The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 41.3

Chapter 41.3

Between Extermination and Annihilation (3)

Hey hey. Lets not waste both our time.

You there! Stop that and get over here.

Black and the other officers boxed them in and placed them all under arrest. Wang Ong-Gu just stood there, continuing to show us his empty hands, as though he was willing to accept his arrest. We stood face-to-face with each other and looked into the others eyes.

Go look for the kid.

Roger that.

Following Team Leaders order, I started searching the rooms inside the factory. There was a storeroom filled with trash and an office that held plenty of miscellaneous items. Then, on the third door I picked, I found it.

As the door swung open slowly and the operating theatre unfolded in front of me, it felt as if I was entering another world. A wind blew in from out of nowhere and raised goosebumps on the back of my neck. My body shivered as I wondered just how many people had taken their last breaths here.


So-Yeon was lying down on a bed beside a boy who looked to be of similar age. A red line had been drawn straight down her stomach. It undulated up and down slowly, following the rhythm of her gentle breaths.

So-Yeon-ah. Wake up.

I held So-Yeons shoulder and gently shook her, but there was no reaction. The drug appeared to have put her into a deep sleep. Mong-Doo, who followed me into the room, checked the other childs condition as well, before sighing in relief.

Thank God. We arrived just in time.

Whats happening outside?

Theyve almost finished wrapping things up.

I found some loose surgical gowns and wrapped them around the childrens bodies before we carried them back outside. Following Team Leaders orders, the other officers had brought the scene under control and were keeping the suspects moving along.

Wang Ong-Gu was still standing in the same position as before, with a strange expression on his face. Since the abducted child had been rescued and the scene was secured, a police officer approached him while holding out handcuffs.

Pardon me, Detective Wang. You have the right to remain silent-

Right at that moment.


Clasping his hands together, Wang Ong-Gu struck the police officer in the chin. It happened so quickly that the officer couldnt help but be caught off balance and he staggered backwards.


Wang Ong-Gu! Stop right there!

We had our guns aimed at him, but because he was so close to the other cop, we couldnt get a clear shot. Next, Wang Ong-Gu quickly wrapped one arm around the policemans neck. In his other hand, he was holding onto a small jackknife. The sharp tip of the knife jerked upwards, as if it was about to be thrust into the officers neck.

Wang Ong-Gu gestured upward slightly with his chin. He was telling all of us to take a step back.

Everyone. Lets just relax a little.

Despite saying this, Wang Ong-Gus expression looked tenser than ever. In an instant, the air inside the factory had frozen still. I tightened my hold on So-Yeon.

Wang Ong-Gu carefully stepped backwards while dragging the police officer along with him. Slowly, ever so slowly he was edging his body over to the office that had been piled up with various things.

His fellow detectives started shouting at him.

Dont turn this into a bigger mess!

Since these guys here have been arrested, everything is over anyway, so why make things even harder for yourself?

Wang Ong-Gus back was soon pressed against the office door. With a bitter smile, he shook his head.

Detective Wang!

Shut up. Who says that everything will just end with this?

Then he stabbed the knife up into the policemans neck.


Accompanying the policemans scream, a thick stream of blood sprayed everywhere.




The detectives who had their guns raised at him fired their blank rounds2. However Wang Ong-Gu refused to let go of the officers body until the very end.

While everyone else was still hesitating to fire their live rounds, I shouted, Shoot now!

Wang Ong-Gu also happened to have a gun on him. Things would become even more messier than they already were if he managed to hole up inside the office.



Several gunshots rang out. Bullets struck Wang Ong-Gu in the shoulder and arm, as well as the captured policemans thigh. The officer, who had by this point lost consciousness, fell to the floor without a sound. Leaving him behind, Wang Ong-Gu turned and rushed into the office. He had already been shot several times, but that didnt stop him. He was moving like a man possessed.

Entrusting So-Yeon to a police officer beside me, I ran at him while shouting, You crazy bastard! I told you to stop!

Halt right there!

However Wang Ong-Gu quickly locked the door behind him and we were plunged into a stalemate. I pounded on the door.

You son of a bitch- Bam! -what are you- Bam! -planning! Bam!


2 The first shot in the officers guns are blank. Its meant to serve as a warning shot, or a non-lethal shot.


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