The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 236 Date With Irene? The Young Master Dug His Own Grave?

In a moment of resolute determination, Irene channeled all her powers into unleashing her most formidable spell - Eternal Ice.

As her spell took effect, an arctic chill engulfed the surroundings, gradually freezing everything in its path, including Xia Tian's body.

Within seconds, he found himself encased in a colossal block of ice, his entire being trapped in a frozen state.

Other than the movements of his pupils, Xia Tian's whole body was frozen, including his blood.

The effect was so complete that his heart had already stopped, and any normal person would have succumbed within seconds.

Irene stood before the ice block, staring at him trapped inside with an expressionless look.

Seeing no reactions from him, her lips curved in a gradual smile as she reverted back to her adult form right at that moment, and the ice wings disappeared from her back.

[Master... Are you alright?] Luo Xue's worried voice resounded within the frozen chamber.

She couldn't help but feel slightly bitter, pondering how this attack, meant to be the restricted version from Irene's younger form, could be so overwhelmingly potent.

Trapping an entire person in a block of origin ice was a feat that even Luo Xue doubted she could achieve in her prime.

The sight of her master, rendered helpless within the ice, fueled her unease about the true power of these women surrounding Xia Tian.

Were they still mere immortals, or had they already surpassed those boundaries?

'Did all of them already reach that forgotten realm of cultivation?'a terrifying possibility flickered in Luo Xue's mind, but she instantly denied it, finding such an idea too daunting to accept.

Irene was about to disperse the ice when suddenly she noticed something peculiar and took a step back.


Her expression now tinged with caution and curiosity, she remained on guard, wary of any hidden surprises that might lie within the frozen confines of the ice block.

"What is going on?!" An involuntary gasp escaped her lips as she found herself temporarily losing control over all the ice elements in the air.

The elements began to move of their own accord, disregarding her influence.

It is widely known that the ability to control elements is derived from the strength of one's soul, overpowering the elements present in the surroundings.

The greater the person's strength, the more elements they can influence in return.

It's not a matter of giving orders, but rather influencing the natural flow of these elements.

Yet, Irene had made a grave mistake in attempting to trap Xia Tian, who was none other than the god of this entire universe.

The elements were but slaves to his divine will. Did she truly believe she could defeat him using the energy that belonged to him in the first place?

Xia Tian didn't even need to exert any power or give commands; his mere presence caused the elements to bend to his whim.

In a matter of seconds, the entire block of transparent origin ice turned opaque, as if being struck repeatedly by hammers from within.

Cracks marred its once pristine surface, and the ice elements slowly began to separate themselves.

*Buzzz....* The block vibrated with an ominous intensity, and before long, it erupted with force.


The once imposing block of ice shattered into a breathtaking spectacle.


Millions of ice shards, as tiny as grains of sand, burst forth, creating a storm of destruction within a one-kilometer radius.

Anything caught in the path of this icy tempest was swiftly annihilated.

The palace, crafted from crystal stones behind them, crumbled under the relentless onslaught, and even the bridge made of ice met the same fate, disintegrating into oblivion.

The landscape transformed into a chaotic battleground, as the shards of ice wreaked havoc on everything in their wake.

As the chaotic storm of ice shards settled, Irene's lips were still parted in surprise, trying to comprehend what had just transpired.

The blue crystal on her ring, sensing the impending danger, had acted on its own, forming a defensive ice barrier that shielded her from harm.

The shield had shattered after its valiant defense, and the crystal returned to its place on Irene's ring.

In contrast, Xia Tian's body was now suspended in mid-air, freed from the confines of the shattered ice block. Instead of falling to the ground, he descended gracefully onto the water screen, still floating above the water's surface.I think you should take a look at

The water remained undisturbed, untouched by his arrival, as if nature itself acknowledged his mastery over the elements.

"H-How did you do it?!" Irene stammered in shock, her disbelief mirrored in Luo Xue's bewildered expression.

They were both at a loss to explain how the ice elements had suddenly lost control and acted against Irene's intentions.

Xia Tian, however, wore a smug smile, fully aware that he hadn't taken any action to disrupt the elements.

