The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Chapter 262

The next day at daybreak, Raon was checking on the Light Wind members as they prepared for departure. Since they’d managed to complete the mission without a single fatality, everyone’s mouths were curved into slight smiles.

Though, Runaan and Rimmer were exceptions, since they were too sleepy and their heads—which were leaning against a wall—were bobbing slightly.

“Squad leader.”

Raon went to Rimmer and extended his hand.

“D-Do you want money from me? You’ve really become a bully…”

Rimmer shuddered. His eyes were blank because he’d just woken up.

“What are you talking about? Show me your wrist.”

“Why do you want to see my wrist?”

“I’d like to examine your condition.”

“I’m fine though.”

“I can’t trust you anymore when you say that you are okay.”

“Haa, seriously…”

He murmured that it was so annoying, but still gave him his wrist.

“I’ll finish it quickly.”

Raon used the Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation to examine Rimmer’s mana circuits.

‘They became better for sure.’

The mana circuits were reattached.

Although his energy center was still broken, the fissured and constrained mana circuits had gotten a lot better. Obviously, it was still going to take a long time until he could completely recover to his previous condition, but they shouldn’t disturb his daily life at least.

“You really got better.”

Raon nodded, releasing Rimmer’s wrist.

“I told you I was fine.”

“Our squad leader lies all the time like nothing, even though he always gets demolished when gambling. You should check more thoroughly.”

Martha wrinkled her nose while watching Rimmer’s grin.

“Y-You shouldn’t be talking about me like that. I’m your squad leader, after al…”

“That’s true, since the squad leader has lied so many times before.”

Burren came next to Martha and nodded.

“There was a day back when we were trainees when every single thing he said during the day was a lie.”

“It’d be more difficult to find him telling the truth.”

The other Light Wind members also sighed while looking at Rimmer.

“I’m so sad right now…”

Rimmer lowered his eyebrows while looking at the Light Wind members.


Runaan was sleeping as soundly as a baby, regardless of all the banter around her.

“I have a question before we leave.”

Raon turned around to meet everyone’s eyes once they got ready to leave.

“You were serious when you said you wanted to get stronger one week ago, right?”


“Of course!”

“I’ll focus my life on training from now on!”

“I can do anything as long as I can get stronger!”

Since they’d completed the mission and Rimmer had also recovered, everyone from the Light Wind squad nodded while telling him that they were serious about it.

“What a relief.”

Raon smiled, then looked at Burren.



“Was it difficult to use footwork until the branch without a single rest in between?”

“It was difficult. I realized how difficult it was to go all-out with aura for an extended period of time. It wasn’t just difficult, but it was actually painful.”

“But you must’ve been able to feel your growth after that.”

“Th-The amount of aura did increase slightly…”

Burren’s eyes were trembling. An unknown insecurity must’ve struck him.

“You heard him, right? Burren just proved that the simple action of running while using your aura to the maximum improves aura capacity, endurance, and physical ability. We won’t have many opportunities to train during a mission like this.”


“Wh-Which means…”

The Light Wind members’ chins were trembling as they watched Raon.

“You guessed it right. We will run to Zieghart at full speed, starting from here.”

Raon gave them a big nod.


“Hey, you crazy bastard!”


Burren freaked out, while Martha swore at him—which she hadn’t done for a while—and Runaan screamed as she woke up from her sleep.

“I-It’s impossible! We felt like we were dying from running out of breath, and we were only going to the branch last time!”

“…I’m scared…”

“Everyone’s going to die if we do that! Everyone’s going to die!”

The third team members who ran with Burren last time were shaking their heads like spinning tops.

“I-It’s true that we are going to train, but…”

“Yes, but we’ll do that once we return, after resting a little…”

“What are you talking about?”

Raon narrowed his eyes while looking at the swordsmen.

“You just said that you would focus your life on training. You said that you’d do anything in order to get stronger.”



The Light Wind members’ chins were trembling as they met Raon’s nonchalant gaze.

‘Uhh… I’m screwed…’

‘That fiendish bastard!’

‘He must’ve asked that question in order to create this situation. I’m sure that was his intention all along!’

Since they had already fallen into Raon’s trap, they realized there was no escape from it. All they could do was bite their lips.

“Warm yourselves up first, because we need to run at full speed…”

“W-Wait! Lady Runaan!”

As Raon was about to instruct them to warm themselves up before starting to run, Krein pointed at Runaan, who’d just woken up.

“Lady Runaan didn’t agree to following any kind of training!”

Krein violently shook his hands, drool coming from his mouth, since he wanted to live no matter what.


He was pretty sharp.

