The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 62 Giving Choices To Luo Jian

The dome became completely black and translucent in color so that no one can see inside it.

The cultivators in the arena panicked at the sudden situation for a moment, though everyone's eyes were fixated on it as the fog will clear any moment and they can see what is happening inside.

It was their curiosity that didn't allow them to leave...

Most knew that Xia Tian was doing something with that woman, but what about after it?

Will he just fuck her and let her leave with her son?

What is going to happen?

Did he take an interest in that woman?

There was various speculation going on in their minds.

Yet only one will be able to see...

What was happening inside...

Xia Liang's eyes shook heavily as he watched his wife crawl near the feet of Xia Tian.

His hands clenched into a fist, and his whole body trembled in anger.

Then he saw it...

He saw Xia Tian smiling at him... A soft yet gentle smile... Enough to captivate any women yet it flamed the fury inside Xia Liang.




Like a madman, Xia Liang roared, he only had one wife whom he dearly loved...

She was with him despite his imperfections...

Today seeing her in this miserable state, Xia Liang can't help but take out his anger on Xia Tian.

He punched the barrier with all his might.

But nothing happened.

Seeing his excessive reaction, Xia Len was confused.

"What happened to him?" Song Yue asked.

Long Meihui's expression changed, she tried to think of a possibility that can make Xia Liang this angry, soon she shook her head and spoke.

"I don't know... Maybe he can see what is going on inside"

"He can see it!?" Song Yan exclaimed.

She was quite curious about it as well, yet she can only wait for the fog to clear from the walls of the barrier.

Inside the dome.

Xia Tian lifted his face downwards, a fascinating idea struck his mind.

His eyes swept across her towering breasts and her ass, normally Xia Tian will torture her and inflict damage on Xia Liang but this time he had a much better idea.

"My dear aunt, you want to save cousin Bao don't you?"

He asked an already obvious question to the anxious woman.

"I want to, I want to!" Luo Jian nodded vigorously.

Her panic-ridden face yet hopeful full eyes stared at Xia Tian.

The smile on Xia Tian's face turned wider.

Just as he thought... This woman completely lost her rational self.

She is operating out of her Emotional mind.

Humans generally operate out of three types of mind.

The first is the emotional mind, we operate out of it when we are children, in this stage, we react to our emotions, and we have little to no control over our thoughts...

Luo Jian was currently reacting out of her emotional mind.

She was like a child.

What a child does?

What an infant does?

He either trusts a person or distrusts a person...

He will either like a person or dislike them...

You can never argue with an infant...

Manipulating a child which is operating out of his emotional mind is the easiest thing.

Let's say, a child was scolded by his parent because his mommy does not buy him a bar of chocolate.

What will the child do, he will say, 'Mummy is bad!'

Now here comes the manipulation...

Let's assume you want to kidnap the child using this opportunity.

You can go near the child and support him... As arguing with him is useless...

How will support him?

By saying, 'Yes, mommy is bad, come with uncle. I will buy you chocolate.'

If yes, you should think about your words once again.

What if the child gets alert, and says 'No, you are lying! Mommy loves me?'

Talking with children is pretty hard as they themselves are not aware of what they want.

So how do you kidnap him?

You can reframe your sentence as, 'No little guy, your mummy is not bad but she is just busy right now. Why don't you come with uncle, I will buy you chocolate, till then your mummy would be finished with her work.'

Now, this is a fail-proof sentence...

The child will trust you and follow your words...

[A/N: Ahem, sorry to interrupt but the author wants to justify himself, out of all the evil deeds this author has committed, kidnapping is still out of the list.]

Then there is the rational mind, once the child grows up, he starts being conscious of the things around him, he can form rational conclusions, and he behaves rationally. People who operate out of a rational mind can sometimes overly rationalize things this find it hard to connect with other people, the people operating here live in present, they only see other people's present actions towards them and not their intention toward them. They live in present only.

Rational people find it hard to connect with people who are operating out of their emotional minds.

Then there is the wise mind, the last where we form our objectives. Here we evaluate other people's intentions, emotions, and their present actions towards us. Then we will evaluate our objectives, after which we will take the best course of action which will meet our objectives.

The people with wise minds can use the people operating with the other two minds to their advantage, they will make the best choice that will meet their objectives in the best possible manner.

People usually grow from an emotional mind to a rational mind after attaining a certain age.

Yet many regress back to the emotional mind when faced with extreme circumstances.

