The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 85 Goku

"[Mana Martial Art: Punch Hard]!" Jon's black fist shot swiftly towards Goku's head. The air rubbing against his arm seemed to vibrate and make a crackling sound.

Goku remained calm even in the face of that extremely dangerous black fist. He knew that even with the orc's regeneration ability, the black fist would still burst his head and turn him into a headless corpse.

With toya in hand, Goku hit Jon's wrist but even with his strength, the black fist didn't change direction. Goku understands very well that he can't compete with Jon's strength so he uses Jon's strength to carry his body away from the black fist.

Goku's body lifted and the black fist just hit the ground BOOMM!! the ground seems to explode by mana power inside that black fist. Goku twisted his body in the air and threw his left heel towards Jon's chin. This is the same technique that Moku used against him when they dueled in Palaka.

Goku's heels and Jon's chin meet, then... Crackk!!! a confusing thing happened, Jon's chin which was already blackened due to the active [Mana Martial Art: Wall Skin] was harder than Goku's heel which caused Goku's sole bone to dislocate.

Before Goku could wince in pain, a spike the size of a tree trunk plunged quickly and stabbed at him. Goku couldn't dodge it because he was still in the air. But Boku quickly pulled Goku's body back and he survived the second time from death.

But, Goku and Boku haven't been able to breathe a sigh of relief yet, tens of spikes come out of the ground and stab them from below. Boku throws Goku's body away but he doesn't have time to dodge the spikes. Boku can only protect his body with a big mace in his hand. Even so, the spikes are so sharp and strong that they pierce Boku's mace.

STAB! STAB! STAB! three earthen thorns managed to pierce Boku's stomach and calf and graze his shoulder. "Arrgghhh!!" Boku shouted in pain. His body was thrown backward and landed right next to Goku.

Before they could greet each other a huge black shadow was rapidly approaching.

"[Mana Martial Art: Body Slam]!" like a meteor that descended to the earth, Jon's black body swooped down sharply towards Boku and Goku. "Shit!! Boku!!" Goku tried to pull the badly injured Boku away but the black shadow was already very close.

Just before Jon's body hit them both, three orcs came out of nowhere and put their bodies in Jon's way. Three big maces hit Jon's head from above and managed to change the direction of his fall slightly. Even so, Jon's body still hit the ground and sent them all flying.


"Arghhh!!" three orcs were thrown far away, one crashed into a tree, one was thrown into a bush, and one rolled on the ground before stopping. Almost all of their bones were broken, however, while vomiting blood, they rose again and attacked.

Goku and Boku managed to survive and hide behind a tree. Goku dragged Boku's body before leaning him on the tree's roots. Goku then pulled his heel hard and.. CRAKK!! managed to fix his dislocated bone.

"Boku, are you okay?" Goku try to stop the blood that was pouring out from the hole in Boku's stomach and thighs.

"I won't die, just help me close the hole with my songket" Boku said weakly.

Goku untied Boku's songket from his waist before tying it above the hole in Boku's stomach tightly "Arrggg!!" Boku screams in pain. Goku continued to bind tightly until there was no more blood flowing. Then he untied his songket and tied it to the hole in Boku's thigh in the same way. "Arrgghhh!!" Boku winced in pain again.

"Goku! we need to separate them!" said Boku while his body still shaking from the pain.

"I know! but that coward hides behind the mound even before we start to attack! Shit!! shouldn't mana species underestimate us? Why did he react right away when we came!" said Goku in annoyance.

At first, they intended to divide the orcs into two groups, and each group attacked one mage. However, just as they were about to attack, Bon used the "[Earth Prison]" spell and hid in the ground.

No orc primitive weapons were able to penetrate the mound, then Jon went on a rampage and destroyed the orcs' formation. They changed their strategy and focused their attacks on Jon. They want to kill Jon first before ganging up on Bon who is hiding.

But once again their plan failed, Jon's body was too hard to be penetrated by their primitive weapons, and Bon always attacked at the right timing from a distance. In the end, the orcs seemed to be facing an impregnable castle with cannon guns on top of the battlement and iron cavalry rampaging beneath them.

Although there have been no casualties from the orcs, the number of injured is increasing rapidly. They might be able to fight again after resting for a few minutes but this would reduce the number of orcs on the battlefield. As a result, the orcs are increasingly overwhelmed by the duo Bon and Jon.

