The Regressors are Trying to Kill Me

Chapter 22

[Translator - Hestia]

[Proofreader - Kaya]

Chapter 22

I instinctively held my breath as my eyes fell upon the Hunter who had just entered.

He had a purple halo above his head, shaped like a circle enclosing a square, symbolizing the Eastern philosophy of "Heaven is Round, Earth is Square"

His black hair, without a single strand out of place, flowed down to his waist, and his eyes shone like amethysts.

His gaze was infinitely clear, yet not quite human.

His small face, looking slightly younger than Wolha's, overflowed with youthful charm, and his toned muscles were faintly visible through the black Hanbok embroidered with gold thread depicting the sun and moon.

The stronger an Awakened becomes, the more beautiful their appearance and the more vibrant their energy.

From that perspective, this Vice Guildmaster was at least an S-Rank.

I knew him.

And at the same time, I didn't.

He was among the self-proclaimed "Regressor" group who had attacked me along with Cheong Siyeol, Lee Eunwoo, and Na Jeongwon a month ago.

But the reason I said I didn't know him was that he wasn't truly my disciple.

I wasn't sure, but he was probably an Awakened they had brought in from outside.

Of course, there was one thing I was sure of.

I was screwed.


I immediately fired two flaming arrows towards the window.


The first shot shattered the window, and the second flew towards the sky.


I was planning to escape using 'Descent from the Crimson Flame'.

The Awakened with the purple halo clenched his fist in the air.

【Grasping the Void】


The gesture of the martial arts Awakened, who had reached the pinnacle of his craft, caught and crushed the flaming arrow flying through the sky.

I blinked in bewilderment.

What was that? Scary.

The attendant who had followed the purple-haloed Awakened spoke into his walkie-talkie.

"The Vice Guildmaster has made his move. We'll secure that guy in the first-floor lobby. Stand by until we move."

The Awakened with the purple halo, the Vice Guildmaster, spoke in a voice filled with arrogance befitting a powerful individual.

"I don't want to cause any unnecessary trouble in these chaotic times. Please come with us quietly."

It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me.

I hesitated for a moment.

The Hunter industry was in a state of emergency.

The Rankers were probably meeting in secret, trying to figure out why I died.

In such a situation, a 'troublesome' variable like me appears?

If I'm lucky, I'll be imprisoned; if I'm unlucky, they'll kill me to silence me.

This wasn't a matter of efficiency or morality, but of emotion.

The world's strongest, a respected mentor, was killed by an unknown force for an unknown reason.

No idea if the culprit was a Black Hole Awakened, a great demon from some Gate, a government agent wary of Awakened, or some transcendent being.

The situation was already tense, ready to explode at the slightest touch.

If they heard that a C-Rank outsider like me was causing trouble at a time like this, I wouldn't blame them for reacting harshly.

Of course, I had no intention of going quietly.

Even against an opponent presumed to be S-Rank, I could at least escape.

But if I did, Wolha would either die or suffer terribly.


There was no need to think about it.

I was Baekya.

I hadn't lived my life sacrificing much, and I didn't want to.

But betrayal was something I hadn't even considered in the past 15 years.

And it would remain that way.

In this situation, there was only one way to divert their attention.

"Did you say you're the Vice Guildmaster of the Divine Guild?"

I looked at the Vice Guildmaster's face.

"Show some respect."

The attendant blocked my way.

As expected of someone presumed to be S-Rank, even the attendant had been chosen by a constellation and wore a dazzling halo.

"He may be your Vice Guildmaster, but he's not mine."

I raised my wrist, where the Ghost Princess's handkerchief was tied.

Most high-ranking Awakened possess the 'Insight' skill.

The Vice Guildmaster's eyes narrowed, as if he had realized that this was meant to 'disguise' something.

His amethyst-like eyes met mine.

His gaze felt like it could pierce through my very soul.

If I weren't Baekya, I probably would have crumbled under that gaze alone.

【You have been affected by 'Insight'.】

A notification appeared before my eyes, warning me of the expected attack.


As expected, he stopped his subordinates.

The Vice Guildmaster asked with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Could you spare me a moment?"

But I was certain.

I would be taken somewhere different from where they originally intended to take me.

* * *

The Vice Guildmaster's private underground training hall.

The walls, reinforced with various barriers and encased in steel-reinforced concrete, boasted a strength that wouldn't budge even if a nuclear bomb exploded underground.

