The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 43.1

Chapter 43.1

A Golden Holiday1 (1)

In the aftermath of that incident, I was also investigated. At that time, I was abroad on a business trip, so my alibi was airtight. However, as our relationship was a little ambiguous and the way she died caused quite a scandal, I couldnt even attend her funeral. So talking about Hae-Soo still makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

Well, that wasnt my intention, but my apologies regardless.

Ive heard that the corrupt cop from the latest incident was the one in charge of Hae-Soos case. It seems like her case might be reopened, so I can understand your curiosity.

While the media hadnt directly made any references to Hae-Soos murder, anyone could infer it from their description. If its the murder of an actress that occured only a few years ago, then of course that only leaves Hae-Soo.

But if its for a matter like this, then you should have contacted me through my lawyer.

Hm. Although I was certain their relationship had also involved him sponsoring her, I could understand his reluctance to make this matter public.

Upon checking his watch, he raised his eyebrows. Then he pressed his hands together to express his regret.

Its already this late. Im afraid that I have to get to my next meeting.

Why would we have started drinking if he had another meeting after this? It was obviously just an excuse to get out of here. As he stood to leave, I followed him to my feet.

Please, have some more to eat before you leave. It will be my treat.

Allow me to ask just one more question before you go.

How did you come to know Hae-Soo?

As he slipped on his jacket, his eyes drilled into me. They shone with a sharp glint as they tried to pick out my true intentions. So with a smile, I tacked on an excuse.

Its just to sate my personal curiosity.

I met her through a mutual friend.

Not just an acquaintance, but a friend. It seemed that he had a pretty close relationship with the person who had brokered the deal between him and Hae-Soo. Nam Sae-Ha straightened his outfit and offered me his hand. With this handshake, he was calling our meeting to an end.

Its been a pleasure. Lets meet again when we both have the time, but at a slightly less formal venue.

Sounds good. Have I ever told you that Im quite the partier myself?

Haha. Well then, please excuse me.

Nam Sae-Ha slid open the door and left. Leaving me with a huge amount of food still remaining. So I decided to call in Chief Kim.

Where are you at the moment?

-Im out here in the hall. Managing Director Nam Sae-Ha just passed me on his way out. Have the two of you already finished eating?

I just wanted to check if youre hungry. Would you like to join me? Lets eat this barbeque together.

Chief Kim arrived soon after. With sparkling eyes, he sat down in Nam Sae-Has former seat. He truly was the original Go Ji-Huns best and only friend. For him to get this excited over being able to share a meal with me after so long.

Buzzzz- Buzzzz-

Just then, a call arrived from an unknown landline number.



It was Sang-Beoms voice. So this was Aeryuwons- no, Gogwangwons phone number. I swallowed my mouthful of meat before answering.

Yep. Is something up?

-Its nothing major. Only, when will you make your next visit? So-Yeon says that she really wants to thank you in person.

Let me see. Ive earned some paid vacation, so Ill stop by sometime soon. Do you need anything else?

-there is something. When do you plan on starting?

Starting what?

-Our search for my hyung.


At these words, my throat closed up. Unable to reply, the sound of sizzling meat once again filled the room.

Whats the matter? Chief Kim mumbled around a mouthful of meat.

It felt like he was asking me, what kind of problems could you have on a nice day like this?

But it turned out that I did have a problem, a big one. Because the situation with searching for Park Sang-Ho was very different from when I had gone looking for Sae-Bom. The difference between someone who had gone missing for a few days and someone who had disappeared for years was like the difference between heaven and earth. Also, Sang-Ho seemed like someone who had run away instead of being abducted

Over the phone, I heard Sang-Beoms downcast voice.

-But youre probably busy clearing things up after your last case. Its already been five years anway, so whats the hurry?

Ahem. It cant be helped. I couldnt go back on my word. Besides, from my previous life, I knew just how much Sang-Beom missed his hyung.

Swallowing a sigh, I answered him, Not at all. Since its come up, lets just get straight to it. Once my vacation is over, Ill be so busy that I wont be able to help you even if I wanted to.

-Wow. Really?

The boys voice had suddenly brightened. For some reason, I got the feeling that Id just been tricked. As a future con-artist, it seemed that he really did have a talent for acting.

While flipping over the meat on the grill, I said, Really. Im in the middle of eating right now, so Ill head over as soon as Im done. Ask the kids if they have any snacks that they want to eat, and send their answer to me by text.

-Oh, how cool Got it! Take care.

As soon as I hung up the phone, Chief Kim asked, Do you have somewhere that you need to be?

How about you Chief Kim? Any appointments today?

Nothing today.

Thats a relief. Then you can accompany me to Gogwangwon. I have something that I need to do there.

Huh? Do you need me too? Chief Kim asked with a confused expression.

Ignoring him, I quickly shovelled up the rest of the meat and gobbled it down. If you wanted to find a missing person, more than anything else, you needed stamina.



1 Not to be confused with the Japanese Golden Week, a golden holiday is a Korean phrase used to describe any holiday with consecutive days off.


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