The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 488: 488 take orders

Chapter 488: 488 take orders

Chapter 488 488. Take orders

Now when they heard the summons, everyone was excited.

Who doesnt know that King Ding once fought hard in South Vietnam and defeated an enemy force of 700,000? Now it only has 600,000, so it must be no problem.

But when everyone saw King Ding walking in, they couldn't help but gasp.

He looked calm, but his eyes were serious.

Step by step, he walked towards the superior prince, with firm steps and a clear attitude.

With him here, there is a candidate for the marshal of the southwest battle.

Its just that his body can really support it?

No one knows.

After all, he has been ill for many years and was said to be cured some time ago, but he has never been out. Looking at his face now, he is still not as rosy as a healthy man, let alone compared with the generals of the army.

Why is Uncle Ding Wang here?

Prince, I heard news about Southwest in my palace, so I came here to take a look.

Uncle Wang has made great military exploits for the Jin Dynasty, but now South Vietnam and Jiao Yi are about to go to war again. The Jin Dynasty simply doesnt take our country seriously, so we are currently debating who to send!

"Well, since I have come here, I just want to tell the prince, let me go."

The prince frowned, but his heart was filled with joy.

"But Uncle Wang, your body..."

"It doesn't matter, it won't be a problem to go to the southwest. With me here, not to mention Jiao Yi, South Vietnam will be more wary, so the casualties of the Jin soldiers will be less. What's more, after so many years, I still have all the soldiers in King Ding's army. If we are familiar with it, it would be inappropriate to rashly send a general who does not understand it. If the opportunity to fight is delayed, it will be a lot of trouble."

Yes, Prince Ding has been recuperating in the capital for many years, and he can still be remembered by many people. It's just that he has the trump card of Prince Ding's army.

It would be abnormal for him not to step forward when his family and country are in crisis.

So he looked at the people of his own group, and soon the ministers understood and immediately spoke.

"Your Highness, the prince's move is a matter of great justice. What's more, what the prince said is right. Sending an unfamiliar general rashly may be counterproductive. Otherwise, let the prince go. With him here, I believe that Nanyue and Jiao Yiding will Dont dare to act rashly, maybe we can solve the crisis in the southwest without spending a single soldier!

As soon as he finished speaking, many people followed him to second his opinions.

It seems that if the prince does not agree, it means that he does not care about friendship.

King Ding already knew the secrets of these ministers and princes, but he just didn't bother to expose them.

He was also going to the southwest, so he pretended not to see the exchange of glances between them.

Both Prime Minister Bai and Mr. Xu Ge did not say a word and stood firm in place. It was not that they did not favor King Ding, but they knew that once King Ding decided something, it would be useless for anyone to say anything.

Moreover, they also felt that King Ding was the best candidate for this southwest battle, and there would be no problem if he went.

After all, outsiders thought that his health was not intact, but only they themselves knew how capable King Ding was.

So, they were not very worried.

The prince pretended to do it as a last resort and reluctantly said.

"Uncle Wang is very righteous. On behalf of the people of the world, I would like to thank you for coming forward. In this case, Uncle Wang will go to the southwest in person, and then send a message to General Su, ordering him to lead an army of 100,000 to rush for reinforcements."


There is no Duke Wei or others in the court to cause trouble, and the prince is eager to get some achievements to gain recognition from the outside world, so no one is thinking about food and grass.

Fenghai was quite fast when raising money.

On the third day of Xiao Tingyi's departure, the grain and grass also left in the southwest direction, and the person responsible for escorting it was naturally the trustworthy Yang Zhao. He was afraid of delaying the fighter plane, so he kept speeding up.

Xu Lin led a team to guard him, firstly to prevent the news from leaking, and secondly to prevent someone from causing trouble.

Although the prince will not take action easily now, and is still waiting for the prince to go into battle in person and gain some good reputation, there is a chance that others may have other ideas.

Hurrying to Xuzhou, they transferred to the Chi family's speedboat. Not to mention the speed increased several times, and it was much safer than running a horse.

In less than ten days, Xiao Tingyi was already standing in the tent of King Ding's army.

People outside didnt know it, but when Yang Xu saw Xiao Tingyi, he almost cried.

Your Majesty!

Looking at Yang Xu's dark circles, Xiao Tingyi knew that he must not have slept well these days, so he patted his shoulder and said.

Go down and sleep for two hours, and then talk to you again!


With the prince here, Yang Xu felt at ease even if he slept all day long.

And Xiao Tingyi was not idle either. He had been looking at the military map since he entered the big tent.

Xu Lin followed him and kept talking about the news sent by Princess Qianling and General Jiang Xun.

"This war was proposed by the Third Prince Jiao Run. It was deployed from the day he entered the Eastern Capital City. He and the Sixth Prince have always been in contact over the years, but not much because of the palace banquet. It will be launched in advance. The Crown Princess is now in charge of Nanyue, but according to the news sent by the princess, she seems to be restrained by the Wang Husband."

This has always been the case in South Vietnam. Regardless of gender, the eldest son will inherit the throne.

It was the King of Nanyue who fought with him back then. Now the Crown Princesss father has been ill since the war, so the Crown Princess has made the final decision on all major affairs in the court.

It is the same reason as today's Jin Dynasty has a prince to supervise the country.

They didn't know much about the princess's husband.

"Check, verify this person's situation one by one, and tell Qian Ling by the way, if there is a chance to meet the princess, I want to know her true thoughts."

If it is true that the Crown Princess does not want to start a war, as Princess Qian Ling speculated, then there is a great chance that the matter can be changed.

The best way to deal with this kind of alliance, each with its own agenda, is to break it up internally.

An alliance naturally comes about when there is a collusion of interests. What if the interests disappear, or the balance of interests tilts towards a certain side?

Then this so-called alliance fell apart in the blink of an eye.

It was getting dark, but the rules in the army were strict. Not long after nightfall, sentries began to be posted.

For decades, no one in King Ding's army dared to be lazy.

Under the darkness of night, King Ding and his party quietly left the military tent again. What he was looking for now was Wen Zhonghe.

Mr. Wen is sorting out the food, cloth, and other materials left over from the disaster relief in the study. He also spends a lot of time forgetting to eat and sleep.

Mrs. Wen said it several times, but he was still sorting it out.

Wen Zhonghe was startled when Xiao Tingyi suddenly appeared.

He had been an official in Shuzhou for many years, so he naturally knew about the great defeat of South Vietnam by King Ding's army. At the same time, he also received urgent news from thousands of miles away in the capital, saying that King Ding was commanding this battle, and he was very worried. Just let it go.


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