He and I entered the training hall alone.

His subordinates protested, but he silenced them with a single glance.

He was quite impressive.

At his age, I was struggling between politicians who didn't value the lives of Hunters and sent us into danger, and my disciples who didn't value their own lives and jumped into those dangers.

He spoke.

"I recognize that halo."


I didn't expect this to be discovered, even if other things were.

The constellation always easily blocked Insight.

I thought he would only realize that I was hiding something.

I didn't expect him to figure out exactly what I was hiding.

Was I being too careless?

"That star must have chosen a new Awakened. Since he's dead."


"I won't hold you accountable for what happened earlier. It was our fault, wasn't it? Both you and your brother will be able to return safely."

"Thank you very much for that."

"But, no. Anyway, I need you to spar with me once. So I can save face in front of the staff, I mean, the guild members. You understand, right?"

The young Hunter looked at me as a high-ranking official of a large guild.

He was probably thinking of using this spar as an excuse to humiliate me.

I understand.

That way, he could mitigate the humiliating situation of a Divine Guild Hunter losing to an unknown outsider.

At the same time, it would give him a reason to appease the other Divine Guild Hunters who might want to kill me.

In any case, he seemed to think I was the contractor 'Sunny' had chosen after Baekya.

Friendly sparring was common among high-ranking Awakened.

Since I had just effortlessly defeated a B-Rank Awakened, there was no point in trying to convince them that I was actually only C-Rank and that my victory was due to my unique traits.

So, I readily nodded.

"Yes. I'll do my best."

In a way, this spar was an opportunity for me too.

Since he was also part of the self-proclaimed Regressor group, he was someone I would have to fight eventually.

Memorizing his skills and habits, which I couldn't focus on in the previous chaotic situation, would be a great help.

I had no intention of going easy on him.

I opened my subspace ring, took out the 'Champion's Sword,' and held it in my right hand.

He put away his real sword and took out a wooden practice sword, holding it with both hands.

The next moment, a clear notification appeared before my eyes.

It was because 'Insight' had activated automatically after sensing his power.

But the content was a bit shocking.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

【Opponent's Trait: Heavenly Demon Body (Legendary) is active.】

【Main Title: Heavenly Demon (Legendary) is active.】

【Opponent is about to unleash the comprehensive skill Heavenly Demon Divine Art (S+). Be careful!】

Heavenly Demon?

A legendary-grade class?

This is insane.

I activated 'Radiant Light Sword', causing the Champion's Sword in my hand to glow red-hot like molten steel in a furnace.

The constellation's voice echoed in my ears.

【"I was speechless when I saw that frustrating scene earlier. Why did you let him use Insight on you?"】

【"Forget it. I knew you were like this. Now that you've started, show me victory."】

【Your constellation will bear 25% of your mana consumption.】

Thank you,

Great Star.

We were standing more than thirty paces apart.


But with a single step, he closed the distance as if the ground itself was bending to his will.

A vivid purple aura blazed around the wooden sword he held.

【Black Heaven Sword Aura】

The terrifying Black Heaven Sword Aura slashed down, aiming to cleave me in two.

It was a skill I had never seen before, but its trajectory felt strangely familiar.


Thanks to that familiarity, I had the leisure to unleash a Radiant Burst with my left hand while swinging the sword in my right.


But even with the Radiant Burst added to the Radiant Light Sword, I couldn't block the Black Heaven Sword Aura.


The Black Heaven Sword Aura ripped through the Radiant Burst and struck the Champion's Sword.

But by then, I had already fired a flame arrow into the air.

【Descent from the Crimson Flame】


My vision blurred.

The next moment, I was behind him.

I swung my sword, aiming for the back of his neck.


If he made any big movements to dodge or block, I planned to throw the sword and engage in close combat.

【Black Maitreya Divine Art】


But he effortlessly blocked it with a physical enhancement skill.

The impact of the block traveled up the Champion's Sword.

He seamlessly turned and raised his wooden sword.

The magnificent Black Heaven Sword Aura still flickered around it.

【Thousand Slaying Strikes】

Slash, slash, slash, slash, slash!

The skill, capable of a thousand cuts in a single breath, was unleashed.

I strained my mental power to its limits.

Miraculously, I could somehow see the trajectory of his sword.

It was as if I already knew it.

