The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 99 Destroying Long Wanhui's Belief

Long Wanhui carried over Xia Tian's body to her bed with care.

She gently laid him down and exhaled a mouthful of air.

With her cultivation, let alone one Xia Tian, she can carry hundreds of Xia Tian without breaking a sweat, she wasn't sighing because she was tired but because of completely another reason.

After laying him down on the bed, she also sat on the edge, it was her room, and outside there was nothing for her to do, so she decided to accompany him.

A few minutes passed.

A pair of golden eyes shone with brilliance, Long Wanhui was faintly smiling while her hand was above Xia Tian's head, as she was gently caressing him.

After observing his figure from head to toe, the woman can't help but think, 'He has grown too fast.'

Just a few years ago, he was still a small child, but now his height has surpassed her.

Soon, he will surpass her in strength.

If it was any other woman she would feel concerned about being left behind and work hard on her cultivation, but Long Wanhui was not just another woman, she felt delighted by his achievements.

As for the conversation from earlier, she had decided to forget it, as if it never happened.

Xia Tian's chest rose up and down in a rhythmic manner, if the old fox wasn't showing his teeth and smiling cunningly, then he can be said to be quite innocent by his looks, which did not go parallel with his personality at all.

Before long, Long Wanhui felt her eyelids being heavy.

"Mm? Why I am feeling drowsy?..."

She muttered softly, the reason for her heaviness was unclear, she yawned and looked around herself.

"There is only one bed..."

After thinking for a bit, she pressed her lips together and lay down next to Xia Tian.

The latter lips curved into a smile, which faded within the next second, Long Wanhui feeling sleepy was related to the old fox in one way or another.

Long Wanhui stared briefly at the ceiling, soon she felt her eyelids closing and before long she drifted to dreamland.

After one hour...

Long Wanhui suddenly woke up, she was startled by her current self.

Right now, she was in a very embarrassing position, Xia Tian one hand was below her head which she was using as a pillow, while his other hand had caught her slender waist, and the woman herself was facing him.

A difficult expression flashed above her face, 'Tian'er, wake up..." she pushed his body slightly and muttered with difficulty, however, Xia Tian did not bulge at all, he was deep asleep with no signs of any movement.

'Sigh, he must be exhausted.'

She sighed and twisted her body, changing their current embarrassing posture.

Now, her back was facing him.

Once again, she gradually closed her eyes.


Once again, she opened her eyes in a jerk, Xia Tian suddenly caught her waist and pulled her closer to her.

Now her ass was near his crotch, the woman can feel the warmth coming from his body.

She found their current position very comfortable, her face showed a look of hesitation, but knowing that their current position can be easily misunderstood, she tried calling him once again.


With a meek voice, she spoke, from her tone it was clear she did not want him to wake up at all and wanted to continue staying in this position.

Even after having no physical contact with any man for the past eighteen years, she had restrained herself pretty well, but facing Xia Tian, there started appearing cracks in her will.


Just as she thought this was the most embarrassing position she can be in, his hand moved upward and brushed against her breasts.

Now, his hand was laying above her breast, and only a piece of cloth was obstructing separating them.

Needless to say, Long Wanhui was startled by his actions, her whole body started heating at a rapid rate, and her neck and face started turning red.

Xia Tian inwardly smiled seeing his mother in a helpless state.

He put his nose between the gap of her shoulders and neck, and inhaled a mouth full of her scent, a sweet fragrance assaulted his nostrils.

Once again, he was amazed by the fragrance emitting from her body, he can't help but take deep breaths.

At the same time, Long Wanhui felt discomfort, her golden hair fell on his face, which felt ticklish to him, nevertheless, Xia Tian did not stop his actions.

It was not that her fragrance was too good for him to resist, it was the psychological pleasure that made her appear much more charming in his eyes and this Xia Tian kept inhaling her scent.

Long Wanhui was unable to sleep anymore, she started occasionally twisting her body in discomfort.

If we put her into a level of difficulty to obtain, She can range from easiest to the hardest.

She was his mother, so making an illicit relationship with him must be immoral to her, thus she was the hardest catch for Xia Tian.

However, Xia Tian wasn't some idiot protagonist who doesn't know what to say and what not, thus for him she was the easiest woman to obtain with no chances of failure.

There exists a special relationship between parents and their children.

The children share a part of their souls with their parents.

[A/N: You can think of the soul as DNA here, I am using the soul word in accordance with the story.]

The bond is even stronger and more special between a mother-son and a daughter-father.

It is apparently all common knowledge till this point...

So what makes their bond special?

What makes it different from others?

What makes the bond different from the usual relationship of wife and husband?

The reason lies in a loop... A neverending loop...

Most of us are born in the care of our parents, and if we don't have parents then also due to living in society we got certain preconceptions and expectations engraved in our minds about our parents.

