The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 499: 499 bride

Chapter 499: 499 bride

Chapter 499 499. Flower wedding

Thirteen years after the Jin Dynasty entered Tianqi, Emperor Qi's illness became more and more serious.

The queen tried her best to delay him in the palace, but she couldn't stop his dying vitality.

Sometimes I was only awake for an hour or two a day, and sometimes I was asleep all day long, and few people around me could recognize me. Many of the concubines who came to attend the illness were frowning, thinking that if Emperor Qi suddenly Without them, how should they exist?

Different from them, who are just like yesterday's flowers, the people in the back houses of the Prince's Mansion are very competitive with each other.

Although there was no draft, it was just after the New Year, and there were seven or eight more concubines in the house all of a sudden, and they were all from families with some status in the court.

The Crown Princess was pregnant and didn't have much time to deal with it, so she left it to Concubine Guo to deal with it.

She is also an old person in the house, and she handles things thoughtfully and appropriately. However, it is a pity that she has not had a son and a half for so many years.

So I took advantage of the opportunity and specially selected a cousin from a distant relative from my natal family to come to the house and put it in my yard.

I just thought I could take the opportunity to have a child and keep him under my knees.

Hence, the Prince's Mansion is more lively than any other place in the Eastern Capital City.

However, it does not include the private residence of Prince Ding.

After New Year's Eve, several families interacted more closely.

The weather in the eastern capital city was cold and there was no good scenery, so King Ding's private residence became a place where everyone often went.

Warm and warm, the scenery is pleasant.

After the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Feng Jinlin and Xu Mingyue took Mr. Xu Ge and Mrs. Xu south.

Feng Jinxu rarely had time to spend time with his wife and children at home, and lived a peaceful life.

March is here in a blink of an eye.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming and new buds are showing. It is a good time for flower wedding.

Early in the morning, Feng Jinyao was woken up by Yun Xu, helped her wash up, and then ate something to fill her stomach.

Mrs. Feng and her second aunt Hua also arrived early, carrying locks with good luck and good fortune and golden apples that represented peace and tranquility.

I think it must be the second aunts generous hand.

I am a person who likes things with good meanings most. If this gold is beaten into an apple, wouldnt it mean that I will be safe for the rest of my life?

After she said this, everyone laughed.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is at least the intention of the elders.

So Feng Jinyao accepted it respectfully.

Wuxu's mother-in-law came to dress her up. Sometimes she was mixing noodles, sometimes she was combing her hair, and she was still mumbling something.

One comb to the end, two combs to white hair to eyebrow level, three combs to fill the house with children and grandchildren

With a full smile, hearing this makes people happy.

The ones coming to dowry today are my second uncle's cousin and Bai Sihan.

Although Bai Siruo's belly is not big yet and she can move freely, it is not easy for pregnant women to join in the fun at this time, so she is still at home, waiting to have a drink later.

The preparations for Prince Ding's palace have been well prepared. Today, Prince Ding is no longer as tired and sick as before. He looks much better and his body is upright.

Sitting on a pale golden sweat horse, the bright red dress makes her look very noble.

He has handsome features and a proud expression.

Before going out, Aunt Zhang tidied up his clothes again, and the excitement in her eyes was beyond words.

King Ding also patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, nanny, I'll take Ayao over right away."


This procession to welcome the bride is like a long dragon. What is different from other bride-to-be greetings is that the people coming back this time are all people from the royal palace and the army of King Ding.

They are all upright and upright, and they are extraordinary at first glance.

The common people who wanted to join in the fun were somewhat hesitant to watch this scene, for fear of offending them and getting themselves into trouble.

On the other hand, Yang Zhao, who was following King Ding, had some clues.

Say it to the people around you.

"Go down and make everyone laugh. You don't have to be so long-faced. We are accompanying the prince to marry the princess, not going to the battlefield!" "Yes! General!"

After getting this order, everyone looked at each other in shock, but they had no choice but to do it.

The two of them had sharp eyes, but there was a smile on their lips.