They seemed to have reacted independently, responding to a force that appeared beyond his doing.

Recognizing the trouble she was now in, Irene was about to make a hasty retreat, but before she could act, Xia Tian's hand encircled her slender waist, holding her firmly in place.

Her surprise turned into a stillness, and an unanticipated warmth spread through her body. Her heart raced, unsure if it was due to fear or another stirring emotion.

Caught in Xia Tian's firm grasp, Irene found herself unable to escape his hold. The proximity to him made her heart skip a beat, she had underestimated him, and now she was trapped in the very trap she had set.

"Want to go for a date?" Unexpectedly Xia Tian proposed, making Irene stunned. 

Her lashed fluttered briefly before she nodded softly. "" 


Soon enough, two enchanting figures were discovered meandering through the bustling streets of a picturesque city nestled on the edge of the vibrant coast, in the mystical realm of New Heaven.

New Heaven, fashioned by the Eternal Sun, dwarfed even the sacred Divine Realm, serving as the current epicenter where immortals convened and commenced their otherworldly endeavors.

Exuding an ethereal radiance that transcended mortal beauty, an alluring woman with flowing azure locks and an equally striking man intertwined their hands as they strolled through the bustling thoroughfare.

The woman's captivating smile possessed an irresistible allure, causing even the most stonehearted immortals to momentarily lose their composure in her presence.

Eyes gleaming with curiosity, Irene gracefully beckoned towards a green-hued leaf pendant encased within a delicate glass box, seeking its worth.

Arching an ancient eyebrow, the weathered immortal's surprise was evident as he shook his head with slight reservation. "This item, my dear... Is not available for sale."

Subtly contorting her lips with a hint of discontent, Irene pursed them together in silent defiance, on the verge of venturing forth.

Suddenly, an immaculately handsome man with dazzling blond locks and piercing sapphire orbs materialized before them, interrupting their impromptu shopping expedition.

With genteel charm emanating, Ximen Long directed his attention towards Irene, his enchanting smile painted upon his face. "Does this exquisite lady hold a fondness for the pendant?" he queried.

A barely noticeable twitch fluttered across Irene's lips as her silent companion, Xia Tian, sprung to life with unabated interest.

Shaking her head with a wistful smile, she cast a pitying glance towards Ximen Long.

Why do some individuals insist on digging their own graves?

Xia Tian's primary motive for indulging in such a date with his daughters was soley to meet these young masters. 

Yet fate had now delivered one straight to his doorstep.

As for discrepancies in strength, Xia Tian scarcely fretted; his cunning and vast armory of mythical beasts danced at the fingertips of this crafty old fox.

Ximen Long, misinterpreting Irene's expression, proceeded to introduce himself with grandeur. "My lady, I beg your pardon for the tardiness of my introduction. I am Ximen Long, scion of the illustrious Ximen clan. The esteemed lord of Xiang City happens to be my father!" His features radiated with an air of haughty superiority, hoping to elicit awe from Irene and her silent companion.

Though Irene remained unimpressed, Xia Tian's grin stretched wider across his face, concealing a devious amusement.

Irene and Xia Tian emanated an invisible aura, skillfully concealing their true power. This was a common practice among Immortals, allowing them to blend in seamlessly with those around them.

Nobody knew Xia Tian with mortal cultivation, was roaming between them.

But before Xia Tian could make a move, Irene swiftly turned around. "Tian, don't bother wasting your time on him," she exclaimed. "...You can have some fun with me later!" Without giving Ximen Long a chance to utter a word, she snapped her fingers, transforming him and everyone nearby into statues of ice.

Xia Tian shook his head, "Well, now the price just went up. I'll take two!" he declared, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Now Irene can't satisfy him alone, she need to bring one more women to the waters, that was the meaning of his well woven words.

Without wasting a second on argument, Irene turned back to the astonished shopkeeper.

She faced him with a warm smile, extending her apologies. "Sorry for the trouble," she uttered calmly.

Her words seemed to cause a tremor in the old Immortal's hands as he promptly retrieved the pendant she desired, placing it in her outstretched hand.

"Take it and leave, please," he stammered, quickly vanishing from sight.


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