The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 118: Class Evolution

Chapter 118: Class Evolution

Alluring Summoner:


Achievements: Fairy Summoner at level 200, Have Bond at level 500, Have evolved Bond skills 24 times, Have the Acting skill, Have ten Class skills level capped, Have the evolved Bond skill: Bestow Wings, Have the evolved Bond skill: Bestow Beauty, Have ten or more people infatuated with you, Be well known to the Runalymo.

Whether it be the summons of fantastical creatures to entertain children or illusory clones to seduce adults, you are gifted in the ways of allure and seduction. You are well known to many, yet few can say they have met you, and fewer still can say they met the real you. You have the power to bless others with flawless beauty should they feel they deserve it.

Note: Some skills may be replaced.

This Class is not exactly what I am looking for. I want a general 'summoner' Class rather than a more specialized one, because I plan for my next Class to be specialized in clones, which count as summons, and getting two Classes that synergize will be very useful. However, this is not what I want my general summoner Class to be. This Class seems like it focuses on seduction, which just makes me uncomfortable to think about. Plus, I don't know how that will work with my existing skills, and the note suggests incompatible skills will just disappear.

This evolution is a definite pass for me.

Fairy General:


Achievements: Fairy Summoner at level 200, Have Bond at level 500, Have evolved Bond skills 24 times, Have ten Class skills level capped, Have the evolved Bond skill: Fairy Soldier, Have the evolved Bond skill: Create Familiar, Have killed hundreds of monsters over 100 levels above your own, Have killed hundreds of monsters that are at least one tier above your own, Have killed a Heroic monster,

You have led your troops into battle even against a vastly more powerful foe and come out victorious. Now you'll be able to mark your enemies for death, improve your soldiers even more, and take down even more powerful foes.

Note: Some skills may be altered.

This is more up my alley! However, I want a more generalized summoner Class that isn't purely focused on my fairies. Yes, this will probably be a lot more powerful right now, but I am already playing the long game, so I might as well go all in.

A Class like this might be good for a second or third Class or, if I wasn't so close to a second Class, a good first option. As it stands, I am better served picking a general Class that can better synergize with my potential second Class.

Another thing is that some skills may be altered but not replaced, probably to change my general summoner skills to apply only to fairies.

Fairy Army Conjurer:


Achievements: Fairy Summoner at level 200, Have Bond at level 500, Have evolved Bond skills 24 times, Have ten Class skills level capped, Have the evolved Bond skill: Fairy Soldier, Have the evolved Bond skill: Create Familiar, Have the evolved Bond skill: Blessing of Wholeness, Have killed hundreds of monsters over 100 levels above your own, Have killed hundreds of monsters that are at least one tier above your own, Have killed a Heroic monster, Have over 300 fairies summoned at the same time.

Wherever you go, fairies are seen; you have disregarded quality and have chosen quantity; you shall overwhelm your enemies in an unending tide of fairies or tend to the wounded with an army of healing familiars.

Note: Some skills may be altered.

If the Fairy General focuses on quality, then this is quantity. Another good choice if I want to go that route. Like the Fairy General, this Class also alters some skills.

Clone Summoner:


Achievements: Fairy Summoner at level 200, Have Bond at level 500, Have evolved Bond skills 24 times, Have ten Class skills level capped, Have the Twin Minds skill, Have the evolved Bond skill: Copy Self, Have the evolved Bond skill: Duplicate Self, Have killed hundreds of monsters over 100 levels above your own, Have killed hundreds of monsters that are at least one tier above your own, Have killed a Heroic monster.

Walking away from the need to summon armies to fight for you, you have decided to use a body proxy to fight personally. Now you will be able to make better use of your clones; empower them, and be able to split your mind to control many more at once.

Note: Some skills may be replaced or altered.

Very tempting, but this is pretty much what I plan for my second Class anyway; also, I'll be losing some skills, even if they'll be replaced and freeing up general skill slots. The biggest downside is that if I move a general skill over to this Class, then my max level may be too high to let me efficiently grind Bond levels. The more I focus on Bond Classes, the more I realize why Kayafe doesn't like them; they require a ton of strict planning to pull off correctly, and for most people it's just not necessary.

This Class does mention [Twin Minds], but doesn't state anything about the skill level or breakthroughs. It's only two levels away from capping, but it requires me to engage in more mental conflicts to raise it. Perhaps I should train with Chyzu, who has a similar skill, and cap [Twin Minds] before my second Class.

Distant Summoner:


Achievements: Fairy Summoner at level 200, Have Bond at level 500, Have evolved Bond skills 24 times, Have ten Class skills level capped, Have the evolved Bond skill: Fairy Soldier, Have the evolved Bond skill: Create Familiar, Have the evolved Bond skill: Copy Self, Have the evolved Bond skill: Beauty Mark, Have killed hundred of monsters over 100 levels above your own, Have killed hundreds of monsters that are at least one tier above your own, Have killed a Heroic monster, Have never personally faced mortal combat, Have enhanced a clairvoyant skill.

You are never in danger, for you are never in combat. You lead your forces through proxies and body doubles. Take your summons anywhere you desire, as your clones can serve as beacons near which your summons can remain stable.

This is exactly what I am looking for! This will mean that my summon range is effectively equal to my perception range, which can move over two thousand kilometers away from my real body. Looks like my investment in [Beauty Mark] really paid off! This Class is certainly a non-focused summoner Class, and my skills won't change, although I hoped that maybe [Fairy Empowerment] can be changed to allow it to empower non-fairies.

The rest of my options are all corrupted, which sucks since there are several Grand-tier and even two Heroic-tier options.

