The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 83 Goblins' Struggle

Bon and Jon see Moku and Deak's conversation turning into a battle. The two of them hid behind Bon's [Earth Prison]. With an opening to see what was happening on the surface, Bon waited for the right time to escape.

Yes, escape. Bon has no intention of fighting Moku and becoming cannon fodder for that arrogant military academy mage. Moku who's capable of creating such an explosion is not an enemy that Bon can face right now.

However, he also didn't want to run away too quickly for fear of being hunted by the three academy mages or Moku. Bon waits for the battle to take place then that's when he will run away.

"Jon, let's get out of here. Let those idiots fight. If we sell this information to our boss then he will give us a big reward. heheheh... we'll be rich Jon... We'll be rich!" Bon patted Jon hard on the shoulder.

Jon doesn't seem to feel Bon's slap, he just whimpers and stupidly says "We're rich? hehehehe We're rich!"

"Come on Jon, we can't stay here until those three academy mage bastard tells us to be their cannon fodders" Bon grabbed Jon's arm and they moved out of [Earth Prison]. But only a few steps out of [Earth Prison] Jon's body seemed to freeze.

Bon tried to pull Jon's hand firmly but his body didn't budge. Bon turned to Jon and asked "Jon, what's wrong? We need to get out of here!"

But Jon remained frozen and pointed at the bushes in front of him "Goblin.. Goblin.. Goblin.." said Jon over and over again.

Bon took his eyes off Jon and looked at the bushes he was pointing at. Bon saw that there were two little green creatures hiding with spears in their hands.

They pulled the spear back and then threw it as hard as they could at Jon. "[Mana Martial Art: Wall Skin]!" Jon's body suddenly blackened, and the tip of the spear that hit his skin broke.

"Goblins... Goblins... Goblins..." Jon shouted excitedly, then he chased the two goblins who were running away and ignored Bon who was trying to hold him back.

"Jon we don't have time for this!! Don't mind that little green thing!!" but Bon's thin body couldn't hold up to Jon's big body.

His grip on Jon's arm loosened and Jon ran quickly into the bushes chasing two goblins who run away. Bon can only take a deep breath and run after Jon who is getting further away.

As he ran further and further, suddenly the ground he was stepping on shook. Bon tried to jump away from his footing but three arrows shot swiftly aiming for his head, chest, and stomach with precision.

"[Earth Armor]!" suddenly the ground at his feet rose and covered his body like armor. Bon managed to survive the three arrows but as a result, he could not avoid the trap that was at his feet.


Bon landed heavily at the bottom of the hole, even so, he wasn't hurt at all. The earth armor protected his body from impact.

There were no traps such as spears or other sharp objects at the bottom of the hole as if the one who prepared this hole hoped the enemy died from falling or they didn't have time to set it up.

Bon looked up, the hole was deep enough for a human to jump through and the walls were so steep that it was impossible to climb.

If a human is trapped in this hole then he will be trapped forever, but Bon is not an ordinary human, he is a mage.

Bon smacked his palm on the ground and cast a spell "[Earth Pillar]!", suddenly the ground he was standing on rose and formed a pillar that carried his body up.

Bon saw himself getting closer to the surface rapidly, but before he could see the sky and the trees, a boulder was pushed away by the goblins and obscured his view.

"Shit!" Jon cursed, he immediately jumped down from the rising pillar and fell back to the ground.

Jon again slammed his palms into the ground and chanted "[Earth Spike]!" dozens of thorn-shaped spikes formed and rose rapidly. A boulder hit the pillar and shattered it.


The boulder continued to fall rapidly being carried away by gravity before crashing into the spikes created by Bon's spell.


The spikes becomes full of cracks but managed to hold back the boulder.

Bon manages to survive but his way up is blocked by a boulder. Even so, this is an easy matter for Bon, he can destroy the boulder with his spell.

However, before he could cast the spell, a clanging sound was heard from his earth armor. From the passageway on the wall of the hole, goblins fired spears and arrows that only get blocked by his earth armor.

Seeing the culprit who trapped him in this hole, Bon was furious "You've gone too far goblin bastard!!!".

Bon lunged forward and ignored the spears and arrows that goblins throw at him, then he slammed his palm against the passage wall "[Earth Spike]!" a dozen spikes shot out from the passageway wall and pierced the goblins' bodies.

"Arghhh!!" the sound of pain and death rang out from the passage. Seeing may their friends die from that attack, the goblins began to fall back.

Hearing their pain Bon smiles sadistically "I'll kill and skin all of you one by one!" as he chased after the goblins.

Before he knew it he had entered further into the passage.

On the surface, the sounds of battle were also heard.

Dozens of spears, arrows, and darts rained down on the raging Jon's body. He ran back and forth chasing the goblins that attacked him in groups. They were trying hard to keep Jon busy and not attack one particular goblins group only.

At first, the goblins thought this method would not work, but Jon's IQ, which was very low, even equivalent to a puddle of water, made it easy for the goblins to provoke him.

So whenever Jon gets close to one group, the goblins on the opposite side will rain down the attack quickly. Jon stupidly turned around and ran towards the goblin group that was attacking him from behind. In this way, the number of goblins that fell victim would be reduced.

