The Real Awakening

Book 2: Chapter 5: Death Poetry Society

Book 2: Chapter 5: Death Poetry Society

I didnt realise I was already at this chapter! The first scene of this chapter is honestly one of the most memorable scenes of this entire volume for mejust because of how unexpected it is. Then again, that seems to be a defining feature of this series :P

The mention of a hospital always made one immediately think of the strong smell of disinfectant. Most found it pungent and hard to bear. However, if smelled for long enough, one would gradually grow accustomed to it. An example [of such a person] was the intern nurse that worked in this hospital daily.

She no longer minded the odour as much as she had at the beginning. Currently, she was standing next to the help desk in good spirits, giving food to a tank of fengshui fish. She had brought this small oblate fishbowl over from her boyfriends home when she had visited him last week. There were two scarlet Bubble Eye goldfish inside.

The white-coated nurse softly hummed as she happily watched the two goldfish start fighting for the food floating on the water surface after overcoming their initial fear. Once she finished feeding the goldfish, she glanced at her watch and stowed away the bag of food. Then she picked up her clipboard to go make rounds in the wards. However, just then the cellphone in her pocket rang.

She started in alarm and hurriedly snuck out into the stairwell while clutching her pocket.

Although the hospital regulations forbid cellphones, she still could not help but secretly answer the call. Using an extremely hushed tone, she quietly exchanged honey-sweet words with her boyfriend. Even in her wildest dreams, she would not have imagined that it would be right at this time when the patient she was responsible for in Room 705 would wake from their coma.

He peacefully lay in bed. Unlike other patients that would slowly open their eyes, his eyes instantly shot wide open as though triggered by some activated switch. Without even blinking, his turbid eyeballs spun around all over the place like an alarmed animal. He warily surveyed his surroundings in all directions. After pausing for a few seconds, he turned slightly, then jumped straight up from the bed.

Indeed, there was no doubt that his action was a jump, instantly leaping onto the ground from a reclining position. This was nearly inconceivable considering that just seconds before, he had been in a coma like a dying, severely injured patient. Yet a second later, he was standing straight up on the ground.

However, his appearance was a bit strange. This was because he felt as though he could not breathe.

How can that be? Why cant I breathe? He was clearly surrounded by fresh air, yet he could not inhale it at all. His windpipe seemed blocked; there was impure air trapped in his chest that he could not breathe out no matter how he tried. The discomfort in his lungs continued to intensify.

After jumping up, he circled around helplessly in panic. His expression twisted together very fiercely from the pain of being unable to breathe. His choked face turned liver-coloured as his veins began to show.

He tilted his head back, trying his best to breathe, breathe. His mouth continued to open and close as though struggling to swallow the air. However, this action did not bring him any relief. Without any circulating air, his lungs were on the verge of bursting.

I cantIm about to suffocateabout to suffocate

He wildly scratched his own throat with his fingernails, stretching his neck out as he shook his head. Staggering over to the door, he knocked the door open and charged out into the peaceful hallway like he had gone insane. As he frenziedly raced forward, shrill and raspy gasps for breath continued to come out from his throat, as though someone was tightly clutching his neck

Breathe, breatheHe wanted to breathe

He staggeringly ran forwards, tears and saliva flowing down uncontrollably. Finally, he crashed straight into the help desk with a sudden bang. Immediately after, he seemed to hear a beautiful melody ring next to his ears


Waterits the sound of water

He lifted his head, his bloodshot eyes locking directly onto the fengshui fish swimming in the bowl.

The clear water lightly rippled in his black pupils

As he stared and stared, the corners of his lips seemed to curve up very slightly. Then the next moment, a stupefyingly ridiculous action unfoldedhe actuallyactually shoved his own head into the glass fishbowl!

In that instant, the fishy-smelling water spread out from his forehead. It did not reach his eyes, only covering his nose as it wildly rushed into his mouth before dripping down from his chin as it overflowed, splashing all over the desk

Even with his face submerged in the water, he continued to grin. The oblate glass fishbowl distorted his expression excessively. His round, wide-open eyes bulged outwards while his nose and mouth continued expanding and contracting

He was inhaling very, very hardsucking in the fishy-smelling water in large amounts through his nostrils and mouth. As he sucked it inin flowed into his nasal cavity, flowed into his windpipeuntil finally, he had greedily filled his lungs

It was not long before his expression froze in that sinister and abnormal smile.

This time, he could finally feel at ease, finally be free from the distress of being unable to breathe. Because he no longer needed to breathe anymore

Song of Death.

