The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 287 Déjà Vu Advice

"Not only that, have you forgotten that Artur is also a mage? He has his own pride as a mage. If you make him join the House of Valya based on your own desires, but behind that, Artur will face mockery from the other mages in the House of Valya. They will say that Artur is only using his relationship with you to climb the social ladder and become a noble. This will make Artur's life as a wizard difficult. He won't earn the respect of other wizards," Irina calmly and patiently explained to her husband.

Artur and Rini were startled, as if experiencing déjà vu. The same words were spoken by two different white-haired women to explain the same thing.

If Artur previously suspected Rini of having a blood relation with Sergei, now he suspected that Cila was Irina's biological child, not Ling's. If this were written in a novel, readers would surely curse the author for running out of ideas to create new words of advice.

Just like Rini did before, Sergei was also taken aback and fell silent. He started to think deeply and consider his wife's words. His father always said that Irina was much smarter than him, so he should listen to her advice.

After a few moments, Sergei finally nodded. "Artur, as a mage, you should have self-respect and recognized bravery. I can't just make you join the House of Valya like that. It's not that I don't want it, but it would be better if you could prove yourself. That's why you have to undergo a test before you can join this family. Are you okay with that?"

Artur smiled wryly, seeing how easily Sergei ate his own words. It seemed that to become a noble, not only did one need lineage and power, but also an impenetrable thick skin, resistant even to a Fireball.

"Of course, Grandpa, I'm ready to be tested!" Artur said, trying to appear serious even though he cursed Sergei in his heart for his lack of shame.

"Alright then! You will be tested by... by..." Sergei lost his words, furrowing his brow as he searched for a way to test Artur that would be recognized by the elders.

Once again, Irina spoke up, "What if Artur fights against the creature that was captured just a few weeks ago?"

As if getting a brilliant idea, Sergei slapped his thigh and said, "Artur, you will fight a demon in front of all the members of the House of Valya. Yes, that will be your test!" He stated it as if the idea came from himself, not from the whispered suggestion of the beautiful woman beside him.

The familiar way they interacted made Artur guess that it wasn't just this time Sergei stole ideas from his wife. Irina only smiled softly and nodded as if the idea did indeed come from Sergei, not her.

The tacit understanding between this husband and wife duo left Artur gaping. He didn't know if he should learn from it for his future married life or forget it to preserve his grandfather's honor in his memory. But it seemed that Rini chose to learn from it and apply it someday, evident from her nodding and looking at the couple in front of her with seriousness.

Meanwhile, Zilya simply turned her face away without expression. She had grown so accustomed to her parents' antics that she no longer felt bothered by them. Her face had become so thick that it couldn't be pierced by the questioning gazes of those around her.

"Demon?" Artur asked after attempting to regain his composure.

"Hmm... Three weeks ago, one of our mages managed to capture a demon from the battlefield and brought it to Volskova. After conducting some research, we planned to kill it. However, that demon would be the suitable opponent for your test because... because..." Sergei explained before glancing at his wife again.

"The cadets from the military academy have to step forward to the frontlines for battle, right? That's why it would be better if Artur tries to fight an enemy he will face in the future. Isn't that right, dear?"

With the same expressionless face, Sergei nodded. "You're right," he said briefly, sounding a bit lazy to repeat his wife's words once more.

Artur nodded. "I understand, but I'm only a Level 2 Constellation Mage. If I may ask, what level is the constellation of that demon?"

Sergei shook his head. "It seems you're not familiar with the classification of demonic species' strength. Wasn't this taught at the military academy?"

"Dear, this information was only discovered a few months ago, so it might not have been included in the military academy's curriculum," Irina said.

"Or perhaps this information is deliberately kept secret by the Gurru Committee to give an advantage to noble children," Zilya interjected.

Her words furrowed Artur's brow. The biases exhibited by the military academy towards noble children were already well-known, but he never expected them to still hide secrets about the enemies during times of war.

"Hmm... the Gurru Committee is indeed filled with hypocrites," Sergei snorted. "Irina, explain to Artur the classification of demonic species' strength," he ordered.

Irina nodded her head and began to explain,

"The classification of demon strength is based on the flow of mana they possess, which sets them apart from other species. The flow of mana in humans is like a calm river, while the flow of mana in demons is akin to a powerful waterfall.

"In the classification of a demon's body, there are two main parts that can be identified: the core and the body. The core is the center where all mana flows concentrate and originate from, while the body serves as the pathway for the mana itself. Therefore, the strength of a demon can be seen by the strength of its mana core.

"There are several levels of mana cores, depending on the density of mana within them. First, they have Level 1 Mana Core. This is the mana core level possessed by newly born demons. Although the process of the demon species' birth is not fully understood, it is known to be different from other mana species.

"Next, they have Level 2 Mana Core. As a demon grows into adulthood, it will start consuming other demons to gain greater power. Each demon with a Level 1 Mana Core consumed will increase the density of mana within their own mana core.

"Moving on, we have Level 3 Mana Core. When a demon reaches this level, its body will undergo changes, and the mana core it possesses will have a distinct color that represents its unique nature and characteristics. This color serves as an identifier that distinguishes one demon from another.

"Level 4 Mana Core is the next level. At this stage, the mana core possessed by a demon will truly have a distinct and different color. The spells or mantras used by this demon become more focused on specific mana factions that correspond to the color of their mana core.

"Level 5 Mana Core is the highest level demon that we know. At this level, the mana core no longer has colors other than a dominant single color. A demon with a Level 5 Mana Core cannot use different mana factions from the color they possess. However, their power in that specific mana color becomes incredibly extraordinary.

"Similar to other species, demons with Level 5 Mana Cores can utilize domains for battle. However, the difference lies in how they use the domain. They don't control the mana within the domain; instead, they transform the entire flow of mana within the domain to align with their own mana color.

"As a result, any mage entering the domain with a different mana color won't be able to sense the presence of mana or, in other words, they will revert to being ordinary humans. Their presence within the domain of a Level 5 Mana Core demon will have no influence or effect whatsoever. This makes demons with this level of power incredibly challenging to match for mages with different mana colors.

"It's important to note that mana core strength is just one aspect of a demon's overall power. In addition, combat abilities, speed, physical strength, and magical skills also play significant roles in determining a demon's strength. However, the mana core remains a distinct element that reflects the potential and fundamental strength level of a demon.

"In the demon world, the classification of power based on the mana core is highly important. Demons with high-level mana cores possess abilities far surpassing those with lower-level mana cores. They become leaders and rulers in the demon world, commanding their territories with extraordinary power.

"In the competition among these demons, fierce battles often occur to seize territories and resources. Mana core strength serves as the primary determinant in these confrontations, and demons with Level 5 Mana Cores that dominate a specific mana color become unshakeable rulers among them.

"Thus, the classification of power based on mana flow provides a detailed and profound understanding of the power hierarchy among demon species. Through this knowledge, we can observe the complexity and uniqueness that distinguishes demons from other species."

The explanation was lengthy and took time to digest. Artur and Rini fell silent, processing what Irina had explained. In a few months, both of them would enter the battlefield, making this information feel crucial.

After a few minutes, Artur asked, "So, what is the Mana Core Level of the demon I will be facing?"

Sergei raised two fingers and replied, "It's a Level 2 Mana Core demon."


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