The common people's scalps were even more numb when they saw it. This person who lives in the royal palace is really... extraordinary...

The sedan chair arrived at the door of Feng's house. Although Feng Er was not there, Su Cheng knew what was going on, and Feng Jinhua and others from the second family's family stopped at the door.

At one moment he was asked to recite poems and compose poems, and at another moment he was asked to salute the door. It was very lively.

But Prince Dings expression didnt change much, and after finishing, he walked inside.

Yang Zhao behind him asked Su Cheng in a low voice, "Aren't you afraid that the prince will settle the score?"

Who would have thought that Su Cheng chuckled and said, "Except today, what other chance would you have to cause trouble for the prince like this?"

Yang Zhao couldn't help but admire Su Cheng, he was so courageous.

Poor Su Cheng felt happy at this time. Only when he went to the army of King Ding did he know what "diligence and expectation" from the prince meant!

He was treated as if he were made of iron. He was not given any chance to breathe, and he was trained to death!

According to etiquette, the prince should have paid homage to the emperor and empress in the palace when he got married, but now that the emperor was seriously ill, the empress had no intention of taking care of him all day long.

The princes seniority was not high enough, so this link was cancelled.

Wang Ye's respect, even if it is the people in the Feng family, can't accept his worship.

So the two of them just bowed and saluted to the high hall, then went out, playing and playing, and walked towards Prince Ding's Mansion.

Sitting in the sedan chair, Feng Jinyao felt like she was back in time.

Having been a man for two lifetimes, he is marrying today.

The person holding the hand is in front, and the sufferings in his past will also come to an end.

The noisy sound of gongs and drums, and the bustle of firecrackers made her deeply moved.

When she arrived at the gate of Prince Ding's Mansion, she walked in the sedan chair, stepped on the brazier, and walked on the saddle. It wasn't until she was led into the new house that she felt the real feeling in her heart.

Marrying Prince Ding was something she had never thought of.

But step by step, it actually became true. For the rest of her life, she would be the one who walked hand in hand with King Ding, and would never leave him.

Thinking of this, Feng Jinyao smiled, and the fiery red wedding dress made her look even more beautiful.

Originally, she thought she would have to wait for a long time in the new house before Xiao Tingyi would come over. Unexpectedly, she had not been sitting for half an hour when she heard someone outside shouting, "Your Majesty."

walked in the door, lifted the hijab, and the two of them looked at each other with affection in their eyes.

Lets go.

"where to?"

Feng Jinyaos eyes were full of doubts.

Xiao Tingyi pulled her and walked out of the new house, passed through the corridor, and entered a courtyard with the words: Qinghui Courtyard.

Feng Jinyao wondered why she was suddenly brought here. When she got closer, she realized that it was Feng Hai and Mrs. Feng who were sitting inside.

On the top is a painting of the late emperor and Concubine Min playing the piano and flute.

The royal ceremony cannot be abolished, but today only Xiao Tingyi, a descendant of the Xiao family, is here. It is a great honor to marry the daughter of the Feng family. I would also like to ask my father, mother, concubine, father-in-law and mother-in-law to accept our respects.

After saying that, he respectfully took Feng Jinyao to the high hall.

Kowtow once, kowtow twice, and kowtow three times.

Mrs. Fengs eyes were filled with tears, and Feng Hai was also heartily comforting that her son-in-law had such an arrangement.

Feng Jinyao did not expect that he would do this, and she was surprised and moved at the same time.

Your Majesty

Ayao, I will definitely live up to you in this life and the next.

The text is over.

If it wasnt for my physical discomfort, I should have finished yesterday. It has been half a year since I updated the article, and I have finally presented this story completely. There will be additional chapters in the future. If you have anything you want to read, you can mention it ~ In addition, new articles are also being prepared, probably I will meet you all in early January. Sisters who are interested can look forward to it~~~ Now I hope to get well soon and come back with new articles as soon as possible! ! There may only be one update in these two days. When the health is better, the extra chapter will be updated twice a day~~~


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