With the precision of catching scattered rice grains with chopsticks, I deflected his relentless sword strikes.


But soon I reached my physical limits, and at that moment, I used the next skill without hesitation.


I intentionally let my arm and chest get slightly cut, then...

【Explosive Regeneration】


A fan-shaped explosion erupted forward.

He blocked it again with physical enhancement.

【Black Maitreya Divine Art】


The white flames that gushed out like a fountain couldn't even singe his clothes before fading away.

It was truly the spirit of a Heavenly Demon.

If I had a physical enhancement skill like that, I would have fought the same way.

I was grateful.

I had prepared the next step, expecting him to react that way, but I didn't think he would actually do it.


I unleashed the inextinguishable flames, weaving them into a wall of fire.


He had stood firm to block the 'Explosive Regeneration', but he couldn't avoid the flames that erupted from beneath his feet.

He was engulfed in crimson flames.

But even while covered in flames, he raised his sword.

His purple eyes burned with the determination to never give up.


His spirit reminded me of myself at that age.

【Black Heaven Sword Aura: External Release】

The Black Heaven Sword Aura shot out from his sword.


The crescent-shaped aura, thrusting vertically downwards, felt like a death sentence.

This time, I couldn't use the Radiant Burst.

I tried to parry it by laying the Champion's Sword flat.


The Champion's Sword snapped in half instantly.

The 'Radiant Light Sword' skill was canceled, and mana backlashed.

He widened his eyes in surprise, but my life was already hanging by a thread.

I had no choice.

I used the mana that had backlashed from the cancellation of the Radiant Light Sword skill.

【Law of Light】

Squeezing all the mana from my heart, I blocked the Black Heaven Sword Aura.

I stretched both arms forward.


The clash of white tinged with red against purple tinged with black erupted in a dazzling shower of sparks.


The Heavenly Demon's sword aura, said to conquer all, and the Law of Light, which returns everything to nothingness, collided and screeched.

My arms trembled.

It seemed that a straightforward approach still wouldn't work.

Just as I thought I was being pushed back, I muttered under my breath.



【Your constellation 'Sunny' takes out the Certificate of Pardon (Masterpiece).】

【The conditional debuff of the 'Trait: Heavenly Demon Body', 'Heavenly Demon's Return, Ten Thousand Demons Submit', is lifted.】

The balance shifted.


The Black Heaven Sword Aura scattered into a white haze.

The guy in front of me raised his eyebrows.

His boyish face was filled with curiosity and admiration befitting his age.

He was just like how Cheong Siyeol used to be.

'My idol, my hero, my sun.'

Damn it.

I closed my eyes for a moment and then opened them.

I spoke as calmly as I could.

"I'd like to stop here. I'm at my mana limit."

But as I calmed down, he seemed to become more excited.

"Just a moment."

His eyes gleamed with heightened fervor.

This time, I was prepared to be completely humiliated.

He called the attendant who was waiting outside and said.

"Please see that my brother, the one who was in the coffee shop, is treated to a meal. Make sure it's at a good restaurant. I need to have a longer conversation here."


"Do I need to repeat myself?"

"No, sir."

The attendant went upstairs with a puzzled expression.


Just then, he dropped his wooden sword.


"Excuse me?"

He took a step closer.

He was now standing in a spot where the dim light illuminated his entire face.

Only then could I see his face clearly.

It was filled with the joy of meeting a deceased loved one and the guilt of feeling responsible for their death.

A different kind of chill ran down my spine.

"I think you have the wrong person."

"Don't lie, Senior."

"Vice Guildmaster."

"It's me, Haneul. Heavenly Demon Ryu Haneul!"

He rushed towards me, gliding with a strange footwork, and embraced me tightly.

If he had attacked like this just now, I would have been killed instantly.

The scent of orchids from his slightly pointed ears was so strong it made my head ache.

I tried to push him away, but I had exhausted my mana.

The physical difference between an S-Rank and a C-Rank was incomparable.

"I thought you were really dead. Do you know how worried I was? I really thought I had killed you, Senior."

He buried his forehead in my shoulder.

The weight of his tearful voice was heavy.

I didn't know what this was all about, but one thing was certain.

I was alive.

"Alright, Haneul. Let's start with one request."

"You still call me that... Yes, I'll do anything for you!"

"Step back a bit. We're strangers, you know."

[Translator - Hestia

[Proofreader - Kaya]


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