Smile, oh, smile. When death comes near, go ahead and smile as much as you please,

Because you will no longer be trapped in the depths of misery;

Sing, oh, sing. When death comes near, go ahead and sing as much as you please,

Because you will receive eternal life;

Dance, oh, dance. When death comes near, go ahead and dance as much as you please,

Because you will break free from your dispute with this mundane world.

Death was the exact opposite of life. Those that had never experienced it would never understand its pain and despair. Just like how living people had various ways of living, dead people also had different ways of dying. However, having ones ears cut off after being murdered was a bit too tragic of a death. Moreover, this girl was still so young. Her lifes bud had only just started to open, yet it had withered away so early.

Ye Xiao stood in the corner of a remote street, staring at the body whose face was covered in blood. He furiously curled his hands into fists as he cursed out through clenched teeth, Damn it! This is already the third one! Skin, teeth, earswhats next? The killer is completely fucking deranged!

He couldnt help but blurt out curses.

Su Mu shot him a look before silently removing his gloves.

The victim was only nineteen years old. She had just tested into a music college to major in piano. Last night, she had practiced piano at the school until late. While heading home alone, she had been unfortunate enough to encounter the killer. Her body had been discovered by someone at four this morning. The cause of death was excessive blood loss from the severed vein. In addition, there was a gold Japanese rose placed by her corpse.

Ye Xiao and Su Mu silently stood side-by-side in the freezing winter winds, helplessly watching as the girls blood-soaked body was stored inside a black body bag and lifted onto a stretcher.

There was no knowing who let out a sigh first. But afterwards, the twos expressions seemed dim.

That night, the deceaseds family members arrived to claim the body. When the girls mother saw the bloody body, she immediately collapsed onto the ground, crying fiercely. The entire station echoed with despairing wails of grief. The father that could not endure the pain of mourning his daughter pointed his fingers at the police, angrily reprimanding them for their stupidity and inability. He tearfully demanded for the police to repay them for their daughter. After a while, the sobs and shouts had blurred together in the hallway outside the morgue, the fight escalating.

The officers that had originally been present had fled to avoid this terrifying moment.

Although they knew that the victims family had only temporarily lost control, it was not easy to face unreasonable verbal abuse and denouncement. No one would willingly take on this kind of trouble. Only Ye Xiao remained standing in place to accept all the vicious attacks and insults. He kept his head bowed to the deceaseds family, repeatedly apologising as he took on the blame.

His colleagues behind him quietly muttered to each other: Idiot!

Su Mu stood off to the side with his arms crossed, watching Ye Xiao with a slightly complicated expression.

This dragged on until nearly midnight. At this time, the deceaseds family finally calmed their emotions a bit after constant placating, and they left the station with tears still flowing.

After seeing them off at the door, Ye Xiao exhaustedly held his forehead as he returned to the office to drink some water. He no longer had the energy to say anything. For once, he silently put on his jacket and walked out without a word.

When he returned home, it was already past one in the morning. Yet the living room lights and the TV were still on. However, TV shows had stopped broadcasting ages ago, and the snow-like screen was making buzzing static sounds.

Ye Xiao strode over to switch off the TV. When he turned around, he discovered that Ling Dang was already curled up on the sofa in deep sleep. Seemingly afraid of the cold, the petite, delicate girl had pulled her arms and legs in as she clutched a blanket. Her body was curled up like a kitten. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly as she took deep breaths, and the corners of her lips were even turned up into a sweet smile. It looked like she was currently having some beautifully flowery dream.

Hah, damn brat

Ye Xiao stared at her and chuckled dryly. He then shook his head and leaned over. Just as he was about to pick her up and move her into the bedroom, she rubbed her tired eyes and dazedly woke up.

Xiao-gge, youre back? Ling Dang let out a large yawn as she muttered indistinctly, Did you eat dinner? I made your favourite fried noodles with green bell peppers and shredded pork.

Fried noodles? Ye Xiao turned his head to glance at the plate of black. Unsure of whether to laugh or cry, he sighed and said, Didnt I tell you not to wait for me for dinner? Work is busy these days, I often have to go out early and come back late. I might even end up staying out the entire night. You should just eat and sleep first; just ignore me.

I dont want to. I just like cooking for you. Is that not allowed?

Ling Dang sat cross-legged on the sofa with her lips pouted childishly. Her gaze shifted sideways as she murmured in a faint voice, Besides, its not like you have a girlfriend. If I dont take care of you, who will?

You damn brat!

Ye Xiao couldnt help but chuckle. He covered her head with his large hand and rubbed it hard as he warmly replied, Idiot, I dont need you to take care of me. Its fine if you just take care of yourself.

