The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 35: What Have I Learned in the Last Six Months?

Chapter 35: What Have I Learned in the Last Six Months?

  1. What Have I Learned in the Last Six Months?

* * *

It’s been about six months since I started living with my master.

We, both of us being the quiet type, didn’t exchange many words.

But, even so.

Through eye contact, we’ve communicated heart to heart.

I believe that my master and I can understand each other without words.

At least, I think so.

And probably, so does Master.

The look we exchanged just before Master began his battle with the bald man.

His gaze, as sharp and stern as ever, was telling me.

This is a new challenge.

When I realized that, I felt embarrassed.

I wanted to become stronger, to have the power to survive, that’s why I became Master’s disciple.

Yet, I found myself wishing to be saved by Master without fighting.

That’s not right, it shouldn’t be like that.

This level of crisis, I should overcome it with my own strength.

If you’re going to call yourself my disciple, then prove it.

That’s what Master’s gaze was scolding me for.

And that scolding.

It meant that I could do it.

That Master believed in me, believed that I could handle it, was proof of that.

I was happy.

…Understood, Master.

I won’t expose any more disgrace.

As your disciple, I’ll show you a result that won’t make you ashamed.

In this situation, being taken hostage, my life hanging by a thread.

I’ll use all the strength I’ve gained during these six months with Master…

And with my own power, I’ll turn this around!!

* * *

“Come, bring it on!… I shall subdue you!!”

With those words from Dahachie, the cult leader, the battle between the two began.

Emi’s master, in an instant, closed the distance to Dahachie without making a sound, unleashing a series of punches.

Each strike was a lethal 【Magic Strike】.

A fist capable of breaking rocks.

However, Dahachie, having survived as a top-class assassin, continued to parry the man’s punches.

Even so, the man’s flurry of attacks was overwhelming.

Dahachie couldn’t organize his offense and was gradually pushed back, retreating… yet, he smirked creepily.


Sensing an unknown danger, the man momentarily leapt back.

And at that moment, as he reassumed his stance toward Dahachie… blood dripped from a cut on his right arm that had appeared at some point.

“Ha ha ha! Oh, that was close! I was hoping to take at least one of your arms! But it seems your reputation as a ‘legend’ isn’t unfounded!”

Convinced that his power could reach the man, Dahachie laughed heartily.

“However, unfortunately for you, your style of diving into the opponent’s range with just your body is a very bad match for me! My ‘unique ability,’ 【Invisible Slash】, that cuts through everything unnoticed by anyone, is incompatible with it!”


Before Dahachie had finished speaking, the man leaped back further. The ground where he had been standing was slashed by something invisible, leaving deep scars. “Hahahahaha! Can our revered god see this? I am strong! Such a man is hardly worth my concern! How about reconsidering the matter of the guide now!? Hahahahaha!!” Dahachie laughed uproariously, waving his arms as if conducting. Each time, the ground around the man was sliced, and the trees behind him were split in two. The man continued to dodge the 【Invisible Slash】, intuitively… in reality, he was unconsciously determining the location of the attacks from Dahachie’s posture and gaze.

‘…I can’t get close.’ For the first time, sweat appeared on the man’s forehead. It was a bad match. Indeed, as Dahachie said, the man’s prowess in close combat was overwhelmingly superior. However, he was prevented from getting close by the 【Invisible Slash】. Additionally, his beloved disciple was being held hostage. This was causing the man to panic. He had given a warning, but his opponent was an irrational cult. It was unpredictable when they might go on a rampage.

…To be honest, if you ask whether Emi and this man were truly able to communicate through just looks, the answer is no. So far, it had just happened to work out somewhat well by chance. Since both were taciturn and not bothered by minor things, even if there were misunderstandings in their thoughts, it didn’t bother them. This time was no different. The man hadn’t thought for a second that Emi should escape the hostage situation by herself. He had merely glanced at his beloved disciple out of concern.

That was all it was.

However, Emi didn’t take the man’s gaze that way.

She convinced herself that it was a challenge, a reprimand, and proof of trust.