[A/N: Not talking about exceptional parents who kill their children or torture them, that is why I have written most and not all.]

Like, if it was an orphan, for him the mother would be a figure, who will love and care about him conditionally, he never had a mother but he knows about it due to living in society, and he has certain expectations about it.

Leaving aside the case of the orphan, an average child is born and in his life, either his mother or father takes care of his daily needs.

The parents become the first role model for their children, somethings the child want to be them, sometimes he wants to be anything but like them, in all entirety, they become his or her role models without even realizing it.

This all happens in the very early stage of life, we probably don't even have any memory of it.

Now, if the child was male, his female role model and counterpart will be his mother.

And if the child was female, her male role model and counterpart will be her father.

We will talk about the former case here, the second case will be exactly the same.

So let's, see about mother and son.

For the son, her mother is the best role model, an ideal figure of a woman.

In his life, he grows up seeing her and appreciating her efforts for him.

She unconditionally gives everything for him, yes the woman or mother is selfish, she isn't an exception to the rule either, everyone in this world is selfish and works for themselves, she is selfish but for what?

She is selfish for the well-being of her son...

So if there is the slightest chance that something will harm him, like going on a mountain trip, she will prohibit him and protect him at all costs.

Initially, the child doesn't understand anything and even gets angry at her.

But slowly he grows up and becomes more mature.

He has more female encounters.

And soon he realizes, that females are even worse than his mother, his mother was probably the one who was closest to unconditionally accepting him for what he is.

No matter how ugly he looks, she will never disgust him...

Without even him realizing it, he started comparing all the females in his life to his mother...

But no one comes close.

He spends the rest of his life searching for the same warm embrace of his mother that he enjoyed in childhood that provided a sense of security to her.

We are mostly unaware but in our unconscious mind lies her faint figure of us lying in her lap as a child, safe and free from all the worries in the world.

The figure in our unconscious affects our behavior, we again want to experience that carefree feeling ... Without any responsibilities and problems...

The lack of that feeling gives birth to a void in our hearts, it acts as a motivation for us to go outside and search for that same embrace again.

We go and travel the world, in search of that same embrace.

We encounter many females, and in all, we look for that same feeling of safety and non-judging gaze.

It is said, a man acts like a child in front of a perfect woman.

But we all forget the fact that he was a child in front of his first woman, who was his mother...

This is due to the same reason...

Before long the same mother gets old and dies...

And right after that, you actually realize a gap in your heart that can never be filled.

No matter which female it was, there will always be something missing, no matter who it is... Something will always feel empty.

Still, you continue your relationship with a void in your heart, and soon you had a daughter with your female partner or wife.

Now the man sees the daughter for the first time, and once again his eye shook heavily as if the void is healed...

There are no more cracks in his heart...

Once again, he feels that feeling.

His desire to protect that feeling flares up.

Similarly, if in the same case, it was a female child, she must also feel a void in her heart after her father dies.

[A/N: Both are independent cases, read carefully.]

She will also encounter many males but no one will be perfect.

There will always be lacking something.

She is finding her perfect male...

Not the one that is described by society...

But her perfect male...

The one who protects her like her father...

The one who never judges her...

The perfection...

In hope of finding that perfection, she also encounters many males, and in the end, she marries the one closest to perfection.

Her father also dies, and just like the above case, it leaves a void in her heart.

Nonetheless, she continues her marriage and has a child.

It was a male child... She has a son...

Suddenly, she also felt the void healing...

The cracks are being fixed...

The perfection that she was lacking is here...

Her son contains a part of her soul, he becomes that perfection that she was carving for...

They are connected by souls...

She never sees her son in romantic light... But only one of care and protection...

But if the woman was made to ask, she will soon realize that her son is the perfect partner she could even have.

It was not her husband... But her son... He gives a feeling of perfection to her.

A perfect partner for her with no flaws in her eyes...

She forgets about all sexual stuff and devotes the rest of her life to nurturing him...


If she was made to realize that she can also view her son as a potential partner, she will be unable to shake this thought from her head.

No matter how much she tried to forget about that thought, it will never go out of her head.

She will now see her son as a perfect partner for her.

Yet she will not act, due to fear of them getting prosecuted by society.

She wants her son to have a proper life...

She won't destroy it...

She is selfish...

This was the loop that makes the mother-son and daughter-father relationship special.

For a mother, her son is the perfect male partner for her.

For a father, his daughter is his perfect female partner.

The son and daughter grow up seeing their parents as their role models, and spends the rest of their life searching for a similar partner as them, only to never find it, in the end, they settle for less and create a family for themselves, only after creating a family they realize that their respective female and male children are their perfect partners that they were searching for.

Just like that there also lies a special relationship between siblings, it is proven that a brother feels attracted to his sister sexually during a short period of time while growing up, it is not a close bond as mother-son or daughter-father, yet it exists.

