The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 308 The Realm Of Law

Recognition, from mana species to their renowned names echoing throughout history. This was a new concept that came to light during the first Mana Species War. At that time, both the elven alliance and the human alliance were exhausted from the ongoing war, but there was one reason that compelled them to keep fighting.

It was the pursuit of heroism and recognition from all creatures within their respective species. The first individual to break through to Level 6 Constellation Mage was Stent Gaht, who was hailed as the sole hope for humanity at the time. The recognition he received from his species propelled Gaht to become the first Level 7 Constellation Mage.

His ascension to Level 7 Constellation Mage resonated with all the Level 6 Constellation Mages in the Meer Continent, leading them to realize that the path to reaching Level 6 Constellation Mage could be achieved through this war.

The war, which had initially subsided, intensified, resulting in a mounting number of casualties on both sides. The sea turned red, mountains of corpses formed, and none of them wished for it to end. They were all blinded by the dream of reaching more than Level 6 Constellation Mage.

The next Level 7 Constellation Mages to emerge were Darius and Ariel, attaining their ascension simultaneously. Their dual rise to Level 7 Constellation Mage further heated the competition for the coveted positions. The elven species discovered a new hope, realizing that Level 7 Constellation Mage was not exclusive to humans alone.

The culmination was a drastic reduction in the population of both species, dwindling to half of their original numbers. At that moment, Darius and Stent dueled, both successfully ascending to Level 8 Constellation Mage simultaneously. The duel took place not on Earth but in the sky, yet its effects could still be felt by everyone below.

The clouds turned red, and the sky seemed to split. Rather than instilling fear in the hearts of the mages, it only fueled their desire to reach The Realm of Law.

The duel lasted for over two years without a moment's respite. Then, an unexpected event occurred—Lily Ariel also broke through to Level 8 Constellation Mage. All Wood Elves granted her recognition and proclaimed her as their eternal queen.

The duel, which had started as a one-on-one, transformed into a 2 against 1 battle. Naturally, Gaht became overwhelmed and found himself increasingly cornered. However, he had his own way of surviving the onslaught of the two Level 8 Constellation Mages.

He recorded his battle and showcased it extensively to the entire human race. His numerous disciples spread throughout, forming propaganda that positioned Stent Gaht as the sole defense of humanity against the onslaught of elf attacks.

Eventually, the propaganda was wholeheartedly embraced by the human population. Cheers, and rallying cries echoed throughout the human alliance, unstoppable and resounding. Almost every human spoke in unison, "Victory for Gaht!"

And finally, the last known level of constellation that a mage could achieve came into existence.

Recognition of Hero.

Level 9 Constellation Mage.

Similar to a Level 4 Constellation Mage fighting against a Level 5 Constellation Mage, Darius and Ariel were unable to match Gaht. When they were on the verge of death, Darius uttered his final words to Ariel.

A declaration of love.

To which Ariel responded with the same declaration. The sincerity of their love in the face of imminent death granted them a gift they never anticipated.

Recognition of Love.

When Darius and Ariel's recognitions were combined, they had the same number of recognitions as Gaht. At that moment, they both reached the pinnacle of the constellation levels together, but only through their shared link of love.

Twin Level 9 Constellation Mages.

Upon the encounter of two Level 9 Constellation Mages, the battle had to come to an end. Just as the duel between Darius and Gaht had persisted for over two years without resolution, a similar timeframe if not longer, would transpire in their three-way confrontation.

Afterward, the three of them returned to their respective species, carrying powers that even the mightiest mage families could not deny. The allure of peace resurfaced, and the war came to a halt.

With the power possessed by these three individuals, it was easy to compel the mages to cease fighting. They only needed a reason to bring an end to it all without revealing that the war, up until that point, was not fought for the survival of their species but to reach the pinnacle of The Realm of Law.

And finally, the third Level 9 Constellation Mage emerged.

Recognition of Emperor. The Beastking.

Only Level 8 Constellation Mages and Level 7 Constellation Mages remained. The required number of recognitions could be achieved by those who had already established their names during the war and had large supporting families.

