The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 318 The Fate Of The Prime Minister

"Bye... Bye Ez!"

"Ez, don't embarrass Wilwatikta Kingdom! You must make those arrogant elves bow before us!"

"Ez, remember your name is already inscribed in The One's heaven!"

"Ez The First Diplomat, may we fight together in The One's heaven!"

"Ez The First Diplomat, may we fight together in The One's heaven!"

"Ez The First Diplomat, may we fight together in The One's heaven!"

The monsters cheered and waved goodbye to Ez and his delegation at the southern gate. They all congratulated Ez and prayed for his safety. They felt proud of Ez for shouldering such a heavy task.

However, Ez, the one being prayed for and wished well, had a furrowed brow. He looked as if he had just tasted something sour and couldn't spit it out. It was evident that he was being forced to do something he didn't want to do.

A few days ago, Moku and the other monsters had gone to behead Raiden and his forces. Today, Ez was commanded to go to the elven alliance, carrying the severed heads to invite them to negotiate.

It felt like punching someone's face until it was swollen and then inviting that person to have coffee together. The best-case scenario in this situation was the elves beheading Ez for revenge. The worst-case scenario was him being tortured to serve as an example to the monsters of what happens when they underestimate the elven alliance.

However, Ez could only blame himself now. Why did he have to act so clever and propose the idea of negotiating with the elven alliance? If he hadn't shown off in front of the monsters, he might still be at his desk, handling the piled-up administrative tasks of Wilwatikta Kingdom.

That would have been better than having to feed himself to the tigers as he was doing now.

Ez remembered the first time he heard the word "Diplomat." He was so proud when Moku and the other monsters called him that. But when he closed his eyes for a moment, he found himself in an alraune prison as a guarantee for the negotiation between Moku and Luna.

Fortunately, the negotiation went smoothly, and Luna became Moku's beloved adopted sister to this day. The alraune race also joined the alliance of monsters and helped them form Wilwatikta Kingdom. However, if there had been even the slightest mistake in the negotiation between Moku and Luna, Ez would undoubtedly have ended up as compost for the alraune.

Ez cursed himself once again for being too clever. Because of his intelligence, Moku became suspicious and forced him to become his closest confidant. Ez understood that Moku was using the tactic of "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

Now, Ez had become the prime minister of the newly established Wilwatikta Kingdom, and every day, he had to deal with seemingly endless administrative tasks. Although some monsters eventually became educated and helped Ez in his duties, the responsibility for the survival of Wilwatikta Kingdom still rested heavily on his shoulders.

Every decision, policy, and report from the three main administrations would always pass through his desk before Moku read them. As a king, Moku didn't have to deal with paperwork like that and could simply put his signature on the papers he approved. However, their implementation had to be supervised by Ez.

If not, once again, any mistakes would be placed on his head.

He held a high position in Wilwatikta Kingdom, and he could have anything he wanted. Unfortunately, he never had time to enjoy it. When he mentioned this to Moku, the king sent him a goblin woman.

At first, Ez didn't understand why Moku sent this goblin to him. But after the goblin named Rada started working, Ez finally understood her purpose. She was there to satisfy Ez while he worked. So, when Ez was busy with his papers on the table, Rada would crawl under the desk and do her job.

Ez didn't know where Moku got the inspiration to give Rada such a job. Although he enjoyed it, he still...

"Why don't you give me a day off so I can enjoy Rada's service peacefully in my own room?"

But what could he expect from a king who was an orc? Complain? Moku would only add more goblin women under the desk while his hands continued working on the table.

This suffering shouldn't last long because of the short lifespan of goblins. When he got old, he could request retirement from Moku and enjoy his old age.

However, as if not running out of ideas, Moku asked Luna to create a potion that could make goblins evolve into hobgoblins without going through Mana Cream Cultivation training. Ez scoffed at Moku's high hopes because if a goblin could evolve into a hobgoblin without Mana Cream Cultivation, their ancestors would have found a way already.

But when Luna finally brought a potion, Ez was startled. With no other choice, he reluctantly drank the potion, but nothing happened to his body. Ez felt so elated and ridiculed Moku in his heart.

