The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 298 Artur Valya



The explosion, accompanied by the chirping of birds that deafened the ears, filled the entire arena. A blue light, resembling an electric current, extended from the demon's back, crashing into the mana shield created by Sergei.


Creating a massive collision that seemed to shake the world. The entire audience in the arena screamed in astonishment, and even the mages among them widened their eyes, witnessing an event that should not have occurred in a battle between two Level 2 Constellation Mages.

Sergei, standing and whispering in disbelief, said, "It's the Mana Sword of Gaht!"

He recalled the phenomenon that occurred during the first mana species war. At that time, Stent Gaht wielded a single sword and sliced through Arkasa Volcano in one strike. Sergei was still very young then, fighting alongside his father. He would never forget the back of a man who created miracles amidst the darkness of war at that time.

Now, he saw the same back and the same miracle in a young man not even twenty years old.

Lightning Blast was a spell that Artur learned from Robert. At that time, Robert saw Artur using Sonic Boom and teased him, comparing Artur to a mosquito that couldn't be swatted but was annoying. Furious, Artur began attacking Robert with his sword, but his arrogant friend just stood there without putting up any resistance. None of Artur's attacks were able to penetrate Robert's mana shield or injure his body.

Robert advised Artur not only to use the Lightning spell faction to increase his speed but also to make it a dangerous weapon. Artur, of course, sneered at Robert, clearly expressing his disdain with a face that said, "Fairness is a son of a bitch!"

If he knew how to do it, Artur wouldn't just use the Lightning spell faction to enhance his speed. Unfortunately, Artur was just a dirt-poor commoner with no inheritance. Sonic Boom was a spell he successfully created through months of intense studying without rest.

Feeling sorry for his friend, Robert decided to teach him a spell. This spell was originally from the Light Spell faction but had the same properties and mana usage as the Lightning Spell faction. So, even though Artur couldn't use it perfectly, at least he could imitate it.

However, to use this spell, Artur had to be in a state with mana spread throughout his body. Thus, the only way Artur could use this spell was when he was still under the effects of Sonic Boom. Furthermore, since this spell was merely an imitation of the actual spell, Artur could only use it once in a single battle.

Robert was unaware of the potential side effects when Artur used this spell. But even if he knew, he would still teach Artur this spell. Not because he thought the side effects were mild, but because his mischievous nature made him enjoy pranking Artur.

To be able to use Lightning Blast or Gaht's Mana Sword, a mage must have a mana-infused body. By having a mana-infused body, it means that the body is loved by mana, similar to Mana Child or mages who focus their mana to develop their fleshy body's power.

Gaht is a Mana Child, so he has no problem using Gaht's Mana Sword. However, the same may not apply to his descendants and students. For that reason, Gaht created a special training to develop a mage's fleshy body, enabling them to withstand the power of Gaht's Mana Sword.

As the only child of Stent Gaht, Robert Gaht naturally learned this special training from a young age. Until now, he considered it regular physical training and not a requirement to master Gaht's Mana Sword.

But at least Artur was fortunate because before using Lightning Blast or Gaht's Mana Sword, he was under the active effects of Sonic Boom. Therefore, the mana absorbed came from the Sonic Boom in his body. Otherwise, Artur would have ended up as a fleshless human, left with only bones covered in skin.

The blue light, unable to penetrate Sergei's mana shield, slowly vanished, leaving behind blue lightning bolts flowing through the particles in the air.

A wide hole formed in the demon's chest, and his eyes widened in disbelief as he realized he had just died. Yes, he was already dead. When Lightning Blast exploded, all his internal organs, heart, lungs, and others were charred to ashes without a trace. The reason the demon was still standing was that his body hadn't yet responded to the rapid occurrence of death. His brain remained frozen, controlling his body's nerves to remain in the same position as a statue.

