The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 70: 70 Yaju

Chapter 70: 70 Yaju

Chapter 70 70. Yaju

"Well, well, well, that being said, I will definitely come to visit you one day. The Bai family are indeed loyal people. No wonder the master has repeatedly praised Prime Minister Bai's character."

Before the marriage was consummated, many families in Dongdu City became estranged from the Xu family.

Maybe he was afraid that the Wei family would become more powerful, so he rushed to celebrate, or maybe he saw that Mr. Xu Ge was in poor health, and there was no one in charge of the family to support him. A group of women, children, old and weak people were afraid that their family fortune would be in ruins.

The Pianbai family is different. At this time, they come to show their goodwill to the Xu family.

Whether it was a deep friendship or a reason not to offend anyone, Mrs. Xu kept this feeling in her heart.

So, looking at Bai Siruo and Feng Jinyao's faces, they became more and more amiable, "Ming Yue will stay here these days. If you two sisters have nothing to do, can you also rest here?"

This is a good idea. Feng Jinyao has now handed over the housekeeping power to her sister-in-law Wenshi. Naturally, she feels comfortable and can stay with her. However, Princess Wen Yi is a little more worried about Bai Siruo.

"Everyone else can tell, but I'm afraid that this girl in my family will be brave enough to mess around in the yard and disturb the purity of Mingyue."

Mrs. Xu couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"When I was in my boudoir, she had the same temperament that didn't like to be restrained. But when I got married, even my innocent temperament would be smoothed out by the trivial matters in the back house. Princess, take advantage of this girl. She is still young, so just play with her for as many days as you can. Once you get married, you will naturally grow up. By then, if you think about it, it will be hard to see her as lively as she is now."

These words aroused the sorrow of the Bai family sisters.

That's right, life in the boudoir is simple and comfortable, but when you become someone else's wife, you will be constrained by this and that, and sometimes you won't even be yourself.

Thinking of this, Princess Wen Yi looked at the daughter she always cherished, and saw her eyes looking at him with tears in her eyes, how could she refuse.

Okay, just stay for a few days.

Mrs. Bai likes Xu Mingyue, and she also admires the Xu family's unruly temperament, so she is very happy for the three of them to get close, thinking that Feng Jinyao has not yet communicated with the Feng family. People have said it, so they preached comfortingly.

Ayao, dont worry. Ill tell your mother when we get down from the mountain.

Thank you, auntie.

This is a pure place in Buddhism. No one dares to intrude. In addition, they brought many servants, women and servants with them this time, so it is not a big deal to leave most of them here to protect their safety.

Bai Siruo didn't expect to spend the night outside after visiting the temple fair, and his excited expression was already visible on his face.

Looking at her lively temperament, the adults all became happy.

After adding incense and candles and eating vegetarian food, Mrs. Xu led everyone to the house next to the temple.

As expected, it is small and exquisite, yet exquisite. There are only two entrances to the courtyard, and there is a small garden and pavilion in the middle to separate the front and back yards.

There are dense forests all around, and the winter is bleak. It doesn't feel lush, but a little less gloomy.

The hot spring water is directed to the back of the main room, and the hot spring pool is large enough to accommodate more than ten people. The three sisters saw it and all of them were happy.

Ive been to Fahua Temple many times, but I didnt know it was here. Bai Siruo couldnt help but sigh.

Xu Mingyue, who was next to her, snickered and whispered in her ear, "Let's take a bath in the hot springs together in the evening, just in time to get rid of the cold in the mountains."

Bai Siruo raised his eyebrows, looking at Feng Jinyao with sly eyes, and pointed at the soup pool. His meaning was very clear.

With the look in her eyes, Mrs. Bai knew that this was what they were thinking, so she excused herself because she was afraid that it would be inconvenient to go down the mountain after it got too late. She had given many instructions before leaving, and then she and Princess Wen Yi helped Mrs. Xu down the mountain. . After all the adults left, the three sisters finally relaxed.

Bai Siruo found a comfortable position and lay on the beauty's couch, looking at Xu Mingyue and Feng Jinyao with flowing eyes, her charming temperament revealed.

Haitang, go warm a pot of lamb wine and fry some of your specialty pancakes. Hot springs and fine wine, how many times in life can you get such happiness.

"You haven't drank yet, but I see you are drunk. Why don't you sit down and let the people below laugh at you."

Xu Mingyue deliberately said with a straight face, but Bai Siruo was a person who was not afraid of anything. "Just make a joke. Anyway, they don't dare to laugh in front of me. They just pretend they don't know."

This girl's temperament is really admirable for her open-mindedness.

Haitang glanced at her young lady helplessly and replied, "Yes." Before leaving, she took Yunxu to the outside and whispered something in her ear.

My cousin is still calm-tempered. Look at my girl. She wishes she could change her shoes and socks and go take a dip in the pool right away.

With her eyes full of laughter and tears, her master looked like this, and as a personal maid, she had no choice but to obey the orders and let her do what she wanted.

Okay, Sister Xu, my cousin has been detained at home these days embroidering womens clothes. Its rare to relax for a while, so let her do it.

Feng Jinyao defended her with a few words, which aroused Xu Mingyue's curiosity and looked at Bai Siruo in shock.

Dont you hate female embroidery the most? Have you embroidered a finished product these days?

Hey, dont mention it, ten fingers are almost broken, and the naughty girl is still sighing.

While talking, he also imitated the way grandma sighed, making the two of them laugh non-stop.

Yunxu heard her young lady's laughter outside and was happy from the bottom of her heart. She had changed these days and her mind was much calmer. She was not as idle and tense as before.

Its a good thing to be able to relax for once today.

So I went down with others to prepare things for the ladies to use in the hot spring pool, leaving space for a few people.

The moon is as bright as water, but the moon is less than fifteen and is not yet full. It is no more than a semicircle but as bright as a mirror, shining directly into people's hearts.

In the soup pool, Bai Siruo and Xu Mingyue talked about their happy moments and sang over the wine. The maids Haitang and Yun Bai were waiting on them.

Bai Siruo and Xu Mingyue were still soaking in the soup pool, while Feng Jinyao had already stood up.

Her skin is extremely delicate, so she cannot soak in the hot spring for a long time, otherwise she will turn red like a steamed shrimp, which will be a waste.

Wearing a moon-white lining, a dark-colored cloak on the outside, and a bracelet on the exposed wrist, the texture is smooth and shiny, and the water used for planting is also first-class. It is a top-quality Hetian jade.

With cold eyes and clear eyes, she looks like a fairy under the moon, sitting under the bright window in the main room, looking up at the moon.

Yun Xu gently rubbed her hair with a handkerchief at the back, and there were two or three charcoal braziers beside her, fearing that Feng Jinyao would be in trouble if the wind in the mountains in winter soaked her head.


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