The Regressor Can Make Them All

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The Tower of Pristine pierced through the clouds. Below the unreal edifice, which was seemingly beyond human creation, rested a lone podium. And amidst this otherworldly scenery, an old man slowly walked up and stood on top of the podium, with the Tower of Pristine at his back.

“Fifty-four years ago, the world changed.”

His voice emanated from the podium and spread throughout the audience.

“The heavens bestowed upon us the Towers of Heroes, which catalyzed mankind’s evolution. Meanwhile, the depths below unleashed the Abyss of Demons that corrupted any lifeform it touched.”

Not a single sign of devices being employed or mana being infused was seen.

“Some regard this as both a blessing and a curse—a duality born from newfound possibilities and, at the same time, the emergence of monumental disasters.”

Yet, the old man’s voice resounded clearly throughout the vast square and in the ears of the tens of thousands gathered.

“However, I myself perceive this as a kind of labor pain. It is the final trial humanity must face before stepping into a new realm. And today, all of you students have been cast into the midst of our trial.”

The old man standing on the podium alone was Ludwig Schubert, the chairman of Babel Academy. As he spoke, the eyes of everyone gathered in the square glistened. Some of them carried a pure sense of duty, while others harbored greed. Though their personal motivations varied, they all had the same ultimate objective.

“Step forth.”

The square was filled with new and current students, as well as numerous visitors from outside and cameramen broadcasting the scene. And as if he was conveying a message to all those watching him, Ludwig continued his speech with composure.

“That is the duty each and every one of you now bears after entering Babel Academy.”

Once Ludwig’s speech came to an end, the crowd erupted in thunderous applause. Lee Se-Hoon, who had been clapping nonchalantly amid the resounding cheers, discreetly surveyed his surroundings.

This is no joke...

The entrance ceremony at the academy he attended before the regression was marked by begrudging applause, but this was on a whole different scale. While part of it might be due to the excitement of enrolling in Babel Academy instead of other third-rate academies, the primary reason was probably the fame of the old man who had just delivered the encouraging speech.

Seems like he is still as famous as ever.

The term “Perfect Ones” referred to those who climbed all the way to the top of a Tower of Heroes. The legendary figure who first achieved this feat in human history was none other than the old man before everyone—Ludwig Schubert, known as the Emperor of Ascension.

He’s not that nice of a person, though.

As Se-Hoon made a peculiar expression while looking at Ludwig standing there with a benevolent face, the ceremony host’s voice echoed through the speakers.

–Next, we will have a short demonstration from this year’s incoming honor students. Honor students from each college, please come forward to the stage.


Se-Hoon stood up from the crowd and walked toward the stage as practiced beforehand. Amidst the thousands of motionless onlookers, only three individuals were walking toward the front. Surrounded by gazes pouring in from all directions, he chuckled involuntarily.

So, this is what it feels like.

Despite not having shown anything yet, everyone seemed to regard him as someone incredible. Back before the regression, he couldn’t fathom why those high-flyers carried such arrogance, but now he felt he could understand them a bit more.

Maybe this time around, I’ll try being an arrogant blacksmith myself.

While he chuckled due to his own frivolous thoughts, the host’s voice echoed once again.

—Up first is the demonstration from the honor student of Aqar Quf, Jake Myers.

As the host continued with her speech, a blond-haired student stepped onto the stage. Standing at a height of around 170 centimeters, he wasn’t particularly tall. His face carried a youthful charm more fitting of a boy than a young man. Additionally, it appeared to him that Jake didn’t equip any weapons.

The Myers... Se-Hoon squinted his eyes.

The Myers were a prestigious family renowned for producing countless heroes, with an unparalleled reputation even among other prestigious families. Before the regression, Se-Hoon had received several requests for equipment from them, but at the end, he was on bad terms with the family.

Jake Myers must be the third child.

Se-Hoon had never met him before the regression, but he had heard about him now and then, so there were some facts he knew about him.

Even though he’s from the Myers family, he specializes in hand-to-hand combat... I remember hearing that he died in his mid-twenties.

Se-Hoon didn’t know the exact age Jake died, but considering that Babel Academy typically had four-year programs, he probably died shortly after graduating. With this information in mind, he looked at Jake with a smile as the latter was confidently standing on the stage.

Being the honor student of a college, he should have some potential, but... I wonder how skilled he is.

To determine whether it was worth forming a bond, Se-Hoon examined the stage closely. A while later, a black steel puppet, standing approximately two meters tall, appeared in front of Jake.

—The apparatus used in this duel is a golem of the Automaton series from Marionette Factory, specifically Model 9. It possesses strength that matches that of C-rank heroes.

It appeared like this was a bit excessive for a freshman, but Se-Hoon deemed it reasonable.

This should be doable for the honor student of the College of Aqar Quf.

The additional test for students in the College of Aqar Quf involved a sparring match. In other words, Jake, as the strongest in combat among the freshmen entering Babel Academy this year, should handle that golem effortlessly considering his strength.