Meanwhile, Artur had long lost consciousness. When Lightning Blast absorbed all the mana in his body, including the mana used to sustain Sonic Boom, Artur's body felt like a thousand needles were pricking it. The intense pain caused him to immediately lose consciousness. But before losing consciousness, while enduring the excruciating pain, Artur didn't forget to curse the friend who taught him this spell, "FUCK YOU!!!" in his heart.

When Lightning Blast dissipated, both the demon and Artur fell simultaneously. Their blood-covered bodies left the spectators unsure if Artur was still alive or not. Rini immediately leaped from her seat, but her movement was halted by Sergei's still-active mana shield.

"Open up!! Open up!! Artur is still alive!!" Rini shouted in panic, pounding on the mana shield that blocked her.

Instantly, Sergei snapped out of his shock and deactivated his mana shield. Rini leaped onto the battleground and ran towards Artur's location. Paying no heed to the blood staining her beautiful gown, Rini knelt down and embraced the unconscious Artur. Pressing her ear against his chest, she could hear his faint heartbeat.

"He's still alive!! My Artur is still alive!! Please save him!!! Please save my husband!!!" Rini's cries filled the entire arena.

Sergei turned to face the elders of the House of Valya. "What are you doing!!! Hurry, save him! Save my grandson! Save Artur Valya, Son of the House of Valya!!"

His commanding voice echoed, startling the frozen elders in their seats. Though they still couldn't believe what they had just witnessed, their bodies immediately responded upon hearing Sergei's voice. A senior elder with expertise in the Healing spell faction leaped onto the battleground.

With feet not touching the ground and body floating in the air, he flew towards Artur, who was in Rini's embrace. Utilizing his Healing spell faction, he examined Artur's condition before administering treatment.

"He will live! Artur Valya will live!!"

Simultaneously with the elder's proclamation, the entire audience rose from their seats and erupted in cheers for the astounding victory of this fierce battle.

"Artur Valya!!"

"Artur Valya!!"

"Artur Valya!!"

"Artur Valya!!"

"Artur Valya!!"

"Artur Valya!!"

"Artur Valya!!"


The sunlight seeped through the curtains, illuminating Artur's closed eyelids. He began to flutter his eyes before opening them, seeing the figure of a beautiful red-haired girl sitting beside him, gently caressing his cheek.

"Don't wake up just yet, you're still severely injured. Rest," Rini said softly.

Artur simply nodded, but his gaze couldn't help but fixate on Rini's lovely face. He knew Rini was an incredibly beautiful woman, but due to his self-consciousness, Artur dared not stare at her for too long. He was afraid of becoming too captivated and hoping for the impossible. His self-defense instinct caused his face to always turn away, his eyes always avoiding that beautiful face.

Not because he was a coward, but because he didn't want to get hurt too deeply.

However, now that he was aware of his current situation, Artur understood that he was no longer a dirt-poor commoner. He was Artur Valya, son of the House of Valya. He was a nobleman from one of the most respected noble families. The dream of having his ideal girl was no longer just a dream.

That's why this time, Artur was no longer afraid of getting hurt. He wanted to gaze at that beautiful face forever.

As if reading Artur's thoughts, Rini's face blushed. She, who was usually bold and cheeky, felt shy and lowered her head. That gaze was so intense that it could devour her whole.

"How long was I unconscious?" Artur asked.

"Two weeks," Rini replied.

"TWO WEEKS!!" Artur exclaimed in surprise.

"Hmm... you've been unconscious for two weeks. The marriage proposal has been sent to my family a week ago, and they have responded. We will be getting married in three days," Rini said, still with her head down, blushing.

"THREE DAYS!!!" Artur's astonishment only grew.

"Hmm..." Rini nodded as if not noticing Artur's surprise.

"What will you do if I am still unconscious in three days?"

"A wedding can still proceed even if the groom is unconscious, right?"


Artur was reminded that although the girl in front of him was beautiful, she had a slight flaw in her head.

"After that, we will go on our honeymoon to..." once again disregarding the clear question mark on Artur's face, Rini continued her story with a dreamy expression.

"...And then, three weeks later, we'll go to the frontlines of the battle together!"



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