The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 89 Do You Love Her...

The morning shone, illuminating the whole sky.

Two days passed in peace, two more were remaining before Ye Suyin comes out of seclusion.

Xia Tian was surrounded by five beautiful fairies from all sides.

He was living the dream life of all the men in the world.

Four women were understandable, Xia Shuiyao, Long Meihui, Song Yan, and Song Yue.

But who was the fifth one?

She was Nyx, she had climbed above him and was resting on his chest, mostly likely asserting her dominance over his toys.

Suddenly, Xia Tian abruptly opened his as it shone with a blue hue.

[How long you are going to ignore me?...]

Listening to the voice in his head, Xia Tian's face turned expressionless.

'Fucking baldie, if you don't want to die get out of my head right now.'

Soon after this, the voice faded away from Xia Tian's head, but he can still sense a bald man smiling at his face before disappearing from his mind-space.

Once the aura was gone, he sighed in relief and his eyes turned to silver again.

He smiled faintly.

'Tsk, this bald man really had the guts to intrude on my mind like this.'

The last time, he communicated with this bald man, Xia Tian blackmailed to eradicate his whole family.

However to the surprise of Xia Tian, this bald man did not have any family, and that bastard did not even care about his life.

Xia Tian was confused about how to deal with this type of person.

Another question he had was, why the fuck a person like this is even living if he has no will to live or die, why not just die?

He sighed once again.

Suddenly, the eyelashes of the woman lying on the right of him flickered.

She was Xia Shuiyao.

She was without any clothes, only a bed sheet was half covering the body of all six people.

On the left of him was lying Long Meihui, as for Song Yan and Song Yue, both were hugging each other and lying left side of Long Meihui.

Originally both were on top of him, but presumably, that place was now taken by Nyx.


Xia Shuiyao gently said rubbing her eyes.

For a moment she was flustered by all the mess around her, the whole body of hers was feeling sticky while the room was enveloped with a funny smell.

Shortly after the memories of the last two days rushed to her head, the cold woman was getting more resistant day by day, she did not have much reaction to the earlier two wild nights, and all she did was calmly greet Xia Tian.

The latter looked at her for a moment and nodded lightly.

He was thinking about the words of the bald man, his hand involuntarily got above Nyx's head and he started stroking her deep black hair.

It was even smoother than the silk, he can never get tired of touching it.

Those small movements of his did not escape from Xia Shuiyao's eyes.

Before long, she can't help but be reminded of the previous incident, and slowly but gradually she touched her back.

There were no scars on her body, but the same can't be said for her mind.

Faced with the cruel reality, her sight locked on to him.

Her body suddenly twitched, but as if it was a signal, she tilted herself and gently laid her one hand over his chest.

She made sure that her hand does not land on Nyx's body, while she continued to stare at his face.


Xia Tian turned his attention to the cold woman.

She did not speak anything, so he also pretended to be mute.

He is never the person to take initiative first and set one's expectations.

They have to learn, that if they need anything just open their mouth and say, that applies even to his daughters.

After being silent for five minutes, Xia Shuiyao finally parted her lips and spoke.

"... Do you like her?"

Just after she uttered this question, there were multiple movements in the room at once.

The first and foremost one was from a woman lying on his left, that was Long Meihui.

She was pretending to be asleep or more like she did not want to be the first to leave the room.

Her eyelids trembled for a second, but then she closed them again.

Another one was Nyx, she was the only one who still has clothes intact on her body, her eyes opened gently as if never asleep, and she turned her head around and glanced at Xia Shuiyao for a moment.

Afterward, she closed her eyes again, just like her daddy she assigned the idiot category to this woman.

It was one of the rare times when Xia Tian was in no mood of playing around.


He replied.

Did he like her?

Of course, he liked her.

Xia Shuiyao's eyes shook violently.

She inwardly sighed in relief.

It was the first, she received a proper reply from him.

"Do you love her?"

She asked again.

Her eyes shone with a hint of curiosity.

Xia Tian smiled at her naivety.

He spoke.

"Depends on what 'Love' means for you... If it means that I would sacrifice myself to save her... Then no, I don't love her."

His answer was straight to the point, which stunned the cold woman.


She asked unconsciously.

But right after saying this, she thought she was overstepping her bounds, and an expression of regret flashed past her face.