—Then, let the fight begin!

At the host’s signal, Jake took a stance with his bare hands. The automation’s vacant pupils lit up with a blue light, and it immediately rushed toward Jake.


A jarring sound of crushed metal echoed. Jake’s punch sent the automaton flying into the air, the armor plate covering its abdomen crumpled like paper. He then recovered his stance and, as the automaton fell back down, launched a deadly chain of strikes with both fists.

Pow! Pow! Pow!

With each impact, the automaton’s armor crumpled. Considering Jake was only hitting it with his bare fists and no weapons equipped, this was a remarkable sight. However, the real spectacle began shortly after.

Blue-colored mana surged from Jake’s fists as he clenched them even tighter. His fists’ speed and destructive force continued to rise without pause. As he reached the limits of his power, his fists flashed through the air in an instant, leaving blue afterimages behind.


The automaton’s head exploded without leaving a single trace. It was now just a massive piece of scrap metal, and the headless body collapsed to the floor.

“Thank you for your attention!”

As Jake energetically bowed his head, a cascade of applause erupted from the previously speechless crowd.

This freshman had overwhelmed an automaton that could rival even a C-rank hero without using any special skills; it was purely with his physical abilities. In a way, the audience’s reaction seemed natural since Jake didn’t use any extraordinary techniques in the duel. Likewise, Se-Hoon, who had been observing from below, shared the same sentiment.

How is this guy only an A-rank?

Such a level of talent was something that only came around once every ten years at Babel Academy. How did Jake end up with such a short-lived career? Se-Hoon was surprised by the potential in Jake, which far exceeded his expectations.

After the stage was cleaned up, the host introduced the next honor student.

–Up next is the demonstration from Ur’s honor student, Inoue Erika.

Erika was a girl with long, black hair and skin as white as freshly fallen snow. While her face still had traces of youthfulness, the overall impression she gave people was one of tranquility, perhaps due to her calm demeanor and deep purple eyes.

She’s a bigshot as well, huh?

She was the eldest daughter of the Inoue family, which was known as one of Japan’s three great clans. Although she wouldn’t be able to climb to the top of a Tower of Heroes, she would become an S-rank hero who wielded a Mythical-tier weapon, of which only a few existed in the world. While he hadn’t met her before, he had often heard stories of her remarkable feats on the front lines.

Although I heard that in the end, she became a demon and was subjugated by her very own family...

As he gazed at Erika with a peculiar expression, she slowly turned her head.


Then, stopping precisely in the direction he was standing, she fixed her gaze on him.


Wondering if there was anyone else around, Se-Hoon looked around, but there was no one else nearby.


He was caught off guard by her sudden stare, but when he looked back at the stage, she had already looked away. She then unveiled what she was holding in her right hand.


A silver cage containing a crow was revealed. She calmly unlocked the cage and took the crow, which seemed very much like a normal crow, out of the cage with her left hand.

—The automaton used for this demonstration is the same golem, but it is equipped with reinforced armor and has approximately 1.5 times the defensive power.

As the host explained, Se-Hoon examined the crow perched on Erika’s left hand.

It’s just an ordinary crow... is she planning to enhance it with magic?

Enhancements of creatures born without innate mana required extremely delicate adjustments, as even slight overexertion could lead to the breakdown of their entire body.

—Then, the demonstration starts now!

As soon as the demonstration began, silver mana flowed from Erika’s body and permeated into the crow. Its feathers shimmered and gleamed as if it was bathed in silver light.


A single streak of light shot up toward the sky with a burst of brilliance. The crow, leaving behind a white trail, soared through the air. Witnessing its arrow-like trajectory, the crowd was filled with admiration. Finally, after soaring to great heights, it came to a graceful halt and spread its wings wide.


It pierced through the air and descended toward the automaton.


The automaton twitched slightly, and the crow landed smoothly on the ground. At first glance, it seemed like nothing had happened, but a closer inspection revealed a whole different story.


A massive hole was pierced through the automaton’s shield and chest. The image of the hole was projected on the screen suspended in midair, alerting everyone in the square.


Accompanied by the crow’s caw, an intense applause erupted. It was so loud that it wasn’t outshone by the applause Jake received. In awe of the spectacle, Se-Hoon couldn’t help but be impressed.

She’s no joke either.

Being able to enhance an ordinary crow to the extent that it could penetrate the defenses of a C-rank hero with a single strike, she really was a future S-rank hero. Se-Hoon felt uneasy, as the level of skill that the other honor students had shown had exceeded his expectations.

It seems like just showing off my skills won’t be enough.

At first, he was planning to just show the audience the information window for the equipment he forged. However, judging by how things went, that wouldn’t leave much of an impression. As he had already anticipated such a situation, he had prepared a performance of his own. While he was adjusting the plans in his head, a staff member approached.

“Lee Se-Hoon, please get ready.”

