The Regressed Blood Knight’s Strategy

Chapter 100

[Translator - Helga ]

[Proofreader - Lucky]

Chapter 100

The next morning.

Kane, without taking a break, proceeded with his next task.

"Camilla, I'll be away for a bit. Just so you know."

"Where are you going?"

"I have a place to visit."

"Then I'll pack right away!"

Kane didn't stop her. The destination he was headed to would be of great help to her. He thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to show her more of the world in the process.

"Kane, where are you going?" asked Blata.

"I'm going to claim the Fire Star," Kane replied.

At the mention of the Fire Star, Blata's eyes sparkled.

Kane was already someone who had the Five Elements blood extreme physique. If he consumed the Fire Star, he would perfect another element. This also meant that Blata himself could become stronger. How could he not be interested?

"Give that to me."

"What would you do with the Fire Star? I'll give you the Star of Darkness."

"You're lying! You didn't even give me the Blood Star!"

"I have plans for you. I've already decided how I'm going to raise you, so be patient."

"Huh? You're thinking about me that much?"

Kane stared at Blata.

His bright, sparkling eyes. The smile on his lips. His tiny tail was wagging fiercely. His emotions changed so quickly, even from just being angry moments ago. It was all too simple. Almost to the point of looking foolish.

"Hehe, you should've told me sooner. I almost felt bad. But how exactly are you going to raise me?"

"I was planning to find the Star of Darkness and the Star of Light for you to consume."


"Why, does it sound like a lie?"


Blata answered as if it were the most obvious thing. The Stars of Light and Darkness were as exceptional as the Star of Blood. So, to be told he would receive these amazing crystals... It was understandable that he found it hard to believe.

"You don't have to believe me. I'm going to give you both Darkness and Light."

"And you won’t take them yourself?"

Humans are greedy by nature. They don't easily hand over sacred relics to others. If everyone had the same consideration as Kane, would wars even exist in the world? Humanity might be filled with peace.

"I don't need them."

"Heheh! Kane, you're really something else."

Blata, seemingly in a good mood, rolled around on the ground. Meanwhile, Camilla returned, fully packed with supplies. Kane chuckled as he looked at her.

"It's all food, isn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"You prioritize food above all else."

"Gasp! Did I reveal my gluttony to you, Master?"

Kane only laughed at her reaction.

"But Master, where are we going? If it’s far, I’ll prepare the soldiers."

"Our final destination is the Void Wasteland, but there's a place we need to visit first."


"The Tegelo Territory."

Camilla hesitated before carefully asking, "R-Really?"

"If you start a war, you have to see it through to the end."

A smile appeared on Kane's face, his eyes narrowing into crescent moons. Beneath his bright smile was a hidden, intense bloodlust that made Camilla swallow nervously.

"We're going to ride the tigers again, right?" she asked.

"It’s the fastest way to move."

Riding the Blood Tigers had allowed them to reach the Imperial Capital quickly. Tegelo wasn’t too far, so it wouldn’t take long to get there on the tigers either.

"Before we leave, I need to delegate the management of the territory."

When they left for the capital before, Rehinar had not yet developed. But now, it had undergone significant growth.

Although there were still many areas that needed improvement, there would be a lot more paperwork piling up compared to before. Even a short absence would result in a mountain of documents awaiting approval. There was only one solution—to delegate the management of the territory to someone else.

[Would you like to temporarily hand over the management of Rehinar to Daniel Lindemann? (Y/N)]

Kane pressed "YES."

[Daniel Lindemann has been appointed as the temporary manager of Rehinar.]

A confirmation message appeared.

"Let’s go."

* * *

The speed of the Blood Tigers was beyond imagination—far faster than any ordinary horse. In less than a week, they arrived at the Tegelo Territory.

"The security is tight," Kane observed.

Word must have spread in the territory that Marquis Tegelo had died. Because of this, the castle walls were heavily guarded.

"But, Master…" Camilla began hesitantly.

"What is it?"

"Are you planning to leave the territory in ruins like you did in Philaec?"

"I’ll have to."

"The damage will be massive…"

Now that they were at the Tegelo Territory, Camilla felt uneasy. While it was true that Tegelo had attacked Rehinar, most of the key figures were already dead. She began to think that seeking bloody revenge here was cruel.

"They’re a threat. If they regain power, they’ll rise up again and come after us. What do you think would have happened if we had lost instead?"

Camilla couldn't answer Kane's question.


"We wouldn’t be here. That’s how war works. If you don’t kill your enemy, they’ll kill you. If you want to stay by my side, you need to abandon those weak thoughts."

His words were cold.

However, Camilla's heart remained soft. It was this very softness that had led her through countless ordeals in her past life, ultimately bringing her to death. For her sake, harsh words were sometimes necessary.

Blata, instead of Kane, gently comforted her.

“Kane may speak harshly, but it’s not because he dislikes you. It’s because you’re too kind. Once you see the ugly nature of humans, you’ll understand why Kane talks like this.”

Even so, Camilla was still downcast. She hated nothing more than being scolded by Kane. Blata's words of comfort barely registered.

“You’ll stay here with Blata. I’ll go into Tegelo alone,” Kane ordered.

“I want to go with you,” Camilla replied.

“That’s an order.”

With those words, Kane vanished.

“See? He’s telling you to stay here because he’s thinking of you,” Blata said.

