up with a Bond Class. If I don't get a high-tier Class, I could end up with poorly optimized evolutions, but the best way I can get higher tier Classes, for now, is by capping my skills. It's a catch twenty-two.

Do I take the risk? If I level my skills, I'd have to go all the way until it's capped, and with [Clear Mind] that's not likely to happen, since two of its breakthroughs are very dangerous to level, one needing me to be close to dying and the other requiring that I fight a vastly superior being.

I can maybe ask Safyr for help… or possibly even Kayafe, she can probably do it since it is a mental conflict. They'd both be strong enough to qualify as 'overwhelming power' and they wouldn't try to kill me.

No risk, no reward. I'll take the risk. This will either end very badly for me, or it will be exactly what I need. [Mental Fortitude] has a fear resistance breakthrough, though, and other than poking the Mind Eater again, which I will not do, I don't know how I'm going to level it up. I'll just have to work something out.

Maybe I should ask Safyr for help first? She did level my [Mana Toxicity Tolerance] very fast before. Hmm… no, I should ask Kayafe? It will raise her spirits to be able to actually do something for once.

A short flight over to the Temple, and I establish a connection with Kayafe. We greet each other, and then I ask her if she can help me train.

“I am ready for my second Class; however, I first want to get more levels in two resistance skills that should help me work towards [Unlimited Minds].”

“[Clear Mind] and [Mental Fortitude], right? Which breakthroughs do you need?” Kayafe asks.

“For [Clear Mind], I need to fight against someone more powerful than I, be near death, and be entranced, dominated, and allured. The last one is about controlling stray thoughts, which I can work on myself. For [Mental Fortitude], it's mostly the same, plus needing to resist or overcome fear,” I tell her.

“Hmm, that's going to be hard without a proper mind mage; resistance skills can be hard to train if the trainer isn't a proper mage or warrior specialized in whatever you are trying to resist. I can really only help you with one breakthrough, and I am not skilled enough to get you close to death without going too far. Your best bet for training will be monsters in the dungeon, but the breakthrough for being a step away from death should never be trained without a master trainer. Unfortunately, you are going to have to deal with an uncapped skill until you can find one.”

If I can't cap the skill, then it's not worth the risk.

“I see; if that's the case, I should probably ask the Guardian for any advice,” I say, dejected.

“I'm sorry that I can't help you more,” Kayafe says, sounding a little depressed. “But chances are that there is someone with a mind essence Bond, it's not so rare to be unheard of. They are probably going to be the best bet for a mind mage Class; maybe you can help them train, and then they can help train your resistance skills.”

Now that I think about it, there are a few others with a mind essence Bond – none from my village, but I do remember seeing a few. The biggest problem is that our people are craftsmen; why would anyone take a mind mage Class if they are going to open or take over a family shop? Maybe as a Kheshamo, they might be a mind mage, but even then it's not as exciting as normal mages and fighters. This is why mind mages aren't around; there's just no reason for them to be. Other than to help people sleep by casting a sleep spell on them, how would a mind mage earn money in this society?

The best way is for them to become a monster hunter in the dungeon, and we are currently going through a little problem with that. Regardless, I can't just help someone become a mind mage; it won't work well in our society as it is. I must first change our society to allow mind mages to exist, and I’m not sure I actually want to do that, even if I knew how.

We chat until I run out of mana, then I make my way over to the Guardian. I tell her my predicament and that continuing to level my skills might screw up my Class's max level.

“We dragons usually don't have the same problem. Those of us who are spawned are born with high-level Bonds, so it's never really an issue for us.” Safyr says. “However, the few dragons that are born are like you; they are born without a Class or Bond levels, they must train and earn their power. For them, they usually reset their Class once their Bond is at a high enough level.” The Guardian pauses for a moment before speaking again.

“If you are worried about not getting a strong enough Class, then you should first train your Bond more and slay even more powerful monsters. Use the Dungeon to your advantage; kill the strongest monsters you can, and as many as possible. It'd be best if you do it yourself, too. Remember, it's not the levels you are looking for, but the achievements, and to experience how your Bond interacts with the world around you. You want a Class that is based on your clone? Then specifically perform actions using the clones that lead to achievements that will help you get a strong Class. Fight multiple powerful enemies in different places at the same time, by yourself. Evolve your Bond skills even more, and, most importantly, trust in your Bond, grow your Bond as much as possible.You should have one thousand Bond levels by the time your first Class is ready for its next evolution. Do that, and I'll solve your resistance skills issue.”

Does the Guardian know a mind mage? Is it another dragon? How great of an achievement will it be to receive training from a mind mage dragon?

“Go now, you have a lot of work to do if you want to get your Bond to level one thousand.” Clearly dismissed, I bow respectfully and go back home. I greet Mom and Dad as I walk through the shop, noticing that they are looking over the ledgers to summarize our monthly earnings. I walk upstairs and weave two small towels: Yafe and Yafel were playing on the island beach and have tracked sand all over the house. I summon two clones and order them to mop the floor, making use of their basic AI functions.

Entering my room, I think about the next item on my agenda. I still have a mind dedicated to searching the ocean for anything interesting so I can’t train in the dungeon, but I can train [Sense Magic] and I still need to study some monster materials to get a better idea of how they work. I borrowed some from Guklaro, a while ago actually, so I probably should get that done and return them.

I take out the Slime Mana Core and the Arachnoid Mana Heart – both constantly producing mana – and stare at them, observing the mana and ectoplasm within. It seems as if residual ectoplasm has formed into a mana core soul component. They both have magic frameworks, small ones like those of skills, different but similar enough that they’re clearly related. The cores themselves don't produce a lot of mana, nowhere near as much as the monsters they originate from produced, but it's something.

The most obvious question is: can a soul mage intentionally make these soul components? If they can, I can see mana-producing items or self-powering enchantments being widespread. I am not a soul mage, so I can't make more mana cores, unfortunately.

It would be nice if I could make mana-producing items, but it's not like I can do everything; instead, I should try to find someone who can, and teach them how to make them. Speaking of teaching, maybe I should write all of this down: not just everything I learned about mana and magic but also about Bonds, the system and everything I have learned from Safyr and Kayafe. It's certainly a multi-book project, but, with my clones, I can work on them at the same time. It might make it easier to teach Lotis, as well.

I still have levels I need to get from [Sense Magic]; it is level six hundred, but its cap is seven hundred eighty, and most of that is from my [Sense Mana] breakthroughs. I should take a month or two to focus on completing those before I finalize a book on it; I'd hate to write down incomplete knowledge when I can just learn it first.

First book, everything I know about mana. Second book, what I know about magic so far. Third book, everything I know about Bonds so far. My fourth will probably be a collection of miscellaneous knowledge, like all the things I learned from Kayafe that don’t fit in the other books.

My thoughts are interrupted, as my other mind searching the ocean finally finds something!


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