Krein was right about that. Runaan couldn’t answer him because she’d been sleeping until a moment ago.

“Lady Runaan!”

“Please save us!”

“Runaan! You won’t even be able to sleep anymore!”

Everyone in the Light Wind squad ran up to Runaan and knelt in front of her. They were screaming that they wanted to return normally at least, even if they had to go through hellish training afterwards.


Runaan nodded. It looked like the fact that she wouldn’t be able to sleep anymore had convinced her.

“Raon, I…”


Raon interrupted her before she could refuse.

“You are coming with us, right? Let’s go to the ice cream shop together once we are done.”


Raon bobbed his hand while smiling gently, and Runaan immediately nodded with blank eyes.


“I-It’s all over.”

“We are dead…”

Light disappeared from the Light Wind members’ eyes.

“Everyone has agreed now. Time to keep your promise. Get ready now.”

Raon gestured with his chin to urge them to prepare themselves, a frightening smile on his face.

“Squad leader!”

“Please stop him!”

“We are finally returning after perfectly completing the mission, so how could this be happening?!”

The Light Wind members gathered around Rimmer, since he was their last hope.

“R-Raon, since I’m a patient and they’ve just completed the mission, let’s take it easy…”

“I’ve already prepared a horse for you, squad leader.”

Raon bobbed his hand, and Belga and Morin brought him a black horse. They were pretty much Raon’s subordinates at that point. The horse was an excellent breed, with sparkling eyes on his face. Its coat was shining slightly.

“Since it has a good pedigree, it should be able to keep running until the next villag…”

“Heave ho!”

Rimmer mounted the horse before Raon could even finish his sentence.

“You guys are way too weak, and no amount of training would be enough! I’ll take the lead, so you shall follow right after!”

Rimmer was relieved by the fact that he didn’t have to run at least, and ran his horse to the front.


“Seriously, that guy!”


Burren, Martha, and Runaan reluctantly started to run, and the other Light Wind swordsmen followed them.

“Let’s go!”


“Damn it!”

Although it was an excellent horse, capable of running at high speed, Rimmer was making it sprint—which forced the other swordsmen to run as fast as they could.


Wrath frowned while looking at Rimmer’s back.

That Shitty Ears is truly detestable! He’s so cheeky!

‘Don’t worry.’

Raon shook his hand with a faint smile on his face.

‘He’s going to suffer the most after we return.’

* * *

* * *

It was a strange space, with pillars the color of blood rising on top of the snow white marble.

The tenth apostle wasn’t moving in the slightest as he stared at the platform on top of transparent stairs.


The tenth apostle slowly closed his eyes before opening them again, and a silhouette with a feminine body could be seen from behind the red curtain covering the platform.

“Greeting the master.”

The tenth apostle went down on his knees. She was the only existence that an apostle would bow to, the White Blood’s cult leader.

Although the atmosphere around her was as gentle as the spring wind, her appearance was extremely impactful. Even the tenth apostle’s powerful pressure paled in front of her mysterious atmosphere.

“You must’ve investigated the fourth apostle’s death.”

The sweet voice flowing from the platform felt like it could melt the soul.


The tenth apostle answered without raising his head.

“The fourth apostle has been killed by Raon Zieghart.”

“Raon? I thought it would be Morell, but Raon Zieghart?”

She asked again in surprise, even though she’d remained unfazed upon learning about the apostle’s death, who was also her disciple,


“Raon must be that boy who defeated Rudkin, right?”

Rudkin was the seventh apostle’s name. The cult leader was the only person in the White Blood Religion who was allowed to call an apostle by their name.

“I heard he became a Master, so how is he already strong enough to kill Terun?”

“I also couldn’t believe it at first, but it is true.”

The tenth apostle softly sighed, while raising his head.

‘It’s been a really long time since the last time I saw my master’s surprise.’

The White Blood Religion’s leader had realized the fourth apostle’s death the moment he died, but she wasn’t surprised even then.

She simply accepted his death, thinking that he must’ve been defeated by a powerful person from Balkar or one of the other Six Kings or Five Demons, as he was at Lohengreen’s dungeon.

Despite how indifferent she was, she was shocked by the fact that Raon was the one who had killed the fourth apostle.

‘No, it’s only natural.’

It wasn’t a powerful person who had already reached their peak that killed the fourth apostle, but Raon Zieghart, who had only just started to spread his wings. The tenth apostle himself still had difficulties believing that a brat who had been a Master for less than a year had defeated the fourth apostle.

“Since all kinds of things happen in the world, it’s not impossible for Raon Zieghart to defeat the fourth apostle, even though he hasn’t been a Master for a long time.”