However, the same potion kept coming from Luna every day. Ez, thinking he had won, happily drank them, considering it a new beverage while enjoying Rada's service under the desk.

One year later, the transformation finally occurred. Ez's body had completely changed into that of a hobgoblin. When he saw his reflection in the mirror, he could only gape with a heart that cursed Moku's ancestors.

His king, as they called him, truly had the power to make the impossible possible. Ez could only mourn his fate, having to work under Moku's tyranny for hundreds of years longer than he should, with tears streaming down his cheeks.


The carriage door suddenly opened, jolting Ez out of his reverie. He saw a hobgoblin casually entering his carriage without any permission. The hobgoblin wore a mask on her face, making it impossible for Ez to recognize her, but from her body shape, she was definitely a female hobgoblin.

Ez wanted to ask what was going on, but when the hobgoblin removed her mask, he could only be stunned. And when the hobgoblin suddenly lunged at him, Ez screamed.



Moku watched as Ez and his delegation moved farther away until they were no longer visible to him. However, he could still see Ez's furrowed face with his inner eye.

"Is it okay to send Ez?" Nevare asked, hugging his arms.

Moku turned and kissed his wife's forehead. "It's fine. Ez is a hobgoblin; he has mana in his body. The mages will likely assume he's a mana species, just like the other members of the delegation, who are druids and hobgoblins," Moku explained.

Ez's evolution from a goblin to a hobgoblin had truly astonished Moku. Although the evolution wasn't as perfect as when a goblin evolved with Mana Cream Cultivation, the resulting hobgoblin still possessed mana within their bodies.

Unfortunately, Ez only had mana within his body and couldn't control it. He was like a human who hadn't converted their mana flow into a constellation. However, this opened up new possibilities for the development of Wilwatikta Kingdom's power.

Currently, Luna was researching the potion she gave to Ez and analyzing his blood samples before and after evolving into a hobgoblin. Luna mentioned that Ez had now become a shaman hobgoblin, not an ordinary shaman like Hoddurt, who only had quark abilities, but a real shaman.

There is a possibility that Ez will eventually have the ability to predict the future or analyze natural signs, like the legends about shamans. Moku doesn't know how it will develop and leaves it to Luna.

"Well, then I can relax. You can be too hard on him sometimes," Nevare said.

"What else can I do? If I don't use threats, that lazy one won't use his brain at all," Moku replied casually.

"Hmm... With Ez around, we can be sure that negotiations with the elf alliance will succeed," Nevare nodded.

"Don't worry. Ez will definitely be enthusiastic. I've prepared a special reward for him," Moku grinned.

"Oh, what is it?"

"Hehehe..." Moku chuckled while his inner eye kept an eye on Ez's carriage.

When he became a hobgoblin, an issue arose: Ez was no longer interested in goblins. So, Rada had to be replaced by a female hobgoblin. However, it turned out that Rada had fallen in love with Ez after serving him all this time. She didn't want her position to be taken by anyone else.

As a result, Moku postponed the search for a female hobgoblin to replace Rada and gave her three months to evolve into a hobgoblin. Unexpectedly, driven by her love, Rada successfully endured the rigorous Mana Cream Cultivation training and evolved into a hobgoblin.

Her determination impressed Moku, and he decided to have her marry Ez. However, Ez refused, saying he didn't have time to deal with a family.

Moku was baffled and offered Ez a one-week vacation if he agreed to marry Rada as their honeymoon. Without hesitation, Ez immediately accepted and married Rada that very day. But before even a day had passed, a critical event occurred in Wilwatikta Kingdom: Nezena's Raid Army returned in disarray, and Nezena was nearly killed.

Ez had to return to his position due to this emergency situation. Until now, Ez hasn't gotten the promised vacation time from Moku, and he never forgets to remind him every day.

That's why Moku included Rada in Ez's delegation so they could have their honeymoon while working. Just like before, Ez worked with the upper part of his body above the table, while Rada worked with the lower part of his body below the table.

"I hope you're happy with my gift, my friend," Moku smiled.

However, Ez, who was currently being ridden by Rada, could only scream with all his might.



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