He smiled, looking down to meet her eyes. His slim lips curled upwards lightly, his gaze gentle and his smile bright. His warm breath fell onto her face, making her feel ticklish. She felt like a cat that had gotten its tail scratched; it tickled so much that her heart felt like it was practically floating in the air. Her breathing also quickened more and more

So-so-so closewere so close!

Ling Dangs face immediately flushed bright red as she sat there dumbly, frozen for a good third seconds. Then she suddenly returned to her senses and immediately leapt up from the sofa. She shoved Ye Xiao away and stammered, What are you-you-you trying to do?

She shot him a furious glare in her embarrassment and then tightly clutched the blanket to her chest as she fled into the bedroom like a wisp of smoke. With a bang, she slammed the door shut, leaving Ye Xiao stunned on the spot all alone. He blinked, completely lost as he muttered the same words in confusion, What am I trying to do?

Behind the bedroom door, Ling Dang gripped her wildly racing heart, gasping in discomfort. Her face was so red that it seemed like it would start steaming, but it gradually was covered up by the darkness without any light.

Was he-he actually about to kiss me? If only I hadnt run away

She touched her cheeks that were as hot as fire, her blurred gaze peering at the hazy moonlight sprinkling through the window. She let out a sigh in both annoyance and dejectedness.

Right at this moment, Ye Xiao knocked the door from outside. Oi, brat, are you alright?

Ah, every-everythings fine. I-Im going to sleep. Good night, she stammered back in reply.

However, Ye Xiao did not leave, seemingly hesitant as he deliberated something. After a while, he said, Brat, its a bit unsafe outside these days. Its best if you dont go out alone at night if you dont need to.

Oi, did you hear me?

Oh-oh, I heard you.

Through the door, Ling Dang gave a vague reply. However, her heart was still trapped, inexplicably throbbing while trembling at the same time. She did not pay any attention to what Ye Xiao had said.

The next morning, Ye Xiao rushed to work very early. When he arrived at the hospital, he saw that Su Mu was already standing there ready and waiting for him.

Su Mu swung the car keys in his hand. Ye Xiao grinned, tacitly understanding the intention. Without any follow-up, the two moved as one for once, standing side by side as they strode out of the police stations doors.

The freezing winds were biting cold, the dark clouds stretched for miles. The austere scene brought upon by the winter sun was all that one could see. It was now already past the twenty-seven days mark after the Winter Solstice. The weather plummeted to the negatives. There was no knowing if the southern city would snow or not this year.

Su Mu sat in the drivers seat, twisting the key to start the car.

Ye Xiao stood outside and knocked the car window as he mouthed, Wait a moment.

Su Mu frowned. Just as he was about to roll the window down and ask what the other was doing, he saw Ye Xiao jog away, braving the fierce frigid winds. He soon ran back carrying a paper bag, then opened the door and sat in the front seat. Pulling out a hamburger, he passed it to Su Mu with a smile as warm as the sun. I just knew you must not have eaten breakfast. Here, I bought two.

Su Mu was taken aback for a moment. He stared blankly at the hamburger without reaching out to take it.

Dont worry, just take it. I wont be petty enough to count debts! Ye Xiao flashed Su Mu a glittering grin as he said, Look, didnt you say last time that you wanted the steak in the middle of the burger I was eating? I specially bought you a steak burger this time, a triple-decker one too. How about it, do you feel touched?

Hah, did the sun rise from the west today?

Su Mu shot him a sideways glance with the strong feeling that the solicitous smile seemed to have some trap hidden behind it. After hesitating for a while, he coldly replied, Ive already eaten breakfast.

As he said this, he stepped down on the gas pedal to slowly start the car. While doing so, he casually reached over to switch on the heating. However, after pressing the button, he discovered that there wasnt any air at all coming out from the heating vent.

Whats going on? Is the heater broken? He pressed it several times in a row, though it was no use.

Meanwhile, Ye Xiao had silently turned to face the window with his hamburger in hand, busily eating while pretending to appreciate the scenery, staying completely silent.

Ye Xiao!

Su Mu could not hold back this low hiss.

Ye Xiaos neck stiffened.

Speak! What happened to the heater?

Ah? What heater?

Ye Xiao looked over with a smile.Fôll0w current novÊls o/n n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(c/o/m)

Su Mu closed his eyes, forcefully stifling the fury flooding his body. Then he frigidly glared at Ye Xiao without another word. Amidst the wordless silence, that burning, murderous gaze was enough to make anyone tremble in fear.

With a gulp, a piece of steak barely slid down Ye Xiaos esophagus.

