The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 498: Inconceivable

Chapter 498

Nan XiangWan spent the entire two-hour lunch break at noon writing her thesis. Gu Beihuai felt like he had aged ten years in the past two days next to her, teaching the little cub to write a thesis was harder than anything, and she wasn't very obedient either.

Finally, right before it was time for class, she finished writing!

She sent an email to Guan Fei's email box, then slammed her laptop shut. She rushed out of the library right after.

Nan XiangWan shouted to the sky, "I'm free!"

Gu Beihuai, who was still packing up behind her, walked out. In a blink of an eye, the little cub had already run laps around the library building.

She's gone crazy!

There were many people around, and their gazes kept drifting over from time to time, but no crowds gathered. They just looked at the two people with very ambiguous eyes.

Nan XiangWan felt very strange being watched like that, and glared back several times.

Gu Beihuai smiled gently beside her as he sent her to class.


When Nan ZhaoYang woke up from his nap in the afternoon, he still didn't know that winds and clouds were gathering and the sky was changing on campus.

He happily put on his usual military uniform, checked his books and notes, then washed up a bit and went to class.

But when he came out of the dorm building, he ran into comrade Kuang Lan whom he had seen two days ago.

She still had the same tall and straight posture, meticulously dressed in her military uniform, with a strong and aloof aura.

Without even thinking, Nan ZhaoYang blurted out, "I won't give it to you!"

Kuang Lan said, "I'm not here to ask for your sister's contact information, I want yours."

Unlike her shy and hesitant demeanor previously, Kuang Lan didn't show any shyness or hesitation now. Instead, she was very aggressive.

The aura of the command department senior opened up completely!

Nan ZhaoYang was obviously stunned for a moment. Then his eyes wandered around as he pondered how to make himself seem more valuable.

But obviously Kuang Lan wouldn't waste any time on him. She had already quickly taken out her phone QR code and calmly said, "Scan me."

Nan ZhaoYang: "......"

After adding each other's contact, Kuang Lan nodded and then turned to leave, not wasting any time or words.

Nan ZhaoYang was stunned again. This female soldier is a bit scary!

Kuang Lan didn't go far when two female soldiers flanked her left and right, bombarding her with questions.

"Did you get it? So fast?"

"Shocking! Why didn't you chat for a bit?"

Kuang Lan: "Nothing to chat about."

"Oh, have you seen the photos? Nan XiangWan and Gu Beihuai were holding hands while eating breakfast together in the cafeteria!"

"I'm about to go crazy from shipping them!"

Kuang Lan's steps halted sharply, but three seconds later, she continued walking with an expressionless face.

The two female soldiers were both frightened and didn't dare chatter on, just jogging along silently.

Oh no, does Kuang Lan like Nan XiangWan that much?

Look at that jealousy!

But Nan XiangWan doesn't even know her! Alas...

While the two female soldiers were having rich internal dialogues, Kuang Lan suddenly turned back again, giving them a fright.

Kuang Lan had a serious look and said, "I know what you're thinking, but you've got it wrong. My fondness for her is admiration. She can do one-finger push ups and I can't. That feeling is looking up to someone superior, not sprouting other ideas just because she goes to the same school as me."

The two female soldiers: "......"

No, stop explaining. Your face was definitely green when you heard about Gu Beihuai and Nan XiangWan holding hands!

Kuang Lan was extremely clever and could already guess what they were thinking from their eyes.

She continued, "I was only so shocked earlier, nothing else. She can be with whoever she wants."

One female soldier said while holding her forehead, "But haven't you noticed you're saying way more than usual today? You're usually so concise when you're alone!"

The other female soldier even added, "You're definitely a fanatic fan."

Kuang Lan: "......"


After Nan XiangWan finished her afternoon classes, she left campus and Xiao Dong drove her straight to the airport.

Today was Friday. The 12th episode of "The Singer", which was also the finals week, would be recorded tomorrow.

She had ample time to return to Shanghai, play with cats and sleep for a bit before going to get styled early tomorrow morning.

Among everyone, only Nan XiangWan could swagger out of the campus gates. Although the military academy also had weekends off, students needed to apply if they wanted to leave campus because discipline was extremely strict. Most military academy students would stay on campus to rest or train during breaks instead of leaving school grounds.

However, people from the Special Forces Department would usually sneak out to play when they had weekends or days off from classes.

And it wasn't because they lacked discipline, but because of the unique nature of the Special Forces Department.

Guan Fei had emphasized before, "If you have the ability, go out and play yourselves, but be prepared for punishment if you get caught!"

Students from other departments would definitely obediently stay on campus for routine training, but Special Forces people were different. Aside from their own excellence, they were also required to cultivate independent reconnaissance and counter reconnaissance abilities.

Being able to go out without detection and safely return demonstrated personal capability!

Therefore, every time the weekend came, the various departments would somehow mysteriously have fewer people, either appearing at various scenic spots to play or coming to roadside food stalls to eat barbecue.

Yet at night, they would mysteriously reappear in places all over the military academy, as if they had never left.


When Nan XiangWan returned to the Ji Mansion at night, she didn't order crayfish this time. She ate spicy crab near the school district in the capital and got full. Xiao Dong had long grown used to Miss Nan's habits, so he simply turned a blind eye.

Nan XiangWan first went to Room 2202 to grab her takeout before merrily running up to the rooftop garden, rushing straight towards Gu Beihuai’s 2201 room.

She swiftly arrived at the second floor study entrance, pushed the door open smoothly, and rushed downstairs.

Nan XiangWan called out, "Da Hei! Duan Hei! Juan Hei! I'm here! I brought you spicy crab!"

"Cats don't eat crab." Gu Beihuai's voice rang out as he looked at her mockingly.

Nan XiangWan: "......"

Bei Bei came back too? Did you teleport here?

It was as if Gu Beihuai could hear her thoughts and explained, "I came back after sending you to class. No one has been home for days, so I tidied up a bit."

Nan XiangWan: "I didn't buy your portion."

As she spoke, she also hid the spicy crab takeout behind herself.

Gu Beihuai indulgently smiled. "I won't fight you for it. Eat first, I'll take a shower."

He had cleaned it himself without hiring housekeeping because he didn’t want anyone else’s scent in the home aside from his little cub’s.

Nan XiangWan sat down reassuredly to eat crab while petting the three cats.

After half a month, tremendous growth could be seen in the three black furballs.

Da Hei especially grew rapidly like he had taken steroids. As expected of a Maine Coon, he even had much fluffier fur.

Duan Hei and Juan Hei grew at almost the same pace, only slightly bigger.

Nan XiangWan stroked them one by one, feeling endless bliss!

The three cats were also petted silly by her, sprawling limply on the floor, purring and showing their bellies.

She was high on cat petting herself, so after finishing the spicy crab, she went to rinse her hands out of habit but forgot someone was showering in the bathroom because she had been immersed in stroking cats earlier.


As soon as she opened the door, thick mist and steam gushed out.

Gu Beihuai’s eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at her!


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