The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 291 Dream Realm: Pandava

Moku shook his head, "Thank you for the information, but you didn't answer my question. How can I fight against or at least defend against these domain abilities? Mages within their domains possess powers almost like that of gods!"

Garuda shook his head and sighed deeply, "Didn't I tell you that the domain is a fraction of the Power of Law of that world itself? Why are you trying to oppose something you don't master? You don't even possess mana in your body."

"What do you mean?" Moku grasped something, but he wasn't sure. Garuda was truly terrible at explaining things.

Massaging his temples, Garuda said, "You are a moksha! Do you still remember what moksha means?"

"Moksha are individuals who have reached the limits of their astral bodies and aim to penetrate the gates between worlds to reach the Spiritual Realm. However, the gate to the Spiritual Realm is closed, so the moksha use the Mind Realm as an alternative path to the Spiritual Realm. That's why moksha evolve their own bodies into Mind Bodies to traverse the Mind Realm and reach the Spiritual Realm— AH!!"

Garuda breathed a sigh of relief, he really wasn't gifted at explaining things. Who was foolish enough to make him a guide for the moksha in the Mind Realm? Ah... His body almost exploded thinking about something blasphemous.

"Do you understand now?"

Moku nodded, "So, you're saying that if I can't fight against mages who are aided by mana to control the fraction of the Power of Law in my world, I just need to bring a fraction of the Power of Law from another world to counterbalance it. I am not only a creature from my world but also a creature from the Mind Realm. With my mature Mind Body, I also have my own place and identity in this world!"

Garuda wanted to nod, but he hesitated for a moment. After thinking again, he finally nodded, "Well... that might be the essence of it," he said.

"If that's the case, I just need to open my fourth evolution gate and fully possess Pandava. That way, I can bring Pandava to the Astral Realm and fight on equal terms with mages who have domains!" Moku smiled widely.

"Ah!! Wait... wait... you want to bring Pandava to the Astral Realm?"

Moku nodded, "Of course. Why not? Is it not allowed? Pandava is my property, I have the right to take my property wherever I want!"

Garuda realized the source of his previous hesitation, "But Pandava is part of the Mind Realm. You're taking a part of the Mind Realm into the Astral Realm."

"So what's the problem? Pandava is not even as significant as a drop in the vast ocean. The Mind Realm is thousands of times larger than that ocean. Why are you so reluctant to give Pandava to me?" Moku asked.

"In the Mind Realm, you can do anything and create anything based on the images in your mind. Haven't you considered that if you bring this ability to your world, it will disrupt the laws of your world?" Garuda said with concern.

He didn't know where to begin explaining. Every world operates based on its own laws. Every occurrence is a complex calculation designed to keep the world running smoothly. Even a falling leaf has a complex calculation with a specific purpose.

If Moku brings the Mind Realm to the Astral Realm, even if it's just a small part, it can cause the laws of the world to fall into chaos.

Just imagine if a tree is created from a seed planted in the ground, nourished by rain, bathed in sunlight, and supported by various organisms. After years of overcoming various threats that hinder its growth, a large tree stands tall.

That's just a small example of a tree, not to mention the trillions of other examples. Even a stone has its own life cycle. But with the Mind Realm, Moku only thinks of a large tree, and there it is, a large tree.

Moku smirked cynically, "Are you really that concerned about what happens in my world?"

Garuda flinched for a moment, then shook his head, "You're right, I don't care about what happens in the Astral Realm. Even if you were to destroy the entire multiverse, the Mind Realm will stand tall until its designated time comes."

Moku nodded, "Great, then let's negotiate the price for Pandava."

"I want all the dreams of the Valkyrie, their descendants, or anyone connected to them," Garuda immediately stated his first price.

Moku shook his head. As a person from Minangkabau, if he couldn't negotiate, it would bring shame to his ancestors. "The rental price for Pandava is one dream per orc for every half year. So, the reasonable price to buy it should be the dreams of all the orcs. Why are you bringing in other monster races into this?"

Garuda shook his head. He had lived for too long to be deceived by this Minang person. "Unlike when you were just renting Pandava, you are now intending to buy it completely and bring it to the Astral Realm. In that case, all the residents under your rule will also benefit from Pandava. Therefore, it is only fair that you pay with the dreams of all the monsters in your kingdom."

"What benefits? We won't be satisfied eating food made in the Mind Realm, we won't be fulfilled by having intercourse with women created in the Mind Realm, and we won't feel happy drinking wine made in the Mind Realm. The only benefit I see is that our children will have a recreational place to see what powers they will possess when they grow up! Asura and orc dreams are enough to pay for it!"

"Don't try to deceive me. Asura cannot sleep, so it's impossible for them to dream! It's the same as your initial offer, which only provided orc dreams to me. I want dreams from orcs, Valkyrie, Hobgoblins, and Druids."

"Hey, hey, you're going overboard here. My intention is to have all monsters evolve into Valkyrie, Hobgoblins, or Druids. So, this is the same as your initial offer! How about just dreams from Hobgoblins and Druids? We don't need to involve the children in this (most of the orcs that haven't evolved into Asura are still underage)."

"Fine, I agree, but I also demand the ability to take your prisoners' sleep. Besides, you can use this as a form of torture to make them surrender more quickly and submit to you," Garuda said.

Moku thought for a moment. The concept of Elf Husbandry that Nezena proposed was a brilliant idea. Creating a place of torment for stubborn prisoners who refused to surrender was one of the outcomes of that idea. Not being able to sleep for a day was ordinary, but if it lasted for several days, it would be a more severe form of torture than being violated repeatedly.

"Agreed," said Moku, raising his hand.

Garuda shook his hand and snorted, "I really dislike negotiating with people from your tribe."

"The Minangkabau tribe, you mean? Are there any other Mokshas from Minangkabau left now?"

"There are none left. They all disappeared along with the destruction of The Old World. People from your tribe are truly stubborn. They even have a saying, 'Trapped wanting to be outside, squeezed wanting to be above' Absolutely infuriating."

"Well..." Moku could only scratch his head. Then he walked towards the awaiting evolution gate, waving his hand, and said, "Goodbye."

Garuda didn't respond or wave back. He simply watched Moku open the evolution gate with a smile on his face. As Moku walked through the evolution gate, another Moku appeared to meet him.

This is the concept of the Mind Realm. Time doesn't exist here. One second can mean thousands of ages, and thousands of ages can mean one second.


Moku opened his eyes, finding himself back in his original place in the Astral Realm. Moku didn't know how much time had passed, but he guessed it had been one or two weeks. He wanted to shorten the time for negotiations with Garuda, but this was crucial for the future of the Wilwatikta Kingdom.

He didn't want their children to curse him for robbing them of dreams for their entire lives. That's why Moku targeted this payment to Hobgoblins and Druids. Besides, they would soon be on the verge of extinction with the increasing number of Valkyries from both races.

But what was more important now was testing his new power. The power to bring Pandava into the real world. Pandava belonged to Moku, and he could change anything he wanted and create anything he desired.

As long as the dragon prana remained within him, Moku could even create the Wilwatikta Kingdom effortlessly. However, he understood the limits and the truth in what Garuda had said about the balance of the world's laws. Moku wouldn't act recklessly, thinking he could create a second Garuda just with Pandava.

That would be too insane, even for him.

Feeling the dragon prana within his body, Moku closed his eyes and focused. He knew what needed to be done to bring Pandava into the Astral Realm. The dragon prana surged, and his mouth uttered an incantation.

Dream Realm: Pandava!


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