The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 282 Zilya's Wedding

Zilya gazed at Artur, who smiled wistfully, his head bowed with a sense of resignation. She had initially intended to explain it to her nephew in a gentler manner, but she understood that if Artur truly wanted to become a noble, he had to understand the ways of noble life.

Zilya didn't let Artur dwell in his thoughts for long. After moistening her mouth with tea, she spoke, "While I know your purpose for coming to see me, I want to hear it directly from you. Artur, do you truly wish to rejoin the House of Valya?"

Artur's face was still fixed on the dining table that had previously been filled with trays of food, now replaced by tea and beverages. Gazing at the abundant beverages that covered the large table, Artur pondered if they, too, would eventually be discarded like the previous meals.

"Aunt, do you think the life of a noble would suit me?" Artur said, not answering Zilya's question but posing a different one.

However, without hesitation, Zilya shook her head. "You are currently not suited to be a noble. Although you understand the differences between nobles and commoners, unfortunately, you lack the heart of a noble. You lack pride in your family name, and you lack love for your territory."

Artur felt disappointed with Zilya's response, but he knew it was a truth he had to accept. With a bitter smile on his face, he contemplated the chocolate cake in his hand.

However, Rini could sense something in what Zilya had said. Shifting her body forward slightly, she asked, "Lady Zilya, what do you mean by 'currently'?"

After gently sipping her tea, Zilya replied, "What I mean is that Artur, as he is now, cannot become a noble. Although he is a mage, his entire life has been raised in a commoner family. He will never be able to possess the heart of a noble, arrogant, and proud heart. He will never have the sense of pride that nobles have in their family names, nor will he have the love that nobles have for their land. These things are instilled in the minds of nobles from birth. However, it doesn't mean that Artur cannot learn them. With some guidance, he can acquire the heart, pride, and love of a noble."

Artur lifted his bowed head and gazed at Zilya. "What do you mean?"

Placing her teacup gracefully on the table, Zilya replied, "Artur, you are a mage, and the blood of Valya runs through your veins. Though your hair may not be as white as ours, you are still a child of Cila. You are a Valya, and we are the sacred bears who have ruled over the Beavercastle Ice Field since the dawn of humanity in this snowy land. That's why you should not be ashamed of your origins. You don't need to become a noble recognized by other noble families. If the House of Valya acknowledges you as one of their own, that is enough! No Valya should be scorned by anyone!"

Artur furrowed his brow. "So you mean I don't need to think, feel, and act like a typical noble, but rather think, feel, and act like a Valya?"

Zilya nodded. Although Artur didn't see any change in her expression, for some reason, he felt as if his aunt was smiling at that moment. Perhaps it was because Artur had grown accustomed to Zilya's frozen beauty.

Zilya then stood up from her seat and said, "Stay here until my wedding is over. After that, we will begin discussions about your joining the House of Valya. Then, as soon as possible, we will send a letter to the Djarum family to propose a marriage between Rini and you. Do you have any questions, my nephew?"

Artur was still getting used to being called a nephew by someone his own age, but at least he had grown accustomed to addressing Zilya as "Aunt." "I understand, Aunt. Thank you for your help," Artur said, also standing up and bowing his head slightly.

"Thank you for your assistance, Lady Zilya," Rini said, also lowering her head slightly.

"Ah, Lady Rini, or perhaps I should start calling you just Rini. You don't need to address me with the title 'Lady' anymore. Just call me Aunt. Besides, when you marry Artur, you will also be a part of my family," Zilya said in a flat tone.

However, Artur and Rini were certain that there was more to Zilya's seemingly flat words. Despite their suspicions, Rini still nodded and said, "Of course, Aunt Zilya."

Simultaneously, Artur and Rini immediately looked at Zilya, as if waiting for something. However, Zilya simply nodded with her expressionless face. In a normal tone, she said to Flora, who was waiting by the side of the room, "Flora, show Artur and Rini to their rooms. Oh... I forgot to ask, do you want separate rooms or a joined one?"

"Our rooms can be sepa—"

"Joined! I mean, joined, Aunt," Rini quickly interrupted Artur before he could finish his words.

"Oh," Zilya simply nodded and signaled Flora to lead Artur and Rini to their room.

Artur could only look at Rini with one eye. They were currently in the Valya family's house, known for their cold demeanor. But his girlfriend, who was with him, couldn't withstand the cold and requested warmth for the night.

"Aunt, thank you for the dinner. See you later," Artur said before walking towards the dining room exit.

"Thank you, Aunt Zilya," Rini said as she followed Artur from behind.

They both exited, and the dining room door was closed. However, before they could take further steps, they heard a peal of soft laughter, "fufufu" coming from behind the door.

Artur and Rini exchanged glances, and they smiled simultaneously. It turns out that their Aunt wasn't as difficult as they had imagined. Her heart was so kind, contrasting with her flat voice and her face that always seemed cold and expressionless.

Artur thought about Zilya's upcoming wedding in a few days. Whoever the man marrying his Aunt was, he would be incredibly fortunate.


Zilya's wedding took place on the private grounds of the House of Valya. The event was grand, with the entire Volskova Kingdom invited to attend. Even the king of Volskova had to wait in line to shake hands with the bride and groom.

Not only that, various noble families from the entire Beavercastle Ice Field were also invited. Artur even saw some of their military academy teachers coming and bringing wedding gifts. Some of them were even from the Gurru Committee.

Although the House of Valya had long ceased to actively participate in human alliance politics, they remained a respected and powerful extended family. They were so strong that no noble family in the human alliance dared to disturb them, even if they remained passive.

After years of peace, the number of mages in the House of Valya had now approached its former glory. Nevertheless, they chose to lay low and wait.

Especially now, with the ongoing war between the mana species and the requirement to send troops back to the battlefield imposed by the human alliance. As a result, the House of Valya had to send the mages they had been managing to the front lines.

That's why Zilya's wedding was of great importance to the House of Valya. They could gain a strong ally and establish a connection through marriage.

Zilya herself was the legitimate heir of the House of Valya, so she couldn't marry a man of equal or higher status. This could potentially cause conflicts between the two families, but fortunately, the House of Valya had never had an ally of equal status.

Unlike the Rangkuti Clan and the Mahdavi Clan, the House of Valya had never been particularly close to the other ex-mana ruling families. Perhaps the closest they had was with the Zietsman Clan. Unfortunately, the Zietsman Clan had secluded themselves from the outside world, and their current whereabouts were unknown.

As a result, Zilya was marrying someone from a branch family of the House of Valya. He was a few years older than her, but he possessed distinct Valya characteristics.

His hair was straight and as white as a curtain of snow, and his skin was pale. However, unlike other Valya descendants, he had a bright and warm smile. Perhaps that's why Zilya chose him to be her groom.

The wedding ceremony lasted for three days and three nights. The majority of the guests were mages, who didn't tire as easily as ordinary humans. They could engage in casual conversations while standing for days without needing rest or seating.

However, on the third day, all the guests left without protest. They followed the rules of the House of Valya and respected them. Currently, the House of Valya had something that needed to be resolved as soon as possible.

That was the acceptance of Artur back into the family.

It was the first time Artur met his grandfather. Like other Valya descendants, Sergei had straight white hair, resembling a curtain of snow. He also had a thin beard on his chin, adding to the handsomeness and dignity of his masculine face. Moreover, judging from Sergei's eyes, it was clear that he had experienced many ups and downs in life.


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