As it was getting closer to his turn for a demonstration, he headed toward the stairs. He crossed paths with Erika, who was coming down with the crow perched on her shoulder.



The two stared intently at each other in the middle of the stairs. Finally, deciding to break the silence, Se-Hoon opened his mouth as he gazed at Erika, who was silently looking down at him.

“Do you have something to say?”

“...Nothing much,” she mumbled softly as she passed by.

Se-Hoon looked at her as she left.

Did something happen between me and her?

He pondered if something had happened, but no problem seemed to have occurred apart from when he passed by her during today’s rehearsal. While Se-Hoon stood there, perplexed, the host’s voice resounded again, breaking the silence.

—Last but not least, we will have a demonstration from Borsippa’s honor student, Lee Se-Hoon.

Se-Hoon ascended the stage in sync with his introduction. Thousands of gazes were directed squarely at him.

There are quite a lot of people in the audience.

Unfazed by those gazes, he proceeded to open the two bags that were placed on the table by the staff.


The bags were unlocked, revealing both the Five-Flame Sword and the Flaming Scabbard. Information windows showing both the stats and shape of the weapons popped up in midair.


“It’s Rare tier?”

“Man, what’s up with the Department of Blacksmithing?”

Those who understood the value of the equipment from the information windows were impressed, but there wasn’t much of a reaction other than that. As the previous two students had showcased a variety of spectacular moves while demolishing the automaton, this was a natural response, as Se-Hoon had just displayed information about the equipment.

Then let’s have some fun, shall we?

As he expected such reactions, Se-Hoon prepared for the performance he had planned.

“May I request a Model 8 automaton with armor, please?”

–... I’m sorry?

Se-Hoon’s sudden request puzzled the host. Although preparing a Model 8 automaton was certainly feasible, considering they were piled up like mountains in Babel Academy, the real question lay in what Se-Hoon would do with it.

The eighth model is known for its high defensive stats, yet he’s requesting to attach armor on top of that?

Its durability allowed it to withstand attacks from a B-rank hero. While the previous two students could easily smash through it, it didn’t seem likely for Se-Hoon, as he was a blacksmith after all.

Is it because of his competitive spirit? Oh geez...

The desire not to fall behind his fellow honor students was understandable, but why would he throw himself such a curveball? The host contemplated how to deal with this situation.

“Here you go.” Kim In-Cheol brought the requested automation onto the platform.

Se-Hoon was surprised at how fast his request had been granted. Stunned, he turned his head in the direction he suddenly felt a gaze from. There, Ludwig was looking at him with a gentle smile, and Se-Hoon quickly grasped the message behind that gaze.

Give it a shot, huh?

Was Ludwig supporting the students’ competitive spirits, like he had mentioned in his opening speech? Or did he grant permission because he already knew the outcome?

Without knowing the intentions behind Ludwig’s action, Se-Hoon just forgot about it and tightly grasped the Five-Flame Sword and the Flaming Scabbard.

The sword and the scabbard faintly quivered as if they had been a single entity from the beginning. Sensing this, he began explaining it to the crowd.

“These pieces of equipment were forged to unleash their true power when they are used together, so I would appreciate it if you all could evaluate their performance apart from their independent tiers. Thank you.”

Although he had only learned a modest amount of swordsmanship, mostly self-defense techniques, it should be sufficient for the performance he was about to unfold.

He effortlessly swung the Five-Flame Sword a few times, then swiftly sheathed it in the Flaming Scabbard in one fluid motion.

The blade seamlessly aligned with the mouth of the Flaming Scabbard. He then slightly lowered his stance and gripped the hilt of the Five-Flame Sword tightly. After that, he infused his innate elemental mana, Scarlet Flame, into it.

Flames emitted by the Five-Flame Sword were slowly stored in the Flaming Scabbard. Initially, as the flames accumulated steadily, they were just amplifying in intensity. However, as the stored quantity increased, subtle transformations began to take place.


Five-colored flames leaked out of the scabbard. They were intertwining endlessly, forming a multicolored piece of artwork. However, this spectacle was more than mere splendor—it held another more dangerous quality.


In the blink of an eye, the flames erupted in all directions. Se-Hoon swiftly suppressed the ferocious blaze and immediately controlled it using Scarlet Flame.

The flames entangled in a struggle with each other were swept away by the Scarlet Flame. They coursed along the surface of the Flaming Scabbard, following the magic circuit.


He firmly pressed down his left foot and swiftly drew out the Five-Flame Sword from the scabbard.

“Untamed Fire.”

The five-colored flames engulfed the entire stage.


The unbridled flames reduced the automaton to charcoal. As if they hadn’t just destroyed a mighty golem, the flames simply continued to collide with each other, causing loud explosions.



The College of Borsippa’s demonstrations for opening ceremonies had always been unpopular due to their lack of spectacle. However, right now, everyone was left speechless by the breathtaking display created by the new honor student of the College of Borsippa.

“And that concludes my demonstration.”

Se-Hoon smiled with satisfaction at this sight.


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