Now, if a son is a perfect partner for a mother...

Why does society doesn't allow it?

Is it bad?

But why?

Due to problems during procreation and pregnancy... Defects on their possible future child?


That's not it!

Even if you fix that issue, that still lies an issue that is unanswered for...

Before that, we should be aware that our body has much more knowledge than us... It knows the things that even we don't know...

How from small cells it can convert into a living being... All by itself... It knows many things that we don't...

Like, as a child, we fall and hurt our finger.

Immediately after, we will put that finger in our mouth coating it with our saliva.

That all happens in the child's life for the first time.

Nobody tells him that saliva has healing properties, yet he knows it... More precisely his body knows it...

Just like, how if you leave a male and female, even if nobody teaches them about sex, they will discover it for themselves...

They will know just how to do it... Albeit clumsy but they will know it... Their desire will guide them...

Children contain a part of their parent's soul and are born with a survival instinct, which further leads them to procreate and create more children, the survival instinct that drives the process of procreation can also be confirmed by the Foundation theory of Charles Darwin.

Their body parts will heat up in that exact location...

Our minds and body know a lot of things that we don't...

How we can become from an embryo to a fully-fledged human is still a mystery. If it can be decoded, then just with proper nutrients we will able to create life...

[A/N: Recently, there was news of a turtle breeding 400 children to have his species form crisis. A similar will happen if only a few humans are remaining on the face of the planet. This is what the foundation theory of Charles Darwin suggests.

I earlier explained in the novel that the reason we have children is nothing but that survival instinct inside us, our body knows that we will one day die, and in an attempt to survive we procreate and leave progenies in the world. It is nothing but the result of our survival instinct... The first rule is always survival. That is why a mother guards their children over and above her own life because she knows she will die soon, her children are carrying her genes that will carry her legacy forward... Many things happen inside of our body without us being conscious of it.]

So there is one issue that our mind as well as society is aware of...

Much less talked yet it exists...

That is why a mother-son or daughter-father relationship, is a much more taboo topic than brother-sister incest.

And the problem is, what if that mother and son fall in love with each other and in the future have a child?

Everything goes fine with mother and son until they have a child among themselves.

The child turns out to be a male.

Now, for that male child, a mother-son relationship is normal.

It is nothing taboo for him... As he is grown in a house like that...

He will develop feeling for his mother and then kill his father.

Now, he and his mother will have a child, once again it's a male child, and the same cycle will repeat, until the whole family tree collapses.

Now many might think, what if the child between mother-son is a female... Then it should be okay, right?

Think again, if it is a female what is stopping her to develop feelings for her father?

I mean for her mother-son relationship is normal, so why not daughter-father?

The same cycle will repeat in one way or another.

Yet Xia Tian has nothing to fear about it.

He was never going to have children with her.

Neither with her, or neither with his daughters...

He had earlier experienced the horror of a yandere daughter, she was ready to kill her other daughters merely because of her jealousy, he dared not to believe that would happen if he had a child with one of his daughters.

In case even if he had a child with his daughter, he will make sure that it is a female child, and bang her as soon as possible, both mother and daughter on the same bed, to make sure they don't fight among themselves and possibly kill each other.

Well, saying daughter and granddaughter on the same bed will be a more appropriate term.

Let's not fret over small issues, the world is wide, why care about insignificant stuff...

Xia Tian knew as long as he says the correct words grabbing his mother was easy...

He inhaled a mouth full of her sweet scent and opened his lips.

"Your smell is nice, mother."

It was a casual compliment but that made the squirming body within his arms freeze all of a sudden.

Long Wanhui was petrified.

Her mind stopped working.

Only after a few minutes, with disheveled breathing and a shaky voice, she uttered her first words.

"Tian, leave me right now! This is wrong, our position is too ambiguous, it can be easily misunderstood..."

She tried to sound stern, but till the end, her voice got soft and gentle.

She was unable to scold him.

Especially when his nose rubbed against her neck, that sensation was heavenly.

Something rose deep within her heart, as her heart started beating loudly.

After she said those words, the room turned completely silent, and she was able to hear her heartbeat.

Xia Tian pretended to be struck deeply by her words.

He gripped her waist harder, as he will never allow her to leave.

"Why, mother? Do you not like me!"

He sounded like an aggrieved child right now.

Long Wanhui frowned.

When did she say she did not like him?

It was the position she was talking about.

"No, I never said that Tian. Just leave me for now, we can talk late-Ah"

"No! I won't!"

Xia Tian did not allow her to finish her words and tightened his grip.

Long Wanhui's frown deepened, just as she was going to scold him, his hands moved from her breast to her face.

Feeling a soft touch on her face, the woman can't help but feel lost.

At the same time, Xia Tian brought his mouth near her ears and whispered softly.