But the words have been said, surprisingly enough, once again Xia Tian gave a proper reply to her.

More like he asked a question to her.

"What will you do if I die?"

He asked.

As for whom he was asking to it was uncertain.


Xia Shuiyao's expression changed, and she started thinking.

What would she do, if he dies?

Out of all the things she imagined, this was never on the list.

It can help but force her to think.

On the other hand, Nyx was precise with her answer.

"Destroy the world..."

She softly muttered and closed her eyes once again.

Just like the cold woman, she was also confused about Xia Tian's question, so just to be on the safer side, she answered as well.


A chuckle escaped from his mouth, and he stroked her head.

Destroy the world?

But will it change anything?

As for whether she can do it or not, he doubts it, especially when beings like the princess of destruction choose to interfere.

However, with his experience, Xia Tian was aware that these primordial beings don't care about anything until you don't cross a certain line, and destroying the world was not that line as it keeps happening naturally and wasn't something new.

After making a thoughtful face for a long, Xia Shuiyao finally found the answer.

"I don't know," she said with a shake of her head. "... Maybe I don't want to live anymore..."

The second line was spoken by her without any conscious thought.

She just spoke what came first in her brain.

Xia Tian's lips curved into a smile.

"You want to know what I would do in the same situation?"

He asked, but without waiting for her to nod spoke again.

"I would keep going without getting affected by her death, increasing my strength... Until I reach a point where I can get it back. If I truly want something, I would get it back, no matter the consequence..."

His words shocked Xia Shuiyao, as she can never imagine doing something like this.

As long as the soul is intact, forging a body is no big deal.

But dying meant even your soul shattering...

She can never guess, what level it takes to revive a person.

Is there even a way?

If there is, would she be willing to go there?

Would she be willing to climb there?

The answer came to her mind without much thought, she won't.

Cultivation takes price...

Suddenly Nyx spoke again. "Lier."

Her words confused Xia Shuiyao, she tilted her head with confusion.

Xia Tian did not reply to her and gently closed his eyes.

Neither he commented on Nyx's remark.

Reviving someone whose soul is shattered was possible at the void realm level.

It was troublesome to pick individual soul particles and arrange them, but yet it was possible.

Nonetheless, he was God now, so doing it was effortless for him.

He could have revived his toys from before...

Like Shui Ningxue...

But he didn't.

And he won't even in the future until he naturally crosses the road with their remnants, which was rare but once again possible like in the case of Shui Ningxue.

Why won't he revive them?

The better question is, why should he? when he can just grab new toys for himself.

He said he can get the thing back if he truly want it...

And his toys are not on that list...

That is why they are toys...

They are replaceable!

They break, and you get another... Another one breaks, and you get another...

As for reviving his two dead daughters, the twins.

It was not possible... Even as a God or else he would have done that already.

This is why Nyx called him 'lier'.

Her words however did not offend him at all, he faintly smiled in response to her.

Xia Shuiyao felt today he was really generous, she can never imagine him talking seriously with her.

Seeing the opportunity as right, she asked what truly mattered to her.

"Would you like me, if I copy her?"

She asked while pointing to Nyx.

The latter raised an eyebrow, she made a mental note to kill this woman if she dared to copy her.

There can be only one her in the world.

"No," Xia Tian instantly denied Xia Shuiyao's words.

Surprisingly enough, she had already anticipated this.

"Oh," she nodded without much change on her face.

Once again, the room turned silent.

Only the rhythmic breathing noises can be heard.

Before long, ripples appeared in the cold woman's eyes.

"I don't like it when you hit me..."

She said.

"Mm?" Xia Tian glanced at her with narrowed eyes.

She explained.

"I don't like when you hit me without cause... I don't want to be hit..."

Her eyes continued to peer at his.

The woman was calm when she said this.

She knows he won't love her, but he doesn't want to get hurt either.

If he continued hitting her like in the last incident, she don't how what she will do.

As for why did say this in his face...

She felt she wasn't significant enough that he would care about her words and get angry.

She just said what she wanted to, and it worked.

After saying this she felt a lot relieved, as a big weight has been carried off her shoulders.

Her whole body relaxed and a small smile formed on her expressionless face.

She knew he won't agree to her words.