…………Emi’s challenge to the task given by her master, which he himself didn’t remember assigning, begins……!

* * *

<Turning the situation around, you say, but Emi……!>

While being shown the battle between the masters, I am still restrained by old man number two.

A sharp knife is still pressed against my neck.

<How do you plan to escape from this restraint!?>

Indeed, that’s a tough question, Extra-sama.

But, it’s a task that Master believes I can overcome!

Surely there’s a way to solve this……!

“Hey, kid……don’t move. Don’t think about doing anything unnecessary.”


Just a slight movement from me, and old man number two tightens the grip on the arm he’s twisting and presses the knife even harder against my neck.

My skin, strengthened by 【Body Strengthening】, wouldn’t normally be cut by a mere knife, but being pressed this strongly and continuously……I might soon have a bruise at least.

Now, what to do? What is the best course of action?

Should I focus more and increase the accuracy of 【Body Strengthening】 so the knife can’t cut through my neck……?

<That’s reckless, Emi. No matter how much you use 【Body Strengthening】, its durability isn’t absolute. It’s natural to assume that this Priest Ogad is also a professional fighter…… This man has probably mastered a technique to infuse magic into his attacks to increase his power, similar to 【Body Strengthening】. If that’s the case, it wouldn’t be difficult for him to penetrate your enhanced defense and inflict a fatal wound on you.>

Then, should I activate 【Grasshopper】 and leap away in an instant?

Or use 【Mantis】 to slice off old man number two’s arm and escape?

……No good.

Both require preparatory movements.

Old man number two, who tightens his hold at the slightest movement, would crush me before I could activate them.

【Magic Strike】… is the same.

【Silverfish】… isn’t a technique useful in this situation.

Even 【Intimidation】… what good would it do? Old man number two wouldn’t be phased by the 【Intimidation】 of such a young girl.

Think, think……think of something I can do!

Luckily, old man number two has been ordered by that bald cult leader to keep me restrained.

It’s an order from his superior.

He wouldn’t harm me against that order.

That means, I still have time!


“……Ha, ha……! Cult Leader……isn’t it time yet……hurry, I want to cut off her head……and offer her soul to the glorious god……!”

Oh, crapーーーー!

Old man number two is breathing heavier than before, and if you listen closely, he’s mumbling something really dangerous!?

His desire to kill is starting to show outright!?

<It seems we’re running out of time……!>

Think, think, think, think, think……!!

Think about what I can do!

Seize it with my own power!

My life, my future!

What have I been doing these past six months?

What have I learned!!

<But Emi, the skills you’ve learned are all the ones you just mentioned! Even the martial arts taught during sparring can’t be used now that you’re captured!>

Extra-sama screams.

<Emi, it’s frustrating, but indeed, you don’t have the power to change this situation yet… Ogad’s rampage is terrifying, but all we can do now is believe that he will be defeated by him and quietly wait…>

Don’t say such things, Extra-sama!

This is a challenge from Master!

It’s the expectation that Master has for me!?

<Even so, Emi…!>

I absolutely can’t betray that!!

I just can’t!

Just sitting here quietly watching Master’s battle!

I will fight too!!

“Ha…! Hey, kid, I told you not to move! I’m losing my patience…!”


The restraint from old man number two gets even stronger.

I can’t move.

I can’t do anything.

If this continues, all I can really do is watch Master’s battle…



I see.


In front of me, Master and the bald man continue their battle.

Master is hindered by the 【Invisible Slash】, unable to get close to the bald man.

He narrowly avoids the bald man’s attacks, moving as if dancing.

Under different circumstances, I would want to watch it more closely.

Master’s movements, every single one, are refined and beautiful.

Not just his physical movements.

The manipulation of magic, which is usually invisible, is precise and efficient in Master’s case, and it’s wonderful.

The clue to solving this situation.

It was indeed in the battle unfolding before my eyes.

However, what should be noted is not just Master’s splendid martial arts.

The clue to the solution.

It was literally a “thread”.


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