The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 321 - Guest (1)

Chapter 321 : Guest (1)

The news of Yuxi’s arrival in Yu City soon spread out. Originally, those who had secretly implied Yun Qing to be a cold-blooded and ruthless person and even used these as a pretext to strike at him suddenly didn’t feel good when they heard the news. The one who reacted the most was Qin Zhao.

When Qin Zhao got the news, he did not believe it. He immediately spoke with his wife, Xu Shi. “You should meet with this Han Shi and check where she comes from.” Sukhbaru would not be so stupid as to use an impostor to threaten Yun Qing. Nine times out of ten, there must be something wrong with this Han Shi.

When Xu Shi heard this, she nodded and said, “Alright, I will send an invitation to Han Shi to be our guest. If there is any problem with her, we will definitely see the clues.” Han Shi was a young lady from the State Residence. No ordinary people could impersonate her. They had also found out a lot about Han Shi. Thus, if this Han Shi were fake, she would take this chance to expose her immediately.

Yuxi was very much surprised when she received an invitation from Xu Shi. She knew that Yun Qing was currently at odds with Qin Zhao, and she was sure Xu Shi’s invitation was full of evil intentions. However, it was not Yuxi’s style to escape. She immediately accepted the invitation and said with a smile, “I will be on time for the banquet.”

Zijin frowned as she pointed out, “Miss, this invitation from Xu Shi is just like a weasel goes to pay his respects to the hen.” She didn’t know what kind of idea that woman had in her mind.

Yuxi laughingly said, “There is no way for me to refuse. I still have to deal with her, sooner or later.” Qin Zhao was the Commander-in-chief of the border city, and Yun Qing was only his subordinate. When she married Yun Qing, she would surely deal with Xu Shi.

Of course, Qin Zhao could become the Commander-in-chief of the border city because he had the support of the Song family, not because he had such outstanding military achievements. The Qin family had been operating in this place for many years, and Marshal Qin had been kind to many people, including Yun Qing. As a result, this gave Qin Zhao an easy chance to secure the position of Commander-in-chief.

Zijin worried Xu Shi would use some underhanded tactics during the banquet.

Yuxi assured her with a smile, “Don’t worry, Xu Shi is not so stupid to do that. Moreover, I am not a person that other people can easily calculate.” As long as they didn’t try to assassinate her with poison, there was nothing that Yuxi should be afraid of.

When Han Jianye knew that Xu Shi had invited Yuxi for a gathering, he reminded her. “Yuxi, I heard that this Xu Shi is very clever dealing with people that she is currently on friendly terms will all the important ladies in the city. You should be extra careful.”

Yuxi nodded her head after hearing Han Jianye’s reminder. If that woman could even make her Er Ge know her name, she could see that the other party was skilful. “I know.” Even if Han Jianye didn’t remind her, she wouldn’t dare underestimate Xu Shi.

Han Jianye also gave Yuxi a few heads up for the banquet, and when he saw that Yuxi truly listened to every word he said, he spoke no more. Only that, there was something he became interested in. “Yuxi, I heard that you do not like Yun Qing’s courtesy name, and you gave him a new one?” The courtesy name was usually given by the elders, but he had never heard of a fiancée giving one to her partner. Yuxi was a pioneer in this aspect.

Yuxi was a bit puzzled. “How did Er Ge know?” Yun Qing would not have told Han Jianye about it, right? Furthermore, she didn’t think anyone would call Yun Qing by his courtesy name.

Han Jianye smiled and asked, “So it’s true?”

Yuxi nodded a little and said, “Do you know what courtesy name Yun Qing had taken? Qing Ming, Er Ge. Qing Ming is the day when we visit the grave. Don’t you find it unlucky to have such a name? When I heard it, I thought it was inappropriate. So I suggested that he change it.”

