The Rebirth of Evelyn Knox

Chapter 24: Second Milestone

Chapter 24: Second Milestone

The description of the 'Golden Wheel' didn't give her enough hints, and even after wracking her brains over and over Evelyn couldn't make a concrete conclusion.

"Ugh, whatever, it's definitely not a bad thing. I'm guessing this ability unlocked once Ruru crossed level ten, so maybe there will be another one once she gets to level twenty, right? Maybe the next ability will make things a little more clear. I hope."

After setting Ruru down on the bed, Evelyn decided to take a bath first before anything else. She felt all kinds of wrong right now, with dried blood on her chin and a strange sticky feeling she hadn't felt in years, she definitely needed a bath.

"I wish I got an ability every ten levels too"

After tossing all of her garments in the laundry bucket, she quickly turned on the faucet of the tub and climbed in.

"Yikes, it's too hot!"

Her skin sizzled as she stepped in, and tears started flowing from her eyes almost immediately from the unexpected pain. The water heated by spirit stones was generally too hot, and this was the reason why she was always accompanied by someone while taking a bath. The cold and hot water needed to be mixed properly.

She would have been happy if someone just told her though.

Of course, Evelyn didn't really care about it too much because she would only lose a few points of spirit power even if her skin took some damage. This is why the advanced regeneration ability was so useful.

But it still hurt.

"Uh, I guess I learned something, at least."

She tried to think positively.

"If I didn't take an impromptu bath today, I wouldn't know this. Amara would always mix the water for me before I went in, and I would never notice."

She nodded, having convinced herself.

"But now I know that whatever method they use to heat water using spirit stones can't regulate the temperature perfectly Hm, this shouldn't be too hard to fix, right? Hopefully no one else came up with it already, maybe I can make some money off of it later."

Her finger glided across her perfectly restored skin, there wasn't even a hint of redness left. "If I think about it this way, it was actually a good thing!"

Evelyn had already convinced herself that she didn't make a stupid mistake, but had a fortunate accident instead.

With her mind relieved of all burdens, she continued soaking in the hot tub with her eyes closed, her long pink hair floating in the water carelessly. The tub was so big for her size that she looked like a tiny flower floating in the middle of a big puddle, although it was partially due to her small body.

After a while she finally felt a little better and decided to check her own status.

-Evelyn Knox: Level 19 [Exp: 50/200]

Hybrid Physique: Blessed Spirit, Lotus Throne

Physique: 126 -> 140

Spirit Power: 59 -> 80

Soul Value: 1239 -> 1260

Vitality: 122 -> 136

-[ Abilities / Enhancements ]

[Hunter], [Basic Spatial Manipulation], [Basic Probe], [Minor Shield], [Disease Immunity], [Advanced Regeneration], [Calamity]

-Equipment: None

She let out a sigh of disappointment as she looked at her level.

"I was hoping I heard it wrong but it looks like I really didn't cross over level twenty."

Evelyn closed her eyes as she thought through it once more before crawling out of the tub, with her teeth gritting in determination.

"Whatever, I'll just bear with it once more and claim the next mission. If I can get through it once, I can get through it again!"

For her to feel like she did everything she could to prepare for the ceremony, crossing the threshold of level twenty was a must! Even if it didn't give her as big of a boost at level ten, it couldn't be too bad.

Evelyn quickly rubbed herself dry with a towel and climbed back onto the bed. She couldn't be bothered to dress herself up again, and just plonked the still knocked out little fox on her belly before claiming the next mission before her determination could waver.

- Reward Claimed! -

Spirit Power permanently raised by +5 points!

Vitality permanently raised by +5 points!

Acquired the [Artist] passive ability: Enhances the growth and learning rate of skills related to drawing and painting. General hand eye coordination is also enhanced.

-Experience +1000 points!

-Current Experience: 1050 points.

-Current experience exceeds the requirements for next level!

-Level up!

-Level 19 [1050/200] -> Level 20 [850/500]

-Level 20 Milestone level reached! +20 All Stats!

-Level up bonus increased from +2 to +3 all stats per level!

-All Stats increased by +3!

-Current experience exceeds the requirements for next level!

-Level up!

-Level 20 [850/500] -> Level 21 [350/600]

-All Stats increased by +3!

The increased requirements of each level brought both relief and disappointment to Evelyn. Her previous trauma was still fresh in her mind, but she had already made up her mind to go through it again if it meant being better prepared for what was to come.

She hadn't yet forgotten that she wasn't a normal girl, born as the beloved daughter of the Knox family, and growing up with a couple of close friends.

No, she was someone who did not know what the future had in store for her, because the ones who allowed her to have this life now did not even let her know what they wanted.