So right after that, she stopped looking at him and put her head on his chest.

Xia Tian also stopped looking at her.

He did not reply to her.

He never cared what she want.

If he wants to hit her, he will hit her, who is she to stop?

It is good, he did not say that that he earlier hurt her only to check whether the inside of her body is cold or not, just like her outside body.

Because if he said that, the cold woman would be the first to commit suicide due to his ridiculous reasoning.

After thirty minutes...

Xia Tian opened his eyes and stood up, he was getting bored.

Nyx disappeared from above him, she was still there but in the shadows.

He put on his clothes, and after cleaning himself with Qi, he opened the door.


"Where are you going?"

Xia Shuiyao asked from behind.

Xia Tian smirked.

He was back to his earlier self!

Time to get some fun!

"Going to visit mother!"

Saying this, he closed the door and walked off with a new profound energy in his body.

Xia Shuiyao was left speechless.

But noticing his smirk, she has an idea of what was going to happen.

The woman's expression can't help but turn complicated.

She sighed helplessly and moved toward the bathroom.

A few minutes after this, Long Meihui stood up and after wearing a new pair of clothes from the storage ring, she shook Song Yan and Song Yue, to wake them up.

Once they were awake, they also wore the clothes and along with them, she left Xia Shuiyao's room.

All three women's faces were red the whole way, they dared not to look at each other.

The previous two days were an unforgettable experience for all of them.

They would need a lot of time to adapt to it and come to an acceptance of it.


A/N: Made some changes in the story after listening to the readers' feedback.

The original character won't change, so don't worry about it.

I remember saying that I would explain why relationships get cold after a while. Right? Or why do Xia Tian's toys fall madly despite being completely aware that he doesn't care about their existence...

Honesty was one of the key elements of it.

Have you ever listened to quotes like, Nothing is impossible?

According to me, these quotes or thoughts are interpreted in a completely different sense than they should be.

Like indeed nothing is impossible but for whom?

For a particular human or human race? For whom exactly is this quote made for?

If it was made for a single human, it is entirely false. As humans are time-bound, many things are impossible for them.

But if it is made for the human race in its entirety, it changes the whole thing.

Like indeed nothing is impossible for the human race.

I mean they can time travel...

Not now!

But thousand years later...

Maybe one million years later... Who knows?

After thousands of years... They may defeat death...who knows?

Nothing is impossible!

But for whom?

For the whole human race... And not for a single human!

I never believe in any absolute statement in this world, all the statements are conditional just like the above one.

A little similar to it, you must have heard.

For a healthy relationship, you need to be honest!

Don't use your brain right now and make assumptions.

Just observe how Xia Shuiyao said what was in her mind, she was able to speak even the smallest discomfort and insecurity as she knew Xia Tian wasn't the one to care or judge.

She can freely speak what she thinks without fear of being judged.

As for the complete concept or idea, I planned to explain it here but now I would explain that later in the story, as one of the key elements I need is that I want readers to first understand how memories are retained and how we recall them.

How we can meet a person for a few moments and remember it forever.

While sometimes even after staying with a person for years we can't remember him...

How we can remember a particular memory easily while sometimes we can't even if we want to...

How does all of this happen?

Is there a pattern?

I would unravel this in the next chapter.

[Note: I won't take a neuroscientist perspective and bore you out by saying, there was a spark in a neuron and blah blah... All I want you to get a proper understanding of which you can actually use and control yourself. Can you control your neurons without any external help? No!

Enough with it, you know how the author works. He would explain things in a way that anyone can grasp, as the author himself loves doing it.

After the next chapter, maybe you would be able to choose to remember a person upon your wish rather than unconsciously doing it.

Remember the cognitive school of thought?

Thoughts=>Emotional responses=>Behavior

All those people who say to control your emotions are an idiot.

You cannot control them! As they are just a byproduct!

All you can do is control your thoughts!

Wait, you can't control your thoughts as well.

All you can do is just choose to focus on a certain thought or not...

You choose which thought to focus your attention on and accordingly it will produce the respective emotion.

Various thoughts will come to your mind, but you choose whom to focus on and whom to discard.

Just a quick recap, will be helpful for the next chapter.]

Keep your expectations at the lowest to enjoy!

Thanks for reading.


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