The two of them seemed to understand each other's movements and had cooperative timing that surpassed the orcs. The orcs who hoped to keep up with the mage with their cooperation instead learned valuable teamwork lessons from Jon and Bon.

Luckily the alraune brought a supply of medicinal plants that could speed up the orcs' regeneration abilities. Otherwise, they will surely be killed one by one in a matter of a few minutes.

"Boku, should we retreat and re-arrange strategies? If this continues then we will be the ones who will be overwhelmed first. After the supply of medicinal plants from the alraune runs out then we will be like facing hell without a bit of water" Goku asked his blood brother for advice.

"No Goku! You can't pull back the orcs in the slightest. We must continue to attack without hesitation. If we appear to be retreating even a little from this battle then the other monster races who see our battle will doubt the orcs' ability to protect them from the mages. As a result, what Moku has worked for so far will only be in vain. Remember we are fighting not only for orcs but for the future of the monsters kingdom that Moku will build! This battle will be the foundation of that future!" Boku glared at Goku and shook his brother's shoulder hard.

"You are right! I'm sorry for being stupid for a moment! We will keep attacking until the last orc stands!" Goku got up from his seat and gripped his toya tightly again "You stay here until your body can be moved again" Goku ordered. Boku could only nod reluctantly.

But when Goku wanted to return to the battlefield, the ground he was standing on shook violently like a volcano was about to erupt next to them. Hundreds of birds flew and screamed away from the dangers their survival instincts announced.

Goku saw the tree next to him shake violently before its roots popped out of the ground. The hole left by the roots made the leaning Boku fall and almost opened his wound again. This happened to every tree that was near them... No.. not only the trees around them but also all the trees that were within their line of sight.

Bog forest seems to be alive.

An alarm of danger that Goku had never felt sounded loud in his mind. He realize that danger beyond reason was happening right near them. Goku recalled the time when the green-robed mage massacred his tribe when he was a child.

"Goku! what the fuck hell happen?" Boku cursed and tried to cover up the fear in his heart.

"I don't know! but I firmly believe that Moku is facing an enemy with godlike power" Goku's lips trembled as he answered, his eyes could only stare at the direction where Moku and Deak's group fighting.

Not far away from that place, Bon is cursing his unlucky fate. "Fuck!! That fucking arrogant boy is Mana Child!! How could a Mana Child be running around in the forest like this!"

His earth prison fell apart as dozens of roots rose from the ground. Even so Bon doesn't feel bad because even if his earthen prison isn't destroyed he'll still get out of here.

When Mana Child fought seriously then all of the mana in the surrounding area would be absorbed and used for spells that would be impossible to use by a mage at his constellation level.

As the name suggests, Mana Childs are those who are loved by mana more than any other mage. When Mana Child concentrates his mana and then scatters it, he can control anything according to the faction spell he uses.

Like a Mana Child using an elemental water faction, any pool of water within its mana spreading radius would be submissive and move at his will.

This also happens to other spells that are under the control of another mage. Those with the same constellation level and spell faction as Mana Child would never be able to use their spells at all.

Only level 4 constellation mages who use God Form and level 5 constellation mages who use God Domain can escape the influence of Mana Child. Bon and Jon are lucky to have different faction spells from Deak, where Bon uses the Earth spell from the elemental faction, and Jon uses the Skin spell from the martial art faction.

Even so, they still had to stay away from this place before they were injured or died from the aftershock of the battle of gods. However, before Bon could take a step, he was surrounded by 10 orcs who encircle him. Jon saw Bon surrounded by orcs and moved to help him but he was blocked by five orcs with faces that were not afraid of death.

Seeing the orcs who still wanted to fight in this precarious situation Bon became furious "Don't you guys have any brains?!! Your leader will be killed by Mana Child!!! If you want to die with him don't take us with you! You Stupid Pest!"

Goku who was standing in front of Bon smirked "I don't understand what you're saying. But if you think that Moku will lose just because of this you are very wrong! He is Ku, not only Ku for orcs but also Ku for all monster species. On his back is a heavy burden, the lives and futures of all monster species rested on him. Therefore we must also do what we are assigned for! You won't get out of this forest alive!

ORC! Let's fight till the last blood! We will fight together again in The One's heaven!"

"HURRAH!!" all the orcs answered loudly.

"Orc!!! Two Circle Formation!"

Along with Goku who set his heart. Hundreds of giant trees stepped into the battle of the gods.


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