The White Blood Religion’s leader regained her composure. Her voice sounded like always as she raised her chin.

“You must know how that happened.”

“Yes. It wasn’t a frontal clash, but a surprise attack.”

“Surprise attack?”

“I heard Raon stabbed the fourth apostle from the back, while he was fighting against Morell. The fourth apostle feigned death in order to look for an opportunity, but Raon noticed and used it against him…”

The tenth apostle repeated exactly what the survivors from Lohengreen’s dungeon had told him.

“He is even capable of mental warfare, despite being so young. What a smart boy.”

The White Blood Religion’s leader smiled passionately. She seemed to be even more interested in him.

“And the dagger he used must’ve been the dagger with ghastly energy that lacerated Rudkin’s chest, right?”


“The most talented genius in the continent even has a weapon that can counter us. That’s interesting.”

The White Blood Religion’s leader grabbed her knees with her hands, smiling in excitement.

“How is Rudkin doing?”

“He’s completely recovered now thanks to the holy blood you bestowed upon him, and he even managed to surpass the wall.”

“There should be more, right?”

“Yes. He became even stronger by taking in the flesh and blood of powerful people.”

The tenth apostle told her about what the seventh apostle had been doing. It almost sounded like he’d been watching him all along.

“He will be perfect for the test.”

The White Blood Religion’s leader bobbed her long finger.

“Send Rudkin to determine how strong Raon Zieghart is, and his personality. You know what you have to do after that, right?”

“But he is the grandson of Glenn Zieghart.”

“I know.”

“Should I still bring him?”

“Are you telling me that I should be afraid of that old fart?”


The tenth apostle furrowed his brows slightly without responding.

“A great talent should be put to a greater use.”

The White Blood Religion’s leader leaned her back on her chair and curved her lips into a long smile.

“I’m planning to turn him into my apostle.”

* * *

Raon and the Light Wind squad arrived at Zieghart’s front gate. The return trip was a lot shorter than when they went to the Gazel River.

“I-I’m dying…”

“That lunatic. H-He really made us run all the way here…”


Burren, Martha, and Runaan tried to catch their breath while leaning forward. Their uniforms and hair were all drenched in sweat.

“Huff! Huff!”

“I-I’m going to puke.”

“I want to die…”

Since even the team leaders were exhausted, the other swordsmen were rolling on the ground, unable to stand up. Fluids were flowing from their eyes, noses, and mouths, and their faces had turned pale.

“I-I’m going home! I can’t stand living like this!”

Dorian screamed that he was going home after taking out the luxurious sledge that he hadn’t used for a long time.

“Haa, what a bunch of weaklings. How are you planning to get stronger when you can’t even stand this much training?”

Rimmer clicked his tongue at the Light Wind members, since he had an easy journey by changing horses multiple times on the way.


“Damn it…”

The Light Wind members furiously ground their teeth as they watched Rimmer elegantly riding his horse towards the main gate.

‘Seriously, that guy!’

‘I hate him. I hate him so much. I can’t hate him any more than this…’

‘I shouldn’t have comforted him when he was sick…’

Raon was running alongside him at least, even though he was the one who made them go through all that. Since Rimmer had been riding a horse all along, they could only grind their teeth.

“We’ve reached the main gate of the house. Line up, everyone.”

Raon made sure that the Light Wind squad was in a presentable state, then went to the castle gate and raised his head.

“The Light Wind squad has returned after completing our mission.”

As soon as he finished saying that, the castle gate—too large to be seen at a glance—split into half with a majestic sound.

“Light Wind squad.”

The foreign minister Illiune came out from inside and smiled nicely.

“Welcome back.”

“You look like you are doing great. It must feel nice to stay home.”

Rimmer dismounted his horse and snickered.

“It’s not as nice as you, who happens to have some good subordinates.”

Illiune licked his lips while looking at Raon and the Light Wind squad.

“How did they even grow like that under your teaching?”

“Life is all about luck. Are you jealous?”

“I’m pretty jealous indeed.”

Illiune chuckled and nodded his head.

“The head of house is waiting for you.”

He told them to go to the lord’s manor immediately, since the other division leaders were also gathered with him.

“I see. I thought that would be the case.”

Rimmer nodded and turned around.

“Tidy up your clothes. We are going to the lord’s manor.”


Raon and the Light Wind squad quickly fixed their hair and clothes before following Rimmer towards the Lord’s manor.

“Raon Zieghart.”

Raon was following behind everyone else, and the foreign minister Illiune bobbed his hand towards him.

“You are the first one who’s slain disciples of both the South-North Union and the White Blood Religion’s leaders in a single mission.”