Like a girlfriend who breakup after a long relationship.

She will revert back from her wise mind/rational mind to her emotional mind.

She will become and act like a child, with no control over her thoughts.

She will start crying.

Start calling her friends and telling her side of the story, of how she has been wrong, of how his boyfriend does this, did that...

How he used to be so good earlier but now nothing makes sense... Till evening everyone would know of her side of the story and how she had been wronged.

[A/N: If you don't know then let me alert you, boys. After a breakup, your girlfriend would have probably portrayed you as a villain over her entire friend circle on the phone, no matter whose fault it was.]

She will react out of her emotional mind.

People who usually operate out of emotional minds go around telling their stories to everyone... Like how person XX did this to me ...

I feel so sad, angry and devasted, etc ...

Now all you had to do is to spot the woman operating out of the emotional mind, if there is none, force a woman to operate out of the emotional mind, then just lend her a shoulder to cry ... Be careful with your words and see the magic.

Now, Xia Tian who has committed all kinds of evil in the world wanted to take advantage of Luo Jian's current state.

Anyone who operates out of the emotional mind is easy to led by... Just be careful with your choice of words...

Seeing him silent, Luo Jian turned nervous.

Her gaze traveled to Xia Bao who was staring at the current scene with dead eyes.

The latter was unable to see this...

Xia Tian clicked his tongue and shook his head with pity as if he had encountered a very problematic situation.

"W-What happened?"

Luo Jian flinched and nervously asked.

Xia Tian sighed deeply as his gaze wandered across Xia Bao and Xia Liang.

"I can let him go."

He spoke while pointing to Xia Bao.

An expression of disbelief formed in Luo Jian.

"R-Really," she spoke unable to contain her excitement.

"Yes," the old fox nodded.

But then his expression turned complicated, and he sighed.

"I can let him go but the problem is that."

Xia Tian pointed to Xia Liang's side.

From inside, the dome was completely clear, and Luo Jian was clearly able to see what was going on outside.

She turned to the direction being pointed upon and instantly frowned.


She asked, unable to understand the implication of Xia Tian's words.

The latte only nodded.

"Indeed, he is the problem! I can only let you save one... "


"Xia Liang or your son?"

"What is your choice, Luo Jian?"

"Your want to save your son?"

"...Or do you want to save that man who put your son in the current state?"

Luo Jian's body trembled.

"Only one..." she subconsciously muttered.

Her gaze continuously traveled through her son who had nearly died and her husband.

Normally she would be unable to choose, but Xia Tian's last sentence shook her mind heavily.

A mad smile formed on her face, as her hand was extended toward Xia Bao.

'Don't worry, mother will save you..' this is what her eyes said.

Xia Tian smiled seeing her reaction.

"So you want to save your son?"

He asked to confirm.

The woman nodded, her gaze still fixated on Xia Bao as she gave a reassuring smile.

Xia Tian nodded in understanding.

He spoke again.

"But there is another problem."

"Another problem?"

The woman instantly turned her head and glanced at Xia Tian.

To her, Xia Tian's face was radiant, as if shining like sun. She felt like he was the angel coming to save her, completely forgetting who put her son in this state.

It was all effect of the old fox's way of speaking and gentle demeanor.

He was slowly changing the source of the problem to Xia Liang.

"Look at your son." Xia Tian gently said.

The woman again turned her head in Xia Bao's direction.

"Did you see... Your son is drying, he needs to be healed. What about it?"

Xia Tian's question made Luo Jian frown.

"No! He can't die!"

She instantly rebutted.

"Of course, he won't die! I would heal him! I would save your son! Didn't I already promise you to save him?"

"Y-You will save him?"

Luo Jian was unable to believe her ears.

The old fox nodded yet again.

"Yes, I will."

He extended his hand, and a green speck of light traveled to Xia Bao's body.

"See, I told you. In just a few hours he should be healed."

"Your son will soon be free..."

Xia Tian explained to the woman.

The woman's eyes turned teary, her whole body trembled as if a huge weight has been taken off her shoulders.

She instantly caught Xia Tian's feet.

"T-Thank you,"

She wept and said.


A/N: For the people who want to know more about the emotional mind, let me share with you a case of a girl we dealt with a few months ago.

Check the attached comment to this para for the case, I don't want to increase the word count needlessly.

And, yes don't judge Luo Jian's fate too early. It might go completely differently than what you had anticipated.


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