The long-elusive peace had finally been attained so effortlessly. Once a species had a Level 9 Constellation Mage, it was highly unlikely for another Level 9 Constellation Mage to emerge.I think you should take a look at

However, recognition was not limited to within the same species. Recognition to reach Level 9 Constellation Mage was not dependent on species but solely on quantity. Hence, an elf could potentially become a Level 9 Constellation Mage due to recognition received from the human species, and vice versa.

Currently, the three mana species on the Meer Continent were at odds with each other. Their animosity stemmed from the blood spilled during the first mana species war.

This was regrettable, considering that the opportunity to reach the peak of the constellation levels vanished. Therefore, all three species had a policy of initially showing goodwill when encountering a new mana species.

However, the demon species was predatory and disregarded cooperation or recognition. Even to this day, the three mana species on the Meer Continent were still puzzled as to how the demon species managed to have so many Level 9 Constellation Mages.

"That's why these new mana species are our only hope! Water elves cannot monopolize them! This must be shared fairly among all the elf alliances!" Grimhammer exclaimed, his temper flaring up again after hearing Varun's words.

Aquaenar's face grew more contorted. He did not want to share this opportunity with other elf kingdoms. However, if he persisted, there was a possibility that the other five elves present would immediately attack him.

Even Varun, the wisest among them, would not be able to resist the temptation of reaching the pinnacle of The Realm of Law. Witnessing the strength of Level 9 Constellation Mages made them the ultimate aspiration for all mages.

"Aquaenar, you have no choice but to cooperate with us! If you continue to resist, do not blame us if we have to resort to force!" Ardan glared with fiery eyes.

Silvius chuckled, concealing his hand behind his back. It was unclear what weapon he would wield, but one thing was certain: the first attack would undoubtedly come from this wild beast.

Zephyrion shook his head and chose not to comment. However, Aquaenar knew that if a battle broke out, he would intervene. Wind elves were indeed stronger than Valley elves, but their numbers were too few. It was solely due to their strength that Zephyrion became a king. If a Level 8 Constellation Mage were to emerge among the Valley elves, Zephyrion's position as king would undoubtedly be threatened.

Meanwhile, Varun remained silent, choosing not to take sides and simply observing. Swamp elves were the most reclusive of all the elves. They preferred not to get involved in external affairs unless it threatened their own lives.

Knowing he had no allies in this matter, Aquaenar could only sigh heavily. He knew it would come to this, but it was better than the issue reaching the ears of Darius or Ariel. If those two found out, the opportunity to become the next Level 9 Constellation Mage would undoubtedly fall into the hands of the Tree elves.

"Sigh... why can't you all be patient? Of course, I won't monopolize this opportunity alone. I still need your help to keep this hidden from Darius and Ariel," Aquaenar muttered.

Upon hearing his words, the atmosphere in the meeting room became somewhat calmer. However, Silvius continued to hide his hand behind his back, and Ardan still looked incredulous. Only Grimhammer returned to sitting calmly in his chair.

Aquaenar snorted and reached into his pocket, producing a glowing blue stone. With a wave of his hand, the blue stone flew and hovered in the air right in the middle of the conference table, visible to everyone.

The blue stone then emitted a bright light, displaying an image of a group of elves perched on tree branches, conversing in elven language with a group of green creatures not far in front of them.

All the elves in the meeting room focused their mana on the green stone, enabling them to hear what Raiden and his troops were discussing. The stone was a mana stone with a mana circuit specifically designed to display recorded footage from a particular location.

"Moku The Ku, what do you mean by this? It was your people who were at fault for attacking our villages! I was merely protecting my people, and I had no idea that the woman I wounded was your wife! Demanding our heads as retribution is excessive!"

They recognized the voice; it was the voice of Raiden The Necromancer, the leader of the elite forces of the Aquanorin Kingdom.

"Excessive? My forces only killed the elves living in the villages; they were mere commoners. Does your species equate the value of a Holy Queen to that of commoners?"

They heard the voice of a man speaking in a language they did not understand. It was the first time they had heard that language, and they had to use translation spells to comprehend it.

"It seems you are reluctant. Therefore, I can't do anything about it either. You still have to pay with your heads for injuring our Holy Queen. Whether you surrender willingly or we take them by force!"

As soon as the green man said that, he raised his hand high and clenched it.

[Dream Realm: Pandava]!

Suddenly, the mana stone exploded.


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