"Mother, you clearly like this. So why do you keep rejecting me? Do you not love me? Or is it that you love father more? Why! Why do you not listen to your body? Do you hate me?"

Long Wanhui fell silent after listening to his barrage of questions.

She did not love him?

What an idiotic question it is.

Even if the woman will never say, in her heart, she is aware that if she has to choose between Xia Leng and him, she would pick him without a second thought.

But the situation was not like that right now...

By picking him she does not mean choosing him as a romantic partner...

But she knew Xia Tian would not understand no matter what she says.

She sighed deeply and put her hands above him.

"Tian, listen to me. The mother loves you more than anything in the world, but us staying like this is wrong. Now, please let me go."

She said in the most sincere voice she can.

Xia Tian, however, got what he wanted.

He smirked inwardly, on the outside he kept a hurt and confused look.

"But why is it wrong? You clearly like this. So why is it wrong?"

He spoke making Long Wanhui feel helpless.

'Why was he behaving like a child?' she thought.

Did he not realize the relationship between her and him is taboo?

She sighed and tried to reason with him.

"Tian, you are my son and I am your mother. This is a taboo, it is wrong, we should not do this..."

She tried to calmly reason with him.

But the woman was completely unaware that she was digging a pit for herself.

She was now role-playing as a mother, which is why she was rejecting his advances and not surrendering to her urges...

But what if Xia Tian removed the role of a mother from her mind?

Obviously, it was impossible, it will bring the woman into a state of role confusion, or a crisis, thus Xia Tian had another trick up his sleeve.

She said it is wrong.

But why?

That is exactly where she digs a pit for herself.

"... Now let me please go, Tian"

Long Wanhui finished her words and begged.

However, contrary to her expectations he wasn't discouraged by her words.

He argued back.

"Why it is wrong mom?"


Long Wanhui was left dumbfounded.

Why is it wrong?

Didn't she explain it right now?

She can use her cultivation to free herself from his grip but it will hurt him, thus she chooses against it.

She sighed deeply ready to once again reason with him.

Yet Xia Tian gave her no opportunity, he spoke again.

"Why it is wrong mom? Who told you it is wrong?"

He asked again, this time Long Wanhui knitted her brows.

'Who told me it is wrong?'

She felt rather intrigued by his question.

The old fox continued speaking.

Each and every word of his mouth hammered onto an invisible wall of belief created by her.

"Why it is wrong for us to do it, mother?"

"Is it because of rules?"

"Are you against it due to the rules created by society?"

"Is it the rules?"

Long Wanhui turned apprehensive, and he continued.

"If it is the rules, who creates those rules mother? Me or you?"

"Did you create those rules? Did the immortals create that rule?"

"If they did, who authorized them to create that rule mother?"

"Rules of society are created by us mother... Us humans.."

"Who enforced these rules... Us humans..."

"Who created these words... Us humans..."

"Who says some words exist and some don't? Us humans..."

"Who decides what is wrong and what is right?"

"We are imperfect, mother! All of us! We all are imperfect beings..."

"No one of us can claim to be perfect..."

"Who taught you to the right way to live mother? The same imperfect humans?"

"Who taught you what is right and what is wrong? The same imperfect humans?"

"We are flawed in every single way mother!"

"Was are imperfect! This world is imperfect! The rules are created by us, they are also imperfect! Everything is flawed around us! The world in itself is flawed!"

"Imperfect beings creating the imperfect world!"

"Why do you care so much about this imperfect world and its rules mother?"

"The rules only that exists is only in your head mother! Why care about some random rules created by these imperfect and flawed societies and individuals?"

" _ "

"Tian, I-I"

"No, don't speak! ...Mother you love me right?"

He asked while tightly gripping her body.

Long Wanhui's mind was in mess right now, her heartbeat was loudly beating, while her whole body was hot and ready to explode.

She lightly moved her head and nodded.

Xia Tian saw that signal and instantly spoke.

"So why resist me, mother?"

"Why do you keep rejecting me over and over again?"


"Answer me, mother! Why!"

Xia Tian's voice echoes in her mind, her eye shook heavily.

Long Wanhui mind collapsed.

She can't think anymore...

Xia Tian did not even need to break her belief.

Her husband or her...

The question was wrong in itself...

It was always him over Xia Leng...

Xia Leng stood no chance against him.

She may like Xia Leng so what?

Does she like him more than Xia Tian?

Her only son?

The only reason she was rejecting him was due to her guilt and morals.

But what will happen if her morals are questioned...

What will happen if the rules she had assumed as true were questioned...

God never created any rules...

And if he judges us for doing certain things, then he in himself is guilty for allowing us to do it, as he has all the power in the world to stop us, he can see the past, present and future, yet he doesn't stop us...

This is what is meant by having free will...

To have your own choices...

No God is going to judge you for it, as he gave your that choice, to begin with.

No universal principles are being violated here...


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