The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 295 Demon's Language

His presence caused the entire audience to shift back in their seats. Loud gasps and astonished murmurs filled the air. It was the first time they laid eyes on the true form of a demon.

Based on their physical resemblance, the species within the mana realm that shared similarities with humans were the elves. While some elf races had scales or pointed ears, their overall form still resembled that of humans.

As for the warbeasts, although their faces and bodies appeared more animal-like, they still possessed humanoid forms. Some races among them even had appearances that aligned with human aesthetic values. For instance, the Cat Beast race was considered beautiful and adorable by humans, to the extent that many mages were reluctant to harm them even in battle.

However, the demon before their eyes was undeniably horrifying. Its form and physique deviated so far from human aesthetic values that it could be deemed repulsive.

Its sharp teeth made its mouth gape, with boiling saliva dripping out. Rini and the other female spectators wrinkled their noses as if they could smell the sulfur emanating from the demon's mouth. Artur, positioned right in front of the demon, could indeed catch the scent of sulfur, reminiscent of the stench of rotten eggs.

The demon paid no attention to Artur, who held a weapon in his hand. Perhaps it sensed that Artur posed no threat. Instead, the demon gazed up at the sky, sniffing the air. Its eyes closed as if searching for something within the airborne scents. Suddenly, its eyes opened wide, and its head turned towards the south.

The spectators seated in the southern section were startled as if they were trying to distance themselves from the demon's gaze. However, the demon's stare was not directed at the audience; it pierced through them.

Without anyone needing to inform him, Artur knew that the demon was staring towards Heles City, or more precisely, towards the Bog Forest where other demon species resided. Artur furrowed his brow and glanced at Sergei, but it seemed that Sergei and the elders of the House of Valya were already aware of this demon's "homing instinct."

Similar to pigeons, which possess extraordinary abilities to navigate and return to their original locations using unique senses and orientation, this demon seemed to possess a similar skill.

Pigeons rely on an internal compass linked to the Earth's magnetic field, visual recognition of the surrounding environment, and the use of natural cues such as the sun, stars, and Earth's magnetic fields to determine precise directions and locations. Through the combination of these factors, pigeons can accurately return to their nest or starting point, even from great distances.

The demon species also possess the same instinct. Each demon species is born from Demon's mana, so it can be said that the mana they possess will have similar characteristics. They can rely on the mana cores within their bodies to locate other demons or higher-level mana core demons.

It is this uniqueness that makes demons extremely difficult to trap in battle. With their vast numbers, one way to defeat them is by separating them into smaller groups. However, even though the human alliance has employed various tactics to deceive and trap demon forces, the demon troops always manage to regroup with other demon forces in a short amount of time.

As a result, the battles always end in a power struggle, resembling a free-for-all. If the human alliance fails to quickly build strong defensive fortifications, the battle in the Bog Forest will surely conclude swiftly. If that happens, the next battle will take place right at the doorsteps of the human alliance's homes.

After determining the location of its target's residence, the demon finally surveyed its surroundings. Its fierce yet intelligent gaze made Artur grimace. If he were only facing an opponent with intelligence equivalent to a wild beast, he would swiftly win this battle. However, the implied intelligence in the enemy's eyes indicated that mere tactics might not lead Artur to victory.

There was no bell to signal the start of the fight, not because the House of Valya never used it in their arenas, but because no one was certain if the demon species understood that the fight would begin after the bell rang. As a result, Artur's battle against this demon would only commence when one of them initiated an attack.

And as Artur predicted, it was the enemy who struck first. With its claws raised, the demon seemed to have cast a speed-enhancing spell on its own body and dashed forward with incredible speed.

[Lightning Sword]!

[Lightning Sense]!

Artur immediately unleashed his two ultimate spells. His sword radiated a blue glow, crackling with electricity. Meanwhile, Lightning Sense was a spell born from the transformation of the Lightning Nerve.

When Artur was still a Level 1 Constellation Mage, he could only control the mana within his body. However, upon reaching Level 2, Artur gained the ability to sense mana in proximity to his body. Lightning Sense was a spell that combined enhanced reflex speed and sensory organ sensitivity, evaluating information from mana vibrations around the user's body.

Although Lightning Sense could only perceive events within a two-meter radius of his body, it was sufficient for Artur's heightened nerve reflexes to respond. Therefore, even though the demon attacked with great speed, Artur managed to block its claw strike with his Lightning Sword.


The clash of metal shattered the silence in the arena. Initially, Artur had only intended to follow up his block with the next attack, but he had never realized that the demon's power was beyond what humans could match.

Like swatting a fly, Artur was thrown backward with tremendous force. If he hadn't quickly used his legs to maintain contact with the ground, he would have rolled and crashed into the arena wall. Though he was unharmed, his vibrating sword had caused his hand to ache, leaving Artur wide-eyed from the strength of the previous attack.

Artur swiftly prepared himself for the next assault. He regained his focus and concentrated his mana, ready to recite the next spell. However, he was taken aback when the demon didn't continue its attack but instead ran toward the southern wall of the arena and leaped with incredible speed.

The terrified spectators attempted to move away from their seats, but the demon was already in the air before they could react. However, its momentum suddenly halted against a translucent blue barrier.


Like a solid iron ball colliding with a thick steel plate, a deafening sound reverberated throughout the arena. The spectators were forced to cover their ears before their eardrums burst.

The demon was thrown back onto the battlefield with great force. It tumbled for a moment before stopping and swiftly getting back on its feet. Red blood dripped from the corners of its mouth, and the demon casually wiped away the blood, then turned towards the stand where Sergei was located.

"Mana Shield," Artur whispered to himself. He knew that although the arena appeared open, it was undoubtedly protected, preventing the participants from escaping. Not only were the boundaries of the battlefield lined with defense spells but they were also covered by a mana shield created by a Level 8 Constellation Mage.

"These demons are truly foolish creatures. Why do you think I would let you escape from this place so easily?" Sergei jeered, a mocking grin on his face.

Artur didn't expect the demon to understand what Sergei was saying, but he believed that it understood the gist of Sergei's words. However, he never anticipated what would happen next, unfolding right before his eyes.

"Engkang pikir mènèhi kurungan kula ing tempat iki bakal ngowahi tumindakmu? Apa sing kula nènggih wis ora kaguna, engkang mung nggampangake wektu kanggo kematianmu. Kaumku bakal tiba lan mangan kalian kabeh! Sawisé rampung iku, engkang bakal tundhuk karo kita ing samudra mana!"

The voice that came out of its mouth was so horrifying that the onlookers couldn't believe that such a creature possessed intelligence. Yet, the voice articulated a word that they couldn't comprehend but could feel the underlying emotion.

The emotion emanated arrogance, born from unwavering self-confidence. A confidence so immense that it was believed to be a glimpse of an inevitable future. All the humans present that day fell silent, unable to move their tongues. They could only stare wide-eyed, their ears alert.

The flow of words was clear, and understandable if they were to utilize a bit of their mana to activate a translation spell. But no one dared to use it, not because they lacked curiosity about its meaning, but because they feared knowing it.

Sergei's eyes turned serious, his face filled with rage. "Hasn't the torment we've inflicted upon you been enough? Are you still able to speak with such arrogance, even though you are nothing more than our prisoner? If that's the case, there's no point in prolonging your inevitable fate! Artur, finish this battle quickly!"

"Yes, Sir!" Artur grips his sword tightly, today he cannot hold back anymore.


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