However, the goblins that were injured or killed continued to increase every minute, this was because Jon was too fast so the other groups don't have time to attack before Jon arrived and kill a lot of goblins.

Even so, the goblins did not give up, they continued to attack even though their bodies were injured and their friends were killed.

"Hoddurt we can hold on anymore! Moku said that he will hold 4 mages and leave one for us, so we only set one trap in this place! We better back off and lure him into another trap" Volx grimaced at the increasing number of victims and protested to Hoddurt who was beside him.

Hoddurt looked at Volx with an angry look, with a stick in his hand Hoddurt hit Volx hard in the face.

"YOU COWARD!!! Do you think Moku says that because he trusts us? NO!!!" Volx fell to the ground but Hoddurt didn't stop hitting him. "He trusts us to be cowards who will run away if the enemy is too strong!! He trusts us to be weak and cower behind our cave when the orc and the other sacrifice their life to fight the enemy!! He trusts us to be cowards and weak!! that's why he says he will hold 4 mages alone!! that's why he say we can run after the orc came!!! That's why we must prove him wrong.."

Hoddurt caught his hasty breath, Volx was lying down with a face full of bumps but he didn't feel annoyed. Instead, he was stunned. He never expected those words to come out of Hoddurt's mouth.

"we must show him that the goblin has warrior spirit like the rest monster race... we must stay here until the rest of the goblin die!!" Hoddurt holds his cane tightly before rising it up. "Here my call oh ancestor spirit [Mass Heal]!" Invisible prana spread throughout the goblins.

In the second, their wounded bodies healed again and their drained energy recovered.

"Shaman! You can't use that ability! That power will reduce your lifespan!" Volx stand and tried to stop Hoddurt from killing himself.

[Mass Heal] is one of the shaman's abilities where he can heal wounds and restore energy to nearby goblins at the expense of the lifespan of the cells in his body. As a result, shamans will usually look older than their actual age and they will not have a long life.

"Shut up Volx!!! Let me fight together with the other goblins! I won't embarrass our ancestors anymore! I won't embarrass my mother and father anymore!" Hoddurt shouted angrily. Volx could only stand still and watch the Shamans and the goblins sacrifice their lives.

The battle continued and the number of goblins who fell victim increased. Until suddenly the ground shook violently, a large hole opened and a group of goblins rushed out of it.

"Retreat!! Retreat!! We can't hold him!! We have to back off!!" a goblin who lost his arm shouted at his companions before being killed by a spike that pierced through his chest.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! You think you can hold off a mage with such a cheap trick!! I'll kill you all!!" Bon came out of the hole with earth armor covered in goblin blood. "Jon what are you doing kill that old goblin! and finish this quickly!!" Bon orders.

Jon who returned to normal after seeing Bon, could only scratch his head "hehehe sorry Bon.. hehehe.. I'll kill that old goblin.. hehehe" Jon lunged at a very fast speed towards where Hoddurt is.

Hoddurt's face looked older as his age was absorbed to heal the goblins. The other goblins tried to attack Jon to take their eyes off Hoddurt, but Jon only heard Bon's orders and paid no heed to the goblin's attack that didn't hurt him.

As Jon drew closer, Volx blocked Hoddurt's view with his body. "Volx?!" Hoddurt said weakly, his body growing old, his eyes starting to look droopy.

"Shaman! Let me die with you" Volx turned and smiled, no fear can be seen in his eyes.

Jon threw his big fist. Volx's vision was getting darker and he can only see Jon's fist getting closer to his head.

He closes his eyes and waits for death to come..



"Hey Fatty! why you don't pick someone on your size!" Volx opened his eyes and saw Goku standing towering over his entire vision. His stocky, muscular shoulders gave Volx chills.

"Huh!!... eee... org?.. orf?.. eee" Jon was confused.

"Shit! why are there orcs in this place? Never mind goblins or orcs it's the same, Jon kills—"


Before Bon could finish his sentence a mace the size of a tree trunk swiftly aimed at his head. Bon managed to dodge by pushing his body backward. The mace hit the ground and smashed it into pieces.

"Iathra, tell Nerphyl we're here! And tell Ornell and the others to get the goblins out of here!" Boku ordered Iathra who was sitting on his shoulder.

"Okay..." Iathra closed her eyes for a moment then opened them again "Done!"

Not long after, dozens of giant carnivorous flowers rose from the ground and pulled the injured goblins one by one into their flowers.

Hoddurt and Volx were taken back. Before they could do anything about it, the giant Venus Flytrap rose from the ground next to them. From inside the flower came a melodious female voice "Don't be afraid goblin shaman, we alraune will take the injured goblins to a safe place. You should also leave this place, we will only be a burden to the orcs who will fight".

Hoddurt could only nod languidly and let his body be eaten by Ornell's flower.

Everything happened so fast that Bon and Jon couldn't do anything about it. When they came to their senses from their shock, the two of them were already surrounded by a horde of orcs staring with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Boku, the fat one is mine. You take care of the skinny one." Goku said.

"Don't die" Boku nodded.

Goku just smiled sarcastically at his brother's words.

The battle of Orcs and Mages had just begun.


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