Han Jianye roared with laughter as he said, “If you’re like this, I won’t have to worry that he will bully you in the future.” How could Yuxi be bullied by Yun Qing when she was already acting so tough before she even went through the door? When the time came, it wouldn’t be nice if Yuxi took advantage of Yun Qing instead. Well, as Han Jianye imagined the scene of Yun Qing being henpecked, it became a wonderful picture that he didn’t dare to think much about it.

Yuxi did not listen to Han Jianye’s teasing and went into the house and gave Han Jianye the list she had written, saying, “Er Ge, these are the things that I need Er Ge to purchase.” Even if she currently didn’t have any furniture or other large items, she probably wouldn’t be able to purchase anything she liked here. However, she still needed to buy clothes, quilts and other daily necessities. If she didn’t buy them now, she would still have to buy them after getting married.

Han Jianye took the list, read the dense handwriting on the piece of sheet, and his scalp began to tingle. “Why do you need this much?” He even had to buy needles and threads, and then those threads were also divided into different thicknesses. Furthermore, she even requested them to be in red, blue, green, and purple, which gave him a headache.

Yuxi glanced at Han Jianye and said, “I am only asking for these daily necessities, and I have left out all those big, rare pieces of furniture. If you can buy these things in Yu City, you can buy them here directly. If you can’t, then please go to Xinping City to buy them.”

Han Jianye, who was impatient to deal with these matters, said, “Just leave it to Han Yi to do the shopping.” After saying that, he took out a pouch of silver from his sleeve and handed it to Yuxi. “This is the money returned to me by a friend of mine. I’ll let you use it first. In a few days, my salary will also be issued. I’ll give you all of them.”

Yuxi smiled and let Zijin take it. “I’ll take care of this money for Er Ge first. When the time comes, I’ll buy some special local products to be sent home.” Men were genuinely thoughtless. Ever since Han Jianye came to the border city, he never sent anything other than a letter telling his family that he was saved and sound.

Han Jianye questioned, “What is there to send from here? With the long road home, who knows if the things will meet some bandits instead?” They would rather conveniently spend their money for the bandits at that time.

Yuxi waved her hand and said, “I have a sense of proportion.”

That night, there was a letter from the capital. Because Han Jianye was not in, the letter went directly to Yuxi’s hand. After reading it, Yuxi’s face looked very odd.

Zijin asked, “Miss, what’s wrong?”

Yuxi handed the letter to Zijin and explained, “Heshou Xianzhu saved the 9th Prince, and the Emperor has bestowed a marriage between them, letting Heshou become the 9th Prince’s Ce Fei.” Heshou Xianzhu, who was initially fasting and praying for blessings at Wutai Mountain, unexpectedly led someone to save the 9th Prince from an assassination.

According to the original trajectory, the 9th Prince unexpectedly died at the end of the third lunar month. After the 9th Prince’s death, the Emperor was stimulated by the death of his beloved son, that his health turned bad, while the Song family gave their full support for the 10th Prince. The 10th Prince had been crowned as the crown prince at the end of that same year. However, now, because of Heshou’s intervention, everything changed. She had directly altered some people’s fates and the future pattern. There was no telling what the future would be this time.

After reading it, Zijin asked with some concern, “Miss, Heshou somehow tried to kill you for no reason back then. Do you think she will try to do it again now?”

Yuxi shook her head and said, “I don’t know. However, her biggest enemy now is not me. It’s the 9th Prince’s main consort.” Yu Xiyu was so intelligent. How could she not know how dangerous the woman who had saved her husband and lived a bizarre life was? With Yu Xiyu being on guard against Heshou, Yuxi believed that Heshou couldn’t do much. At least for the time being, Yuxi had no time to worry about her.

Zijin felt very troubled. That woman was too weird. It was a pity that she couldn’t kill her that day. She didn’t know what would happen once that woman could stand up on her feet again this time. [+]

Yuxi was also anxious. Heshou and the Han family had a deadly feud, and now Heshou had risen once more. Yuxi had no fear for herself since she was far away from home. She only worried that Heshou would retaliate against the Han family.