The only way she would have any right to decide her own future was if she was strong enough, strong enough to have a right to speak before it was too late.

But it was only a thought she could bury deep in her heart and remind herself to never forget.

Ruru did not even rouse from her sleep this time, and perhaps it was better for her that way. The poor little fox did not have a regeneration ability like her, and the experience was probably quite painful for her.

Her regeneration ability had already restored her body completely while she was bathing, so the level up this time only managed to send a pleasant tingling sensation throughout her body.

Evelyn's mind hadn't recovered, however, and there were dark spots dancing around in her vision as she struggled to not let herself fall asleep. Her status opened up in front of her with little effort.

-Evelyn Knox: Level 21 [Exp: 350/600]

Hybrid Physique: Blessed Spirit, Lotus Throne

Physique: 140 -> 176

Spirit Power: 80 -> 124

Soul Value: 1260 -> 1299

Vitality: 136 -> 167

-[ Abilities / Enhancements ]

[Artist], [Hunter], [Basic Spatial Manipulation], [Basic Probe], [Minor Shield], [Disease Immunity], [Advanced Regeneration], [Calamity]

-Equipment: None

"This should be good enough for now, right?"

And as she smiled in relief, her mind finally slipped into a deep slumber.


When she woke up the next morning, Evelyn could only pout as she received a scolding from her dutiful 'maid' Amara.

"Do you understand? Even if our physique is better than the others, that's all the more reason to be more careful! Once you get sick, the treatment available to us is very limited as well!"

Even if she wanted to say she can't get any diseases at all, there was no way anyone would believe her, right?

"I'm sorry I get it, okay? I was just feeling weird and decided to take a bath, and then forgot to dress up and fell asleep."

Amara sighed, thinking of all the bad thoughts that sprang into her mind when she first walked in and saw the poor girl completely bare on the bed.

One of the first things she checked was if the pink haired girl was still breathing, and then she checked for any trauma on her body. Only once she didn't find anything wrong did she let out a breath that she didn't even know she was holding.

After wiping away her tears, she realized that maybe her reaction was a little oversensitive. But that didn't mean the little girl shouldn't be scolded for almost giving her a heart attack! So she resisted the urge to smack her awake, but an earful still had to be delivered!

"Even if it was a mistake, you can't do that again!"

Evelyn gave her a pitiful look, hoping that her big shiny pink eyes would melt the redhead's heart like always. "I won't?"

Of course, even if Amara's anger had already faded away, she couldn't let her go so easily, or the little girl won't learn her lesson at all.

"Humph. Even if you feel like you need to take a bath in the middle of the night, you should just call for me!"

"Okay okay, I get it, geez."

Even as she rolled her eyes, however, the pink haired girl felt content as she was given a warm bath and meticulously patted dry by the redhead.

"Mhmm this feels so much more comfy than doing it by myself."

The redhead clicked her tongue. "Tsk tsk, if you like being pampered so much, then why are you so unreasonable? The next time I see you do something you shouldn't while alone, I'll have you sleep together with Vivian!"


Amara nodded, as if suddenly realizing all the merits of this 'great idea'. "Yep. It'll be hitting two birds with one stone. I won't get kicked around at night, and she can clutch you in a death grip while sleeping so you won't be able to do anything either. Hehe."

The pink haired girl clutched the warm towel closer to her body. "Ugh that sounds like a bad idea?"

Amara smiled, as if saying 'Not for me!', and Evelyn gulped.

"Alright alright, I'll be a good girl, so let me off this time, pretty please?"

The redhead couldn't help but relent with a chuckle. "Alright. Just this time, since you're so cute."

Evelyn finally relaxed. Thinking that finally she was done jumping through all the hoops.


Looking at the little girl's smug face as she finished drying her long pink hair, Amara realized why some adults preferred administering corporeal punishment instead.

"Ugh, I still can't believe you would almost mess up this bad right on the day of the ceremony I thought you were such a mature little girl!"

Evelyn wanted to cry, thinking how she keeps coming back to the same topic to give her a scolding over and over. But she knew that if she protested anymore it would just get worse.

Amara shook her head, thinking it would only cause more headache to her if she kept dwelling on it, and the little girl didn't seem to take her seriously at all. It was better to just move on. Besides, today was both Evelyn's fifth birthday and her first ceremony!

"Anyway, are you feeling ready? Have you decided on which of the dresses you wanna wear?"

"I'm feeling better than ever! And the dress doesn't matter to me you pick one for me."

Evelyn regretted her words as soon as they left her lips, because the grin on Amara's face was positively devious.


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