Cough coughcough cough coughSorry, sorry, Ill speak, Ill speak Ye Xiao hurriedly raised his hands in surrender. See, that last time we were chasing after a runaway criminal, the siren fell down because it wasnt put on securely

Thats the siren! Im asking you about the heater!

Cough cough, let me finish. After the siren fell, I quickly reached out to catch it. Instead, lifting my hand accidentally knocked over a Coke, spilling it all over the dashboardthen the entire cup of Cola leaked into the heating ventsand after that, I would hear a clattering noise whenever I switched on the heater. I could faintly smell something burning too, so I suspected it was a connection error. Yeah, thats basically how it went.

After downplaying the story, Ye Xiao shrugged.

Upon hearing this, Su Mu really had the strong urge to strangle Ye Xiao to death. After a moment of silence, he sneered, If the police dont reimburse the maintenance fee, it can all be deducted from your salary next month.

Oi, when it comes down to it, I broke it while carrying out an assignment, you know! This car counts as a work incident!

Ye Xiao shouted back in reply. But before he could even finish speaking, Su Mu suddenly floored the gas pedal and the car lurched out. Caught off guard, Ye Xiao tightly clutched onto the handled underneath the window as he instantly went quiet out of fear.

With the car racing forwards, it was not long before they reached the address of the other member that had attended the joint suicide activity: Straight Flush. However, upon arriving, they found that the place was actually a net caf.

This net caf was called Virtual World and was located in the centre of the bustling city. Despite not being very large, it usually had a large number of customers. The person responsible for the net caf was a man in his forties, named Hao Hao Ren1.

Heh, what an interesting name.

Ye Xiao glanced at the nametag on the mans chest, then flashed his own ID to ask a few questions. This Mr. Good Person was quite cooperative. They swiftly figured out the computer number that corresponded to the net cafs internal IP address.

This net caf was a bit like a Japanese anime net caf. The entire area was divided into small cubicles. Each cubicle had a computer; in theory, only one person was allowed inside each one.

The computer that they had tracked was located in cubicle G6. However, even though they found which computer it was, they could not find the person they were searching for. There was nothing they could do; it was just their luck that this was a net caf.

Do you guys have any records? Do you know who used this computer last year on December 3rd?

Ah, we dont have records for this. As you two saw yourselves, we have a large influx of customers here, with hundreds of people coming in and out daily. Its impossible to log every single person.

Then would you have any member data?

I am deeply sorry, but we use the no-members approach. Anyone can enter as long as they pay.

In that case, were there any frequent customers using cubicle G6?

Frequent customers?

Mr. Good Person tilted his head in thought as he pondered this carefully. Please wait a moment while I think over it carefully.

Without much hope, Ye Xiao let out a sigh. If it required this much effort to recall, then the person was definitely not a frequent customer.

He helplessly scanned their surroundings and noticed that Su Mu was currently looking up at the entrance.

Whats the matter? Ye Xiao walked over and asked.

Su Mu used his chin to point at the surveillance camera installed above the net caf door.

Ye Xiao furrowed his brows, then turned his head to eye the cubicle G6 behind him. He snapped his fingers as realisation suddenly dawned on him and exclaimed happily, Thats right! This cubicle is directly across the entrance. In other words, the surveillance camera above the door might have captured the people going in and out of G6! Dead Fish Eyes, youre amazing!

As he spoke, he excitedly clapped a hand on Su Mus shoulder.

Su Mu rolled his eyes and his face darkened as he said, Oi, can you be more conscious of your police image?

Eh? What? Ye Xiao raised a brow. Then he turned to look at Mr. Good Person next to them and coughed awkwardly. His expression turned serious again as he asked, Could you let us check the video footage from the entrance?

Oh, sure. Please wait for a bit.

Afterwards, Mr. Good Person brought Ye Xiao and Su Mu over to view the tapes from December 3rdlast year. As expected, the surveillance camera clearly recorded every person entering and exiting cubicle G6. According to the time of the forum response on Death Poetry Society, they scanned through the footage and found a male with a shaved head and squinty eyes.

The male was roughly in his thirties. He had a fierce face and his clothing gave off the slight impression of a street thug.

This person is Straight Flush?

Ye Xiao carefully scrutinized the screen, then paused the tape at a clearer angle that captured the face. He snapped a photo with his cellphone and sent it to their colleagues, requesting for them to look up the males real identity.

Afterwards, Ye Xiao and Su Mu exited the net caf before continuing to rush over towards their next destination.

This time, their target was the one that had initiated this joint suicide activity: Curtain of Dreams.

The name Curtain of Dreams sounded like it belonged to a delicate and gentle girl. However, when Ye Xiao and Su Mu arrived before the luxurious and expensive apartment complex and pressed the doorbell, it was instead a man that opened the door. Moreover, it was a man whose torso was naked, clad in only shorts.