He patted his shoulder and smiled in satisfaction.

“Thank you for proving that Zieghart’s name is still alive.”

“My pleasure.”

Raon bowed at Illiune before following the Light Wind squad.

‘Everyone’s the same.’

Although Illiune looked coldhearted and disinterested on the outside, he was still a warrior from Zieghart. He was rejoicing from the bottom of his heart over the fact that Raon had humiliated the South-North Union and the White Blood Religion at the same time.

“So, today…”

“Hey, look at that…”


The swordsmen bantering around the road stopped talking as they passed and turned their heads towards them. Their gazes brushed past the Light Wind members one by one, eventually fixating on Raon and stopping there.

“His pressure is completely different from before.”

“I heard he slew Tyler from the South-North Union.”

“He didn’t simply kill him. He even revealed Tyler’s evil deeds. He used to be a hero, but he instantly turned into a fiend.”

“I heard he saved everyone by making a bet with the Axe King Roman. How could he suggest a fight in three years? He’s so daring even though he’s just a kid who isn’t even twenty years old…”

“Is he not having any sort of stagnation period? How come he’s getting stronger and stronger?”

The swordsmen swallowed nervously upon feeling Raon’s energy wave, which flowed as naturally as water.

“There’s even more. He slew the fourth apostle when he went to Lohengreen’s dungeon, and that’s an amazing achievement.”

“How could a young swordsman that’s barely nineteen years old even slay an apostle? Has this ever happened before?”

“That’s a rude remark. Since he’s almost reached the peak, his age doesn’t matter.”

“I heard it was a surprise attack, not a proper fight. I’m sure he wouldn’t have managed to return if he’d fought normally.”

“I guess that’s true. I heard it was a surprise attack on the fourth apostle, who was fighting against Morell.”

“Hmm, it’s not too good for a Zieghart’s swordsman to resort to a surprise attack.”

“Are you telling me that you can kill an apostle with a surprise attack? It’s not even a spar. Surprise attack or whatever, it doesn’t matter because they are an enemy.”

“He’s right. The bloody demons from the White Blood Religion shouldn’t be considered human.”

Some swordsmen were trying to depreciate Raon’s achievement somehow, but the other swordsmen made them shut their mouths.

Raon could feel their emotions through their gazes. While feeling their favor, disfavor, and animosity at the same time, he smiled faintly.

‘She said I can crush the people who spread jealousy if I have the power.’

Raon remembered what Sheryl had told him before. She’d advised him that he could crush the other people’s malice if he had an absolute amount of power.

‘I can’t crush everyone yet, but…’

Raon turned around. He spread his pressure while looking at the swordsmen who called him unsightly because of his surprise attack.




Upon receiving the icy cold and sharp energy wave, the swordsmen fell on their asses while their limbs trembled.

“You should go home and rest if you aren’t feeling well.”

Raon looked down on their eyes, trembling in fear, and smiled.


Wrath emerged on the ice flower bracelet and nodded.

It’s been a while, but I like what you did just now. The ones who blabber and deride behind people’s back need to have their limbs frozen.

‘Is that so?’

Using wrath is the most efficient way. If you had used wrath just now, all of them would’ve pissed their pants.


Indeed. The King of Essence's wrath is the most effective against people like them.

‘How do I use it?’

Alright! The King of Essence is going to give you some lessons…

Raon went to the lord’s manor, while gulping down the Giving Wrath’s advice once again.

* * *

Inside the audience chamber of the Lord’s manor, the important officers of Zieghart were standing in lines on the sides.

Raon and the Light Wind squad followed Rimmer, walking down the carpet placed at the center of the audience chamber, then went down on one knee.

“Greeting my lord!”

The Light Wind squad’s voice resounded throughout the audience chamber. Their volume seemed to match the accomplishment they’d achieved.

“The Light Wind squad has returned after completing the mission.”

Rimmer was the last one to kneel and lowered his head.

“Stand up.”

They raised themselves up while listening to Glenn’s completely emotionless voice.

“Raon Zieghart.”


Raon took one step forward. He lowered his head while standing on the same line as Rimmer.

“I heard you were the center of the incidents at both the Gazel River and Lohengreen’s dungeon. You will explain by yourself.”


He’d put his thoughts together on the way back. Raon slowly caught his breath and opened his mouth.

“When we first arrived at the Gazel River, we encountered Tyler, who was boarded on the White Spear. We… Huh?”

Raon naturally looked up to Glenn as he talked, but he interrupted himself and swallowed nervously.

‘Th-The head of house’s expression…’

What’s wrong with him?


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