Yuxi wasn’t the only one who had such worries. Mr Zhao was troubled with this too. “Lord Duke, Heshou Xianzhu can be said to be our deadly enemy. If she becomes the 9th Prince’s Ce Fei, she will use His Highness’ hand to retaliate against the Han family. So we have to plan early.”

Han Jianming nodded. “It is necessary to take any precautions, but there is no need to be too alarmed. Heshou may have the ability to foresee, but her ability also has a limit.” If Heshou had been so powerful in foreseeing the future, the Qiao family would not have fallen that day, and she would not have been sent to Wutai Mountain. After this incident, Heshou must have caused the Yu family to be high alert. It would be impossible for Heshou to act with the same recklessness as she did before.

Mr Zhao felt that Han Jianming had a point. “Lord Duke, how is my Lord going to respond to the Yu family’s proposal?” The Yu family had long wanted to draw Yun Qing to their side. Except that Yun Qing had rejected the olive branch that their people had extended, hence they had to use this indirect approach.

Han Jianming responded, “There’s no hurry. Let’s wait until Yuxi gets a firm foothold in Yu City.” As long as Yuxi hadn’t married Yun Qing, any talk of cooperation would only be futile.

As they were discussing, Han Hao announced from outside, “My Lord, the Old Lady is here.”

Han Jianming was startled. His mother always asked someone to call for him. This was the first time she came to the study to find him. Han Jianming hurriedly went out. As soon as he was out, he saw Qiu Shi’s face full of panic and asked, “Mother, what’s wrong?”

When Qiu Shi saw her son, she grabbed his arm and questioned, “Ming-er, Yuxi has been captured by bandits. Why didn’t you tell me about such a big thing?”

Han Jianming answered with a gloomy face, “Mother, it’s not true. From who did you hear this news?” He knew about this rumour when it first appeared in the capital. He tried to suppress it, but unfortunately, it didn’t work.

Qiu Shi inquired, “Ming-er, what do those bandits want? If they want money, we will give it to them, and you must protect Yuxi and make sure she is safe.” How could that child be so disaster-prone even to encounter such a thing? After this incident, Yuxi could only become a nun and live the rest of her life worshipping the Buddha.

Han Jianming helplessly replied, “Mother, Yuxi is fine. She was robbed of her dowry by those bandits when she crossed the Menghu Mountain, but currently, she is alright!” Han Jianming was afraid Qiu Shi would worry. That was why he concealed the news. If he had known this would happen, he might as well tell his mother early this morning!

Qiu Shi asked hopefully, “Are you telling the truth? Yuxi is indeed fine? Then why is it rumoured outside that the bandits have taken Yuxi, and they want to ask us for ransom?”

Han Jianming hurriedly soothed her, “Mother, why would I be lying to you? After a while, Yuxi’s letter reporting her well-being will soon arrive.”

After he had finished coaxing Qiu Shi, it was the former Old Lady’s turn to look for Han Jianming. Her attitude was completely different from Qiu Shi’s, as she said, “Now it is said outside that bandits have taken the Fourth Girl to their den. Is this true or not?”

Han Jianming gave her the same answer he had given to Qiu Shi.

The Old Lady heard this and said, “If it’s fake, then that is good. If it’s true, you know how to deal with it, right?” Her meaning was clear: the Han family would never admit that one of their young ladies had entered a bandit’s den. If this rumour were true, the Han family would pretend that there had never been a Han Yuxi in their family.

Han Jianming nodded and said, “Grandmother, I know what to do.”

When Han Jianming returned to his study, he muttered coldly, “What a nasty thing to do.” This rumour had spread several days ago, and he had someone check it out. After a few days, he found out that the person who fanned out the rumour was the Song family’s lackey. This rumour might not have been aimed to annoy Yun Qing but him instead.


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