Who are you looking for?

He stared at Ye Xiao oddly, his sharp brows furrowed slightly. His skin was white and his features were quite handsome. However, his dyed blonde hair exposed his frivolous and fickle character.

We are the police. Ye Xiao flashed his ID.

At this moment, a sweet female voice came from inside the room.

Ah Feng, who is it?

The man called Ah Feng turned his head to reply, Its the police.


The womans voice was astonished. There was a series of pattering steps from the slippers as they approached.

It was not long before a young woman strode out from the room. She was only wearing a white bathrobe, revealing her full chest and long sexy legs without paying heed to the others present.

Wow, its two good-looking men too! Hi~ Im Lucy.

She flirtatiously rested her arm on Ah Fengs shoulder, a beautiful smile on her face as she sized up Ye Xiao and Su Mu.

Ye Xiao was taken aback for a moment, unable to really respond. He very awkwardly looked down to avoid her gaze.

Su Mu completely ignored her. Without changing expression, he icily stated, Sincerest apologies for interrupting. Were currently investigating a serial murder case and hope you will assist with the investigation.

Murder case? Ah Feng was somewhat shocked. Then he immediately said to the woman named Lucy, You go in first. Ill come over later.

Lucy pouted and shot him a bitter look before very reluctantly going back to the room in her slippers.

May I ask if anyone was using the computer here to go on the Internet last year on December 3rd?

Su Mu cut straight to the point to question the man still at the doorway.

Last year on December 3rd? Ah Feng stared blankly for a moment before replying, I use the computer here to go on the Internet every day.

Then have you ever gone on a web forum called Death Poetry Society? Ye Xiao inquired.

Death Poetry Society? Ah Feng pondered this for a moment and replied, I dont remember such a thing. What is the forum about?

Ye Xiao doubtfully stared at him and pressed, You really dont remember it? But we already checked and found records that you accessed this forum before. Please carefully think it over again.

Ah? Theres records? Ah Feng scratched his head and muttered to himself, Dont tell me its Jing Yun?

Jing Yun? Whos Jing Yun? Ye Xiao quickly asked.

Eh, oh, shes my ex-girlfriend. Ah Feng clicked his tongue in annoyance and added, Thats right, Im sure it was her. She just happened to not be working back then and would spend all day at home on the Internet.

Is her ID Curtain of Dreams?

Thats right, that is the name. Is there something about it?

Ye Xiao and Su Mu exchanged a glance. Do you have her contact information?

Contact information? Oh, wait a minute. Ah Feng spun around to return into the house, grabbing clothes on his way. As he put it on, he mumbled, Tch, that woman is seriously such a pain!

As he spoke, he picked up his cellphone from the table. After checking it, he recited a phone number.

Ye Xiao immediately dialed the number, but the call did not connect.

Cellphones off. Ye Xiao hung up and asked, When was the last time you were in contact with her?

Last time? Ah Feng furrowed his brows in thought. I forgot.

Forgot? Isnt she your ex-girlfriend?

Yeah, its been about three months since we broke up. But that woman kept nagging me persistently, disturbing me with unending calls and texts. Tsk, she was as annoying as one could possibly get. She later got even more excessive, claiming she was pregnant with my child and wanted to marry me. I refused, and then she threatened me by claiming shed commit suicide. Hmph, she was completely crazy!

Ah Feng snorted, disgust written all over his face.

Ye Xiao stared at him and asked, Do you know where she is now?

Dont know, nor do I want to know. Ah Feng shook his head.

Then do you have her home address?

No, during the half year we dated, she always stayed here at my place. Ive never gone to her home.

Ye Xiao let out a helpless sigh. Then you should at least know her name and age, right?

Xie Jing Yun, twenty-five years old. I remember her mentioning before that her family lived in F District. Ah Feng spread his hands and innocently added, Thats all I can supply. I beg of you, if you find her, tell her not to disturb me anymore or else Ill sue her.

Ye Xiao shot him a look and mockingly replied, Before you sue her, youd best pay off child support first.

Then, without bothering to say much else, he spun around to leave. Right at this precise moment, the cellphone in his pocket suddenly rang. It was from the station.

He quickened his pace to exist the apartment complex, then picked up the call.

Hello? Weve already found that man from the photo you sent over earlier.

Oh? Whats their situation?


What? Dead?

Ye Xiao was dumbstruck, his footsteps coming to a halt in his astonishment.

1. His name Hao Hao Ren sounds like good good person (aka very good person) in Chinese.


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