“I think he’s mad at me…”

“Oh, how dare you doubt the words of the great Blata?” he huffed.

“That’s not it…”

“Enough! I won’t listen to you anymore. Just think of it this way—Kane left you here because he cares about you, got it?”

“Okay…” Camilla answered, still slumping her shoulders.

Blata patted her head with his paw, his actions betraying his tough words. In a way, he resembled Kane quite a bit.

* * *

Meanwhile, Kane moved stealthily to infiltrate the castle.

‘There are a lot of soldiers, but none of them were elites.’

The soldiers who had followed Marquis Tegelo were the best of the best. The ones left in the territory were just average troops. Kane scaled the wall and leaped into the sky.


A gust of wind blew over the soldiers below.


“Where did that wind come from?”

The soldiers looked up, but the sky was as dark as usual.

“It’s probably just chilly because it’s evening.”

They shrugged it off and resumed their watch. Kane landed softly on the roof of a building, his eyes locking onto a massive tree.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen the Wind Guardian Tree.”

The Wind Guardian Tree was the sacred tree of the Tegelo family, a holy tree where the descendants of Tegelo performed mana rituals. If Kane destroyed that tree, the Tegelo family would be thrown into chaos. That was his first objective.

“Your downfall will begin slowly but surely,” Kane whispered as he launched himself off the roof.

The territory was filled with soldiers holding torches. Dodging them, Kane reached the Wind Guardian Tree, only to find a man standing there.

“Who’s there?” the man demanded as he turned around.

“Kane Rehinar?”

It was Beno Tegelo. Kane examined him closely. The mana circuits that should have been severed were fully restored. Not only that, but his mana had grown significantly. The man who had once been a beginner at the 5th Class now seemed to have advanced to the High-tierl.

“It seems you’ve also drunk the Elixir of Oblivion.”

Kane could sense a thick malevolence in Beno’s mana.

“How are you even here?” Beno’s words were filled with shock.

“What do you think I’m here for? To eliminate any future threats.”

The only word that rang in Beno’s ears was “eliminate.”

Beno couldn't hide his rage. An explosive surge of mana radiated from his body. It was the mana of the Wind Fox, but it was tainted with a sinister energy.

“If you keep using mana like that, you'll exhaust your life force and die on your own. Tsk, tsk,” Kane said, pulling out one of his Bloodsky blades.

Although Beno had grown stronger, he still wasn’t a match for Kane. Overcome with fury, Beno spat out words filled with hatred.

“I’ll kill you and avenge my father!”

The more he raged, the more the power of Oblivion seeped out. The hand holding his sword twisted grotesquely as bones broke through the skin, covering his right arm. It was a sight that resembled an undead creature. Although he hadn't fully absorbed the power of Oblivion, his form would become even more monstrous as time passed.

“Die!” Beno charged at Kane.


The BloodSky Blade collided with Beno’s sword, sparking the start of their battle. Beno’s sword whipped through the air, moving with wild abandon.

The Wind Fox Sword Technique was known for its swift strikes, with the mana of the wind slicing through the air, trying to tear Kane apart.

Clang! Clang!

Their swords clashed repeatedly, sparks flying with each impact.

“You're only hurting yourself,” Kane said calmly, his composure unshaken.

One of his BloodSky Blades remained sheathed at his waist, indication Kane wasn’t even going all out.

“Shut up!” Beno roared, increasing the speed of his attacks. His sword moved so quickly it was almost invisible, each swing ringing out as it met Kane’s blade.


The intense collision caused Kane's Bloodthirsty Blade to tremble violently.

“It seems Hatzfeld only gave you the Elixir of Oblivion,” Kane remarked. Usually, the Elixir of Oblivion was accompanied by something else: the Soul of Oblivion, a combination of a sword technique and a spellbook. It was a forbidden tome released secretly by the House of Sun, one that could either grant immense power at the cost of user’s life or heal the gravely injured.

It was an incredibly dangerous artifact.

‘It seems the Meyer Family hasn’t released the Soul of Oblivion yet. Well, it was only after the second wave of mutant monsters that the Soul of Oblivion was released, wasn’t it?’

The Soul of Oblivion was the power of the Knights of Oblivion, forged with the energy of the Demon Forest.

It was something that should never be unleashed in the human world.

Before a god who once descended into the human world returned to the heavens, they left a warning: if the Knights of Oblivion ever plunged the world into chaos, the heavens would not stand by.

This meant that the gods would intervene in the human world once more.

‘The Meyer Family’s goal is to use the Soul of Oblivion to summon a god, all to wipe out the bloodline of the Blood Knights, who defy them.’

In his past life, the descent of the gods had almost occurred. Although Kane hadn’t lived to witness it, things were different now.

‘As long as I am a Blood Knight, the Meyer Family will continue to use Hatzfeld to attack Rehinar relentlessly. I have to thwart their plans before that happens.’

Only by doing so could Rehinar remain safe.

Rehinar was the place where the blood of the Blood Knights was strongest. The fall of Rehinar through Hatzfeld had been entirely orchestrated by the Solar Clan: Meyer Family.

“I won’t let your plans come to fruition,” Kane muttered.

Beno, who had obtained the power of Oblivion, had to be eliminated to prevent the House of Sun from using it as an excuse to further their schemes.

“I’ll send you to join your father,” Kane declared as his blade flashed.

[Translator - Helga ]

[Proofreader - Lucky]


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