The choice is clear. Fairy General and Fairy Army Conjurer are both really good choices, but Distant Summoner isn't just a pure combat Class; it can also be used for other things, like meeting other people thousands of kilometers away or even helping them, managing a shop, guiding people to where they need to go. Life isn't just about killing, killing, killing, and I don’t want to be just about that either.

I make my choice and watch as several bundles of experience flow into the magic framework that is my Class. The Class magic circle's core changes to something a little more complex, but apart from that, there are no other observable changes to the magic framework.

Ting! You have obtained the Class: Distant Summoner!

Distant Summoner: Level 232 (Major)

All summon-based spells’ power is increased by 375%

All Distant Summoner Class skills are empowered by 300%

Active skill 1: Fairy Heart 30/30

Active skill 2: Summon Arms 40/40

Active skill 3: Fairy Explosion 40/40

Active skill 4: Summoner's State 10/10

Active skill 5: Summoner's Beacon 30/30

Passive skill 1: Summoner's Expertise 30/30

Passive skill 2: Beacon's Core 60/70

Passive skill 3: Fairy Commander 40/40

Passive skill 4: Fairy Rush 30/30

Passive skill 5: Summoner's Affinity 10/10

Ting! Fairy Empowerment has been upgraded to Fairy Heart!

Ting! Fairy Heart has lost a breakthrough!

Fairy Heart: You've learned how to summon your fairies with a heart-like core; this will empower them and increase the range at which they can operate away from you. (+120%)

1stBreakthrough: You've managed to stack hearts; this will let you stack even more. (up to 6 hearts)

2ndBreakthrough: You've managed to further stabilize the mana without sacrificing intensity; this will let you pack more mana into the hearts to empower the fairies more. (+60%)

Interesting. The breakthrough I lost is about sending more to the fairy, but that is no longer needed since I create the fairies with the hearts now, rather than giving them a boost. This has led to a loss in skill level, unfortunately. Still, despite the lower level, the skill is certainly stronger; after all of the calculations, I am getting a total bonus of one hundred eighty percent power per fairy per heart, so a total of over one thousand percent.

Ting! Beauty Mark has been upgraded to Summoner's Beacon!

Summoner's Beacon: You've learned to mark someone with a beacon, making them act as a stabilizer for all of your summoning abilities. (240-meter stability radius)

1stBreakthrough: You've marked someone with a lot of mana; this will increase the beacon’s duration. (+30 hours)

2ndBreakthrough: You've managed to mark someone with unstable mana; this will allow you to detonate the mana, should you wish.

The base skill and first breakthrough changed and I didn't lose a breakthrough; I guess nothing fundamental has changed, really. Too bad the anchoring effect won't work with my perception; it'd effectively make my range for it unlimited. Perhaps one day it will be.

Ting! Summoner's Core has been upgraded to Beacon's Core!

Ting! Beacon's Core has met the requirements for a breakthrough and will continue leveling past level 60!

Beacon's Core: You've managed to extend your radius of stability, allowing your summons to operate much farther away from you. (+240%)

1stBreakthrough: You've learned how to manipulate your core to increase how much mana you can hold. (+240%)

2ndBreakthrough: You've entered a state of focus, letting you increase the effectiveness of your breakthroughs. (+240%)

3rdBreakthrough: You've learned how to manipulate your core to consciously produce essence mana, allowing you to directly produce the mana needed for spells and tap your reserves less.

4th Breakthrough: You've learned how to manipulate your core to consciously produce elemental mana, allowing you to directly produce the mana needed for spells and tap your reserves less.

5th Breakthrough: You've learned how to produce spell-like mana, letting you precast spells and enchantments.

6th Breakthrough: You've managed to increase your mana production, letting you produce more mana. (+240%)

Another interesting improvement. The previous skill's base function has been moved over to a new breakthrough and has kept its levels, meaning I just need to level up the new skill base. Still, this means that properly planning out max levels will be difficult, as it can increase my maximum Class level if I am not careful.

No other skill seems to have been upgraded; did I fuck up my evolution? Hmm… when I think about it, my other skills can't really relate to distance, or maybe they can have a breakthrough to work with it? Maybe I should ask Esofy and Chyzu, and probably Kayafe, what their evolutions have been like. Perhaps it's just a Bond Class thing.

Anyway, now that my Class bonus to my skills has been raised, all my other skills have been vastly improved, gaining more than double the power. My mana generation and reserves have increased a lot, and, while I am looking at my stats, I should do something about those too; I have over five hundred points now.

I put two hundred stat points each into endurance and vitality. I may not plan to be in real combat, but I should prepare just in case. My run-in with the Mind Eater has shown that I can still be vulnerable, and it's only a matter of time before someone can just teleport right next to me through my perception. Plus, I did get damaged when my scapegoat exploded from the Mind Eater's retaliation, so more endurance and life-force is certainly a valuable investment. The last one hundred points I put into charisma, for more mana flow. Ever since I started channeling mana, it's been painfully slow, and channeling tens of thousands of mana is even slower.

Unused stat points: 80/3480

Mana: 200 [10200] (+27030)

Mana Generation (/hour): 200 [10200] (+55080)

Vitality: 100 [5100]

Strength: 9 [99]

Agility: 12 [132]

Endurance: 10 [510] (+127.5)

Intelligence: 32 [1632] (+652.8)

Wisdom: 28 [1428] (+499.8)

Charisma: 20 [420]

Now, I should study what the [Fairy Heart] actually does and how it works, as it seems to be different to the old skill; maybe I can learn something. Then I need to train my [Beacon's Core] to level seventy, talk to others about their experiences with evolutions, and work towards my second Class.


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